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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Singapore International School
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Singapore International School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-26 11:21 |只看該作者

Singapore International School

Anyone who know about this school???
Kannes Yeah!!! :-D

Rank: 4

發表於 06-1-26 12:14 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

How old is your child?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-1-26 14:38 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

minimum age to this school is aged 4, K2 , they don't have K1

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-1 16:03 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

I want to know more about this school ,too!

What kind of secondary/Primary schools will the graduates usually go to?

Can the graduates go to some famous local secondary/Primary Schools e.g St. Paul co-ed ,DBS?

How is the discipline of this school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-3 23:03 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Anyone who know about this school? Pls give comments. Is it a good school?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-11 12:11 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Actually, we have a lot of topics about SIS previously. Is it possible to search it?

My son has studies at SIS since PY1 (aged 4) and he is now P5.

SIS is good at both academic and discipline.
You know, Singapore always have high standard in both areas.

Difference from other international school:
- a little bit impact of Singlish.
  (I don't mind it because it will be overcome by children easily)
- it is quite strict
  In most int'l schools, students & parents are customers, and the school/teachers policy will be changed according to parents demand. It seldoms happen in SIS
- Yes, it arrange P6 to study in HK local secondary school by HK govt
   Local famous schools? It depends...parents network, student performance & achievements.
   By my experience, SIS academic standard is extremely high, it is very difficult to get Grade A.

The reason I choose SIS:
- both academic & discipline standard
- flexible promotion: local or international secondary school

Hope this help!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-11 13:33 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

hi chanms,

tks for your invaluable comments to SIS.
I have no doubt that both science and maths subjects are of high standard in SIS. In additon to learning singlish, my friend told me that the English standard of students does depend on teachers very much. He switched his son to GSIS because of this issue. is it true?


Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-13 00:05 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

At SIS, the English standard is very high, I don't think it is worse than other international schools. All SIS students successfully promoted to international schools. One of my friends' daughter, although she has a fair academic at SIS, she promoted to a local Chinese secondary, her English was the highest at the secondary school.

Yes, teaching approach is much dependent on teachers. However, it is very difficult to comment on language learning. If our children can develop a good reading habbit, their English must be good!

Most SIS switch to other international schools because SIS does not have secondary school.

Morever, the academic pressure is quite high at the upper form. I guess, SIS maybe the most traditional and exam-oriented international school (of course, better than local schools), if parents don't buy this approach, they may arrange their children to others.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-13 09:23 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Actually, SIS will have a secondary school.  My son is in P1 and we heard from the principal that they will start a SSIS in 07/08.  They will run it in the current SIS premise, then will move to a new location in HK island.  

I plan to send my daughter there when she gets older.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-13 11:02 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Before SIS has confirmed to have a secondary school, I do consider my child to switch to GSIS and CIS, I know that these two schools are very good and very difficult to get a seat there.

However, I heard that many SIS students can get a seat to these two school at their P4 - P6.  Therefore, I am sure SIS's academic standard can meet their requirement.

Just as your friend's child, if his son's english is that poor, will GSIS accept him?

Other than English, Mandarin is also a important factor for us to choose an international school! Do you agree!

gogocat 寫道:
hi chanms,

tks for your invaluable comments to SIS.
I have no doubt that both science and maths subjects are of high standard in SIS. In additon to learning singlish, my friend told me that the English standard of students does depend on teachers very much. He switched his son to GSIS because of this issue. is it true?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-13 13:17 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Thank you for so much comment for SIS, I think I will let my daughter join in this school, but I want to know is that 'first come first serve' for SIS??? also is that I need to invest some money for this school?  'Debenture' can refund??????????
Kannes Yeah!!! :-D

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-13 13:52 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

I think they are already starting their PY1 interview.  It is not first come first serve, but it doesn't hurt to apply early.  PY1 interview is straight forward, they ask the child name, color, objects names, simple math like 1,2,3...... they can converse in English or Mandarine.  But no cantonese.  Their debenture is refundable, so go to their web site to see.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-13 15:09 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Thank you so much for your comment!!!!!  My daughter is still young, 16 months only, so I'm now thinking about SIS, CIS or what school is good for her!!!!!  but now, I think SIS is better!!!!!
Kannes Yeah!!! :-D

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-13 22:23 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


hi, natmom's here.  may i know what is GSIS?
why do you want to let your child switch to GSIS or CIS?  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-14 14:45 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

SIS既英文standard一定唔低, 我個女既friend讀緊P6, 雖然佢daddy係美國人, 但係佢都同我講SIS既英文同SCIENCE都好深.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-14 15:21 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Dear NatMon,

I know these two IS as some of my child's classmates or their elder sisters and brothers switch to these two schools.

One of my child's classmate's mother told me that her elder son switch to CIS and have his honeymoon year when he just switeched. SIS's level is one year higher (just for academic) as CIS is project-oriented.

NatMom 寫道:

hi, natmom's here.  may i know what is GSIS?
why do you want to let your child switch to GSIS or CIS?  

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-14 15:29 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


聽到妳這樣說我都有點兒安慰, 我以為我自己是香港人, 所以我個女先要追英文追得那麼辛苦! 佢好多時問我英文我都唔識, 見佢d英文試卷又很深, 我認為自己英文唔好所以唔識, 如果美國人都覺得深, 可能我要比多d鼓勵佢了,不要再給佢太多壓力了.

florence 寫道:
SIS既英文standard一定唔低, 我個女既friend讀緊P6, 雖然佢daddy係美國人, 但係佢都同我講SIS既英文同SCIENCE都好深.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-14 17:07 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

hi yyyy,

long time no chat....how are u ?

個小朋友係同我個女同一架校車既, 我個女當佢係偶像...

佢daddy係美國人, mommy係中國人(nurse). 有一次係times square既page one撞到佢同埋daddy去睇書, 我同佢傾0左一陣, 佢同我講佢從PY1 開始讀到現在, 真係好開心, 老師又好nice, 佢好自信地同我講佢英文一定無問題, 普通話都ok, 寫中文都唔係問題, 佢將會考女拔, 庇里羅士女子, 瑪利曼..等等既名校 (因為佢mommy想佢係香港讀完中學先至返usa讀書大學), 考到就話我知喎.

佢話因為佢daddy既關係, 所以佢既英文唔受singlish既影響....

我覺得係sis讀書既小朋友除0左academic standard好之外, 佢地既discipline應該幾好, 同埋好有自信心    

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-16 14:40 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


對阿, long time no chat, 妳囡囡返了半個學期sis, 開心嗎? 我個細女剛剛插班讀兩歲班, 希望佢快d四歲, 和家姐一同返學, 現在送完家姐返學才返工, 都幾疲倦呀!

聽講上年都有d畢業生考到一些香港很出名的名校, 希望佢如願以嘗啦! 有時真是很奇怪, 我們香港人千方百計要小朋友學流利英文, 覺得中文一定沒有問題, 自然會識; d外國人就相反, 英文自然會識, 打好中文基礎最重要, 很以d外國人會送小朋友到sis讀書, 自己又教唔到, 全部靠個小朋友自己, 所以當聽到d外國同學仔同我講國語, 我會特別好笑容對佢, 唔知會唔會d外國人聽到我們中國人的小朋友講流利英文都是一樣呢?

對於singlish的問題, 我自己都很敏感, 我發覺基本問題不大, 但有時都聽到d發音和香港有d唔同, 例如:"three"發成"tree", 唔知這些是否singlish, 不過教返佢很快改返. 有時我自己都會問點解, 佢地由外國老師教英文, 應該沒有這問題, 不過佢地的同學仔和術科都是新加坡人呀!始終有d影響, 不過世事很難完美, 可能要好似外國人呁諗, 英文佢始終會流利, 中文基礎最重要!如果現在學不好中!,將來要佢學都很難!但如果現在唔放佢在國際學校, 將來要講流利英文又很難!

florence 寫道:
hi yyyy,

long time no chat....how are u ?

個小朋友係同我個女同一架校車既, 我個女當佢係偶像...

佢daddy係美國人, mommy係中國人(nurse). 有一次係times square既page one撞到佢同埋daddy去睇書, 我同佢傾0左一陣, 佢同我講佢從PY1 開始讀到現在, 真係好開心, 老師又好nice, 佢好自信地同我講佢英文一定無問題, 普通話都ok, 寫中文都唔係問題, 佢將會考女拔, 庇里羅士女子, 瑪利曼..等等既名校 (因為佢mommy想佢係香港讀完中學先至返usa讀書大學), 考到就話我知喎.

佢話因為佢daddy既關係, 所以佢既英文唔受singlish既影響....

我覺得係sis讀書既小朋友除0左academic standard好之外, 佢地既discipline應該幾好, 同埋好有自信心    

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-16 18:48 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


佢返學返得好開心, 英文進步左好多, 聽無問題, 講就一路都在進步中, 對住外國人一d都唔驚...有一次, 我地係times square搭緊lift 上 page one, 有一對外籍公公婆婆見佢得意就問左佢幾句, 佢都聽得明同埋對答都ok,  所以你問: 唔知會唔會d外國人聽到我們中國人的小朋友講流利英文都是一樣呢 ? 我可以答你, 對外籍公公婆婆聽佢答完之後, 就好好笑容0甘話佢好clever.  

普通話就正在學習中, 不過就無英文0甘好, 但係就一d都唔驚講普通話, 而且仲成日都講, 講得好好笑....

我同老公都已經決定俾佢係sis讀埋小學 (原本都諗住係小一派位), 主要係佢係sis返得開心, 加上佢係語言上運用既自信係無壓力低下建立緊, 佢真係學得好輕鬆, 我都唔駛特別教, 所以我都好輕鬆....   

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