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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Is my girl fit for international school?
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Is my girl fit for international school? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 14-9-8 14:47 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
經過長時間考慮,pn我將女兒送入了傳統學校。原因有三個:1. 我希望女兒有好的中文底子和圈子,未來畢竟還是要混華人社會;2. 我相信人生始終會遇到壓力,挫折和枯燥但必須完成的事情,學會克服也是一種生活技能;3. 萬一女兒不適合傳統,還有轉去IS的餘地。

女兒年紀小小,已經表現出十分獨立,好學和有創造力,已識四十多個數字,全部字母,七八首唐詩,自己作歌,作情景對話,每天將不同玩具組合出新玩法。但同時也越來越多顯示出她對環境敏感的一面,獨處或熟悉環境裏十分活潑瘋癲,面對陌生人則拒絕交流。Motessori playgroup的老師多次提醒我女兒可能有感覺統合方面的問題,我也帶女兒去協康會作了評估,評估報告認為女兒運動和自理都很好,但有輕度觸覺敏感的情況,導致社交問題。參加近20次pn面試,女兒一個字都冇講過,一出來又講不停。



ps. 我們對女兒沒有要求,開心健康就好。


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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 14-9-8 17:02 |只看該作者


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-9-8 17:17 |只看該作者
Your daughter has only just started school.  Some children just take longer to settle.  I've once had a girl that cried for a whole term and then she got herself attached to her teacher and would cry when the teacher is out of sight for another term.  It took her almost a year to settle!

Every child is different, although I believe your child might benefit in a more caring environment that some international kindies can provide.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-9-8 19:06 |只看該作者

回覆:eolande 的帖子

She is too small and hard to say.
You would know more after she is 4

發表於 14-9-9 01:08 |只看該作者

回覆:Is my girl fit for international school?

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-9-12 01:47 |只看該作者

回覆:feipow 的帖子

回應你條題,我會先問媽媽有無考慮你本人接唔接受到IS呢? 從字裡行間,我覺得媽媽好緊張囡囡,20次pn interview並非常人可做到呵。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-9-12 19:16 |只看該作者

回覆:Is my girl fit for international school

u can try good caring school, like C A I S, Anfield, I CS.
E S F absolutely not suitable because ESF very intensive and big side people  classroom.


jolalee  be too noisy and interactive f   發表於 14-9-12 23:59
jolalee  Good analysis. Yes, ESF might    發表於 14-9-12 22:49

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 14-9-12 23:21 |只看該作者


原帖由 oceanyau02 於 14-09-12 發表
u can try good caring school, like C A I S, Anfield, I CS.
E S F absolutely not suitable because ES ...
But ESF is the only IS in HK having special needs support. So supposedly the most tolerant of children's developmental progress. I am not saying the girl in question requires special needs education.

The more bizzare a thing is, the less mysterious it proves to be.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-12 23:26 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 14-9-12 23:55 編輯

The key here seem to be solving the tactile issues (which leads to social problems). My son too has Sensory issues (proprioceptive and vestibular), so back then he could not sit still and had strong emotional outbursts. He failed most of his K1 interviews back then. We started therapy when he was about age 2.5 and a year later he passed ALL the Reception (K2) interviews he was invited for (quite a few for the same schools which he failed the previous year). A year makes a world of difference at this age, so keep at it with sensory therapy and social trainings. 努力!!

There are many factors as to why parents choose IS over LS, and having sensory/social issues at a young age should only be part of the bigger picture. Since your child is intelligent, simply ensure her level of English is up to standard for IS entry (and that 'level' differs from school to school), so that IS is still an option after further analysis of her progress this year. Keep in mind too, that in many IS active participation is expected, so if your child is not communicative, being in an IS unsuitable for her may not help her at all. Apply to a few nurturing IS now given this is application season (oceanyau up there suggested a few great choices), so that by January if you still think IS is the way to go for her then you can go ahead with their interviews.

It's only the beginning of the school year, and how quickly your child can adapt may surprise you. As i had expected, when my boy started non-parent accompany classes (in an Montessori kindergarten with 90% westerners), i received AT LEAST one call per week from the teacher complaining about my son's behaviors in class. I then explained about his sensory issues, showed her the diagnoses as per her request, but encouraged the teacher to give him the appropriate disciplines nevertheless (time out etc). After two months of continual reminder, therapy and disciplines, he settled down (and by then he turned age 3), most of the unacceptable behavior was gone :) I was not sure was it sensory issues or simply a terrible Two problem (probably a mix of both), but i assure you with much effort they do become better.

As your daughter is a bit of an opposite of my son (non participation vs. too much disruption in class), continue to encourage her to come out of her shell. Let her know it is safe and fun to participate, and try your best to find out what bothered her in a group setting (it could be as minor as the teacher tapping her shoulder, or the noise level of other kids in the room). I find that helping the child identify the source of nuisance also helps (ie. for my son, he was much calmer after i played sound identifying games with him for a while, as i suspect he was bothered by his inability to sort out the noises around him. as he was trained up to identify the different noises, he was able to focus better.) No two children are the same, but i hope my examples can help you sort out the predicaments you have. Cheers!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-9-13 00:17 |只看該作者

回覆:Is my girl fit for international school?

My girl has been in ICS R1 for nearly a month. She is so shy that she stopped crying only 2 days ago. School is very supportive in taking care of her shyness. However, I don't think if one having special needs in social skills and sensory needs falsely hope that any IS school (even in ICS or others) can manage their special needs tailor-made, and in my girl's class, all the children took group games and activities everyday. Lots of show and tell, praying aloud times!

I do think for some local schools especially ICCC / I-KG the teachers are well equipped with special skills to children who are in need. So if you are focused to find the best school for your kid, local is ok. If you really want IS, please ask the school in person to tell your needs first.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-9-15 05:55 |只看該作者
可能你現在的幼稚園同過去的面試經驗, 俾你好大的壓力, 所以想轉去IS.

我好欣賞你話"我們對女兒沒有要求,開心健康就好。" 因為我都是一樣! 我的女兒而家 3歲, 不太喜歡說話, 但好彩地讀緊一間一條龍的IS. 老師認為女兒係一個小心的人, 佢要求自己的句子發音正確, 所以對老師唔會隨便亂開聲。但老師會好留意佢同小朋友的互動, 知道佢其實可以講得好好, 所以老師覺得女兒無問題。 呢樣係"小班教學"的好處。

因為我個女兒係1歲多已經讀緊呢間IS, 又無升小學的壓力, 我可以有時間俾佢慢慢建立信心同優點。如果佢要出去面對interview, 我都擔心佢未必做得好好。

Rank: 4

發表於 14-9-17 17:59 |只看該作者
回覆 winnie194 的帖子



jolalee  i think it's YCIS.  發表於 14-9-17 18:10

Rank: 4

發表於 14-9-18 16:31 |只看該作者
thank you very much for all your kindly and helpful reply! Especially Jolalee, thanks for your sharing. I typed a lot and a lot and closed the window by mistake, so...I need time to overcome it


jolalee  Many times   發表於 14-9-18 20:18
jolalee  LOL. Happened to me too. Many    發表於 14-9-18 20:17
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