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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 讀國際学校中文又吾好, 本地学校又大壓力, 仲可以点揀呢 ...
樓主: NLai

讀國際学校中文又吾好, 本地学校又大壓力, 仲可以点揀呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-5-14 11:37 |只看該作者
Dear fishfishma

My experience is similar to yours!

I put my elder one in IS kinder, IS (P1 - P3 with minimal Simpliifed Chinese.

Then I switched him to a billingual school for traditional Chinese  as we really fed up of spoon-feeding him Chinese by ourselves.

We're considering the path for the younger one as he will have finished his IS kinder soon.  Quite a headache.

How about your move for the younger one?



原文章由 fishfishma 於 08-5-14 10:21 發表
謝謝大家的意見,有時我覺得自己好像把大仔做了一隻白老鼠,kindy (IS + no Chinese), P1+2(IS + Simplified Chinese), P3 (IS + traditional Chinese).不過,轉來轉去,始終覺得配合香港的語言環境學習最effective,暫時 ...
:-D :-D :-D :-D

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-14 14:55 |只看該作者
Dear 502,

Thanks for your sharing. I'm also headache about the path for my little one, but definitely not learning simplified Chinese anymore because I can see the pain and the change from my elder son.  My elder son (P3) switches to learn traditional Chinese this year.  Now he is keen on reading road signs, advertisements and menus (Chinese) when we go out with him.  He is also "willing to" read 西遊記and 三國演義(繁體版with pin-yin) though in a very slow pace.  I hope my choice is correct for him.

So, is your elder one studying in a local billingual school? What about his math and general studies常識?

原文章由 502 於 08-5-14 11:37 發表
Dear fishfishma

My experience is similar to yours!

I put my elder one in IS kinder, IS (P1 - P3 with minimal Simpliifed Chinese.

Then I switched him to a billingual school for traditional Chinese  ...

[ 本文章最後由 fishfishma 於 08-5-14 15:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-5-14 15:10 |只看該作者
原文章由 almom 於 08-5-13 19:18 發表

首先,因為香港主要係華人,相信 english + chinese 會係主流。我的確認為 english + chinese 難,但即使係難,都冇辦法,作為中國人,又住在中國的地方,唔識中文好似真係講不通。

我很反對用外國人學 ...

especially - 國際學校放在中文的時間太少,要求太高是不設實際。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-15 09:37 |只看該作者
I agree with the "sacrifice" of chinese if you do IS....our expectation of chinese for my son, afterall, isn't high.  So ataining P5 standard was OK.  He has been able to keep his Eng and accents through some other ways, to be honest, such as doing Eng Drama for the 5 years throughout (and still is doing it).  I'm quite happy about his language skills now he's in an IS Year 7 environment.

For my other son, he has always been in local kindy.  We chose a DSS path for him.  So our expectation on his Chinese will be much higher.  This DSS adopts an Eng syllabus quite similar to IS (I checked the themes and the ways of learning, very different from local schools but more towards IS ways).  He does not have a native accent and I don't think he will get one here.  But that's fine for the moment....
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