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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 陳守仁 (TSL) vs 聖瑪加利 (St. Margaret’s)
樓主: gordon

陳守仁 (TSL) vs 聖瑪加利 (St. Margaret’s) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-22 23:49 |只看該作者
TSL 都係雙班主任! 現時 P.1 是 30/32 人一班

原文章由 HKQQbaby 於 07-10-20 20:44 硐表
兩間學校各有所長 且一分錢一分貨
TSL 學費便 因師生比例較SM高 (35人/班,1班1個班主任, 全校只有幾個net)
SM 學費貴1倍,因初小, 中英數2班80人分3group上堂, 27人/group,每班雙班主任, 共有12個net, 且1/4外籍學生. ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-23 00:02 |只看該作者
TSL with students from other countries 是其一大賣點 (相信CYC or ST. M 都唔多).

學生自小在多元化環境學習, 與不同國籍小朋友相處, 得定會比失多! At least 學會不歧視少數族裔人士(例如說那些孩子沒有教養).

Although TSL use traditional syllabus (i.e. sane acedamic standard as local school), unlike most traditional school, mstudent with good or bad acedamic result are very happy for their school life. Teachers will not discriminate those students with result not good.

Another point, 仲有free法文/日文學, 咁既學費, 超值!

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-18 13:07 硐表
Sorry for making some parents feel worry abt my comment on TSL.

As told by my friend that her daugther got a place there around 3 years ago.  As at that moment, some students from other countries, li ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 11:58 |只看該作者

ST. M 都有好多外籍學生, 一班有4/5個;TSL 一班6/7個(朋友個女果班), ST. M topic有個媽咪個小朋友係mix, 爸爸係英/美國人, 識講中文. CKY多唔多外籍學生就唔知啦!

原文章由 木土土 於 07-10-23 00:02 硐表
TSL with students from other countries 是其一大賣點 (相信CYC or ST. M 都唔多).

學生自小在多元化環境學習, 與不同國籍小朋友相處, 得定會比失多! At least 學會不歧視少數族裔人士(例如說那些孩子沒有教養).


[ 本文章最後由 catcatmom 於 07-10-23 13:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 12:23 |只看該作者
TSL 同 st. margaret's係好似, that's why I post this topic here. 但唔知掂解, 人人都prefer TSL more than St. Margaret's. 因為 po leung kuk個名?

St. Margaret's 一直都係我心儀既學校. For TSL, 上星期五, 我地去咗interview, 我同老公都唔鍾意間學校, 盡管我老公同叔仔係該校前身既畢業生, 亦都有相識既有力人士, 但校內老師講英文既quality 就真係 (The above is just my opinion after the school interview).

原文章由 木土土 於 07-10-23 00:02 硐表
TSL with students from other countries 是其一大賣點 (相信CYC or ST. M 都唔多).

學生自小在多元化環境學習, 與不同國籍小朋友相處, 得定會比失多! At least 學會不歧視少數族裔人士(例如說那些孩子沒有教養).


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 12:45 |只看該作者
原文章由 catcatmom 於 07-10-23 11:58 硐表

ST. M 都有好多籍學生, 一班有4/5個;TSL 一班6/7個(朋友個女果班), ST. M topic有個媽咪個小朋友係mix, 爸爸係英/美國人, 識講中文. CKY多唔多外籍學生就唔知啦!



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-23 15:42 |只看該作者
原文章由 gordon 於 07-10-23 12:23 硐表
TSL 同 st. margaret's係好似, that's why I post this topic here. 但唔知掂解, 人人都prefer TSL more than St. Margaret's. 因為 po leung kuk個名?

St. Margaret's 一直都係我心儀既學校. For TSL, 上星期五,  ...

I prefer TSL to SM not because of PLK, but just do not have confidence in SM.:-|

Could you please share any comment on the spoken English of the TSL teachers ?

[ 本文章最後由 Cartier 於 07-10-23 15:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 15:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 Cartier 於 07-10-23 15:42 硐表

I prefer TSL to SM not because of PLK, but just do not have confidence in SM.:-|

I wonder if some parents of upper primaries (P.4 to 6) can give some advice about SM as the school will switch to traditional teaching and large size class after P.3.  Do the students like reading a lot?  Do they have a lot of homework?  Do they need to take English public exam such as Cambridge?  Are there many students need to repeat in P.5?  As I have experienced, P.1 to 3 can be quite relax, but pressure and challenges increase more and more from P.4 to 6.


[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-10-23 16:02 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 16:25 |只看該作者
原文章由 G-Ma 於 07-10-18 11:04 硐表
st. margaret's 既校舍同隔離英華比就一定細架啦, 英華一級5班, 35-40人一班, 剛是小學已經有1000到1200人, 仲未計中學, 梗係要大d啦.  st. margaret's 小學每級只係得80個學生, 小學生總數都只係500人以下,  而且中 ...

現在英華每班最多只得32/33人一班, 所以並不是你所講的這麼多人!

轉直資後, 只收30人一班, 佢地唔會多收人數, 因為想小班教學!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 16:51 |只看該作者

ST.M & TSL 兩間都係傳統, 不過採取活d教學方式, 比起一般津貼小學, 小朋友會有多d機會發言. 每次見陳守仁既爸爸,佢都話亞女間學校係傳統小學,(但佢都好鍾意間學校).

我想:培僑,浸小,大港同學會,臻美......(佢地學國際學校模式辦學, 雖然無左ib. ) 朋友囝囝(p4/5)讀大港同學會,有好多時間睇書, 每日無mud功課.

原文章由 WYmom 於 07-10-23 15:53 硐表

I wonder if some parents of upper primaries (P.4 to 6) can give some advice about SM as the school will switch to traditional teaching and large size class after P.3.  Do the students like reading a ...

[ 本文章最後由 catcatmom 於 07-10-23 17:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 17:09 |只看該作者
原文章由 catcatmom 於 07-10-23 16:51 硐表

ST.M & TSL 兩間都係傳統, 不過採取活d教學方式, 比起一般津貼小學, 小朋友會有多d機會發言. 每次見陳守仁既爸爸,佢都話亞女間學校係傳統小學,(但佢都好鍾意間學校).

假設你係搵少功課,少壓力,多d時間睇書 ...


Do you know any kid studying in SM for a few years?  I seldom hear advice from upper primary SM parents, and the school also only focus to talk about P.1 to 3, and then their secondary students are ...

That's why TSL appears to be better.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 17:35 |只看該作者

無呀! 一個都唔識! 唔好話高年班, 低年班都唔識! St M. d 家長全部係web上兜答番來, 我似e+我同你o甘!我識你WYMOM,你識我係catcatmom .

你小朋友讀TSL或者港大同學會, 我幫你8多吓, 都得!

原文章由 WYmom 於 07-10-23 17:09 硐表


Do you know any kid studying in SM for a few years?  I seldom hear advice from upper primary SM parents, and the school also only focus to talk about P.1 to 3, and then their secondary s ...

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-23 18:22 |只看該作者

我本身也是偏向鍾意sm 多d, 佢地辦學理念提到會去培養學生學習既興趣, 而且佢地既師生比例也比較理想, 這都是我喜愛的.

請問呢到有冇家長識得一d 朋友或親戚既子女正在o係sm 到讀緊小學架呢? 可以大家一齊分享下嗎? 佢地o係學校學習得愉快嗎? 我最關心既學校師生關係好嗎? 因為佢地真真正正感受到學校既情況如何, 我要既係真實野, 如果有既, 可以分享一下俾大家嗎?!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 18:26 |只看該作者
原文章由 catcatmom 於 07-10-23 17:35 硐表

無呀! 一個都唔識! 唔好話高年班, 低年班都唔識! St M. d 家長全部係web上兜答番來, 我似e+我同你o甘!我識你WYMOM,你識我係catcatmom .

你小朋友讀TSL或者港大同學會, 我幫你8多吓, 都得!


Thanks a lot.  For TSL, I have a few friends with kids studying there in different levels from P.1 uptil P.6, all of them like the school.  For HKUGA, I won't consider as it is too far.

I know you like SM very much,  just feel that it is better to get more info. about upper primaries and secondary as it is not easy to change school.

I won't think that traditional approach cannot develop kids' interest in reading, all depends on how the school teaches.  Even DGS is very traditional, but their students always carry a book with them to read.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 18:48 |只看該作者
1 or 2 from BK. Feedbacks are positive. Feel lucky to study in school. Great improvement in English...

Go to St. Margaret's school's topic, you can ask them for more infos. Before I confirmed this school, I have contacted one of the mommy in BK for almost half year.  Her daughter is studying in P2 now. She is very kind and helpful.

hv u paid the registration fee yet?


原文章由 badongo12300321 於 07-10-23 18:22 硐表

我本身也是偏向鍾意sm 多d, 佢地辦學理念提到會去培養學生學習既興趣, 而且佢地既師生比例也比較理想, 這都是我喜愛的.

請問呢到有冇家長識得一d 朋友或親戚既子女正在o係sm 到讀緊小學架呢? 可以大家一 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-24 11:13 |只看該作者

當你個小朋友入左傳統小學之後,(p3打後)你便知道有幾多時間讀課外書,如果鐘意閱讀既小朋友,今本就好唔夠時間! 唔鍾意閱讀既小朋友, 做完功課都訓教啦!(有 d 9:30就訓)  好多學校都規定同學帶書返學. DGS係做就一個好好既讀書環境, 但好睇小朋友本身&家庭有幾多支援,我識個畢業DGS既女仔,英文好一般!英文都credit 唔到,真係唔出奇喎!good hope 英文都超勁,睇番佢既website,英文會考一半人o羅A-C!      

原文章由 WYmom 於 07-10-23 18:26 硐表

Thanks a lot.  For TSL, I have a few friends with kids studying there in different levels from P.1 uptil P.6, all of them like the school.  For HKUGA, I won't consider as it is too far.

I know you  ...

[ 本文章最後由 catcatmom 於 07-10-24 11:21 編輯 ]
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