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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 IELTS 係咪有兩種?
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IELTS 係咪有兩種? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-7-4 12:35 |顯示全部帖子
有兩種,Academic同General Training。
要考大學,就要揀Academic,每項分數最低限度6,如要入更好的大學(London Queen Mary, UCL)便至少每項分數有7。
General Training係畀移民考的,考試比Academic淺好多。

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-7-4 17:25 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

IELTS UKVI好似淨係用作移民Visa,同埋非大學正式課程(A Level, Foundation....),大學嘅話要 IELTS Academic,我去考IELTS嗰陣都係報Academic。

"An IELTS for UKVI score can be used to prove your English language abilities in support of a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) application."-官網

"If you’d like to study in the UK, you may need to take a UKVI IELTS to demonstrate your English language ability in order to apply for a Tier 4 Student visa. If you’re a student and want to study a programme with INTO that is considered ‘below degree level’, you’ll need to take an IELTS Academic for UKVI test. These include A-levels, Foundation, Diploma, English for University Study and any course taught at either INTO Manchester or INTO London.

However, if you intend to study at degree level (NQF 6 or above), you only need a standard IELTS test in order to apply for a Tier 4 student visa. It doesn’t have to be a UKVI approved one. This includes Undergraduate degrees, Postgraduate degrees, Graduate Diplomas (not at INTO Manchester or INTO London), integrated courses and courses under six months in length.Some courses and INTO centres can also accept alternative tests to IELTS, such as Pearson PTE. Find out which other test are accepted. You may also be exempt if you’re from a majority-English speaking country such as the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand."

General Training 份卷淺過 Academic(以學生嘅角度同埋程度),因為General Training嘅作用係移民,有4.0就可以過關,但係Academic係專門畀非英語為主流國家嘅學生考。Academic嘅閱讀文章都係好長,似睇雜誌社論咁,但係General Training係工作環境為主嘅文章,主要睇你識唔識睇英文。Academic嘅寫作卷要考學生寫議論文同埋處理數據,General Training係考寫信。
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