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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 成日見到D叫人帶壓力鏡既帖
樓主: lawsonmoon

成日見到D叫人帶壓力鏡既帖   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-15 23:11 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lawsonmoon 於 14-4-15 23:14 編輯
joyce1234 發表於 14-4-15 22:09
冇錯,大家只係分享資料,所以我只會睇各人留言裡有point有理據既言論,至於其他情緒化既形容詞,我一概唔會理 ...

就算係大人,as a rule of thumb, 如醫生叫你做一些入侵性既治療,你也應該另找一個冇利益衝突既醫生攞2nd opinion, 醫生也良莠不齊,每日打開報紙也看到,更何况小孩呢!壓力鏡係將你小孩既角膜不斷屈來屈去, that’s why有D小孩屈過龍出現負近視,你估真係近視會減少到出現負數!?情况等如帶咗一幅太深既眼鏡。


joyce1234  多謝你既意見!  發表於 14-4-15 23:42

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-15 23:24 |只看該作者
scyauchris 發表於 14-4-15 17:47
其實大家只是分享資料,如果可以我都不想用OK鏡或atropine. 中大有新藥水,但唔知成效及副作用 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-16 08:42 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 14-4-18 00:20 |只看該作者
回覆 scyauchris 的帖子

因為近視真係冇得搞. 其實若果近視唔係嚴重到視網膜/其他眼疾,眼科醫生確實好難處理. 唯一係佢地範圍內既係用atropine. 我見過那位在兒童近視很有研究的眼科醫生亦講過, 很多研究表明,要護眼,戶外活動很重要.雖然,很多家長也講過,即使有戶外活動,近視一樣深得好快.  但我們永遠唔知道,如果少咗戶外活動,近視係咪深得仲快. 呢方面,只有信權威,照做.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-18 07:14 |只看該作者
唉……方法都咪得兩個!佢見我女加深得噤勁,佢話矯視不過無data support不加深,但又見到d客返來無乜深過!Atropine有data support, 但佢又講左大堆副作用,還要用到16歲。所以其實係無乜建議



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-27 01:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 14-4-27 01:54 編輯

In the States and Canada, it is widely adopted by Ophthalmologist to apply Ok lenses on controlling myopia.  My younger sister wore them many years ago prescribed by our family Ophthalmologist.  It worked well, and until she became old enough she switched to wear soft lenses.

I've been enforcing my children taking on 20 mins eye relax rule, doing eye massage and outdoor activities, but the rate of myopia growth hasn't reduced, so I end up letting them to wear ok lenses.  It works very well on my elder.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-27 11:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lawsonmoon 於 14-4-29 12:41 編輯
daisy17772 發表於 14-4-27 01:53
In the States and Canada, it is widely adopted by Ophthalmologist to apply Ok lenses on controlling  ...

the same old story here. 小朋友角膜變咗形,不是冇咗近視,只是方便咗日頭唔駛帶眼鏡。情况等如帶了一副合度數的soft lenses 去驗眼,近視度数可以係零!小朋友帶OK lenses (硬lens),潛在風險仲差過大個咗用soft lenses。帶住soft lenses來驗眼,你會認為冇咗近視嗎?

Rank: 4

發表於 14-4-27 12:10 |只看該作者


原帖由 lawsonmoon 於 14-04-27 發表
the same old story here. 小朋友角膜變咗形,不是冇咗近視,只是方便咗日頭唔駛帶眼鏡。情况等如帶了一副合 ...
The same old story here,冇人話過戴咗ok lens可以減目前近視度數。


daisy17772    Correct!  發表於 14-4-28 01:28

發表於 14-4-27 12:42 |只看該作者
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發表於 14-4-27 12:43 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-27 15:45 |只看該作者
回覆 scyauchris 的帖子

No customers complained, it's just because the side effect has yet to come...I read another thread about a person wearing OK lens, then years after, he / she almost became blind if he / she was late consulting the doctor (I forgot which thread though).  Even lisik, a Taiwan doctor (he's the first generation doing this kind of operation) claimed he would never do such kind of operaton anymore as the side effect was just came at that time, he felt extremely regret.

In fact, wearing spectacles is not something odd, your kids won't be a monster.  If they grow older, just let them wear soft lens, they can always take them out if they feel uncomfortable.  If wearing OK lens, kids won't know how uncomfortable as they fall into deep sleep already, they might rub their eyes when they sleep or whaterver like suppressing your eyes, this bring dramatic damage to our precious eyes.  We just have two eyes.  

Parents, give it a careful thought before you let your kid wear OK lens.  As far as I know, this sort of OK lens, is not recognised worldwide...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-27 22:31 |只看該作者
回覆 lawsonmoon 的帖子

Absolutely agreed with you!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-28 01:10 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 14-4-28 01:26 編輯
lawsonmoon 發表於 14-4-27 11:41
the same old story here. 小朋友角膜變咗形,不是冇咗近視,只是方便咗日頭唔駛帶眼鏡。情况等如帶了一副合 ...

Of course, 不是冇咗近視, all professional Optometrists  should clearly state this fact to clients.  I am fully aware of this.  Perhaps you have mistaken this part??   I am not sure what's your saying is right or not about 角膜變咗形, can you elaborate more solid info about any adverse effect of 角膜變咗形.   I may take a look on it but neither I would try to say anything to disapprove it because I'm not in this field.  Unless some professionals working in sights could give us some insights and solid data, then perhaps we could make valuable discussions.

What I was trying to say is a piece of fact, that this technology is been long used in other overseas countries, Ophthalmologist in those countries have been applying it to their patients, which are different from HK, where people keep saying Ophthalmologists here are widely against it.  

Furthermore, you have an absolute right to choose for your children.  Same here for us who have chosen it for our children. Choices are on parents' hands, and I choose not to put up certain information that I'm not absolutely certain about to persuade other parents to use this method for their children.   But don't you agree it's good to have comments from both side so that parents can make a choice for themselves, rather than fighting off the against side?

What I'm concerned is if a child's shortsight are keep rising to a point that it could cause other eye diseases when they grow old.  Perhaps someone could come up with the figures about the casual effect of serious myopia (+ 1000 degree), this would be helpful for potential users.  

When it comes to a point the myopia is so high that it reach out of the desirable range for ok lense treatment, parents would miss a good chance.  A reminder to those current users:  Frequent visit to Optometrists are essential to preventing eye infections and diseases from wearing ok lenses. Professional Optometrists should check the healthiness of cornea, and not just the myopia.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-28 01:37 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 14-4-28 01:39 編輯
scyauchris 發表於 14-4-18 07:14
唉……方法都咪得兩個!佢見我女加深得噤勁,佢話矯視不過無data support不加深,但又見到d客返來無乜深過 ...

If your girl is not an extreme myopia case, why not wait, and use some of those eye stretching exercises method, plus modest amount of sports?  In my case, my boy has been playing rugby, football, swimming every week, but still substantial myopia growth.

My Optometrist doesn't recommend Atropine either.  My friend's Ophthalmologist prescribed it to her daughter.  But her daughter's shortsight has not been seen as under control.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-28 10:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lawsonmoon 於 14-4-29 12:42 編輯
daisy17772 發表於 14-4-28 01:10
Of course, 不是冇咗近視, all professional  Optometrists  should clearly state this fact to clients. ...

你這回覆更令我一頭霧水,一方面説用OK lenses不是冇咗近視, 一方面又話怕有人近視太深錯過可接受0K lenses treatment 既最佳時机。不如你直接再講OK鏡係有乜用途和好處?你又話唔知角膜會變形,這令我又會諗你其實未清楚了解0K鏡既 mechanism就去用?我之前就講過了,in short, 近视既定議係眼球過長令影像不能清淅地focus在視網膜上,配帶近視鏡就是用concave lens(凹透鏡)去correct。用OK鏡原理就是長期加壓令角膜“變形”,變得更concave, 所以可減低度數或不帶近視鏡。原理其實像扎脚和有些民族在頸上加環,令頸越來越長。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-28 17:39 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 14-4-28 17:52 編輯
lawsonmoon 發表於 14-4-28 10:04
你這回覆更令我一頭霧水,一方面説用OK lense不是冇咗近視, 一方面又話怕有人近視太深錯過可接受0K lense t ...

Great, this perfectly shows you don't understand this technology. Never mind.

To those potential users, please consult your optometrist and current users.  And there're many current papers issued discussing about ok lens technology, esp. from the States.  Singapore and USA are the two countries that adopt this technology for many years, and developed and revise the technology from time to time.  These info are all open and well searched on internet.  

Further info to potential users:
美加並不是這樣。我妺在加很多年前已戴 ok lenses. 是眼醫配的,因那裏不像香港視光和眼醫分家。所以apart from optometrist, 美加眼醫都自已做contact lens prescription. 並沒有像香港這樣concern.   定期驗眼,可防止ok lens associated 眼疾既問題。 There're associated risks with ok lens, let's not forget there're also associated risks with serious myopia when they grow old.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-29 10:10 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lawsonmoon 於 14-4-29 12:43 編輯
daisy17772 發表於 14-4-28 17:39
Great, this perfectly shows you don't understand this technology. Never mind.

To those potential u ...

你都幾有趣, 你不斷説我不理解這科技(我直接説出我既理解),但我再三問你對這科技既理解和原理,你就唔肯正面答,你好像不提論據去辯論!你不斷叫人用既理據就係因為有些人用。你説的一些lousy research,前文已經提過, 美國有些研究報告可做出焦油冇直接引至lung cancer添。仲記得上年肺連球菌,有研究話接種過预防針更易患病,有些研究又話唔係嗎?如果有人能發明一樣嘢能治本地矯正或減慢兒童近視加深,以受惠人數之廣,應該攞咗諾貝爾獎嘞!
我在北美生活了二十年,好多法例係利益團體既角力。美國容許ambulance lawyers, 香港和英國是犯法的,叫包㰖訴訟。
大人可自己選擇帶唔帶soft con, hard lenses, 做lasik。 可憐小朋友冇得選擇,只能靠父母!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-29 10:50 |只看該作者
marble2004 發表於 14-4-27 15:45
回覆 scyauchris 的帖子

No customers complained, it's just because the side effect has yet to come.. ...
係呀,不過唔知這位台灣laser矯视之父Day 1有了解多清楚就幫人做呢。早兩天跟自己很熟的眼Dr説笑,問他們點解十個有十一個自己都帶眼鏡,唔做laser,他答得好德體:睇自己需要囉。我話咁即係眼醫十個有十一個都唔需要!?又問是否laser切開過的眼組織永久無法無縫瘉合,他説係呀,唔好俾水和細菌入到咪冇事囉!他说笑問我做唔做?我説D廚師煮D嘢食出來,自己死都唔肯食,我點敢食呀!我話我冇需要囉。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-4-29 11:31 |只看該作者
我不會反對別人戴壓力鏡。他們將會以孩子眼睛 為科學實驗作出貢獻,他們成敗的數據將造福後世,他們是偉大的。


至於所謂各地政府安全監管, 難道我們未能從過往激光矯視手術部份受害人中汲取教訓嗎?


Rank: 4

發表於 14-4-29 14:52 |只看該作者



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