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教育王國 討論區 根德園幼稚園 請問各家長點解選擇根德園幼稚園?
樓主: 丁麵

請問各家長點解選擇根德園幼稚園? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-29 17:50 |只看該作者
thanks chunyatmama a lot for your reply. what i worry is whether KV is a type of school which focuses a lot on INSTRUCTIONS. To me, to train a student/ a kid to be a "good kid" is not to give them boundaries/ constraints/ instructions. On the other hand, teaching them to respect people is what I want a school to do. I honestly know it's very hard to find a school which adopts this teaching approach, but I am just trying to avoid sending my kid to a school which adopts a TOTALLY different appraoch from the one I apprecaite.

To cite myself as an example, I have been being a very obedient person due to the partening and schooling I have received, but i can hardly consider myself as a successful person as i lack confidence and creativitiy, so that's why i am struggling whether to send my kid to kv.

If a parent focues a lot on instruction, I definitely think kv is a suitable school.

As for the type of schools that I am planning my kid to study, i have no idea at the moment, but it should be the mainstream one instead of IB one. Having heard so many favourable comments from the parents of KV, i know KV is a good start for a kid, but ... training my kid to be so obedient to instructions...is it what I want? I doubt..

Hope like what you said, kids' creativities/ confidence won;t be so easily brushed away by the school's teaching approach.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-1 17:16 |只看該作者
porporchi 發表於 12-2-29 17:50
thanks chunyatmama a lot for your reply. what i worry is whether KV is a type of school which focuse ...
porporchi, frankly speaking, if you want to raise your kids by not giving them boundaries and stress on creativity,  I guest most if not all KG in HK cannot fullfil your expectation.  Afterall the kids will be in mainstream education system, that means follow instructions, homeworks, extra tuitions, etc.....  You may be disappointed but that's life.  I have so many friends and relatives enrolled their kids in some kind of KGs stressed on what you have mentioned.  Yet, they had faced the real difficult time when their kids turned to P.1 at mainstream school.  They took about two years for the kids to get used to follow instructions, take care of their own things, homeworks.....

If financially allowable, you may consider some international schools with KGs.  I am sure your expectation can be fullfiled.  My son and daughter were with Yew Chung before they join KV.  They did have a creative and enjoyable happy time before 3.  Yet, there are down sides for IS.  Thus, I picked KV.

So, evaluate 1. what you really want, not just now but also the future; 2. financial capability, again not just now but also the future and the possible debenture.  3. what shape of your kid that you want.

There is no right or wrong.  As long as its comfortable with the kid and yourself.  Of course, you have to consider your kid's feeling first.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-6 18:03 |只看該作者
chunyatmama, thanks a lot for your reply. what you have rised is exactly what I am considering. I do understand that it's basically impossible to find a school which focuses on academic as well as creativeity/ enhancing kids' confidence, so that's why I am thinking whether I should find a school which is rather "in the middle of everything". My kid is lucky enough to be admitted to both kv and sc, and to me, sc is a school which focuses on academic (though not as strong as KV) but they won't have too many constraints to kids. I know some kids who have graduated from kv/sc and kv graduates are obviously performing better, so I do trust that academic-wise, kv is more preferable.

my hubby and i have agreed to send our kids to traditional schools first to let her experience what "competition" is but we may switch her to international schools later on. Anyway, really thanks for your comments. I do need to reconsider. thanks!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-7 14:52 |只看該作者


jonahlee  More than agree your view point.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts.  發表於 12-3-8 10:52

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-12 10:51 |只看該作者
Gooblovebb, 多謝你的分享! 因為我自幼上的學校, 加上父母的教法, 我覺得我真的缺乏自信及創作能力; 很明顯地, 我先生及我之前所教的國際學校學生, 明顯地真的自信很多

自信及創作能力我認為跟將來成就是有關係的, 對於現時年代, 上那一間學校, 我覺得在學術方面得到的應該不會有太大分別, 最大分別就是小朋友在學校接受那一種教法, 他們被"教導"用那種模式思考! 當然上同一所學校, 也會有個別例子, 但...我的朋友為例, 我小時上那所中學, 我身邊最好的十位八位朋友都是7A, 8A的; 但..對於我而言, 他們站出來, 說話, 解難能力等等, 都不是跟他們所拿的7A, 8A掛鉤

可能我的行業會令我接觸到由不同類型中小學上來的學生的分別, 所以才令我覺得, 一所學校是否能培養小朋友的自信心及創作能力是很重要的! 再加上, 我曾經跟兩位朋友, 一位是幼兒教育degree的, 一位是兒童心理學家, 他們也說, 太focus on discipline時, 小朋友的creativity及confidence是100%有影響, 所以我不時上來找找kv的資料, 我真心很希望小朋友在KV讀書, 但只怕老師們都是很傳統那種 (他們68位老師當中, 只有8位是degree holder, 所以絕大部份都是比較年長的那一群, 教學經驗很豐富; 但...他們亦應該比較傳統, 沒有那種近代著重亙動式, 讓小朋友思考的教法)

再多說一個例子, 有朋友在一所名小學教書, 她說過, 論paper work, KV wins! 論自信, 及說話能力, SC wins! 自信對我們香港學生很的很重要, 要出來present, 我的本地中學畢業的學生死哂; 國際學校上的, 出口成文!

不過我很多謝你的分享! 我是很想小朋友入kv的, 只不過有sc 的offer, 所以才不斷比較! 謝謝!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-12 11:33 |只看該作者
porporchi 發表於 12-3-12 10:51
Gooblovebb, 多謝你的分享! 因為我自幼上的學校, 加上父母的教法, 我覺得我真的缺乏自信及創作能力; 很明顯 ...
Actually, you have made the decision.  Its not fair to conclude that students from KV is lack of confidence or creativity.  I believe confidence will mainly depends on the family education rather than the kinder itself.  For creativity, again, as parents, we can provide him with guideline. If parents too much stress on their academic performance, no matter which kinder you are talking about, you will lead him only to exercise, exercise and exercise.  That means low creativity.

Godlovebb is correct that not all kids are suitable to one style of teaching.  You have to understand your kid.  I also consider my son likes to have more guideline rather than a free environment.  My son was in international school before joining KV.  I have more experience on this aspect, I think.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-12 13:31 |只看該作者
回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

thanks a lot in all the way responding my posts. indeed a big thanks to you! What I am thinking may not be what you have assumed. Indeed, i've already 90% decided to let my kid go to KV. just that i keep finding evidence and examples to convince myself that KV is not a strict school. I am just hoping to see someone to respond here that KV is a school which also cultivates a kid's creativity and confidence. I am not even 1% saying anything unfavourable to KV, and I sincerely hope that you don;t regard me do it in any way.

Rank: 2

發表於 12-3-12 16:47 |只看該作者
    I love KV ...........我知道個仔入到KV個陣就好似中左六合彩咁開心............

發表於 12-3-12 18:27 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-13 10:01 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Gooblovebb 於 12-3-13 10:02 編輯

porporchi, 我都好明白你的感受,不過我都覺得家庭同家長的培育係緊要過學校,始終每日得三個幾鐘,比唔上待在家的時間。我自己知道KV多重紀律,又多PAPERWORK,咁在課後時間我就唔會俾孩子做番同類的事,反而上D不同類型的興趣班,開開心心咁,皆因覺得學校的教學已足夠,拿個平衡。其實SC都係一間好學校,只係方向有不同,但補充少少資料,我識得個KV的家長,現在佢女兒在KV讀K3,原來佢曾在SC讀K1及K2,後來轉讀KV,不過要重讀K2。佢話女兒細個都好鍾意SC,因為日日番學都有得玩,但家長卻覺得KV教得比較好,尤其係中文,很難自己教,反之英文卻比較容易,是以佢覺得KV較好。我唔敢講佢的諗法對不對,因為換著我,如果孩子是上學上得開心,我應不會讓他轉校,可每個家長重視的地方卻不同。我知你不是看中英文教導的分別,而是思考模式,不過我只想讓你參考一下。而有一點我比較上心的,是你會讓小孩子上傳統小學的話,KV應該會讓孩子較易適應。最後一點我想提醒的,也是有教幼稚園的朋友告訴我的,就是無論任何一間學校,最緊要的是你孩子的班主任,一個好的班主任在任何教學模式下都是好,反之亦然,咁呢個當然講運氣啦,尤其SC和KV呢D咁多班的學校。點解我咁講呢,就以最近我俾囝囝上的英文班為例,個老師係西人,教導好西化咁,但我觀察下,佢的教學技巧根本就唔足夠,淨係話我個仔唔多肯講,叫我俾佢睇多D英文DVD,如果係咁,我做乜要帶佢來上堂,屋企播碟咪得,佢都唔知自己完全冇引導個小朋友去講,只係問一個問題,唔答就算,唔會PROMPT佢去答(我以前教英文,我曉睇架,不過佢當然唔知啦),呢D咪係唔多好的老師了(其他蛇王的例子唔講了)。西人教英文本是好的,但最後效果如何又真係睇番老師的質素呢,呢一點真係講運氣的。總之,無論你最後揀左邊一間,都唔好回頭看了,人生咁多選擇,揀幼稚園只係其中一個而已,就算將來在KV讀成點,開心的話唔代表在SC唔會更開心,唔開心又唔代表在SC一定開心呢,係咪?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-13 10:12 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-13 12:45 |只看該作者
回復 Gooblovebb 的帖子

真係非常非常多謝你呀!! 對呀, language 對我而言唔係太大concern, 因為小朋友在家跟我講英文, 中文真係難好多, 最少我唔識教; 你好明我心諗咩!

我自己做呢一行, 覺得揀學校不如揀老師, 老師QUALITY 係最重要, 不過我地冇可能知道個別學校老師既quality, 所以唯有靠口啤! 我聽番來, 冇聽講KV 既老師有咩-ve comments, 反而有朋友話自己既女在SC K2遇到個唔好既老師, 所以同我講都要睇彩數!

其實我心理打算係, kv 比佢一個focus on academic 既life, 其餘時間就多d 同佢去outing, 比佢去接觸多在kv 唔會接觸到既野, 我先生就tend to 揀SC, 因為佢之前o係呢度睇左幾位家長, 同時有兩位小朋友分別讀KV 同SC既, 兩位都comment SC 可以培養多d 小朋友閱讀同思考, 所以相比時, 佢地鐘意sc多小小; 但係我自己都冇法解釋, 我總之就是鐘意kv多d啦, 所以而家既矛盾來了, 先上來問大家意見!

老公都有問我, 如果擔心kv某d 方面唔太平衡, 不如放棄佢地既中文/數學強項, 揀個冇佢咁強, 但係樣樣野平衡, 唔洗多擔心既SC..因為sc升上去好多都係傳統小學, 唔會明顯比kv 弱!

點都好, 我會再同老公傾一傾, 多謝大家既意見, 真係幫到好多!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-13 22:03 |只看該作者
我女兒是較細膽, 唔多主動的, 在KV讀, 能培養出小朋友有自信, 獨立能力, 也可以培養閱讀興趣嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-14 16:09 |只看該作者
我搵資料見到有關閱讀方面, 如果唔o岩既, 麻煩KV用家補充. kv 唔知k1定k2開始就係兩個星期有3本書比小朋友帶回家看, 不過唔知之後有冇follow-up, 亦都唔太清楚佢地有冇reading programme. 因為有d 學校就有d programme鼓勵小朋友不斷自己去睇書, 有d 讀後感要小朋友寫既!

課外活動方面, 我就覺得唔洗太擔心, 我見好多KV家長都會自己facebook/ blog 度搞活動, 咁樣可以令到小朋友weekend/ 長假時都會可以同同學仔一齊出去玩!

我小朋友都係比較disciplined, 講幾句應該都會番番位o個隻, 我反而驚佢本身已經太"乖", 會唔會要接受一些"衝擊"!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-15 10:17 |只看該作者
課外書方面, K1上學期大約十月左右開始, 每兩星期有三本課外書帶番來(一英兩中), 鼓勵家長在家與小朋友共讀, 佢地話上堂時會講吓D書, 但就冇功課做.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-15 17:13 |只看該作者
我覺得kv k1 定期派三本書的arrangment 很好,程度適中,可幫家長省去揾書的時間和$. by comparison to 我大囡的kg(也是一間很好但不谷的kg). k1時只故勵家長去多一點library和閱讀,k2才有正式的reading program 但當時我們不懂如可找適合的書本.

無可否認,kv是較strict and traditional,但不難manage, 正如樓上講過, kg 只是3 hrs a day, kv 比5到既野,可自己幫幫小朋友,無論邊間kg,妳也不能totally depend on 學校. 以我細囡為例,初初5適應,咁我地同佢講kg冇得玩我地就放學多d帶佢去玩la,e+返學都很開心.

porporchi - 我都經過過你lei 個stage, 面對很好的offers和不同opinions, 是很難決定. imho, 其實很簡單,你和你先生set 個共同目標和需要乜野去achieve 個target,咁邊間最能幫到你們就揀o個間. 不過要一提,我覺得kv會較適合一些成熟d既小朋友,自理,心智和小肌弱的或會讀得辛苦.

發表於 12-3-18 20:44 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 12-3-28 00:11 |只看該作者
我的女兒現讀KV K3, 之前在Victoria讀 PN. 小女是個大情大性,活潑開朗,你叫佢唔好再大笑,佢會再笑多多的,在家無時坐得定的小朋友。 但唯讀做功課時佢會坐定定地做完,呢D就係KV教學的厲害。KV的教記律,也是一贊,這也是現代家庭難以教導的事實。雖然她們是着重中文,也沒有Native教師,但老師們的老經驗,及老師們極少turn over,這穩固了她教學質素。小女也曾遇上不懂欣賞自己的老師,但小女也沒有hard feeling,仍每天開心上學。樓主擔心的我大概也經驗過,只是幼稚園生活只是每天三個半小時,其餘也是父母親教導,創意思維及自信是天生的,也要後天培養。小女有習畫,但天份有待發掘,她不怕陌生人,很愛和人溝通,特別愛和外國人交談,愛玩drama,對運動從不抗拒。這些都是大多小朋友(IS and tradition school)的表現,因此不要把學校本身想得太極端,SC/KV也很好的學校,希望樓主和她丈夫能有共識。

發表於 12-4-7 10:01 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 12-4-9 08:04 |只看該作者
我個女讀緊KV,依家已K2了。佢讀咗KV之後,改變咗佢脾氣好多,KV真係好好,各界的朋友都話間學校好掂,讀名校係唔同D !! SC / KV 都應該同樣係好學校,各有各的特色。但我親友個仔,今年讀SC的K1,佢哋話剛讀完K1上學期,佢的兩位班老師,也一齊離職了 !! 所以SC的老師真係好唔穩定 !!
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