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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 IB....考試 ??
樓主: 木土土

IB....考試 ?? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-6-11 06:55 |只看該作者
原文章由 木土土 於 08-6-10 23:15 發表
I don't know how much you know about my kid's school. But it seems not related to this topic, what's the point of quoting this   ? It makes me feel that if I talk further more about IS which  ...

I just want to say that, I posted message about local schools or your kid's school based on experience and facts and I welcome your challenges if you disagree. So just like to know how you arrive at your statement about IS, from your experience? hearsay? Based on some actual data?  Or what?

IS is definitely not comparable with top elite schools on many aspects, particularly top elite schools DGS, DBS, SPCC really select top band 1 students.

And, you said that MOST parents send the kids to IS expecting them to .... and enter top US Us...   I would say, from IS parents I know, it is not quite true.  Is that your expectation ?

Many parents in IS are holding foreign passports, returnees or expatriates from other countries, they send kids to IS to have all-rounded education and likely study further overseas (may be in their home countries) in future.  Studying in top Us or not all depends on the kids' capabilities and interests.  There are many many good Us other the few TOP Us (if you refer to Oxbridge, Harvard).

If you expect to send the kid to an IS for entering top Us, then Li Po Chung will be the one for those very top local students to study F.6 and 7.  Usually they get in with scholarship.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 08-6-11 08:15 編輯 ]

發表於 08-6-11 09:52 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-6-11 09:55 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-11 10:19 |只看該作者
True.  Sending their kids to US universities is only an option that IS parents would consider.  Quite a number of parents I know prefer universities in UK, Canada or Australia.  Very few would consider local universities though.

原文章由 wisekid2007 於 08-6-11 09:55 發表
Please note that except in HKIS or some other US curriculum IS, in fact not many parents like to send their kids to US universities.

發表於 08-6-11 10:24 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-11 13:58 |只看該作者
One of Britain's leading universities is to introduce an entrance exam for all students applying to study there from 2010 because it believes that A levels no longer provide it with a viable way to select the best students.
Sir Richard Sykes, Rector of Imperial College, London, suggested that grade inflation at A level meant that so many students now got straight As that it had become almost “worthless” as a way of discriminating between the talented and the well drilled.
Last year one in four A-level marks was a grade A and 10 per cent of A-level students achieved at least three As.

Lower grades (below C) stand for no chance to get into univeristy.

原文章由 wisekid2007 於 08-6-11 10:24 發表
Your interpretation on the information as well as the data were totally wrong.

1 Unlike the past o-level system, the passing grade for GCSE is not grade C (see the information below).

2. Only if a  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-11 18:37 |只看該作者
原文章由 木土土 於 08-6-10 22:16 發表
Just for the last criteria, I think it is common sense that not really high percentage of students (even IS) can enter  top US university. If you disagree, it will be better if you can give some nos. for discussion.  Thanks.

其實,你個 point 係乜?
就算真係好多 IS 學生唔去美國讀書,又代表乜野?

當然,harvard princeton 都係好多人夢寐以求的學府,但其實有好多在某個範疇好知名的學府,都唔係在美國的。
例如 oxford,cambridge,waterloo,mcgill,都係世界知名的學府,還未計例如澳洲,法國,德國,甚至台灣新加坡。

唔好忘記國際學校有好多係外籍人士,佢地黎香港住,係因為父母的工作或生意在香港,有 d 可能會在香港住上一段較長時間,但亦有些只是 "過客",只會留香港三幾年,佢地返自己本國讀大學,學費和社會福利 ( 如醫療 ) 有補貼,這一點會係好多家庭的 considerations。

說實話,即使係頂尖名校內那些千挑萬選出來的學生,也不見得都能入讀 top universities。

其實,本地學校和國際學校都有自己的一些 "捧場客",每個家長都有各自的要求,現在百花齊放,不是很好嗎?

真的有需要拼個你死我活,作一個 "了斷" 嗎?

[ 本文章最後由 almom 於 08-6-11 18:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-11 20:34 |只看該作者

回覆 #2 matthewdad 的文章

never mind, most IS are not using A'level.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-11 21:38 |只看該作者
ESF is the majority in HK and all doing A level..

原文章由 mattsmum 於 08-6-11 20:34 發表
never mind, most IS are not using A'level.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-11 21:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 matthewdad 於 08-6-11 21:38 發表
ESF is the majority in HK and all doing A level..

All ESF secondary schools have changed or will change to IBD next year.  you can see all of them as IB authorised schools on ibo website.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 08-6-11 21:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-11 21:55 |只看該作者
原文章由 almom 於 08-6-11 18:37 發表

其實,你個 point 係乜?
就算真係好多 IS 學生唔去美國讀書,又代表乜野?

如你所說, harvard princeton都係好多人夢寐以求的學府, 個人覺得國際學校top tier學生有能力的都會選擇去美國一流學府, 完全無意思話唔去美國讀大學有問題.

原文章由 almom 於 08-6-11 18:37 發表

其實,本地學校和國際學校都有自己的一些 "捧場客",每個家長都有各自的要求,現在百花齊放,不是很好嗎?
真的有需要拼個你死我活,作一個 "了斷" 嗎?

我根本從無比較本地學校和國際學校, 只是個別國際學校家長容不下一個本地學校家長唔arm 聽的言論

WYmon 話 "
how do you know if  "not really a high percentage of IS students (same as elite local schools) belong to this top tier"??

唔係國際學校家長就無資格對國際學校有任何評論和意見?? 我已經講咗我係用common sense
去講個人意見 (refer to the 'Not reallly high percentage...'), 就好似你話非洲好熱, d非洲人challenge你話你唔係非洲人你點知, 根本就唔係理性討論.

[ 本文章最後由 木土土 於 08-6-11 22:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-11 22:25 |只看該作者
i had been following the topic on IB for two three years, I don't have kids in ESF, but I know for some reasons, they are changing gradually to IB, but not myp or pyp.

原文章由 matthewdad 於 08-6-11 21:38 發表
ESF is the majority in HK and all doing A level..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-12 06:43 |只看該作者
原文章由 mattsmum 於 08-6-11 22:25 發表
i had been following the topic on IB for two three years, I don't have kids in ESF, but I know for some reasons, they are changing gradually to IB, but not myp or pyp.


ESF primary schools are also changing to PYP gradually this year, will not change to MYP in middle years,  but changed to IBD in senior years.


I am not 容不下 your "opinion" of "Most parents sending the kids to IS thought that theirs kids can have learning with fun, good in academic and music and/or sport and of course - be able to enter top US university.", but simply do not agree.  It just reflected that you don't understand IS parents and students.  I and many other parents have explained the rationale clearly.  It is not something so simple or factual like weather in Africa.

Many people have a lot of misunderstandings on IS, as we can always see people saying, "IS discipline is loose, Chinese and Maths are easy, people send kids there to target at top Us etc.", no matter how many times we have explained, people keep on saying the same thing. And now, one more new misunderstanding:  IB is just another international exam!

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 08-6-12 08:40 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-12 07:36 |只看該作者
如你所說, harvard princeton都係好多人夢寐以求的學府, 我個人覺得國際學校既top tier學生有能力的都會選擇去美國一流學府, 完全無意思話唔去美國讀大學有問題.

你唔好將我的 message,interpret 成你主觀想要的。
我係話 "好多人" ,但 "好多" 唔係大部份。
"有能力都唔一定要去美國 ",就係我個 point。

點解要將 "有能力" ( 無論係經濟上,學業上,事業上,等) 都 stereotype ?
有錢梗係要買 mercedes;
有錢梗係要買隻 "勞" ;
叻仔就去 harvard 讀 business 啦。
你架車係 toyota,你隻錶係 seiko,你係 xxx 大學,重係讀美術,一定係 "冇能力" 。

有冇諗過,有 d 家長唔想孩子去美國讀書呢?
有冇諗過,有 d 孩子自己唔想去美國呢?
有冇諗過,有 d 範疇的 "勁" 學校不在美國呢?
其實 harvard 和 princeton 都唔係萬能,例如如果係想返英國或加拿大做律師或醫生,係唔係去返本國讀更方便將來考專業資格呢。

我根本從無比較本地學校和國際學校, 只是個別國際學校家長容不下一個本地學校家長唔arm 聽的言論


唔係國際學校家長就無資格對國際學校有任何評論和意見?? 我已經講咗我係用common sense 去講個人意見 (refer to the 'Not reallly high percentage...'), 就好似你話非洲好熱, d非洲人challenge你話你唔係非洲人你點知, 根本就唔係理性討論.

但係你個 message 好多都唔係講 "意見",係討論 "事實"。
你話 "國際學校既top tier學生有能力的都會選擇去美國" 就已經冇可能係事實。

調轉頭,不如你又講下本地學校入大學有幾 "成功"。
整體入大學律有幾高?有幾多入到 harvard princeton?

[ 本文章最後由 almom 於 08-6-12 07:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-12 15:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 almom 於 08-6-12 07:36 發表

你話 "國際學校既top tier學生有能力的都會選擇去美國" 就已經冇可能係事實。...

斷章取義! 我係話我個人覺得"國際學校既top tier學生有能力的都會選擇美國一流學府",  The main words are”一流學府”, 而唔係美國. 

仲有,呢d係意見(已經一早highlight個人覺得),你覺得唔係唔代表冇可能係事實,我講緊係有'有能力去選擇', 就算local school學生考到美國一流學府, 有能力都會去啦,我意思都係正常情況下,咁當然有例外架啦!不如你問吓你地dfriends(both local and IS parents), 如果子女考到美國一流學府,財力無問題既有幾多人選唔去!
原文章由 almom 於 08-6-12 07:36 發表
調轉頭,不如你又講下本地學校入大學有幾 "成功"。
有幾多入到 harvard princeton?


Sorry,我無興趣作比較,可能我表達能力有問題, 唔明點解覺得我踩緊國際學校, 我緊係知道考到外國好大學既IS Students 既%高過locaL sutdents 啦,我從來無話過local students/school better than IS students/school,考到外國一流大學既local students當然更寥寥可數,so what ?

[ 本文章最後由 木土土 於 08-6-12 20:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-12 20:30 |只看該作者

斷章取義! 我係話我個人覺得"國際學校既top tier學生有能力的都會選擇美國一流學府",  The main words are”一流學府”, 而唔係美國. 

仲有,呢d係意見(已經一早highlight個人覺得),你覺得唔係唔代表冇可能係事實,我講緊係有'有能力去選擇', 就算local school學生考到美國一流學府, 有能力都會去啦,我意思都係正常情況下,咁當然有例外架啦!不如你問吓你地dfriends(both local and IS parents), 如果子女考到美國一流學府,財力無問題既有幾多人選舉唔去!

我絕對唔認同 "國際學校既top tier學生有能力的都會選擇去美國一流學府"。
可能你覺得美國的一流學府就係你個人首選,但係我有好多朋友,到今時今日都係中意英國的 undergrad program,尤其有 d 細細個在初中時期就到英國讀書的,會幾堅持為孩子選英國的大學讀 undergrad program。

Sorry,我無興趣作比較,可能我表達能力有問題, 唔明點解覺得我踩緊國際學校, 我緊係知道考到外國好大學既IS Students 既%高過locaL sutdents 啦,我從來無話過local students/school better than IS students/school,考到外國一流大學既local students當然更寥寥可數,so what ?


你表達能力冇問題,不過係你個 logic 有問題。
你當大部份國際學校家長同你有同樣的諗法,就已經唔 logical。


[ 本文章最後由 almom 於 08-6-12 20:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-12 21:02 |只看該作者
我絕對接受他人唔認同我的想法! 我always都係話"我覺得.. 我認為..', 人人都可以表達自己的想法!

原文章由 almom 於 08-6-12 20:30 發表

我絕對唔認同 "國際學校既top tier學生有能力的都會選擇去美國一流學府"。
可能你覺得美國的一流學府就係你個人首選,但係我有好多朋友,到今時今 ...

[ 本文章最後由 木土土 於 08-6-12 21:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-12 22:05 |只看該作者
我明明話咗main  word唔係'美國', 而係'一流學府', 真係, 唉...........................................

原文章由 almom 於 08-6-12 20:30 發表
..你中意美國 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-14 21:55 |只看該作者
原文章由 木土土 於 08-6-12 22:05 發表
我明明話咗main  word唔係'美國', 而係'一流學府', 真係, 唉...........................................

你自己中意 "美國一流學府" ,亦大把人中意英國法國德國甚至中國的 "一流學府"。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-16 15:04 |只看該作者
The mentioned student actually doesn't understand the essence of IB and see it as just another exam.. Of course it is an exam. but it does has an objective to "push" the student to realise a boarden knowledge especially towards the social science context. The importance is not the mark itself but rather the process of acquiring and respecting the knowledge/information.
Let's take an example, recently my daughter said she is interested in Fashion design, my reply is before you go for it, you need to at least know the European, Japanese and Chinese culture. Before you get those information, you need to realise their language and habit first. Can you imagine how a local exam. driven student could have the share time to do so? it is no marks or cert. reward and could their parent allow them to do so? The meaning of IB exam. is just a tools to boarden their eyesight by studying what they interested in and giving some "reward". Please don't argue IB has it's scope, it just guarantee the student not go too far from comparsion.
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