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培養孩子創意思維 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-4-12 12:51 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 cstchan 於 13-4-12 12:53 編輯
ANChan59 發表於 13-4-12 08:55
再者有疑問應該翻查lBO網業,它詳列所有認可學 ...

宏信書院 Lutheran Academy (http://www.luac.edu.hk/home/) 只是一間2010年創校的直資中學,不是一間 IB 學校,在 IBO 網頁中,香港只有一間 IB 學校是 L 開頭的!
想是錯記了弘立書院 ISP Academy。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-4-12 22:00 |顯示全部帖子
shadeslayer 發表於 13-4-12 20:12
I don't know LA being an IB school so I checked the web site. Surprised to find they don't even name ...
In LA's website, they say they introduce a "Glocalized" Curriculum to HK, which combines the advantages of the international & local curricula!  It's not IB.  It's their own curriculum.  
However, they do have the plan to be an IBO School.  You can find this information in their School Plans and School Reports.

In the 2010/11 report, they do mention IBO accepted LA as an "Interested School" for PYP and MYP.  

In their School Plans and Development Plan, they keep on putting "Striving our best to gain authorization for ..." as their target 1 under the Major Concern "Teaching & Learning".  I use "..." because there're changes time to time.

I believe LA is not even a candidate school at this moment.  However, they do plan to be an IBO school.  Most probably, they are following IB Schools' practices.  However, they cannot write anything related to IB on their website officially.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-4-12 23:12 |顯示全部帖子
HKTHK 發表於 13-4-12 22:31
回復 cstchan 的帖子

Does this mean they will do PYP and MYP under IB system and then switch to HK's ...
In 2010/11 School Report, they say the school is approved to offer PYP, MYP & DP by EDB.  From 中學概覽, they only offer up to F3 this academic year.  That's why they didn't mention DP at all at the beginning.  
At the very beginning, IBDP was developed as a pre-university curriculum.  Because of the need, it has grown into three programs (i.e PYP, MYP & DP).

I don't think any countries will consider IB as their own curriculum.  It's designed for preparing kids entering the universities.  However, a government should prepare the citizens for the society.  It's impossible to have 100% students entering the universities.  So in their own curriculum, they need to add their own elements to suit their needs.

DP is not an easy curriculum.  There're internal assessment for all subjects (i.e. 6) plus a entra 4000-word extended essay.  No one from the whole world complain this.  No one say it's unfair.  However, for DSE, many many complaints for SBA.  So interesting!?

DSE is something new.  We need time to improve it.

IB is not 靈丹妙藥.  It cannot save all our children.  Not all kids suit that learning style!  Not all students from the international schools are bright students (I mean their learning attitude)!


annie40  fair comment.  發表於 13-4-16 15:31
ANChan59  Well said.  發表於 13-4-12 23:16

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-4-12 23:27 |顯示全部帖子
shadeslayer 發表於 13-4-12 23:07
If LA themselves are not able to use "IB" in their web site, why did the article mentioned LA being  ...
If LA is not even a candidate school, she has not much relationship with IBO.  She cannot say she's offering IB curriculum.
However, there are many schools claim that they are using "IB approach" curriculum!  Mrs Kwong is a parent.  She may receive many many messages from the school including the word "IB"!  

LOGOS is offering two curricula as EDB doesn't allow all students in DSS schools to study other curriculum.  In my mind, she claimed their students can sit for two examinations at the same time in the past.  However, I don't believe any students will take up two examinations at the same time this year.

I don't have many information for HKUGA.  I only know her first primary school principal likes IB idea.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-4-16 21:01 |顯示全部帖子
shadeslayer 發表於 13-4-16 19:46

除了幾間直資開雙軌班,和 ESF 有 IB/BTEC 外,有冇其他香港學校,包括私校,國際 ...
加拿大國際學校也是同時行兩個課程︰IB 和 OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma Programme),而且是每一個學生同時修讀兩個課程。(http://sites.cdnis.edu.hk/school/us/programmes/ib-programmes-and-ossd/)

不過修讀 OSSD,除了要考 Ontario Secondary School LIteracy Test 外,其他科目都不是考公開試的。(http://www.turnerfenton.com/departme/GDCE/OSSDReqs.htm)


shadeslayer  Thanks.  Good info.  發表於 13-4-16 21:57

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-4-16 21:35 |顯示全部帖子
oblivion2077 發表於 13-4-16 16:57
IB 整體上是個幾好的課程制度,可是郤有其局限性,而並不適合作為一個國家或地區的主流中學教育制度,伹 ...
- IBD 課程內容及考核模式較則重語文能力,不利那些數理能力極高但語文能力較弱的學生。


- IBD之評核方式中,有一定比例是靠校內老師作校內持續評核,這樣可能會產生一些問題,例如,學校老師的公平公正性。雖然IBO設有機制去訓練老師及抽驗學校老師的評核水平,但若個別學校或老師心術不正,把學校短暫利益放在首位,要偏幫自己的學生,甚至存心欺騙IBO之審核制度也絕對不難。


- IBD的課程組合模式不夠靈活及彈性,標榜學生要文理兼備。原意本來是好的,但同時引起了一些問題值得反思。例如,是否需要學生到了要入大學前還要文理兼備?有些學生到那年紀已好清楚自己對文或理科的傾向,但硬要他們在那階段必須修讀一科非自己能力或興趣有傾向之科目,是浪費他們的時間,也可能影響了他們學習自己專注或喜愛科目之投入時間,以至影響整體成績。所以有些大學學系覺得IBD的學術科目課程不夠深入及學生學習相關的科目數量不足,例如德國一些工科學系,除了基本數學外,要求報讀的IB學生必須修讀最少三科其他數理科目,而可不用修讀人文學科。




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