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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 大家對直資及私校的睇法係點呢?
樓主: 小兒兒

大家對直資及私校的睇法係點呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-10 11:25 |只看該作者
原文章由 小兒兒 於 07-10-4 14:08 硐表

唔通臭坑一定世代要出臭草嗎? 請不要界定怎樣的父母出怎麼樣的孩子, 孩子是無辜的, 也可有活出彩虹的機會. 聖經也提及: 無病的人不用看醫生, 有病的人才要看醫生呢!
電視精, 家長大聲講電話, 粗言穢語等都唔可以la ...

小朋友年紀細, 同輩影響好緊要, 我都相信的確有出淤泥而不染的人, 但有幾人能做到.  我自問自己都會受別人影響的, 如果個個朋友去玩, 自己去讀書, 真係覺得好唔自在. 相反, 個個努力, 自己不其然都加把勁. 當然唔出名的學校都可以出有才能的學生啦!
有些學校揀學生並不是揀所謂叻的學生, 而係揀理念和學校相同的學生, 就像人總會有些傾得埋的朋友, 你會比較喜歡和傾得埋的人做朋友, 所以你可以選擇自己喜歡的人做朋友. 始終一所學校學位有限, 資源有限, 當然唔可能什麼人都入讀, 自然要揀過, 無被揀中並不代表label左個學生.

我個人就唔想自己的小朋友入讀電視精的學校. 但如果真係入左, 我咪盡力教導我的小朋友唔好變電視精囉!

[ 本文章最後由 Venuscheng 於 07-10-10 11:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-10 11:32 |只看該作者
原文章由 G-Ma 於 07-10-4 16:03 硐表
我並不認同讀一般學校的就更一般, 讀書是看個人的, 學校固然重要, 但家庭教育亦同樣重要.  14歲9A狀元都是讀普通學校, 靠父母鼓勵而成才.  所以不要介懷自己小朋友讀什麼學校, 不要說到好像入了官津校就判死刑一樣,  要知道父母的輔助才是最重要,  讀什麼學校都可以有活出彩虹的機會.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-10 15:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 Venuscheng 於 07-10-10 11:25 硐表

小朋友年紀細, 同輩影響好緊要, 我都相信的確有出淤泥而不染的人, 但有幾人能做到.  我自問自己都會受別人影響的, 如果個個朋友去玩, 自己去讀書, 真係覺得好唔自在. 相反, 個個努力, 自己不其然都加把勁. 當然唔 ...

Yeah! 對呀, 你說的就是我所說的分化了吧!
物以類聚, 所以先有brand 1-5的學校.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-10 18:44 |只看該作者
If I get it correctly, the existing P1 allocation system is meant to encourage studying within the neighbourhood and to even out the schools - that is to minimise the labelling effect or elitism that has long been prevalent in HK.  Please also note the cutting down of the five-band system to three-band.  This new and 'just' education philosophy may be to someone's liking and can definitely find a following here - from what I note from this thread.

However, some parents find it 'unfair' - especially to their little angels or gifted children; and some teachers find it 'difficult' to teach a group of pupils of a wide range of learning aptitude and talents; and some schools also find it 'tough' to work with parents with totally different education philosophy.

I guess that's where DSSs come in and their growing popularity alongside some private schools.

Schools that turned from aided to DSS do not put their faith in the new system (aka education reform) and opt for another way to run their schools.  They treasure greater flexibility in resources allocation and language of instruction, etc (meaning they don't want to follow the govt system except for the 'subsidy' they still value).

The new DSSs or private schools (most of them are not-for-profit) are meant to provide an alternative to parents who don't trust the allocation system and - not less important, share the same beliefs in the approach to education.  This is especially so for those private schools who opt not to follow the HK ed system (parents be mindful of these schools as it means a totally different path from primary to secondary schooling).

Just my five cents' worth.
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