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Anfield vs TT vs Victoria vs Kingston playgroup [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-22 16:22 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Can anyone who bb attend these playgroup can share their insights and comments? which one is good? my bb is going to be 18 mths end of this month and I want to send her to a school playgroup starting next yr.

Please share, and many many thanks.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-22 17:30 |只看該作者
Anfield-fully english
TT & Kingston-bilingual eng+pth
Victoria-bilingual eng+cantonese

Which of the above is your target kinder/primary? If you have your target kinder, better put your son in their pg/nursey to secure a place for him in the future [for nusery, kinder, or primary (at kingston)].

When comparing the three of them, seemed Victoria is a bit more local, but if compare it with local, it's a bit more international (I hope you get my meaning..), but anyways, their english level is higher than local kinder; Anfield is an english medium one, they prepared well for children who have applied for esf year 1; Kingston is famous for its bilingual teaching, they adopt IB program and teach traditional chinese characters (in primary), please note that Kingston does not have secondary section; TT is also a bilingual one, some of my friends told me the TT campus on hk island is better, I don't know if it's true or not, but I have attend TT Redhill's briefing session before, they said they have a high proportion of students entering CIS and CDNIS every year, so their standard should be high.

[ 本帖最後由 caramom 於 11-11-22 18:15 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-11-22 18:19 |只看該作者
My son attends Kln Tong TT pg.  Personally I think it depends very much on the teacher.  The english teacher there used to be "not good" but 3-4 months ago they changed an english teacher which every kid seems to like. It trained up my kid on routines, basic knowledge like color and shapes

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-23 15:10 |只看該作者
Victoria PG must apply over 1yr,  so your kid going to 18mths.   Too late to apply la.  
You can try TT (45mins Eng + 45mins PTH)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-23 16:49 |只看該作者
My girl joined TT when she was 8 months & Victoria in Nov (finally got a place and she is 16 months now).  If not consider the language, Victoria seems better.  My girl enjoys more at Victoria, she always very happy after school.  Not sure if it is because Victoria uses Cantanese in the class that she can understands better, she speaks more words suddenly in this month.

One thing not good at TT is they have max 12 students in a class which Victoria only got 8.  Teachers at Victoria also give feedback to individual student frequently but I found it rare at TT.

Anyway I will quit TT cause too much for her (Mon, Wed, Fri at Victoria and Sat at TT).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-24 11:54 |只看該作者
thanks for sharing.

I had applied Victoria when my bb was 5 mths old, and i am still on waiting list # over 100. i dont think we will get it, the list is just too long.

I also applied TT 2-3 mths ago, also on waiting.

I know Anfield has a spot for us for Spring term starting in Jan. I am still thinking as I do not know much abt this school and the playgroup fees is not cheap. The only good thing is they have school bus service for playgroup too, so i no need to worry about sending my baby with my maid on a taxi or taking the MTR....

For kingston, i know nothing about them. Just heard other saying they are good in IB programme.

to be frank, my aim for my bb to join playgroup is to let her have more interaction with other kids as she is the only child at home. At home is hard to have a school setting environment, at school, it is safe and they have teachers to teach....

I am not too worry about the language part as we speaks mainly Cantones and some English at home. If my daughter gets into one of these Int'l plapgroup, its just give her some explosure about school, afterall its only a 2 hrs playgroup..... wont learn much english la....just my thought.

seems not many moms here know about anfield??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-28 09:56 |只看該作者
Anfield is the most expensive.
I just quite Victoria  & join TT (KLN) because of indoor only at Victoria's & many kids always sick and 15mins PTH per week is not enough.  TT with indoor & outdoor playground.  The kids are more health & less sick.  With enough PTH in 45mins.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-28 10:03 |只看該作者
If TT waiting list over 3 mths.  You can call them for enquiry the list.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-11-28 12:34 |只看該作者
My daugther attends Anfield's toddlerobics (45 mins)-all english and teacher also forces parents to speak english during class. However for this kinda session, you can't expect much to learn during class as they are decided for kids 1yr-1.5 yr, really 'play' and sing songs
I know they have playgroup for 1.5 yrs+ and they will have lots more to learn, again, all english and they also got outdoor activities
My daugther is now 15 months so will enrol her to the playgroup when she reaches 1.5 yrs few months later
The good/bad thing for Anfield is you have to commit one term (i.e. 3 months) at a time, not pay monthly, so if you miss the beginning of the term or want to quit in the middle, you don't have the flexibility to
Overall I have good impression about this school
Hope this helps

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-29 10:09 |只看該作者
I think Kingston is the most expensive among 4. I've visited Kingston Children Centre and International School (P.4-6)during its recent open house.

If you are accepted by Kingston's playgroup (start from 1 year old) and willing to join, you have to pay HKD72,000  Levy which is non-refundable.

PG 2 days per week cost HKD3800/mth
PG 3 days per week cost HKD5600/mth
2 years old: 5 days per week cost HKD7480/mth
3-4 years old:  5 days per week cost HKD7500/mth

It was my first time visiting kindergartens in Kowloon Tong. I was quite surprised that the campus is renovated by two houses with classrooms in irregular shapes. Some classrooms are small and some are on the second floor with narrow staircases.

I was interested in Kingston because of its Chinese program. My nephew is studying in Kingston P.2 and he likes writing Chinese stories, which impressed me a lot.

However, when I mistakenly visited its P.4-6 campus, I doubted their Chinese standard. I saw some P.5 students' work shown outside their classrooms. Most of their works are mainly in English with some Chinese. The Chinese sentence I saw was totally wrong. The characters were wrong. The sentence structure was wrong. I could hardly guess its meaning. I wondered why the teacher didn't correct it at all and still showed it on board!? It was a P.5 work! Maybe it's just one case. BTW, their oral putonghua is good undoubtedly.

I've applied for TT (Kowloon Tong) but I rejected the offer after waiting for 6 months because of negative comments in BK. I've tried other playgroups and am going to join the spring term of Anfield. I hope the teachers there are "real NETs".

[ 本帖最後由 NaipNaip 於 11-11-29 10:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-11-29 11:34 |只看該作者
There are some indian as teachers for playgroup in Anfield too.....though they are NETs.......

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-1 22:28 |只看該作者
Do those Indian teachers have strong accents ?

原帖由 fatcat103 於 11-11-29 11:34 發表
There are some indian as teachers for playgroup in Anfield too.....though they are NETs.......

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-5 18:06 |只看該作者
Anfield is Good

Rank: 2

發表於 11-12-6 04:50 |只看該作者
If you are just comparing their playgroups, I think Kingston is best among the four but it is very hard to get a space. I submitted the application form for my two daughters once I was pregnant.

I agree the campus is not big, yet teachers and amah there are good. The school is more systematic and hygienic that is more important. My elder daughter enjoyed the playgroup and nursery so much in Kingston.

My younger daughter is a small b so she can't get a playgroup space even her sister is studying in Kingston. Then I applied TT for her as it's easier to get a place. Right, you should call them regularly to ask if any spaces available for your child. I applied TT playgroups for a few months but I got no reply, so I called them and got a space finally. It's quite easy in fact, some of my friends got the spaces in this way. My younger daughter went there since Oct, she can learn new things of course but I don't really like it. I'll quit TT as I just got a place from Kingston starting from Jan, really lucky.

Btw, I did apply Anfield spring term playgroup. Some friends don't recommend but I still wanna try by myself. I suggest you may try any of these playgroups once you get a place as applicants are so many. You won't know which one is better or fits your child most if you've not yet tried. Just playgroups, take it easy!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-7-29 18:55 |只看該作者
I'd like to update here about my commnets of Anfield playgroup. My daughter and I have joined it for half a year and we were lucky that we were in Teacher Robert's class although my daughter is a bit too small for his class.

The curriculum of Anfield playgroup is amazing, very different from other playgroups. For three months, the theme is Science and Recycling. Another three months, the theme is 2012 Olympics.

Anfield is clean and Teacher Robert always prepare many teaching materials according to the curriculum. Kids have chances to try many new things like drilling a hole on a bottle cap, making artworks with sand, candles, etc. They have so many different indoor and outdoor activities and field trips. Teacher Robert enjoys playing with kids very much. He just loves kids and he always shares his knowledge with us, parents.

My daughter is going to K1 this Septmerber and we are going to miss him very much.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-8-1 10:16 |只看該作者
NaipNaip 發表於 12-7-29 18:55
I'd like to update here about my commnets of Anfield playgroup. My daughter and I have joined it for ...

Hi, may I know in which campus is Teacher Robert teaching?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-16 19:04 |只看該作者
minirat 發表於 12-8-1 10:16
Hi, may I know in which campus is Teacher Robert teaching?
It's a pity that Teacher Robert has left Kowloon Tong Anfield~~

Rank: 4

發表於 12-9-16 20:44 |只看該作者

回覆:NaipNaip 的帖子

Yes, it's a pity. Do you know where is he teaching now?

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