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MOS Think真係唔得?點算?! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-6-27 16:39 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I just paid the school fee for 2008/9 upper nursery class (am halfday), but I see many bad comment on BK about MOS Think. I was so worry about that. What should I do? Anyone's kid studying in this school? Please help me and give me advise! Thank you very much!!!
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-6-27 22:40 |只看該作者
don't worry. My ex-workmate's daughter studied there and she felt very pleased with the school.
She is a teacher so you should believe her comment.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-6-28 12:52 |只看該作者

回覆 #2 cpcog 的文章

Thank you, cpcog.
My son studying N1 in a estate school for whole day, but he always get sick and seems very hungery when back to home. The teachers  and 'sum sum' in the school are very nice but the acadamic level of the school is not that good. It is very difficult for me to make a decision. Because I'm afraid my son cannot adapt the new environment as he is a shy boy and not outgoing.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-6-28 16:04 |只看該作者
I believe you have made a good decision. I love Think trains students' thinking skill and problem solving skill. For me, it is more important than learning a lot of vocab. and writing.

My daughter will go to Think Mei Foo in August.
At first i also feel worried if it is the right choice or not while we need to travel everyday. we gave up the best kindergarten in our area and chose Think at last.

Today we just went to the first parents' day and the feeling was good. :)

原文章由 longmami 於 08-6-28 12:52 發表
Thank you, cpcog.
My son studying N1 in a estate school for whole day, but he always get sick and seems very hungery when back to home. The teachers  and 'sum sum' in the school are very nice but the  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-31 16:13 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 cpcog 的文章

Hi all,

我都諗住幫仔仔報讀MOS Think Int'l (Nursery Class)直升至K3, 我buy活動教學, 有無係該校讀過/讀緊既mama可以分享多d, 我都唔知呢間學校好唔好,  不過就好近屋企 .


Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-1 15:10 |只看該作者
原文章由 longmami 於 08-6-27 16:39 發表
I just paid the school fee for 2008/9 upper nursery class (am halfday), but I see many bad comment on BK about MOS Think. I was so worry about that. What should I do? Anyone's kid studying in this sch ...

You may study the UN class at Think (MOS) but you needto seek for another kindergarten for your kid to study K2 as well is Think still not change to Eng/Pho on 2009/2010.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-1 16:30 |只看該作者

再講聽聞一些舊家長講LK(K2)是位又老又惡又不喜歡小孩的中文老師任教,他不會教小孩拿筆姿勢,功課簿可寫字或油圖畫,在12月和6月時,綵排表演多過教書,小朋友彼倦也照綵排,經常鬧小朋友死蠢,學極都唔識,都唔知你呀媽點教. 所以在Thinkk2要想清楚

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-8 15:17 |只看該作者
我個小朋友都在MOS Think讀過,據我所知,D中文老師都好年輕,不過有個就年紀大D,但佢教LN(N1)的,是否有人誤會左呀?係唔係其他學校呀?

[ 本文章最後由 美女 於 08-8-8 15:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-12 17:55 |只看該作者
我的朋友仔仔讀過MOS Think, 所謂ge活動教學真係得啖笑. 與例,一次参觀惠康,老師叫家長自己帶位小朋友在内面行, 而老師係企在出口影相.

原文章由 mcbb88 於 08-7-31 16:13 發表
Hi all,

我都諗住幫仔仔報讀MOS Think Int'l (Nursery Class)直升至K3, 我buy活動教學, 有無係該校讀過/讀緊既mama可以分享多d, 我都唔知呢間學校好唔好,  不過就好近屋企 .

mcbb88 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-12 22:22 |只看該作者
原文章由 longmami 於 08-6-27 16:39 發表
I just paid the school fee for 2008/9 upper nursery class (am halfday), but I see many bad comment on BK about MOS Think. I was so worry about that. What should I do? Anyone's kid studying in this sch ...

longmami & mcbb88,

你哋唔好擔心, 我兩個小朋友都是在MOS Think由LN開始讀起, 大女上年已畢業, 今年 9 月更可在馬鞍山某小學成功轉校到沙田區小學(在第一城)升讀二年級, 我覺得是Think的老師有很大的功勞,小女無論中,英,數在小一上學期都已有好的成績(因在幼稚園已打好根基). 在 Think K2 及 K3時, 小女的中文科班主任是同一位老師任教,她對觀察小朋友的能力很強,無論是好的或壞的comment, 她對我小女的批評都與小一時的班主任相同. 所以我對  Think 的中文科老師很有信心及經驗很好. K3時要寫週記及做一些閱讀理解的功課架, 對將來升讀小一有很大的幫助.  英文科不用說太多, 因為在 Think讀過的家長都知道英文已足夠在小一用.

另我細仔9月會升上UNB(K1), longmami 你小朋友升那班, 會不會是同班呢? 如你想知道你小朋友在校的學習及各方面情況, 到時可致電你的班主任了解. 總括我小女在Think 的4年, 她都覺得很開心, 所以我亦無為她選錯學校.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-8-12 22:30 |只看該作者
I know it is really hard to make a decision of which kindergarten we should send our kids.
Perhaps we should trust our own decision.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-8-14 13:08 |只看該作者
Hi Longmami,
唔明你點解咁担心, 在MOS幼稚園中, 如果你想要你嘅小朋友英文好嘅, 只有"boxhill" 及 "think" 我比較喜歡think 因有中文/英文又好,活動教學, boxhill 中文少!
我仔女都在think 讀, 仔9月K3, 有些家長說K2的老師又惡又老, 我並不同意, 唔通老就唔可以教幼稚園?? 况且K2老師並是怎樣老, 又剛取得大學幼兒資格, 活動教學是國際學校基本理念, 要小朋友思考才是正確做法, 小小大聲就叫惡, 我想不如將小朋友包住在家好了!
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