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本帖最後由 khsheh 於 20-10-12 14:37 編輯
Thanks for all of your comments. I am new to IS as my kid is very small but also want to share my opinions below.
"西方教育於小學、初中本來就唔多功課,學校谷d既可能多1、2樣功課,但差別真係唔大,我真心覺得香港 LS 既 K係忙過外國既 primary school。" <- Agree. Actually it is quite dificult for me to accept (but have to) that IS primary does not have much homework. For me, every learning need practice, e.g. learning piano, Chinese writing, language learning. Some kind of repititon is good for effective learning. On the other hand, LS obviously has too much homework, especially compared with our own primary school life many years ago.
"個人睇法,當地學校成績出眾與否,好視乎高中果幾年,校方提供既資源、師資去支援學生做 projects、research。冇所謂打好個底,而係將要學既知識既概念、理論,逐少逐少咁注入,year 9 開始引導學生去 追求個 execution,以至 year 12 時做既 project present 比人睇你學到幾多。 <- I also have the impression that IS only start to do real academic oriented work (e.g. doing a complicated maths, exam, scoring, efficiently complete exercise book by deadline, etc.) in secondary school.
香港始終係亞洲人為主既地方,而且係好 competitive 既城市,學術水平亦高,拉勻去比外國一個省,系資源、師資方面都比較集中。我自己覺得香港 IS 好底讀,貼地d講,系外國要入一間有唔錯既 university placement 既私校,好大機會貴過香港讀 ESF。
其實西方同香港(以至亞洲)教育,我感受既分別在於,香港既所謂學術,傾向要學生 repetitive 既方式學習,你唔識、做10次你自然要識,再唔識、做夠20次,務求要你「熟」。西方係要你認識個既念,傾向要你「識」。「熟」同「識」之間既平衝,每間學校都唔同、每個小朋友有幾受落亦唔同、每個家庭追求既亦唔同。<- Agree, my feeling is that in LS, some bright students do not need to repeat so many times (but still need to do all the homework). They can grasp the concept very fast. Also some teachers of LS are also very engaging in delivering the content. But in general, there are too many mandatory topics to teach in the LS system in each subject, making the personal space and time of LS primary school students very little, especially when they progress to senior years. The LS teachers are also very busy. This will make study too stressful and hinder their development in other equally important areas, like creativity, confidence, happiness, presentaton, etc. Thus, HK higher PISA scores come at a price. I think the IB in IS secondary school is also stressful. But the IS students only enter such competitive and stressful stage at later time, say year 8-9, while LS students need to enter such stage at P.3 or P.4, in order to enter band 1 secondary school.