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樓主: bluigugub

Discovery Montessori School (Central) v. Woodland (Caine Road) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-25 17:47 |只看該作者
Chujai 發表於 12-3-25 07:11
Really? My son has problem with his temper and I feel so difficult to handle..so u mean they offer c ...
唔係, 我上循道衛理中心家長/幼兒情緒管理班, 那兩位老師都非常好, 因為都是專教親子班, 我之前上過康研林老師的教仔班, 都不及文SIR及Auntie Cherry好~ 你有興趣都可以報名!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-25 22:04 |只看該作者
我都覺唔係個個小朋友都啱Montessori.  我個仔返多多好過Woodland.  個女我仲觀察中。所以會繼續DMS. 就算你喜歡Montessori 都真係要睇吓小朋友fit 唔fit.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 12-3-26 01:25 |只看該作者
我想請教一下, 請問怎樣知道自己的小朋友是否適合 montessori 呢? 我的小朋友上了細仔班九個月, 停了五個月後, 升大仔班讀了三個月 (現在一星期兩天). 在讀細仔班時見到她的自理能力有很大進步. 她有頗強的秩序感. 現在讀大仔班, 除了普通話能力進步外, 我似乎還沒有觀察到有什麼方面有特別改變 (可能只是讀了短時間).

elmostoney, 你話 "如果諗住一星期返一兩日去MONTESSORI, 效果其實唔太大, 可能係屋企提供一D方法環境去保持". 想請問, 你是否指可以在家做一些像在教室的工作 settings? 因為我小朋友現在一星期只返兩天. 要返半天 K1, 我又想 keep 住 montessori... 但返五天 montessori, 小朋友也實在累.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-3-26 09:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-3-26 09:48 編輯

個人認為, 細仔班對所有小朋友都係好, 但去到大仔班, 特別大d時, 老師會要求小朋友做多d學術, 咁就會開始睇到唔係個個小朋友啱, 主要係, 有d小朋友其實唔係好主動學習 (我個女就係), 佢地返一d structured嘅environment, 即係所有同學都係同一時段做同一樣野 (雖然中間都有分 level),佢會比較願意學, 效果對佢更好, 所以雖然我個仔考左入IMS, 家姐理論上可跟住轉過去小學部, 起碼機會大d, 我都唔打算轉.  佢而家返緊呢間學校, 投入好多, 開心好多.

zj, 我個仔應該同你個小朋友同一間, 因為冇幾多間係pth教學.  其實返兩日情況如何, 好睇小朋友本身幾fit montessori. 如果佢鍾意返, 咁返兩三日都會好投入, 效果都可能ok, 我個女個陣時返5日, 佢普普通通, 結果就一樣係一般.  不過佢都反左兩年幾, 後來先轉返一星期三日, 而且由5日改3日時已4.5歲, 所以都幾穩定.  

我個仔一直都係返5日, 我聽admin講, 佢地同老闆開會, 大家都會noted, 返5日嘅小朋友明顯穩定性高好多, 再加上我個仔同montessori都 OK fit, 我感覺唔錯.  但係要睇到小朋友有物改善, 可能都因人而異.  我個仔之前轉過去某間標榜montessori學校讀左兩個幾月, 我發覺佢脾氣越來越差, 後來同其他家長傾, 我先知好多人都想走, 不過等緊IS面試完, 我當時覺得, 唔可以再留我個仔係到教非, 連 IS 面試都等唔設, 即刻返去舊校, 唔洗兩個月, 佢即刻正常化返, 返左3個月, 我開始睇到佢信心都提升左 (因為佢之前係細仔, 而家開始可以做大仔, 上堂幫其他小朋友, 可能都有係原因).  始終都係性格問題, 我冇物野問老師, vs 以前阿女, 老師比我由朝問到晚, 係平均每星期半小時起碼.  所以小朋友是否合適, 都要媽媽自己觀察.  

我諗都係1. 小朋友鍾意返  2. the child thrives in montessori 3.   as for going 2 days a week, your child needs to like montessori a lot to benefit.  Imagine, 學彈琴, 一星期只練兩日, 可唔可行?  冇話唔得, 不過進度肯定好慢. 人地學一星期, 可能一星期練兩日琴嘅小朋友要學幾星期, 除非佢好有興趣或好有talent.

我自己覺得係屋企教montessori教具太難啦, 如果媽媽唔係真係有training, 其實要做談何容易? 我只係指一d日常生活嘅野, 如我個仔要自己搣橙, 係完全要自己做, 佢想咪由佢, 要佢自己倒水比自己飲, 倒潟要佢抹地, 飯後要洗碗呢d, 自己收拾玩具咁.  多d帶佢去大自己感受下, etc.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-26 10:19 |只看該作者
回復 elmostoney 的帖子

Hi elmostoney, it seems that the school that you have put your son in is quite good.  Would you please pm me the school name.  Many thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 12-3-27 01:02 |只看該作者
elmostoney, 謝謝你的回覆.

我個女的性格都算主動, 都鍾意返 montessori class. 不過, 上堂就一時時專心啦. 有時係教室行來行去, 有時又話比我知佢果日做左好多工作. 不過, 我見/ 聽佢做來做去都係貼工, 剪野, 倒水, 切香蕉, 揸橙汁.    數棒, pink tower 都有做過下, 不過可能冇興趣... 我好鍾意 montessori 的數學教育. 希望佢升 year 1 之前有興趣/學到多 d  數學 concept. (因為升 year 1 返 full day 就冇得讀 montessori 了)

我會暑假幫佢轉返讀三 or 五日, 希望佢可以穩定同專心d.

many thanks ^_^

Rank: 4

發表於 12-3-28 14:53 |只看該作者
Hi all, just wonder if any of you would join the new class organized by DMS (Central) from May?   I just received their confirmation that my boy has been given a place in their Tues/Thurs new morning class.  

Wanna see if any of you will be classmates.    Cheer!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-28 16:06 |只看該作者


原帖由 bluigugub 於 12-03-28 發表
Hi all, just wonder if any of you would join the new class organized by DMS (Central) from May?   I  ...
I am struggling whether I should join this class or the one at Causeway bay as that is closer to my place

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-30 00:39 |只看該作者
回復 Chujai 的帖子

the campus in CWB is very small, go to the central one and have a look. very spacious!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-30 15:02 |只看該作者

引用:回復+Chujai+的帖子 the+campus+in+CWB+is

原帖由 bloglo110 於 12-03-30 發表
回復 Chujai 的帖子

the campus in CWB is very small, go to the central one and have a look. very spa ...
Ya I visited their central campus many times and I like that much. It is just the location farther away from my living place :;pppp:

發表於 12-3-30 16:31 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-30 16:58 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 chansiub 於 12-3-30 17:00 編輯

回復 awah112 的帖子

I understand that Montessori way of teaching may be good for autism and ADHD kids only to a certain extent.  If these kids demonstrate a trait that he/she is not comfortable to work very closely with others.  Montessori school is a good starting point for them as this kind of teaching focuses more on individual.  So again, it is a kind of teaching method that fits the kid instead of changing a kid.  I am sorry that I am a bit vague on "kids that are running around".  Probably, I should say that if your kid like group activities more, he/she may not like Montessori.  Amy Lansky in her book "Impossible Cure" stated why she put his son with autism in Montessori school and why she changed him to another school when his son became more sociable.        

發表於 12-3-30 17:38 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-31 02:27 |只看該作者
Chujai 發表於 12-3-30 15:02
Ya I visited their central campus many times and I like that much. It is just the location farther a ...
Chujai: Are you FTM?? I used to ask my maid to send my son to take the playgroup 3 times a week.  Now I asked her to take my son to the pre-nursery daily.   That's why distance is not the most important concern to me but the school should be close to MTR station .  I'm living in Kowloon and much farther than you.

If your son is young and study at the playgroup between 1.5 to 2.5 years old, I highly recommend you taking Miss Eliza's playgroup.  Miss Asher is also a very good teacher.  They are both the teachers at DMS.

However, I heard that the new teacher to replace Miss Eliza at LM is quite boring......I dunno much about her.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-31 02:35 |只看該作者
LPN 發表於 12-3-24 23:55
回應一下,我個小朋友二月開始由 Tutor Time 轉去 DMS,我完全強烈地感受到兩間學校既差別,之前佢返TT,日 ...
完全認同!!! 個個家長都喜歡自己個小朋友學到知識及品德, 唔係點解要送小朋友去學校讀書呢?? 不如留番係屋企仲好! 而且坊間太多playgroup都係好hea, 可能真係以為係'play'group......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-31 16:27 |只看該作者


原帖由 咪臣 於 12-03-31 發表
Chujai: Are you FTM?? I used to ask my maid to send my son to take the playgroup 3 times a week.  No ...
Yes I am a FTM. I have a maid but I am just pregxxxt. So that is why I am afraid to distance will be a problem for me. Currently he is having a kindermusik class a coda plaza and I feel a bit difficult to bring him all the way to mid level for the class. Although I like DMS a lot my husband still feel proximity is a priority...if the teachers at LM are also as good as those at DMS:;pppp: sigh...so that is why I am so worried and helpless

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