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教育王國 討論區 培僑書院 由國際學校轉入培橋, 超級人生交
樓主: alan1013

由國際學校轉入培橋, 超級人生交 [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-5-9 10:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 ckwliu 於 07-5-19 11:13 發表

Re: 由國際學校轉入培橋, 超級人生交
alan1013, you can try CKY.  
however, when you said your daughter is like 縱壞了的公主, then i don't think it's the school discipline problem but, sorry to say, it's yours.  who will and can spoil her?  you and your wife.  stop answering to her every need and instead, try asking her to help out, to put herself in your shoes.  Ignore the bad behaviour and praise the good ones.  You hold your ground even if she cries, kicks, screams, throw things...  school discipline is important, but I think at this age, family is more important. ...

It's funny. The perspective you put forward stops the heat of the discussion.

Your view echoes with what I heard from a clinical psychologist in a talk, who basically said, "If you want to improve your child's EQ, the first and most important thing to do is to improve your own."

It is easy for a parent to put the blame on the school, which usually lacks the time or diplomacy of answering parents' complaint. So parents always appear to be right and winning.

If that doesn't relieve the parent, the blame will be put on the child. That would be easy too, since as long as the children are dependent on the parents, they dare not voice what is in the bottom of their heart. So the parent would then complain about lack of communication with their child, while failing to realize that the parent is the source, not just part, of the problem.

But is it so hard to realize the origin of the problems? No. Most parents can do that. It is only hard to acknowledge it. But how can we possibly correct a mistake if we don't admit it?

Of course, there are some kids who are born "naughty". Tough luck, if that is really the case, all parents can do is not much.

If you have been driving for 10 years and only had one minor accident, and the other driver had 10 "accidents" in one year, is that only good luck for the former and bad luck for the latter?  You tell me.
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