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教育王國 討論區 激活英文小學 14-15年度小一新生
樓主: persist01

14-15年度小一新生 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-2-14 23:09 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 Hilarymother 於 15-2-15 14:42 編輯

轉校?同我換轉位!其實我未見過校長出面,不過我在office出邊見到小朋友都很開心,其實我上個學期好多次係recess同埋lunchtime都見到同學仔玩得好自由,老師係到都可以隨便玩,老師會同學生聊聊,而有見過老師同學生打球玩遊戲,好唔似傳統學校!1. 會唔會只係校長嚴厲? 2. 我係門口都聽到好多同學講英文,我想問學生講廣東話會唔會俾老師罰?多多指教!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-6-7 08:48 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 free2bme 的帖子

I agree with both you and free2bme. I think the only difference is the perspective you look at it from. The teachers' level of English is high compared to most schools in HK, which means local schools. I'd love to send my kid(s) off to an international school - I went to one when fees were much more reasonable. For many of us parents who are not able to afford international secondary places at $12k+ nowadays (even worse for parents of multiple children), we need to stay more "local" in our primary/secondary school selection. I haven't spoken to the coordinators, but I did/do speak with the current P1 English teachers (both local and  NET). The P1-P3 English NET is great and the way she teaches English is simply wonderful. Some of us parents compared English folders and it's a black and white difference between the classes of the same year. I'd encourage you to do the same. Besides, to judge someone based on their race and nationality is unfair. My English is fine and I'm from HK, I assume you are in the same boat. On the other hand, being a NET is no guarantee of excellence. Many of my teachers in international schools were European, Indian etc and they had accents, sometimes strong. It didn't affect learning and, to be frank, accents are a part of the real world. The local teacher who taught/teaches lower years focused a lot on grammar and wasn't as interesting as the NET. Except for a few teachers here and there, I'd say English is fine. The problem I find is the current principal has become very relaxed in enforcing "English & PTH only" as I was promised (by the former principal during interviews) would be the case and the kids are speaking Cantonese ever more often. On that account it seems only the NETs care to enforce the rule. Hopefully the new principal will be more diligent on this matter.
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