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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 其實St. Cat是否真的好嗎???
樓主: kcheng1328

其實St. Cat是否真的好嗎??? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-2 13:32 |只看該作者
我知VICTORIA 上年 總共有15個出入左DGJS WOR.....

Rank: 2

發表於 11-11-6 16:36 |只看該作者
我又唔係覺得咁好咋喎, 家姐個女以前係讀st. cat讀到曅業, 我有陪佢去過家長日我覺得啲老師冇咩愛心. 只見佢哋對某些小朋友一個樣, 某些又另一個樣.
我家姐個女係細b, 佢哋不停只係會話:佢係細b係辛苦架啦, 佢追唔上係好正常.
一次上英文課時個個小朋友舉手想答老師問題, 但唔係個個有份答, 但佢冇舉手, 之後個個有糖佢冇.. 返到屋企不停cry.
我係家長日幫我家姐問返個老師係咪有咁嘅事(因為我哋唔想單方面, 你知小朋友講都唔知幾時真)
佢話係, 係因為想佢知道因為佢冇舉手, 佢同其他人唔同, 所以都冇糖食.. 但我哋覺得咁樣只係更加打沉小朋友自信心.
而且當時佢啲英文唔係咁好因為冇姐姐, 我家姐又小同佢講英文.
問個老師點可以幫佢因為佢唔可以成句英文講, 個老師就話因為佢連好多生字都唔識又點識句子呀..總之就係不停咁話你的不是而唔係鼓勵你... 態度都又惡劣..
之後佢見另一個小朋友家長又係我家姐朋友係律師, 態度立刻180度改變。。。。。所以我對呢間學校冇咩好感。

Rank: 1

發表於 11-11-25 16:29 |只看該作者
sorry for interupt.  I think if there is high % of students go to those famous kindergarten, the school will absolutely show the result at the website to proof they are good and the connection as well.

You can refer to St. Margaret which shows you the records in very details.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-30 00:36 |只看該作者
We are so lucky that Long Long get a p.m. offer but English Cantonese one from St. Catherine Kindergarten (SC), actually we are really surprised but happy for it. But based on the existing PN classes at York, Long Long really improves a lot and I do buy their Cambridge English Test and their own development computer system for English and Maths. They do have other tests to help to proof their students are strong in Maths, so the Principal said there is no need for parents to worry to have any extracurricular courses as they will plan for all and all certificates they will help to get and sure best suit and put in our portfolio for application for P1.

And actually I have no idea the curriculum of SC, many parents and KG teachers say it is good, creative thinking instead of spoon feeing and push harsh to students, but actually I don't know the methodology of SC how they train up students, will it be too relaxing then later it suits international schools, but I aim at traditional school so I wonder if it will be harsh for Long Long to pick up in P1.

Also, as the offer is English, Cantonese, I have to bring him to have Mandarin training (though at the moment I don't know if York will take him into English mandarin international class but based on how naughty he is as mentioned by his teacher over the phones 3 times, chance is low), I have to pay and find a good school for Cambridge English test training, any knows any good schools?

Are Students studying in SC good and good at English? What are the strengths of SC actually?

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-12 16:09 |只看該作者
My friend's kids used to study in St. Catherine K.  Definitely not relaxed ...He found it difficult and his kid had to switch to another school after two yrs.  As far as I know, its graduates target for traditional good/tough primary schoools.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-14 14:26 |只看該作者

回復 6# joeyxlma 的帖子

更正: 今年開始, K1下學期每日都有功課.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-12-17 15:52 |只看該作者
請問 St.Cat 英普班有幾多年歷史? 聽說英普班上課係以普通話為主,  唔知數學堂用英文定普通話呢 ? 男仔上嘅小學無女仔咁多選擇 ?  唔知係5係因為以普通話為主, 所以好多人話 St.Cat 嘅英文水平比以前下降左呢 ?  


發表於 11-12-19 10:01 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-19 22:41 |只看該作者
我自己有報SC,但係收到reject信(阿囡係細B),我有個做名校幼師(國際學校果d、英X果種)既親戚話,SC d水平越黎越差喎,仲叫我唔好報(不過果陣我已經報左)

發表於 11-12-20 00:00 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-21 00:47 |只看該作者
If u have hesitation about the school, don't apply.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-21 16:46 |只看該作者
其實一間學校好唔好真係見仁見智, 不過作為用家嘅我就覺得物有所值, 我個女而家讀k2英普班, 我今年幫阿仔報埋pn希望佢可以有得讀...雖然我都覺得pn學費係貴咗d, 不過佢機會係sc讀書我就好放心, 因為sc嘅教育方式同我好夾~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-12 16:06 |只看該作者
回復 hecabb 的帖子


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-2-3 16:21 |只看該作者
My son is gradurated from SC last year and now in P1 LS.  When we applied P1 last year, we got SFA,KTG, APS and TSL's offer, and we didnt attend YW's 2nd interview and CKY's 2nd interview.  MY son failed in DBS's 2nd interview.  In my son's class (18~20nos.) , at least 2 boys to DBS 1 gril to DGJS (as far as I know).  I guess other classmates also got pretty good offer in general.  I am very satisfy my son's English standard (as non-native speaker).  SC really has something good in teaching English and will recommend other to attend (if you got the offer).

That why SC don't brother to promote the School and explain/introduce the School to others.  There are too many applicants every year (~8000)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-2-6 00:05 |只看該作者
Hi CF2010

I am only finding out that SC offers Eng/PTH program today.  May I know if Eng/PTH v Eng/Cant are offered to all students and accepted students can freely choose?  Or if there are additional requirements for students to achieve in order to be accepted into the Eng/PTH class?

Also how many years have SC run the Eng/PTH program?  How do you find it?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-2-6 00:08 |只看該作者
St Cat has been so secretive with their programs that I, as a prospective parent find it quite discouraging to learn more about the school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-2-9 00:29 |只看該作者
Finally my hb picks SC. But I am headache on the playgroups

My son is accepted by St. Catherine pm Cantonese/English class. As he is an active boy and doesn't like reading books. On the other hand, I heard some mummys said for St. Catherine students, no worry on English but need to concern about their chinese, PHT and maths.

Any one can help suggest me good playgroups schools to for my son who is not smart and love running around to help him improve his chinese, PHT and maths?

Also, as my son was studied in York in PN, I do impressed with their training for Cambridge English Test, but I am not sure if it is really necessary. A mummy suggests me a school called ABC Pathways there he can study Cambridget Engish one; but I also noted that there is a cour called RWI by Oxford, that I have no idea on that.

As St. Cathine will concentrate on phonics and Oxford tree, I am really mess up what I should do. And it is too ealry to start studing when is is 2.5Y? Or we shall let him to be familar with the envrironment. My son is now having artplay and music and gym class and he enjoys it, don't know he can focus on reading when we change the course suddenly. And some parents told me we have to join drama course which is good for applying K1, to me, it is really an headache as it seems too much and I don't want to force my son to do all, though he now enjoys the class.

And unless those playgroups are at Kln Tong, we can go to have classes in the morning and go to school in the afternoon (we are in pm session), otherwise we can squeeze all classes on weekends..

Please, any daddys and mummys, if you know any good schools that fits St Catherine styles, please let me know as I am will mess up and have no idea, even after reading the threads.

Thank you very much in advance!

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-2-16 17:53 |只看該作者
回復 momo627 的帖子

我大仔是sc k3 (ENG/pth), 我覺得學校未必是最好, 但是合我的要求.

英文PHONICS 做得幾好, 我冇跟佢, 佢自己學的.    英文佢k2時出去學附加野時有俾一些測試, 說他有p2的水準.

中文一般, 因他只喜歡英文書及tv, 想好要自己跟緊些, 外面不覺有很有用的中文課程是針對KINDER.

數學因出去學 Enopi 所以不是跟學校的程度.

我反而覺得CAMBRIDGE STARTER是很易的, 因我自己在外買左些TEST 俾佢, 未經操, 但已大部份是全對, 錯的是串字, 因為冇捉佢去串. 但串字有個 LIST, 不多, 有心的好快會識晒.  所以我識好多sc 的而家K3 都考 MOVER. 我就唔想俾$..冇去考.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-2-16 22:56 |只看該作者
picture 發表於 12-2-6 00:08
St Cat has been so secretive with their programs that I, as a prospective parent find it quite disco ...

都唔係好神秘唧,你上幼稚園一覽,St Cat啲家長喺開學嗰陣都會講課程同有關上堂安排。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-2-16 23:10 |只看該作者
babykei 發表於 11-12-20 00:00


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