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培養孩子創意思維 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-4-12 03:56 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 13-4-12 03:59 編輯





她育有三名女兒,長女鄺芷丹(Kevina)剛於宏信書院升讀Grade 7,Kevina以往在圓玄小學一直名列前茅。Karen說,當其他家長得悉女兒往宏信書院讀書,也覺得「浪費」女兒,皆因以她的成績不難考入傳統名校。「女兒一直也不明白為何要讀宏信。直至今個月,她跟學校去韓國遊學,回來後跟我說:終於明白我為甚麼要她轉校。」9月初,因為遊學團關係,學校設計了一次歐遊模擬活動,着學生模擬訂機票,以至計劃行程。「當時她望着電腦,完全摸不着頭腦,我的角色,只是教她怎樣打關鍵字搜尋資料……IB課程正是想學生探索多些。」




在職媽媽 假期不工作



[p=29, null, left]http://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E5%9F%B9%E9%A4%8A%E5%AD%A9%E5%AD%90%E5%89%B5%E6%84%8F%E6%80%9D%E7%B6%AD-224916728.html

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The more bizzare a thing is, the less mysterious it proves to be.

發表於 13-4-22 17:22 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-22 17:16 |只看該作者
谢谢你的正面回应!  凡有人的地方必然有人想办法攒空子, 不容易杜绝! 制度上的鲁妄改变也容易矫枉过正, 要拿捏准绳. 很不容易啊!

近期听到不少家长们对学校和IB制度的诸多批评, 有的想逃, 有的想转到有作弊空間的学校, (传闻有), 孩子们听到必然有负面影响! 已经是幸运的读IS, IB, 依然未能放手?  可惜!

误传的事端愈多,.愈是人心惶惶, 因此更希望大家理性的分析时注意信息传递.
学校努力帮助学生提升分数, 这点不算作弊,.除非有证据证明分数很不合理,


發表於 13-4-22 16:57 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-22 16:34 |只看該作者

回覆:oblivion2077 的帖子



God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

發表於 13-4-22 16:10 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-22 15:59 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-22 15:51 |只看該作者
回復 oblivion2077 的帖子

lB例如英文HL,除了oral 是Internal Assessment,佔30%,其他3份公開試卷分別佔25%,25%,40%。每份卷各自有Score Boundaries, 如果lA跟公開試成績接近,作弊的機會理應不大。如果科科lA都偏高,systematic cheating 機會大増,不然,誤差還是會有。



annie40  作弊空間不大是事实,  家长们比较愿意相信凡事有作弊空间, 甘跌到就一定是地硬啦.  發表於 13-4-22 15:58
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

發表於 13-4-22 15:22 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-22 15:08 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-22 14:13 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 slamai 於 13-4-22 14:15 編輯

回復 oblivion2077 的帖子

Thank you for your supplement which I have little to add as we are largely in agreement though putting across our ideas from different angles.

For GCSE, I'd like to quote from Wikipedia the following section on "controlled assessment" which can be compared with the internal assessment of IB DP (both pros and cons):

Controlled Assessment
In some subjects, one or more controlled assessment assignments may also be completed. Controlled Assessment can contribute to anything from 10–60% of a pupil's final grade, with more practical subjects, such as design and technology (60%), art (60%), ICT (60%) ,music (60%) and English (60%) often having a heavier coursework element. The rest of a pupil's grade (normally the majority) is determined by their performance in examinations. These exams may either be terminal exams at the end of Year 11, a series of modular examinations taken throughout the course, or a combination of the two. Pupils can sometimes resit modular examinations later in the course and attempt to improve their grade.
In terms of stress, the upside of controlled assessment is that it can help to ease the stress of examination because students who undertake their coursework with skill and diligence have already achieved around 20% of the marks accounting for their final grade, however the downside is that this means students have a greater workload to complete, sometimes having to produce a large amount of work for a minimal part of the overall grade. For example, in English a student may have to complete 4 pieces of coursework, each over a thousand words long, which individually only account for 5% of the grade. However, this varies between exam boards.
Controlled assessment was usually completed outside of lessons, however concerns about cheating have meant that more and more is now being completed in the classroom, under supervision. For many courses starting in September 2009, including those in Economics, Science and History, a requirement will be that controlled assessment is completed in a controlled environment within schools. Design and Technology subjects also switch to the new, more controlled, environment, with time limits and restrictions on the variety of projects allowed.[9] However, despite hopes that controlled assessment would eliminate the possibility of cheating, it still goes on. There are many cases of teachers allowing students to complete the work at home after the teacher has corrected and marked it, which does not comply with the 'controlled' element of this assessment. An Ofqual investigation shows that most teachers are deeply dissatisfied with controlled assessment - and it is incredibly surprising that it was launched without a trial run.

I understand it differs from the international version, i.e. IGCSE, which is commonly adopted in Hong Kong and mostly examination-oriented.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-4-22 14:04 |只看該作者
回復 shadeslayer 的帖子

To inculcate inquiry-based learning in Hong Kong’s educational system, the last 3 years of secondary school (NSS) will not be effective.
Worse still, there is a lack of inquiry-based learning environment in the classroom (re: for both teachers and students) and parental support (re: to both the government policy and their children).

Back to language education, I don’t think it is the best part of IB as the primary characteristic of IB should be inquiry-based learning which can be better applied in science and humanities subjects.  For language subjects (and also maths), the application of inquiry-based learning is more difficult and limited.  Providing a good environment which encourages reading and writing can be conducive to language learning.
Again, starting it in the last 3 years of secondary school (NSS) will be a bit late.

發表於 13-4-19 00:02 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-18 23:14 |只看該作者

差開少少,既然 NSS 是 model IB,或它們是接近的學制,IB 給人的印象是綜合語文解難能力強, NSS 可以短期達到相約效果嗎?

The more bizzare a thing is, the less mysterious it proves to be.

發表於 13-4-18 16:49 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-18 12:38 |只看該作者
回復 oblivion2077 的帖子


Most welcomed.

//As you have pointed out, there is moderation from IBO for internal assessment.
If the outcome of the moderation shows that the internal assessment has overgraded the sample by 20%, the whole batch from that school will be downgraded by the same %!

我不清楚IBOmoderation的細節是如何進行,但任何的制度,也有機會有漏洞,而學校推行時也可以「上有政策,下有對策」。例如,若學校的老師在為學生進行內部評核時,必定是根據學生的一些作業或測考,若要出術,在作業方面,老師可以預先要求學生交Draft work,然後給予comments讓學生可作改善 ,然後才正式交Final work作評核;而測考就更容易,預先給予一定的貼士就輕易可提升整體的成縝。因此,老師給internal assessmentgrading可以是按IBO的標準來進行,只是那些grading未必合理地反映學生的真正能力。


The internal assessments of IB DP are normally 20% of the full marks and are primarily written works mostly completed after some investigations.
IB DP, unlike, say GCE A level, is an educational programme concluded by a public exam (while the latter is simply a public exam - it’s interesting that there are even no prerequisites for GCE A level and anyone can choose to take the exam of the subjects they want).
Internal assessments similar to those of IB DP are not uncommon, including U programmes.
While I think IBO's moderation is quite reasonable, it is difficult to find a "fail-safe" system to eliminate all kinds of cheating.
Even in the universities, there were cases that students paid someone to write dissertations for them.
I’ve also read a case that a programmer (should be in America) was found to pay a software company (in India) to write programmes for him so that he could simply relax and enjoy himself at his company every day!
All in all, widespread cheating should not occur with the moderation system though there is always a residual risk of individual cheating in any system.

//One characteristic of IB education is integration of knowledge (especially in PYP and MYP).
Higher education has segregated knowledge into different disciplines for specialisation.
At pre-U level or even junior U level, it seems that the trend is towards breadth rather than depth.
In the real world, professionals also need cross disciplinary knowledge nowadays.

Pre DP specialisation should not occur in IB MYP.
Details of MYP may be found from IBO's website.
Such specialisaton mentioned probably occurs in other (IB DP only) schools not following MYP.


While public exams are unavoidable for one reason or another and it is agreed that students should have 廣泛及涉臘多科的基本知識並達一定程度, the question I want to discuss is the need to have two public exams within a short (two-year) period.
GCSE cannot serve the purpose for U application.
With the contemporary inflation of academic qualifications and alternative vocational training, the purpose of GCSE to serve as employment qualifications may also be limited.

至於Pre-Ujunior U is towards breadth是對的,但rather than depth則富爭議性,有不少大學教授投訴大學新生對學科的基本功嚴重不足,但學科的學術發展一日千里,越來越難在指定學年讓學生掌握日益增多的基本但重要的學科知識。因此,一些大學的個別學系對學生在中學曾修讀那科及達那水平有嚴格的規定。

In this age of information explosion, it is difficult to spoon-feed U students all the “required knowledge” before they graduate.
In some professions, they change the entry requirements from bachelor degree to master degree.
In some places (like Hong Kong), they add one year to U education. In general, learning high level transferrable skills is emphasized so that U graduates can continuously develop their knowledge after graduation.

也同意professionals also need cross disciplinary knowledge nowadays.,但若學校只推行IBD 未必能有效使學生達到此要求。

I didn’t mean IB DP could alone achieve it but only work towards it as IB DP is merely a pre-U programme.
It’s probably my fault that I didn’t express myself clearly.

從教育角度來看,學生應該有廣泛的基礎學習,涉獵多個 文理科目,要做到 文中有理,理中有文。可是,我認為單靠IBD去達致文中有理或理中有文是不足夠 ,也不需要。因為學生中學 時若只按IBD課程學習,只得一科是文/理,是不足以達廣泛基礎學習的要求(當然若學校同時推MYP可能會好些)。其實,英國的GCSE OL 兩年的GCE AL是頗理想的學制,因為GCSE正是一個廣泛而基本的程度,適合作一般普及教育,並為能上AL 大學 的學生打好廣泛學習的基礎,文理兼備。到了AL,可不需要再文理兼傋,而是專注在喜愛的文/理科目,當然,個別學生喜歡在AL仍然文理兼備,在AL制度下是容許的,這正是AL靈活富彈性之處。

It is allowed to take another science or humanities subject for group 6 in IB DP.
With the norm of taking 3 A levels, it is difficult to be
Even for GCSE, there is freedom in picking the subjects and no specific requirements for
Back in the old days of HKCEE, it could not be said to be the norm for students to pick subjects to be
Unlike HKCEE/GCSE, the curriculum of MYP covers
eight subject groups of at least two languages, humanities, sciences, mathematics, arts, physical education and technology, plus a personal project in the final year of MYP.

//GCSE/IGCSE may cover a large no. of subjects but lack the integration of MYP.
Knowledge was originally integrated before man segregated it for specialisation

我認為GCSE多個科目之Integration 不是大問題,這視乎老師的教學手法,是否懂得引渡學生將知識螎匯貫通,我認識不少優質學校的課程及教學模式(不是行MYP),都能有效地將多方面學科知識結合,而又同時能讓學生達到個別學科的學術水平要求。

I think it is not the norm but exception for schools following GCSE to integrate knowledge from a wide spectrum because it is simply not the requirement of the curriculum.
HKCEE resembled GCSE and I couldn’t find such integration therein as well.

//Despite being the most popular programme among IB's trilogy, I always think DP exhibits the least 'IB' characteristics due to its examination-oriented constraints for the sake of U application.
Of course, inquiry-based learning is not the monopoly of IBO and other well-established schools can offer equivalent educational programmes to suit the needs of their students.
It is agreed that IB education may not be the best choice for everyone, in particular for the demanding resources required.//

同意。正如我之前講過,IB的優質教學模式,對䣁些未 能建立自己一套的學校十分有用及能保證學校的教學質素至少有一 定水平。然而,行其他制度的學校,並沒有一套如IB之嚴謹模式跟從及被IBO持續監管,所提供的教學模式是各自修行,不同學校所提供的教學質素參差很大。

Yes, agreed.
Thank you.

發表於 13-4-18 00:31 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-4-17 18:33 |只看該作者

回覆:slamai 的帖子

Thanks for your inputs and constructive comments.

We all learn something from your comments.


slamai  Thanks. We all learn from one another.  發表於 13-4-17 18:54
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-4-17 18:26 |只看該作者
回復 oblivion2077 的帖子

IB 整體上是個幾好的課程制度,可是郤有其局限性,而並不適合作為一個國家或地區的主流中學教育制度,伹卻不失為一個補充性制度,給合適的學生選擇,而其實IBD創立的原意也大致如此。
Agreed.  Even if a country values IB education, local adaptation is required as IB does not provide the curricula.
- IBD 課程內容及考核模式較則重語文能力,不利那些數理能力極高但語文能力較弱的學生。
- IBD是一個整體兩年制綜合課程,  缺乏靈活性,例如學生不能像考英制的A level 或美制的AP般,個別科目提早一年甚至兩三年考,或補考一些考得不好的科目,這樣不利自修生或只想重讀部分科目的學生。
Agreed.  It is because IB DP is an educational programme though it is the final pre-U programme among the IB trilogy (i.e. PYP, MYP & DP) which has to be concluded by a public examination for U application.
- IBD之評核方式中,有一定比例是靠校內老師作校內持續評核,這樣可能會產生一些問題,例如,學校老師的公平公正性。雖然IBO設有機制去訓練老師及抽驗學校老師的評核水平,但若個別學校或老師心術不正,把學校短暫利益放在首位,要偏幫自己的學生,甚至存心欺騙IBO之審核制度也絕對不難。
As you have pointed out, there is moderation from IBO for internal assessment.  If the outcome of the moderation shows that the internal assessment has overgraded the sample by 20%, the whole batch from that school will be downgraded by the same %!
- IBD的課程組合模式不夠靈活及彈性,標榜學生要文理兼備。原意本來是好的,但同時引起了一些問題值得反思。例如,是否需要學生到了要入大學前還要文理兼備?有些學生到那年紀已好清楚自己對文或理科的傾向,但硬要他們在那階段必須修讀一科非自己能力或興趣有傾向之科目,是浪費他們的時間,也可能影響了他們學習自己專注或喜愛科目之投入時間,以至影響整體成績。所以有些大學學系覺得IBD的學術科目課程不夠深入及學生學習相關的科目數量不足,例如德國一些工科學系,除了基本數學外,要求報讀的IB學生必須修讀最少三科其他數理科目,而可不用修讀人文學科。
One characteristic of IB education is integration of knowledge (especially in PYP and MYP).  Higher education has segregated knowledge into different disciplines for specialisation.  At pre-U level or even junior U level, it seems that the trend is towards breadth rather than depth.  In the real world, professionals also need cross disciplinary knowledge nowadays.
For these candidates, say A level may suit them better for the sake of U application.
- 然而,IBD硬性規定之六科組合之制度,可能會誘使一些短視而功利的學店,為了學生取得更好的IBD成績,可能早於初中時就為學生選定那六科集中催谷學習。這樣,反而影響學生涉獵其他學科的廣泛性。幸好香港一些負責任的國際學校,例如ESF,會要求學生Year 11時,先報考最少十科八科GCSE,到Year 12,13時,才專攻IBD選定之六科。這樣,學生至少可撐握達GCSE程度的不同學科的廣泛知識,已可達廣泛基礎學習之目的,是否需要在Year 12,13仍要文理兼備,花時間修讀一科不喜愛的文/理科?何不專注修讀自己喜愛的科目,全力為揀選之心儀大學學系作準備?這些都是富爭議性之處。
Pre DP specialisation should not occur in IB MYP.  Details of MYP may be found from IBO's website.  Such specialisaton mentioned probably occurs in other (IB DP only) schools not following MYP.  GCSE/IGCSE may cover a large no. of subjects but lack the integration of MYP.  Knowledge was originally integrated before man segregated it for specialisation.
然而,IBD所標榜與其他學制不同之處,例如:Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, CSR (CAS?)等,在一些優質的中學裡,早已包函以上之原素在其六/七年之中學課程和教學模式中,那些學生,無論最終報讀甚麼學制,例如IBD,英式的A Level或美式的AP等,及上了大學後也能同樣優秀及出色。可是,若那些優質中學選擇了只提供IBD,則會受先前所說有關IBD之局限,而失去了A Level或AP 等學制之靈活性及彈性,部分不適合IBD的學生便會受影響,孰得孰失,就留待家長自己衡量了。
Despite being the most popular programme among IB's trilogy, I always think DP exhibits the least 'IB' characteristics due to its examination-oriented constraints for the sake of U application.  Of course, inquiry-based learning is not the monopoly of IBO and other well-established schools can offer equivalent educational programmes to suit the needs of their students.  It is agreed that IB education may not be the best choice for everyone, in particular for the demanding resources required.
總結,隨了需要負出龐大資源,IBD之局限性也不能滿足社會上不同能力及性質之學生對多元化及靈活性教育之需求,因此並不適合作為一 個國家/地區的主流教育制度。
I tend to agree to a plurality of educational choices to suit individual students' needs.
Thank you.


jeff76916  thanks  發表於 13-4-17 18:41

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-4-17 17:39 |只看該作者
jeff76916 發表於 13-4-16 19:59
Arising from one point raised in oblivion's intelligent article, my nerve is touched again. Because, ...
Yes, some students from local families may choose Chinese B in some IB schools for various reasons.  However, IBO has increased the difficulties of Chinese B (e.g. addition of literature content) starting this year as a counter-measure against the inflation of levels 7 and 6 in Chinese B especially among Hong Kong candidates in the last couple of years.
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