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樓主: Rickylama

點解唔收? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 12-2-21 19:47 |只看該作者




CoffeeCake  我覺得我小朋友"好彩"咋! 因為同等質素一定大有人在,但佢有幸在SELECTION果刻有點LUCK....  發表於 12-2-22 10:09

Rank: 4

發表於 12-2-21 22:03 |只看該作者

回覆:Rickylama 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-21 22:08 |只看該作者



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-2-21 22:35 |只看該作者
回復 meia 的帖子



Rank: 4

發表於 12-2-21 22:42 |只看該作者

回覆:yaulinda 的帖子


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-2-28 02:30 |只看該作者
This is a very touching post, thanks all parents for the positive energy that is shared.

I never know interview is so hard, as I was thinking my girl is big girl ( I purposely skipped the interview slot last yr ) and we are catholic and live in HK Island (heard from fd all are very important criteria for school application) . And, here are the things happened  - I got the first waiting letter from PB (a kindergarten that my fd said is very easy to get in). Then, my alarm rang. From that day on, I used diff methods to sharpen her. In the 2nd interview school - Rosyhill (she did very gd that day) we still got waiting. Felt "helpless" but kept on "upgrading" my method to train her, and finally I found the "button" to let her perform (and now I believe all kid has a "button"). But, God made the task to be even more difficult for me, she was sick, recovered & sick again for that month or 2; whenever there was interview, she would get high fever that night before. At St Margaret 's door, she was still 38.5c but she insisted she had to go, and she even told me "I will do good". The "classic" was at TL, teacher asked her question, she was actually "dizzy" and answered all but response time was 10- 15 sec after question was asked. After all interview, she is now a more polite and obedient kid. It also trained me up of how to nuture her.

My girl got into St Margaret PM (that is my third best choice in my mind) and Good Hope AM (my second best choice). And my best choice, SPK is "dreaming" for the result that will release soon.

Think positive, work hard towards the goal you want to achieve, put all those things you cant control aside (like the things you think is unfair....) I very much argee a parent (in this post) said your child can feel your positive energy; and another parent said all the things that the kid has learned is never a waste, it is very remarkable to her development indeed. And one day, what you are asking for will come to reality.   
There is still chance in May/June for waiting offer. Keep up!
God blessed!


mamiDOR  Have had a good result from your and your daughter's efforts as well! Good luck!  發表於 12-2-29 12:14
ILOVEBEAN  Very nice sharing. Thank you !  發表於 12-2-28 11:58
zoewong426  A very nice message to parents! Your daughter is very mature!  發表於 12-2-28 10:40
myfanwy  Thank you for your sharing. You daughter is a good girl   發表於 12-2-28 10:35
Yipapa  Glad to know that you have your second and third choice on hand .  We need to remind ourself we are the the most important teacher to our kids.  God blessed you and good health to your daughter.  發表於 12-2-28 10:23

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-28 10:34 |只看該作者
回復 LeeLee2007 的帖子

BTW, can you share the "Button" that your found...cheers

發表於 12-2-28 10:46 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 12-2-28 10:55 |只看該作者
Luckily, my daughter's "button" was turned on at her first TL interview. She just love cooking game very much, after TL (Caine Rd) interview, she was allowed to stay at the school's outdoor and indoor playground for an unlimited time. She played the cooking game with other children and enjoyed so much.  Also, I told her if she answered teacher's questions and performed well, she would get an Ocean Park/Disneyland ticket for bonus from the teacher (actually I have bought the tickets already). Surely I pretended that the teacher really gave us tickets for her well performance, and from that day onwards, she loved to go to interview. Even after the last interview at SPK, sometimes she would tell me she wanted to go to interview. I don't know if my method is right or wrong, anyway, I have turned on her "button" and she could perform differently. I think her "button" is related to her favourite activities, my girl's are cooking game and playing in the 2 Parks.


LeeLee2007  typo, I mean "behaved"  發表於 12-2-29 02:08
LeeLee2007  Nice sharing, I think, there is no such thing as right or wrong. Being a parent, seeing kid being happy, behaviour and love to learn is blessed.  發表於 12-2-29 02:07

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-28 11:30 |只看該作者
Rickylama 發表於 12-2-20 19:34
似乎幼稚園收生就在計分,住址,宗教,世襲,只不過加上出生日期,大仔大女機會大些,真難為一些沒條件的小 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-28 13:57 |只看該作者
回復 朱寶媽媽 的帖子

For KG admission, whether same religion will count or not, it is total up to the KG's policy  

For P1 admission on, if the parents are working in the same school, basically it shall be straight in, unless it is a school of DSS or private schools not Govt or aided one

Living location and religion will become crucial on the P1 Discretionary Places admission stage (B).
But whether you can get the region points will up to the interpretation of the school you are applying for.
I know that for some Christian schools, they may only count for the same church you are being baptised, this 5 point may be difficult to get.

Of course Luck is equally important in Central allocation stage, but this is not a factor we can take control of

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-2-29 02:06 |只看該作者
Yipapa 發表於 12-2-28 10:34
回復 LeeLee2007 的帖子

BTW, can you share the "Button" that your found...cheers
Button: to do something she like

It is hard to explain.

My girl's passion towards Disney ticket only makes her "bling bling" eyes for 15 sec (as we hv annual pass)
Kid these days is over-supplied of toys/dress/etc (she is the first kid in my hubby's family tree, thus.....)

I can only say, everytime when I "train/play" with her for interview preparation, she really enjoys.
And after all interviews, she still asked me to play interview with her.

All kids are different, try to explore the "button" of him/her


zoewong426  Before, I also like to buy toys for her, but now, I bought every toy seriously as I don't want her to have everything so easily.  發表於 12-2-29 11:46
zoewong426  My daughter never go to Disneyland before, so, it works well!  發表於 12-2-29 11:43
Yipapa  thanks for your sharing.  Good for you and best regards  發表於 12-2-29 09:00
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