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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-9-25 14:36 |顯示全部帖子
我女女現在在kingston 讀playgroup, 好開心, 老師都最少在kingston 教了四年, 返學時見到大哥哥同姐姐都會係講國語同英文, 好有規舉會叫人同對人笑和say hi

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-9-29 10:47 |顯示全部帖子
my daughter study playgroup, I paid the debenture once I register, which is 100k. This debenture ensure you can study kindergarten after. I think this is worth it as Kingston is really good choice for kindergarten and primary school.
They did not allow anybody to speak cantonese in campus, even the parents or grandma. the teacher will friendly remind the parents to speak english or mandarin.
the lesson is 2.5 hours. the group size is 16 students. The first ten minutes is free play in indoor playground, after that a music teacher will sing songs will kids and he will play guitar, this is about 15 minutes, and then around 10 minutes free play and take attendant.
the student will divide into two groups, the elder group and the younger group, they will go English class or Mandarin Class separately. Around 15 minutes sing songs, and then is activities, the teacher will divide students into two groups and one is free play and other is doing activities, this is ensure the teacher can know each students ability. and then switch.
After finish English or mandarin class, they will supply tea, which is biscuit or cakes. then student switch to learn other language. In the last 15 minutes they will go to outdoor playground to have fun.

Kingston is ensure one native english teacher (Foreigner, my daughters teacher come form Scotland ) and one native mandarin speaker. Teacher can remember all the students name in one month, which is appreciated.

Personally, I think 100K debenture is not expensive compare with other international school or even local school, like St. Steven girls or Hallow. MY first target is ESF before, I think everyone knows that kindergarten of ESF is extremely hard to get in, if you want to ensure the interview in primary school, which need to pay 500K. so that I think this is worth.
I hope I can answer all your questions.

Kingston Need to write Chinese. 是要寫中文的, even this is easy one.

by the way, I heard from other parents, Kingston is good at language but not in math.
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