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自閉症 - 三歲前確診及治療而最後可醫好的請進   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-23 18:54 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問有否家長真的在兒女三歲前確診而又真的能經一段時間針灸及行為治療後能使子女回覆同一般小孩沒有大分別呢(在眼神交流, 主動社交溝通-最少同自己父母方面, 及認知方面的範疇)?
如果有的話, 可否在此分享你們的成功經驗及可否PM治療機構及針灸醫師的contact給好多現在仍如迷途羔羊的父母如我呢?

Million thanks!

   16    0    2    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-23 20:41 |只看該作者
相信呢度家長都知, 自閉症係不會有醫好呢回事,只有密集式訓練令到徵狀減低,從小訓練, 成效係好好多,小兒也是自閉, 但現在和正常小朋友無異, (約有90%正常),
本人未同亞仔試過針灸, 不願置評.
小兒兩歲評估自傾, 入讀I位, 4歲評估自閉, 入讀S位, 現在6歲, 在普通幼稚園讀K3, 明年上主流小一, .
4年來也是密集式訓練, 努力加不怕失敗, .


sawwy    發表於 14-4-15 00:20
KennisHoBB  大家都很努力  發表於 12-1-4 16:11
Cinken  講得好  發表於 11-12-27 12:32

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-24 00:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-12-24 02:04 編輯

Dear 陳爸爸 and pocoyo123,

This topic is wrongly set.
Autism is a group of some development syndrome, not a disease.
U gals probably have attended many seminar , consultant & talks w/ professionals. Particularly, I remember a seminar from a HKU genetic top professor who attend TV shows a few times talking about autism. She believes autism is highly related to genetic factor, similarily meaning there is no cure and no effort to recover fully. She has said that her intelligence would pick up a kid's autisitc feature even such kid is fully recovered.  
That is bias.
It is also bias if you ask autism is clueable (like ad from little G)
Pls always remember autism is a collection of development disorder. You should not consider a cure, it is already a kind of discrimination and out of question I guess.
If your kid has overcome all those delay or disorder, of course, he/she is fully recovered. Considering how many % u think yr kid is fully recovered, I think this is a subjective Q. Other than all those development items with weights, it also relates to society view and cultural aspects. Each gp has diff standard. Better leave u yrself to think of.
For 陳爸爸, pls dont say 迷途羔羊的父母, no one expects it could happen to a family. Also, info about autism is too segmented, not in HK but also in worldwide. There seems not any single institution is willing to draw an integrated approach from medication, treatment, therapy, class/schooling aginst play & course, parenting, etc.... From pregancy, laboring, brain development, disease & pollutant ag. genetic factors, scheduling, degree of intervention & alternatives, assessment, etc, etc...
If u really want to hear my exp, pls let me know, but it's damn long.
(Hahaha.. Just using my teeny tiny knowledge and exp to start a seminar, it would already take about 6-12 mths I guess, 3 hr each wk??? But I am just a parent. Again, Hahaha...)
May God bless u and yr family

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-25 01:44 |只看該作者
Dear pocoyo123 & LPYdad1,

Thank for all of your prompt reply!

雖然自閉症並不是一般大眾所理解的病, 而係因腦部發展異常而引起的發展及行為Disorder, 如果此disorder能影響一個普通人過正常生活, 我都覺得應以此為病, 就如思覺失調或抑鬱症,到底是不是病呢? 如果唔當佢係病, 咁Doctor就無須去研究點去治療, 此亦不是有ASD or A features子女的家長之福, 其實去診斷有冇自閉, 初期都主要係靠一系列的問卷同行為觀察, 所以如果在治療後再重新做一次問卷同行為觀察而沒有任何Autism features(在語言, 社交同認知方面), 如普通人般過翻正常生活, 我都會當係治好了, 我自己就認為不能因西醫一句"自閉無得醫", 即使子女已train up 同治療到同普通小孩無分別都仍當他有自閉(即使完全正常的小孩都有好多會做出如自閉小孩的行為或其他怪異行徑, 對嗎?), 否則家長同子女永遠都只有活在此陰影下了

在西醫的角度裏, Autism 的確無法醫治, 不過我覺得好多西醫裏解決唔到的病, 中醫都能有出乎意料的效果, 所以希望有成功經驗的家長可以在此sharing,為剛發現子女係A的家長從悲傷及迷茫中cheer up , 為正盡一切辦法積極地希望幫助到自己子女的家長(including me)燃點希望, 努力加油! 

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-25 22:49 |只看該作者
小兒3歲時入s位, 有做密集訓練, 現在情況很好, 評估時已經話佢跟到同齡小朋友入小學, 但佢依然有小小怪行為, 老師話每個小朋友都有自己性格, 只要繼續觀察, 不需特別緊張.
但我都覺2-5 歲是黃金學習期, 記性好, 脾氣易控制, (以前給佢一粒糖便做晒所有訓練), 不易分心, 而家佢大左, 反而要求玩完才做功課.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-26 01:01 |只看該作者
Hi Reddish,

This for your reply! 的確令人鼓舞, 請問除左密集訓練外, 有否做針灸治療呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-27 01:45 |只看該作者
要update吓。瑪嘉烈精神科講座話有3%至25%的自閉兒能痊癒。autismawakening網頁話有10-20%的人,從前被評為自閉,之後就再評就唔係了。d傳統觀念,好難改。自己keep住睇d外國研究啦,update d

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-27 02:17 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-27 13:41 |只看該作者
睇吓呢篇 "自閉症能痊癒嗎?"
http://www.autismawakening.org/D ... utism40073665371334

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-27 13:55 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 overcomer 於 11-12-27 14:27 編輯

該文章的英文版: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30645770/

"Study suggests kids can ‘recover’ from autism"  

Some content:

Previous studies have suggested between 3 percent and 25 percent of autistic kids recover. Fein says her studies have shown the range is 10 percent to 20 percent.

Most of the formerly autistic kids got long-term behavior treatment soon after diagnosis, in some cases for 30 or 40 hours weekly.

Many also have above-average IQs and had been diagnosed with relatively mild cases of autism. At age 2, many were within the normal range for motor development, able to walk, climb and hold a pencil.

Significant improvement suggesting recovery was evident by around age 7 in most cases, Fein said.

Leo Lytel, 9, pauses while playing at his home in Washington. Leo was diagnosed with autism as a toddler. He was undiagnosed at age 9.

自己上去個網到睇。雖然之後康復的%不高, 不過係有人recover。話自閉冇得醫, 係唔update.

瑪嘉烈個講座都係話3-25%能痊癒, 且都係高功能, 正常IQ, 正常理解力, 很早就有TRAINING 那批人。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-27 16:41 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-27 18:13 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-27 22:48 |只看該作者
Dear hcily, overcomer and autumnbb,

Your explanation is very good and objective.I even dont want to say my son or any kid is 100% recovered because this topic is already subjective in setting.  I hope people after reading your comments in here could understand and dont get bias on this.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-27 23:30 |只看該作者
overcomer 發表於 11-12-27 01:45
要update吓。瑪嘉烈精神科講座話有3%至25%的自閉兒能痊癒。autismawakening網頁話有10-20%的人,從前被評為 ...


好似我仔接受左"生物療法" Bio-medical treatment, 1.7yrs, 己經越離越正常, 昨日同佢入左兩日camp, 同其他小朋友一齊玩, 玩得不知幾開心.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-28 00:45 |只看該作者
因為針灸醫生技術差參, 小兒年幼時我沒有給他做過針灸, 怕他受傷也不會表達, 到佢五歲後, 我帶佢去做, 初時見佢好似反應快左, (情況大概如足夠睡眠, 很肯回答.) 但只針了三幾次, 因沒有明顯改變, 加上亞仔話好痛, 我便沒有再去了.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-28 01:02 |只看該作者
Some time ago...
There is an eye doctor. He married a very pretty girl. Unfortunately, this girl has a very high degree of short-sightness. And at that moment, the only remedy is wearing very thick with many circle glass at that level of technology. Therefore, her beauty was blocked by her glass in front of people. No one knew she was such a beauty.However, since her husband was an eye doctor, he searched for latest technology for possible remedy.
A year later, a thin and non-circled glass was invented. As an eye doctor's wife, this pretty woman was the pioneer of wearing such glass in front of people. When the first day she wore such glass in public, all people was surprised with his wife's beauty.
The eye doctor was happy. At the same time, he wondered if there was any method for his wife to get rid of that glass. Ten years later, the contact lens was invented, his wife again was the first group of people trying such lens. And again, everyone is surprised that his wife was such a beauty without glass.
The eye doctor was happy in the beginning. But there is still a thorn in his heart because he could easily see there is slight circles around his wife's eye balls when she was wearing the contact lens. More sadly, his wife cannot wear the contact lens at 24 hours, so he still saw her wearing glass at home. So, the eye doctor kept searching.
Ten more years passed by, the lasik technology developed. Though the eye doctor and his wife were no longer young, he still wanted his wife to have her beauty perfection. So, his wife was again the pioneer of lasik technology. Fortunately, the surgery went very well. His wife's short-sightness was removed. The eye doctor now could see his wife not wearing glass in every minute.
One day, when the eye doctor slept with his wife and looked very closely to his wife's eyes, he found there was a teeny tiny scar in his wife's pupil, perhaps left after the surgery. The eye doctor was sad. He decided to search for even more advanced technology to remove her scar. Twenty more years passed by, the stem cell technology was invented. The latest technology now could take a human cell tissue to grow into any organ in an animal's body and then i mplanted the organ back into such human. The eye doctor heard such technology and again asked his wife to do such surgery to remove her scar even though they were old already. Also, the surgery needed to take all their savings, required a few years for implantation and a painful surgery. Most importantly, his wife will need to stay in hospital with bandage covered with her eye for a year. The eye doctor begged and begged. His wife at last agreed.
A few years passed, the implantation and surgery were made. One more year passed by then, the eye doctor's wife finally removed her bandage after the stem cell surgery, however, her husband was no longer able to see...


McDonna  Impressive story...thanks for share!!  發表於 12-2-22 14:14

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-28 01:39 |只看該作者
Hi myson727,

Thanks for your reply, what kind of bio-treatment your son taking? Would u mind to share more on that?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-28 06:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 jjcow 於 11-12-28 06:05 編輯
LPYdad1 發表於 11-12-28 01:02
Some time ago...
There is an eye doctor. He married a very pretty girl. Unfortunately, this girl has ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-28 10:13 |只看該作者
如果療愈=過正常人生活=>絕對可能! e.g. 我個同事, 有工, 有家, 有個女. 不 斷打機砌高達.
如果療愈=變成普通人=>難! pocoyo 說的做到9成, 已經係超水準表現.
如果療愈=變成好人(服務社會)=>絕對可能! e.g. Tempo Grandin.
如果療愈=變成叻人(變色龍)=>難! 好似唐唐果d 對有錢人一套說話, 對中產一套說話, 對低下階層一套說話, 識做show.


McDonna    發表於 12-2-22 14:16

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-28 12:29 |只看該作者
陳爸爸 發表於 11-12-28 01:39
Hi myson727,

Thanks for your reply, what kind of bio-treatment your son taking? Would u mind to sha ...

1) 重金屬 (我仔水銀超8倍,鉛超6倍)
2) 有無腸痰 (SIgA), 惡菌 (我仔腸的抗體指數SIgA 394 - 常人最多200)
3) 食物敏感 (我仔對奶,蛋,花生敏感)
4) 身陳代謝系統問題 - (我仔缺B12, B6)



jessiechengkw  請問可以講多d有關生物療法的資料  發表於 11-12-29 17:52
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