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2014-P6家長會(新校長大改革),今年小六家長請進 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 14-8-26 18:50 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 wongpm 於 14-8-26 23:32 編輯

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發表於 14-8-26 19:08 |只看該作者


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發表於 14-8-26 19:22 |只看該作者

發表於 14-8-26 19:30 |只看該作者


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發表於 14-8-26 21:17 |只看該作者

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發表於 14-8-26 22:48 |只看該作者

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發表於 14-8-26 23:28 |只看該作者
若测驗也計分,即表示学生要經歷多幾次評分試,每次測驗都要好似上戰場一樣,增添更多壓力。過往評估不計分,可讓学生及家長作warm up,了解学生的弱项,加以改善,到考試時加強信心。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-8-27 07:54 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ononprincess 於 14-8-27 08:05 編輯

昨天的家長會實在令人失望, 新校長提出的 <急進大改革> 完全是一刀切, 沒有顧及到 P6學生、家長面對呈分的壓力,評分標準、考試模式話改就即改,試問學生、家長、甚至老師如何適應呢?!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-8-27 10:21 |只看該作者
回覆 ononprincess 的帖子

我小朋友今年升中一。升中派位表竟然只  show 派或考得好的英中名出來,其他派去中中或差的就唔講,當你透明,好唔尊重學生,擺明只要成績。我見有需要扣門的同學,學校没有什麼支援。你地要早點做凖備功夫。我由四年級已開始備戰,冇靚成績表真的沒選擇。每次考試都心驚膽跳,尤其呈分試。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-8-27 12:42 |只看該作者
HTBT 發表於 14-8-27 10:21
回覆 ononprincess 的帖子

我小朋友今年升中一。升中派位表竟然只  show 派或考得好的英中名出來,其他派 ...
升中派位表竟然只  show 派或考得好的英中名出來,其他派去中中或差的就唔講,當你透明,好唔尊重學生,擺明只要成績--- 呢點我都覺! 跟已往不同!  有點奇怪!

---  呢點就預咗了, 因已往都好似係咁!

Rank: 2

發表於 14-8-27 12:56 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 14-8-27 14:33 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 wongwm 於 14-8-27 15:51 編輯

A message from my friend

Hi Everyone,
Sorry I have to use English as it is my mother tongue. So if someone can translate that be great.
I am the guy who was wearing a yellow shirt and asked many questions in the P6 orientation on the 26 August 2014.

Here are a few things you don't know. And please think back to what I said/asked the new headmistress.

My very first question was 'Have you passed it through SMC?'

Any major change that affects the school, the image of the school a proposal must be submitted to SMC committee, along with statics such as a questionnaire.
Do you remember how she answered me?
She said she doesn't need to ask SMC and that SMC supports her. However she took too much time and made up lies as she answered this question.

I can tell you she didn't notify SMC and did not follow protocol. Also the questionnaire doesn't have an option *No Change* this invalidates the questionnaire and therefore cannot get presented to SMC.

I would also like to tell you, the headmistress had already made the staff at school, work and create the new system (worksheets/timetable etc) during summer holidays, so that the new system will commence on 1st of September. The headmistress didn't care about what parents say, the talks we went to was only informing us, not asking us. Therefore even when the questionnaire is given to us, the school has already started the new system.

I personally agree that changing the school to three test and three exams, may actually be better. My reason is this. Do you remember I asked the question of why only 69 students went to Raimondi College when it was promised 75 seats this year, and also in the past 3 years usually about 90 students from primary section goes to the secondary section. The headmistress failed to answer my question and gave a foolish response. She said 'Not all parents chose the secondary section'. She is lying, this year many P6/S1 students complained but didn't say too much because they were on interview and waiting list. They didn't want to lose their chance by complaining.

My point is, is it because primary section is now too weak compared to other schools? Is this why such a low number accepted to secondary section? Maybe this is why the school needs to change. If this is the reason then I support there must be a change but only for P1 to P5 students and is it the same changes as the headmistress is proposing now? These new changes need time to plan and careful thinking and not rushed like the headmistress is trying. Even if the new system must be passed this year at least P5 students have 6months to adjust but P6 do not have that time. The next exam results for EDB is this semester, students and parents don't know what to expect, or how do things work. The risk is too high. Also the marking scheme is a simple maths equation. At the end if P5 we already submitted our exam marks calculated by the old system, make this X. Now P6 have two more exam results calculated by new system, make this Y. Can you add X and Y together when they are different equations?

I also asked why can't we keep P6 on old system and everyone else on new system. She said it cannot be done. I mean if that is her answer, she really needs to resign. Even HKCEE had a final year. Any new system has a phasing out period of the old system. If she can't even handle so called two systems administratively, then I really question her ability.

The headmistress told us what her qualifications are but I would like to tell everyone she doesn't have PMP/PMI/Prince 2.In other words she hasn't got a high enough qualification to manage a company. You may say it is a school not a company or corporation. Then I ask this, does it have clients, does it have staff, does it have management, does it have accounting? It is a business, end of story.

In summary, the new headmistress is stubborn, incompetent, and frankly doesn't care about the P6 students, doesn't care about parents and most importantly doesn't care about her own staff.

There are certain things I cannot post on an open forum. Feel free to PM me here and I know you all have WhatsApp groups. I am open to join these groups.

What we can do. First we must find the supervisor of this school, whose rank is above the headmistress. However Mr. Lee Shung Tak is on holiday. After that we contact SMC to report this incident, we need PTA's help and also to propose a vote of confidence of the new headmistress.

I know I will vote *No Confidence*.
She lost her composure when I was asking questions. Yes I was hostile, but I only asked questions because I know she didn't follow protocol and didn't listen to anyone. I question her ability, she is someone who is not fit to be in a position of power.

My battery is dying so I don't even have time to prove read this. But must post before I lose this.

Teachers' Consultant

Rank: 1

發表於 14-8-27 16:30 |只看該作者
I don't like her as well. She made up too many excuses to support her plan.  She certainly planned to inform us but not to consulted us. To me, changing the full assessment system is major but she said that it is a small change.

From a P6 parent point of view, just leave P6.alone.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-8-27 17:13 |只看該作者

發表於 14-8-27 17:37 |只看該作者


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發表於 14-8-27 19:24 |只看該作者


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Rank: 2

發表於 14-8-27 19:46 |只看該作者
I fully support the view from the above the headmistress doesn't care parents, students and teachers ! She also totally ignore the value of RC which has been built up for many years ! Right, she is not capable of this position !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-8-27 19:52 |只看該作者
我最擔心小六学生不習惯這种考卷模式,或会在限時內未能完卷,或令整体grading下降。引致升不到高主教中学的学生因grading下降而未能考入較好的band 2 学校。出面中学好注重学業成绩。

Rank: 1

發表於 14-8-28 01:00 |只看該作者
I am not P.6 parent but of lower level, I do share the view above. She launches the new system without consulting PTA and parents, who used to be very supportive to school and contributing significantly to school. "Change" is good but need to be well planned and carefully implemented, yet she didn't hint us that she was well prepared. From her speeches, I don't think she understands the current school system and the strengths of students well. Her responses seems to be underestimating the efforts we and the students putting on assessments,
Not sure if she announced the passing mark changed from 50 to 60 in p6 orientation day. In our briefing session, she just teasingly responded a parent's question about the rationale of changing, she responded, "what's the current passing mark? 50/60? would you all think that's okay and good enough?". She just skipped to answer the rationale to change. There're a lot more that I want to say ... keep it short and one word "disappointed".

Rank: 1

發表於 14-8-28 08:13 |只看該作者
有冇高人可以寫封信,家長聯名,向學校,PTA ,校董會反映我地六年班家長的意見和對校長的不滿?
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