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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Anfield vs Think
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Anfield vs Think [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 19-11-15 16:47 |顯示全部帖子


本帖最後由 細佬Bebe 於 19-11-15 17:01 編輯

本帖最後由 細佬Bebe 於 19-11-15 16:59 編輯

Think is not very international

And if u target international, ur son has to get through the adaptation period anyway.
The smaller he gets through that, the easier for him.As he is not very good in English , u have to put him to a good English immersion place.In this regard, Anfield would better I believe.  

You are surprised that he gets Anfield offer because his English standard is not good.  If his English doesn’t improve in the coming two years, it will be extremely hard for him to get a Y1 offer at an international school better than Anfield.  And without going to Anfield K, you have no chance for its primary.

Just my small sample observation, my fd s son studying in Think for the third year (going to local), English is not good at all.
And according to my fd, almost 100% kids are locals. Most target local schools and speak in Cantonese.

If you target international, that’s not the right circle for you and your kid.

Having said the above, only a minority of Anfield is foreigners (according to my observation at the Laguna verde campus).Not sure about the kln tong campus.

I went to the school visits if its primary and kindergarten.I love Anfield.I have strong faith that it would be a good school.The only reason I didn’t proceed with my application is it is not a 100% through train school.

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