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BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-7 22:50 |只看該作者

BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?


我考慮下一個月會給bb入幼兒園, 但bb近日常不午睡, 但6-7pm會mad, 今天更沒有食晚餐(第四餐)7pm多就sleep. 之前那幾天就9pm sleep 到8am. 幼兒園上課時間是8am-8:45am, 12:30左右要午睡, 如果到時bb不午睡, 點算好? 問個學校, 學校會盡量給bb午睡, 但覺得學校始終answer不到我的疑問. 如果到時仍然不午睡, 什辦呢?

究竟我bb應返上午班/下午班還是全日呢? 我bb是否不適合讀幼兒班(近屋企只有全日)呢?有mami的bb有類似的情況分享下及教下我如何做呢? 你地的bb讀那一個時間?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-8 22:01 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?



返學和唔返學的情況可能會有不同,2 歲小孩返完3個小時學,多數需要小睡,如果你小朋友習慣早起,咁可能上午班會好些.

想反,如果小朋友可以連續睡 10 - 12 小時,你可以選下午班,



幼兒班和 K1 的知識其實係會重複的.

健康係大前題. 學習反而好容易跟上.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-9 09:13 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?

Thank you very much for your valuable and detail advice.  

I need go out to work and let 99 to take care of bb.  My reasons to send bb to nursery are that I want my bb learn independent (eg eat herself), learn "social", play and learn with other bb.  Also, my bb is 活潑好動 and often 爬上爬落 (it seems that she is full of energy; is boring with all her toys and nothing for her to play).  Going to school seems fit her needs.  I also afraid that 99 will "chung" BB and only know taking care of BB but not frequently play with bb and bring BB to playground to play.

I really don't know which day BB will afternoon sleep as she sometimes don't afternoon sleep recently.  As you said, only half-day school or playgroup may suit her much.  

I know one playgroup held by a kindergarten but I need to go there by van.  It's Mon-Fri 1:30-3:30 pm.  In this 1-2 hrs parent/99 don't know go to where and seems 辛苦.

Do you think it is much better that I send bb to half-day nursery or playgroup when 2 yrs old and then to full-day kindergarten (the kindergarten I like) when 3 to let bb to learn independent?

Thank you.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-9 09:59 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?

Dear connielam,

My baby is 15 months old now and his sleeping pattern is like your baby...... in the last few months, he wakes up at 6:00am, morning lap at 11:00am, then became very tired and sleep at about 7:00pm.....As I was a working mum and usually come home after 7:00pm, I applied pm pre-nursery class for him...... my plan is: we can play with him for a while before go to work, then he'll take the morning nap before go to school, take a nap again after school and can stay later at night after we come home.......

I consider going to school is a good training and explosure to BB..... if you have 99 to take care of BB, half day school should be better than full day.......
How old is your baby now?  My baby currently taking 2 playgroups during weekends and my plan is to let him to have playgroups on 3 weekdays when he's 18 months..... then will go to half day pre-nursery class when he reach 2.......

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-9 09:59 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?

Dear connielam,

My baby is 15 months old now and his sleeping pattern is like your baby...... in the last few months, he wakes up at 6:00am, morning lap at 11:00am, then became very tired and sleep at about 7:00pm.....As I was a working mum and usually come home after 7:00pm, I applied pm pre-nursery class for him...... my plan is: we can play with him for a while before go to work, then he'll take the morning nap before go to school, take a nap again after school and can stay later at night after we come home.......

I consider going to school is a good training and explosure to BB..... if you have 99 to take care of BB, half day school should be better than full day.......
How old is your baby now?  My baby currently taking 2 playgroups during weekends and my plan is to let him to have playgroups on 3 weekdays when he's 18 months..... then will go to half day pre-nursery class when he reach 2.......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-9 17:02 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?

Dear sandythepooh,

Thank you very much for your advice.

I will try to find out some good playgroup or let my bb to join 1/2 day nursery near my home when BB is 2 yrs old.  When she reaches 3, I will consider  send her to kindergarten with half day / full time depending on her sleeping habit at that time.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-9 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?

My baby is 21months today. He join the playgroup in the morning section at 8:30-10:30. In the past he wake up at around 7-7:30am then had a nap at 9:00am. After that he sleep at 14:00 and sleep at 21:00 at night. Now, he wake up at usual time. After milk he go to playgroup. After lunch he sleep for around 2-3 hrs till to sleep at night. The sleeping pattern can be trained. I believed that the morning section for the baby is better.     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-9 22:58 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?


check pm!
其次也相倣, 就是要愛人如己。 馬太22:39如果人人都愛人如己, 包括不同階級、不同國籍, 不同理念的人,事事為人設想, 咁尼個世界會唔會少左好多不必要既紛爭, 甚至戰爭呢...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-10 07:56 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?


I also pm to you too.  Please check pm.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-10 12:12 |只看該作者

Re: BB不午睡, 點算好? 應上上午班/下午班還是全日?

My BB seems more attentive in the morning and so I still stick with the morning playgroup. I think morning session is better unless your BB gets up late as I see one of my BB classmate is always late to the class!
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