- 在線時間
- 797 小時
- 最後登錄
- 24-10-30
- 國民生產力
- 30003
- 附加生產力
- 19461
- 貢獻生產力
- 100
- 註冊時間
- 14-5-23
- 閱讀權限
- 10
- 帖子
- 8373
- 主題
- 278
- 精華
- 7
- 積分
- 57937
- 1539350
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 19-2-8 15:02 編輯
brother4 發表於 18-12-16 12:02
係,學費都比較實惠,公開試成績唔錯。間學校可以出 CAS 及 Tier 4 (Child) visa
George Watson’s College is a registered Sponsor for Tier 4 visas and is, therefore, able to issue a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) to applicants who fully meet the selection criteria to study at Watson’s and the requirements for a Tier 4 (Child) visa as specified by the Home Office.
我已 shortlist 咗以下幾間比較實惠而英國公開試成績唔錯嘅學校,廿鬆啲萬一年,如果阿女係呢兩年決定去讀,我就會試吓幫佢報考。但係,蘇格蘭嗰3間及北愛 Methodist College Belfast,唔係好覺香港AGENT 有做,到時可能要我自己申請。到時阿女真係決定去讀先至再打算。
蘇格蘭愛丁堡學校 (Scotland Edinburgh)
1) The Mary Erskine School (Boarding £23,349) https://www.esms.org.uk/ & https://www.esms.org.uk/the-schools/mary-erskine-school & https://www.esms.org.uk/fees & https://www.esms.org.uk/fees/extras
2) George Watson's College (Fee £12,555 + Homestay ~ £12,000 = £24,555) https://www.gwc.org.uk/join-us/open-morning/ & https://www.gwc.org.uk/join-us/admissions/fees/
3) The Edinburgh Academy (Fee£4,707 x 3 = £14,121+ Homestay £12,000 = £26,121) https://www.edinburghacademy.org.uk/fees
北愛爾蘭學校 (North Ireland)
4) Methodist College Belfast (Tuition £8,630 + Capital £140 + Homestay ~ £12,000 = £20,770 ) http://www.methody.org/Admissions/Fees.aspx
5) Victoria college (Tuition £7,850 + Capital £140 + Boarding £11,400 = £19,390) https://www.victoriacollege.org.uk/year-8-transfer-information >> VCB Summary Document 2018/2019 & https://static1.squarespace.com/static/529cde82e4b0afaae98d976b/t/5c010f8c03ce64358c02c7b1/1543573388690/FeeSummary1920FinalWebsite.pdf
6) Royal School Armagh (RSA) (Tuition £4,415 + Capital £140 + Boarding £10,925 = £15,480) https://royalschool.com/admissions/fees-bursaries/ & https://twitter.com/rsarmagh & http://royalschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/14-FEES-and-CHARGES-2017-18-Agreed.pdf