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Just reading, not good enough!

熱度 19已有 1197 次閱讀 12-12-27 01:11 |個人分類:Tips|系統分類:教育


I would like to address the importance of book report is equal important as reading........ In BK, too emphasis on reading may overlook writing and need to integrate both to achieve language proficiency.

Writing has different styles, discussion and debate at home - current affairs, political issues, education policy etc can assist kids to sharpen their arguments .............. Sandwich approach - appreciation, critique and appreciation........ 

I have an assumption of communication - Seek first to understand, then to be understood (The 5th habit, 7-habits of highly effective people - Stephen Covey). 

Seek first to understand - Reading and active listening ......
Then to be understood - Writing and oral presentation.......








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回覆 lillymarie 12-12-27 04:57
回覆 ANChan59 12-12-27 08:11
lillymarie: 問題是怎樣去改善寫作,老師的建議竟是再多的閱讀。

當小兒小時,他在校外主力學 Creative Writing, 多閱讀多寫,著重express ideas, 到初中偏重深化如何communicate。後者,他在Bloom Academy 可能一個題目,會由自由發揮,增加論點,加強論據,用合適辭彙,划龍點睛等等,多寫,多恩考,以看眾的角度來表達。

回覆 lillymarie 12-12-27 09:10
回覆 Shootastar 12-12-27 11:20
I can't agree with you more.

When my kids first joined Grade 7 of an IS from a local primary school, the teachers told us that it takes at least 5 years to develop the good skills in English. They asked us to give a free hand to them and do not interfere with their homework. Later I understood that their teaching method is "read, read and read, and write, write and write". There should be a lot of grammatical mistakes in your essays in the beginning. This is not a problem. They taught the kids how to express in English. For example, if they discussed weather today, the teacher would ask the students to describe the weather of that day. He would develop the writing skill creatively by different methods. If the weather is cold that day, he would not ask the students to tell the weather was cold. He would suggest that what the students wore that day and their feeling of wearing such clothes. The teacher would not concern whether my kids could use the correct grammar first. He was interested in whether my kids could express the theme. After my kids wrote the sentence or essay, he would correct the grammar for them.

The method of "read and write" works. At Grade 11, my kids took Tofle and IELTS. They respectively scored 115 (out of 120) in Tofle and 8.0 and 8.5 in IELTS. They did not take any preparatory exercises or any tuition class on such tests.
回覆 Sumyeema1 12-12-27 11:59
read read read - 是輸入
talk/ write - 是輸出

吸收知識就像人體吸收養份, 如果只有輸入,沒有輸出...不可能成長.
回覆 ANChan59 12-12-27 12:01
Sumyeema1: read read read - 是輸入
talk/ write - 是輸出

吸收知識就像人體吸收養份, 如果只有輸入,沒有輸出...不可能成長.
That's my point.

That's the weakest link of those reading camp.
回覆 ANChan59 12-12-27 12:08
Shootastar: I can't agree with you more.

When my kids first joined Grade 7 of an IS from a local primary school, the teachers told us that it takes at least 5 ye ...
Thanks for your sharing.

Plan Do Check Act...... An improvement cycle.
回覆 Shootastar 12-12-27 12:25
ANChan59: Thanks for your sharing.

Plan Do Check Act...... An improvement cycle.
It is so true!
回覆 lillymarie 12-12-27 12:37
Shootastar: I can't agree with you more.

When my kids first joined Grade 7 of an IS from a local primary school, the teachers told us that it takes at least 5 ye ...
回覆 Yanamami 12-12-27 12:55
所言甚是. 大Y細YP1~P2間也開始上creative writing class. 在家我怎叫也不會寫, 寫了以我LTD也不會改. 朋友問我上這些班成效, 我說不知道, 我的目的只想她們多寫一點, 浸住先, 好過無.
回覆 Yanamami 12-12-27 12:59
lillymarie: 你孩子很幸運,遇到好老師。寫作亦需要老師去啟發和feedback.
係囉. 好老師難求.
回覆 Shootastar 12-12-27 12:59
lillymarie: 你孩子很幸運,遇到好老師。寫作亦需要老師去啟發和feedback.
Yes, my kids are very fortunate that they have good teachers as well as the blessing by the God.
回覆 Yanamami 12-12-27 13:04
Shootastar: I can't agree with you more.

When my kids first joined Grade 7 of an IS from a local primary school, the teachers told us that it takes at least 5 ye ...
係呀~~細YP1時上過一個writing class, 中國人老師, 成日check實佢spellings/ grammar, 寫兩行擦一次, 寫到佢無癮, 拒絕再上. 而家去另一間上好d, 任佢天馬行空, 開心好多.
回覆 cowboymama 12-12-27 15:57
回覆 vincher 12-12-27 16:14
回覆 cowboymama 12-12-27 16:25
vincher: 对!讀寫结合!有些人只重阅讀,忽略写作!老生常談,多讀多寫
回覆 vincher 12-12-27 16:34
回覆 lillymarie 12-12-27 17:04
vincher: lillymarie,升中的小朋友最难搞!我叫。儿子写作,佢也不睬我了!你囝囝细,仲可哄騙!你用此招:好!今日見你甘乖,我原本要你写2OO字,而家优惠价:1OO字,但 ...
升中的大囝因被訓練多年,寫是肯寫。難搞的是9歲的細囝   叫他寫感受,他說沒有感受。叫他寫日記,就記他所做的事,只有事實,沒有形容詞或任何感受詞語,除了boring. 但這幾天好些,自己寫天馬行空的怪故事。
回覆 vincher 12-12-27 17:35
对不擅長写作的人,你叫他写感受,更难!建議对小孩用此方法:在家中貼  事情一一人感句 (事情--->人物xx得xx) !例:今天,爸爸帶我到玩具店買了模型飞机,我興奮得跳起來。
回覆 vincher 12-12-28 12:17
lillymarie: 升中的大囝因被訓練多年,寫是肯寫。難搞的是9歲的細囝    叫他寫感受,他說沒有感受。叫他寫日記,就記他所做的事,只有事實,沒有形容詞或任何感受詞語, ...
Give y some sugg


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