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Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-26 06:33 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 睡王子 於 18-1-17 13:28 編輯

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Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-26 06:35 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 睡王子 於 18-1-17 13:28 編輯


Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-26 10:12 |只看該作者
其實我兩個小朋友(分別係year1 同year3)嘅家長group普遍反應都滿意新安排喎。同埋個報導同部份家長嘅理解,同事實有多少出入。不過我個人百分百支持學校嘅決定!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-26 10:55 |只看該作者
I think the policy is good especially for year 1 students, but the school should consider the student ability and parents thinking when implementing. My kid is in year 2 and many year 2 students affected. My kid have studied k1 to k3 before going in year 1. The learning in chinese and maths is pretty good and also born in 2009, but still puting my kid in year 1 chinese and maths. Many year 2 student need to repeat the course even they can catch up, but some students and parents want to repeat but puting them one year up just because they are  older. I think the policy should not bring out immediately. The school should arrange new class based on ability and parents options instead of only age.

Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-26 11:34 |只看該作者
totoro1990 發表於 16-10-26 10:55
I think the policy is good especially for year 1 students, but the school should consider the studen ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-26 11:50 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ol_bb 於 16-10-26 12:20 編輯

新arrangement 會令小朋友讀完小學有更多唔同選擇,去local,international school 或者選擇local or international stream at YMCA college!  

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-10-27 00:38 |只看該作者


唔係話學校改制唔啱,不過對 year 4 的同學是有影响:

1) 留在 year 4 的同學將会重讀 P3 中文和數。
數位同學剛從 RC 轉讀 AC,  對 local Chinese 來說 year 4 AC 巳屬於淺,再降一級豈非更淺? 此舉浪費了學生一年的時間。

2)亦有些家長的子女中/數都 handle 得好,卻仍要重讀而不滿!

3) 升上 year 5 的同學原本讀緊 UK year 4 literacy, Geography, Science 又突然 skip 左一年變左讀 UK year 5  literacy, geography, science. 而學校又冇交待對學生有冇影响或損失?

當然,在 year 4 群組內亦有很多家長表示歡迎這項改革的!

[img align=left]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f119/virgokaren/virgokaren_02.gif[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-27 01:20 |只看該作者
Totally agree that the new policy is not bad, but the problem is how to implement without a great impact. Suggest school to arrange formal assessment, giving out data to parents and let them choose. My kid's progress report at the end of year 1 is good progress. teacher comment on chinese and maths and english is very good. The result of recent chinese test is also over 90, nearly all dictation is all correct, class teacher do not mention any learning problems. The age is also at suitable age of year 2 age group, according to government definition. Principal just answer me at that night that academics is not all. Then what is the reason for making us fall back to yesr 1 chinese and maths? Why should us spend extra one year to learn old things? If calculating 3 digits add/subtract is fine, how to make kids not boring learning again one and two digits things? My kid feel so frustrating now that why need to stop the things learning now and re-do the old things.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-27 01:34 |只看該作者
just receive principal email to all parents that they give out response to media. Asking parents to call office arrange talk. However, I have called them few times within these two day asking what information they need from psychologist, still there is no feedback from principal or vice principal, both email or phone call. i understand they are busy, but then why they force us to accept in so rush without telling us what the kid need to improve?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-27 20:25 |只看該作者
virgokaren 發表於 16-10-27 00:38
唔係話學校改制唔啱,不過對 year 4 的同學是有影响:

1) 留在 year 4 的同學將会重讀 P3 中文和數。

本帖最後由 tybrand 於 16-10-27 20:26 編輯

完全認同,不顧實際情況,yr 3,4影響大,中數降班重讀,英制按齡跳班,其他科skip咗1年無讀,跟本對學生學習重大影響,完全9588.
我地仲要無say, 咁樣學術程度只會更落後

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-27 20:32 |只看該作者
virgokaren 發表於 16-10-27 00:38
唔係話學校改制唔啱,不過對 year 4 的同學是有影响:

1) 留在 year 4 的同學將会重讀 P3 中文和數。

本帖最後由 tybrand 於 16-10-27 22:07 編輯

咁新生yr1 又讀咩level 中文呢?

讀多年local stream 中數,其他科又讀咩呢?

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-10-27 22:58 |只看該作者


原帖由 tybrand 於 16-10-27 發表
本帖最後由 tybrand 於 16-10-27 22:07 編輯

咁新生yr1 又讀咩level 中文呢?
year 1 讀銜接小一程度的中文及數。

year 6 local 讀小六中文及數, UK curriculum 吾知?????

[img align=left]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f119/virgokaren/virgokaren_02.gif[/img]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-10-27 23:05 |只看該作者

回覆:virgokaren 的帖子

可能 year 7 UK English and other subjects

[img align=left]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f119/virgokaren/virgokaren_02.gif[/img]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-28 00:15 |只看該作者
virgokaren 發表於 16-10-27 00:38
唔係話學校改制唔啱,不過對 year 4 的同學是有影响:

1) 留在 year 4 的同學將会重讀 P3 中文和數。

聽落係本地課程先改!中文AC 不是本地課程?!
其實若由local school 轉去ESF 小學插班,我見朋友的仔女都跟年齢跳一班!

Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-28 10:11 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 shubon 於 16-10-28 10:13 編輯






「確保學生不會因校方的任何決定而受影響」而家有人要Year2 邊Year3, Year2邊Year1, 點唔影響呀,單從出生年份去分級,學校有何專業判斷不同學生進度和能力?

連中文名都唔敢公開,副校長Tammy Tse謝詠湘,校監Peter Ho何慶濂,謊話何其多。派通知書要家長會後鬼鬼鼠鼠門口派,學期中先來搞變革,非常不道德,令家長無法及時轉校。對YMCA信心盡失。

Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-28 11:10 |只看該作者
回覆 penp0319 的帖子


1. 我完全認為學校出發點係為學生好. 其實佢地大可以懶懶閒,乜都唔做,到幾年之後第一批同學仔升中果陣,問題浮現.
收左幾年薪水,管理層大可以到時跳船退休.佢地果晚自己都講,預左件事唔係LIGHT (即係預左係硬野).其實如果佢地無承擔,就唔會自找麻煩.其實多少明白學校點解會咁倉促,因為明年最大果班師兄師姐就要攪國際學校升中.所以新管理層只係到任幾個月,意識到問題就即刻做野,個人反而認為有魄力有效率

2. 簡單講,其實佢地今次既改變,最終後果係乜.  就係如果升中,
a. 入國際學校(我唔知係咪全部,不過ESF係),同學仔要讀過8年書(3年幼稚園+5年小學, 或者2年幼稚園+6年小學)
b. 入本地或者直資學校(包括YMCA CC),同學仔要讀過9年書(3年幼稚園+6年小學, 或者2年幼稚園+7年小學)
所以報導講最少讀7年同掠水之說,我唔明白. K3上果D揀國際升中,仲會讀少年俾少年錢.相反,學校如果唔出聲,同學仲會浪費多一年俾多年錢.
當然, TOTORO個情況同VIRGOKAREN講AC既情況,我覺得學校係絕對應該再個別睇返.

3. 公道講, under2b. k2上既同學仔咁突然係會shock既 (我有朋友都係), 因為早一兩年,無乜清楚解釋過升中同期望落差大,完全可以理解. 搵教育局跟進了解,亦絕對明白.不過搵到幾個media,仲寫到咁多錯漏帶惡意,就真係無必要啦.
我覺得攪到學校疲於奔命應付media加開會,拖慢左新安排之後個溝通/安排/fine tune/跟進工作,咪搵自己d細個泥攪.

兩個小朋友讀左一段時間,對學校課程/老師/教學,極滿意. 令小朋友好鐘意返學,學習有興趣,主動睇書
同校長副校唔熟,不過接觸過一兩次,感覺上,同上一任一樣都好nice同helpful,仲好快回覆跟進.supervisor其實睇得出都有心既,不過近兩次家長會聽佢講野都幾長氣 :p

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-28 11:23 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-28 11:30 |只看該作者

Dear Principal,

For the new school policy, we appreciate school's bold decision for children's benefit. But as parents, I do have some concern for the new policy and I am not sure if it will bring negative impact to students.

As a teacher myself, I have been spending much time with students everyday throughout the years. To me, if I need to execute the policy, I do have the following concerns:

1.Student emotion:
If students was assigned to re-learn what they has learnt, no matter they learnt well or not last year, how would they feel/think about it? Will they think they have not studied well last year? There may be much confusion and self-blaming deeply inside themselves, it is not easy to be recognized and settled.

2.Student learning motivation:  
While students will re-learn what they "think" they know, they will have no motivation. By my own experience in handling this kind of student, we cannot expect they will follow instructions. If more that 5 students are in that situation, it would be a big disaster. Now, we have ......almost all. It would be even much worse if new green classmates join the class as there's huge learning diversity among them. It may induce other problem, e.g. Classroom disorder, bullying, etc...

3.Teacher's time and capability:
You can imagine, with these situation, almost all student has different kind and level of confusions needed to be counseled individually in different way.  Much time, effort and counseling skill is needed. Honestly, I think most of YMCA teachers are not capable and don't have the quality time to handle all those even with school guideline, continues monitoring/reflection/adjustment, training, teacher's effort, parent's help, love, patient, believe, etc...

4.Parents' financial arrangement
If students decided to pursue local or YMCA secondary school, they need to stay one more year in school. From financial perspective, parents need to bare unplanned HKD $100,000+ EXTRA compared to original school curriculum.

5.Parents' confident in school
As this decision was solely made from school side without parents' active involvement, it may not have considered certain important factors that school missed. Also, as it is a major new policy, I think school cannot guarantee it is the last change, there must be fine tuning follows. Nobody knows how many major or minor adjustments will occur in coming 3-5 years. It brings uncertainties. I think no parent want his child to be a laboratory-rat for whatever reason.

6.Way of teaching
It may beyond the discussion of the new policy but I would like to bring out here. The way of teaching Math and Chinese in YMCA seems not appropriated. It cannot help student to understand what they have to learn but bring confusion instead. It is not related to the difficult of the syllabus and students' age, the new policy cannot help. The way of teaching must be reviewed.

In summary, the new policy is good to new students but may not be for existing one. I do worry much about that.

If school's concern is on 1) matching ages with international stream 2) matching ages with the ability local math & Chinese required, why not just 1) keep students' current class as no problem for U.K. subjects 2) assign students to appropriated Chinese/Math class as international school has no harsh requirement on Chinese/Math 3) students need to attend additional years only if necessary 4) redesign the  learning material, not to use original books in this bridging year?

Best Regards

Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-28 11:34 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 shubon 於 16-10-28 11:37 編輯

Now they're asking parents to pay one more year of money for a REPEATED curriculum.

Anything policy change, even it's of good motives or purpose, should NOT be implemented in the term. This is absolutely immoral and irresponsible, breaking the mutual trust between the school and parents.

Frankly the class teachers are good and able to communicate quite well with parents. However the school office guys and management staff never respond to any faxes, email and telephone inquiry. NOT to mention a conversation.

Peter Ho is a crap. May he please stop using his unconvincing personal example to cheat people. He is a liar.
As a matter of fact they could have done it in / before summer, why were they doing in their summer vacation while receiving salary?

Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-28 11:40 |只看該作者
回覆 ol_bb 的帖子

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