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Oxford Reading Tree Storybooks + Magic Key VCDs (20% off) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 04-11-23 16:37 |只看該作者

Oxford Reading Tree Storybooks + Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

The followings are the 19 titles of the Magic Key Series Storybook. The stories are exactly the same as those from the VCDs.  They are now available at "旺角新X維書店" $30@.

(There are only few sets left of the bookshelf this afternoon. You'd better call them to reserve the books.)

HMS Sweet Tooth
Lug and the Giant Storks
The Rook King
Clutterland Band
Troll Talk
The Patchworker
Code Calling
Zandoodle and the Wheezlebang
Nadim’s Machine
Fraser the Eraser
Dragon Land
Biff of the Jungle
Biff and the Queen of Hearts
Floppy and the Princess
Master Hansel and Mrs Gretel
The Anneena Academy
The Cream Cake Mystery
The Flying Circus
The Giant and the Knee Nibblers

This set of Magic Key VCDs (Volume 1 to 6)are now available at 旺角新X維書店.

They are now offering 20% discount ([email protected]) and there are only few sets left on the shelf.  (Please call them to see if they still have stocks.) (This is much cheaper than I bought from Popular / PTU before!!!)

If you kids are the fans of Oxford Reading Tree - Kipper stories, they'll love these stories too!!!

Click here for more information about the Magic Key VCDs

[size=medium]The Magic Key is an animated learning adventure series based on the characters in the Oxford Reading Tree programme. Through a beautiful collection of stories to captivate children, this series helps them to pick language skills for reading and writing. The Magic Key is the result of a unique collaboration between Oxford University Press (publishers of Oxford Reading Tree), the BBC, and HIT Entertainment (producers of the highly successful Bob the Builder).

Magic Key 1 - Capital Letters and Full Stops

CAPITAL LETTER AND FULL STOPS contains five programmes:
Lug and the Giant Storks demonstrates how and why we use capital letters at the beginning of sentences.
HMS Sweet Tooth shows that a sentence must end with a full stop.
The Anneena Academy teaches children that capital letters are used for proper nouns.
The Rock King explains why the pronoun "I" is always a capital letter.

Magic Key 2 - Sentence and Questions

SENTENCE AND QUESTIONS contains five programmes:
Clutterland Band shows how, by choosing your words carefully, you can make your sentences short and sweet.
The Patchworker demonstrates the importance of checking that your sentences make sense.
Code calling teaches children how to decipher new words.
Dragon Land explains that you need to ask the right question to get the right answer.

Magic Key 3 - Adjectives and Labels

ADJECTIVES AND LABELS contains five programmes:
Fraser the Eraser introduces children to adjectives and the importance of describing things accurately.
Floppy and the Puppies demonstrates that different personalities have different characteristics, and that you cannot thing always judge by appearances.
The Demon Drill teaches that thing can be grouped or classified in different ways.
Zandoodle and the Wheezlebang shows why we need to label things.
Fabulous Fancy Foods explains how to express preference and make choices.

Magic Key 4 - Story Telling

STORY TELLING contains 4 programmes:
The Giant and the Knee Knibblers teaches the importance of beginnings and endings.
The Fountain of Youth introducces children to chronology and putting events in the right order.
Master Hansel and Miss Gretel demonstrates how to retell a story.
The Queen of Hearts looks at cause and effect and shows how one thing leads to another.

Magic Key 5 - Rhymes, Rhythms and Verbs

RHYMES, RHYTHMS AND VERBS contains 4 programmes:
The Cream Cake Mystery plays with rhyme, rhythm and speech patterns and demonstrates different ways of using them.
Troll Talk illustrates the importance of reading with expression.
The Sound Monster introduces children to the concept of playing with sounds through onomatopaeia and alliteration.
Tumbleweed Desert shows how to use action verbs.

Magic Key 6 - Organizing Ideas and Setting

Nadim's Machine demonstrates the importance of following instructions.
The Flying Circus shows children how to phrase commands and explains why we use them.
The Stone of Contentment illustrates what can go wrong when you don't follow the rules.
Biff of the Jungle teaches how lists can help you to remember and plan things.
Underwater World introduces the idea that stories can have a variety of settings, each with different characters.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-23 17:17 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

Thank you for your information.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-23 17:24 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)


Can you pm me its exact location?



Rank: 4

發表於 04-11-23 17:38 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

Hello Jessie,

Here is the location of the bookshop. Please call them to reserve the VCDs before you visit the shop. (I'm afraid that they will be out of stock soon.)

旺角分店︰九龍旺角西洋菜街74-84號旺角城市中心9樓902室 (旺角地鐵站D3出口)
電郵︰[email protected]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-23 19:32 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

Have just called IXXX -
VCDs sold out already, need to make reservations, new stock expected towards end of this week.


Tks for the info again.  I had wanted to buy this set for quite some time, but Dymocks usually doesn't have the entire set.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-24 09:20 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

Hello FXPC

Thanks!  I'll call them to place the order.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-24 12:43 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)


Please advise this set of Magic Key VCD is suit for kids of what age range?


Rank: 4

發表於 04-11-24 14:05 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

Hell MarcusMa,

According to the introduction on the VCDs, it states that the Magic Keys VCDs series are suitable for kids age:4 -7. I think that is the standard for a British child. In HK, it's more appropriate for kids at primary level.

All the programmes in the VCDs are in ENGLISH ONLY without Chinese subtitle.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-11-27 13:11 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

The Oxford Reading Tree Storybooks (Stage 1 -9) are now available at 旺角新X維書店 with 20% discount.

(These ORT storybooks + Rainbow Series 1-5, are now found at Popular outlet with ~10%.)

[size=medium]Oxford Reading Tree Range and Progression


Stages 1-3 concentrate on enriching language and developing the early literacy skills that children need to achieve reading readiness and go on to become competent readers.
The resources introduce children to a range of text types: stories, information books, poetry and rhymes, as well as extensive support. These have been designed to:

*encourage children to talk and make links to their *own experiences
*develop listening skills
*enable children to make the link between text and pictures
*develop an understanding of text and how it behaves
*support the prediction of meaning
*introduce the main Reading Tree characters with whom children can identify
*foster early phonological awareness and introduce rhyme and initial phonemes
*introduce the first high frequency key words
teach early book-handling skills
*initiate early writing skills

Stages 4-5
consolidate the early language skills and develop reading confidence, stamina and an increased range of strategies for reading. The range of text types is expanded with stories which move from real life into fantasy worlds, information books which cover a wider number of topics and treatments, and poems and rhymes which are slightly more complex. These, and the numerous teaching resources have been designed to:

*increase children’s confidence with longer texts and narratives moving from one story to the next.
*offer more complex plots within the books
provide opportunities for children to be reflective about their reading
*give practice in the use of different strategies for checking that reading makes sense
*develop reading stamina
*offer a wider choice for independent reading
support the use of phonological strategies in making analogies from one word to another with a shared rhyming spelling pattern
*help children to become young researchers


Stages 6-9 encourage further reading practice, increased reading stamina and stimulate the imagination with motivational narrative and rhyming stories, rich poetic language and magic adventures that foster reading for pleasure. The information books also extend into a wider sphere and expose children to an increased number of text types. The books at this level, with their teaching support, have been designed to:

*develop children’s insights into feelings and motivation of characters
*expand children’s vocabulary through fiction and non-fiction
*enhance opportunities for creative writing
be read with enjoyment, expression, fluency, *accuracy and understanding
*support an increased numbers of strategies in reading
*help children to read between the lines and make predictions and inferences which are not directly stated.
*help children cope with more complex language structures, language patterns, and ideas
*to make the differences between fiction and non-fiction totally explicit
*to turn children into fully confident and independent young readers.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-12-6 15:36 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

[size=medium]Oxford Story Tree Level 1-7

(The stories from OST are extracted from ORT trunk stories.)

Oxford Story Tree series contains 46 storybooks in seven levels. It provides an extensive selection of interesting reading materials which feature colourful and humorous real-life situations as well as exciting and imaginative adventures. The materials aim to develop students' reading skills and to arouse their interest in reading for enjoyment.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-12-6 15:37 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

[size=medium]Reading Rainbow Series Level 1-5

This is a new series of story books published by Oxford University Press.

Reading Rainbow aims to create well-written and relevant stories with an authentic context that will encourage students to enjoy reading, as well as teaching them general skills, good behaviour, health/social/environmental awareness. The teacher's books and parent's guides give guidance on the teaching strategies and suggestions for extra activities.

* Carefully graded stories set in real-life contexts
* Ideas for stories come from children themselves
* A variety of text types and language arts materials such as songs and rhymes
* Develops students' critical thinking through pre-reading and while-reading activities
* Cultivates positive values by exploring areas such as pet care, road safety, the changing seasons, healthy diets, the joy of sharing and helping others

Click here for details of Reading Rainbow

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-6 21:54 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

Got this email from Oxford Reading Tree, looks interesting but quite expensive:

Dear Parent,

Thank you for your interest in Oxford Reading Tree Online. We are now delighted to offer you the opportunity to purchase the Floppy and Friends CD Rom for a special home purchase price of £29.95 including postage and packing and VAT.

Floppy and Friends contains material from the award winning Oxford Reading Tree Online and is an ideal way to encourage your child to read.

The CD Rom contains:

- Nine interactive Oxford Reading Tree Stories

- Lots of engaging activities to help develop your child's reading skills and comprehension ability

- The Magic Highlighter Tool which enables you to highlight words, sentences and characters, making each page truly interactive

- Fabulous 'print and do' sheets for you and your child to complete together

- Simple reading support to help you make the most out of these motivating stories and activities

This is an ideal opportunity for you to purchase a gift that will keep all young readers entertained this Christmas and one that will not be available on the high street.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-7 00:16 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

可唔可以講 邊度有得賣??幾$$???

Rank: 4

發表於 04-12-7 09:35 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)

Hello qio,

Here is the location of the bookshop. There are many other books in the bookshop too.

CLICK HERE ==> Take a look on this topic to discover more books

旺角分店︰九龍旺角西洋菜街74-84號旺角城市中心9樓902室 (旺角地鐵站D3出口)
電郵︰[email protected]

(Please call the bookstore to reserve the books / VCDs before you visit the shop. I'm afraid that they will be out of stock soon.)

Rank: 4

發表於 04-12-10 14:45 |只看該作者

Re: Oxford Reading Tree - Magic Key VCDs (20% off)


Some free activity sheets for Oxford Reading Tree Stage 1-9 (including teacher's note, characters sheets and activity sheets) can be downloaded from the OUP official website with the following link:

Free Downloadable Activities and Teacher's Notes for Oxford Reading Tree: Stages 1-9
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