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學之園 VS Boxhill VS 翠茵 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-5 17:19 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 cycream 於 12-4-5 17:22 編輯
TKO_NANA 發表於 12-4-5 16:50
我囡好慢熱,KM係Group-in形式面試,我囡當日的表現,只能用一個字形容,就係"呆"囉.....KM係九龍區最多人考 ...

我覺得pn+group in好難用表現來估計入唔入, 彩數最緊要, 所以唔駛打定輸數. KM PM係國際班(E/P Class), 所以唔一定入唔到AM班架!

今年KM,SC,LH全部唔IN細B,唔駛煩. 我細仔係confirm讀boxhill,request 咗轉AM,希望轉到,我連翠茵,得寶都無去IN啦. 壘埋心水讀boxhill, 9月再戰k1.

你就煩d, 如果AM / PM係咁concern, 就boxhill啦. 我覺得LH係好, but真係唔鍾意LP個地點,而且LP分校好新,未有P1入讀history, 係咪會好無人知(我見LH都唔係間間分校P1都考得好).  


TKO_NANA  好的,多謝你意見.....希望我囡同你仔仔做到同學仔^^  發表於 12-4-5 17:38

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-5 18:15 |只看該作者
cycream 發表於 12-4-5 17:19
我覺得pn+group in好難用表現來估計入唔入, 彩數最緊要, 所以唔駛打定輸數. KM PM係國際班(E/P Class), 所 ...
concerning the placement results of different LH campus, i discussed it with my boss... it is likely that the LH in TY could attract the best students in TW, TY area where there are not many competivite kg, while LH in HH would need to compete with those kg in KLT. HH campus has the most worst placement result among LH campus, however it is still good enough for a private kg, just not as brilliant as that of TY campus.

my wishful thinking is LH LP could repeat what they did for TY campus, as there are not many famous kg in tko area or even east kowloon side.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-5 18:36 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 cycream 於 12-4-5 18:37 編輯
retriever 發表於 12-4-5 18:15
concerning the placement results of different LH campus, i discussed it with my boss... it is likely ...

I have different thought as your boss.  I think TY & TKO is different case. I think TKO parents are more willing to send their kids outside TKO district, especially to Kln Tong area.  It is very common for TKO kids to study outside TKO area.  Moreover, LP campus is not convenient (if in other area of TKO, it may be better), together with bad enivornment, I don't think it does attractive best students in TKO district.  

My elder son got K1 KM, SC & LH (LP) offers last year, I kicked out LH offer first, struggling between KM & SC.  The reason is I really don't like the location of LP campus.   

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-5 18:44 |只看該作者
回復 cycream 的帖子

u got your pt.  many feel the location of lp campus is tricky...

where r u living in tko? and which klt kg did u choose eventually?

wondering how long would it take from tko to klt kg.

we 've got an offer from york.. it would be kind of hassle if not moving home...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-5 19:12 |只看該作者
retriever 發表於 12-4-5 18:44
回復 cycream 的帖子

u got your pt.  many feel the location of lp campus is tricky...

I am living at Tiu Keng Leng.  my son studied at KM N1, school bus picked up at 8:25am, school starts at 9am. he is now studying at SC K1, school bus is much earlier, 8:00am, school starts at 8:50am.  If you drive, it is around half an hour.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-5 19:55 |只看該作者
回復 cycream 的帖子

tks for your info.. so, it takes around 30 min. is it the same for the return journey?
btw, where is the pickup pt?

tks again

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-6 13:41 |只看該作者

回覆:cycream 的帖子

Km school bus is so "efficient"! I am living in TKL too, KT Cannan said their school bus takes around 1 hour or more!

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