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放棄 GH 選 SC?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-17 14:00 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Any parents are planning to give-up GH to choose SC? Let's share. Or vice-versas?
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-17 14:46 |只看該作者
It is a difficult choice. You have not made up your decision yet.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-17 15:40 |只看該作者
Yes, it's a difficult to choose, but for myself,
sc > gh

Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-17 17:19 |只看該作者
I would choose GH, u will have a high chance to get into their primary school ! If u choose SC, there's no guarantee in getting into any one of the good primary schools !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-17 17:35 |只看該作者
But GH cannot provide a good ENG envoirnment for my girl in these 3 year??

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-17 21:45 |只看該作者
Nor St. Cat can guarantee. However, being in St. Cat, as a parent, you will feel the pressure to survive. You will try to make your kid to be competitive.

In GH, the school just does not want you to learn outside.

原帖由 國家 於 11-1-17 17:35 發表
But GH cannot provide a good ENG envoirnment for my girl in these 3 year??

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-17 22:52 |只看該作者
I made such decision last year.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-17 23:02 |只看該作者

回復 4# 國家 的帖子

hi 國家,

As a old SC parent and now a GH parent, may I share some thoughts to you.  

SC - it's really a good school, no doubt.  You won't be regret for anything if your daughter studying here for 3 years, but just another keen competition later for primary application, especially 2008 birth rate is really high.  However, don't forget, there are quite many SC/KV student can't have any offer from 1st tier primary school.  If your target is only DGJS or SPCC, you may pick SC>GH.

GH - good kinder so far, only curriculum can't compare to SC/KV.  Besides curriculum, you won't lose anything.  Good campus, good ethic and moral education.  If you're catholic, religion lesson once a week.  Curriculum is going to higher level gradually to meet primary school standard.  Kinder management just had meeting with primary management last week, the primary management agree the current kinder curriculum can get in line with GH primary's curriculum.  Good news to all GH parents.  

For ECA, actually GH don't have objection on this.  GH kinder also provide drawing and ballet class on Saturday, it's optional.  GH just don't like too much academic classes for kids, result in lack of learning interest later (GH researched and studied the problem normally happens when P3/P4.)

For English class, my daughter has English classes since she was 2.5 yrs until now.  Even though SC student, they will have extra English course outside.  English course is a must now no matter which kinder your kid is studying!

So, now see how you weight GH primary.  1st tier school or 2nd tier school?  How much confident you have that your daughter can get into DGJS or other school better than GH?  Or your target primary school is out of these 2 traditional girl schools?  Or just depend on "lucky draw" P1 allocation?  If yes to both questions, you should pick SC.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-17 23:21 |只看該作者
Thanks for your sharing.  How do you think about the secondary school of GH?

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-17 23:42 |只看該作者

回復 1# jeffreymom 的帖子

sorry, I don't think about it yet.  I know some people said the academic result is getting down since it's changed to DSS.  But for me, the old principal maybe 1 of the reasons, too.  I know they are recruiting the new principal now (learnt from BK 咋!), so it should be getting better in the future.  At least, GH parents should be a group of middle class or above (since school fee is not cheap!), they should care about the daughter's academic and personality development 啩.


發表於 11-1-18 00:12 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-18 00:26 |只看該作者
We like Good Hope as well. We were upset to be put in the waiting list. But after talking to my friend, we may have difficulty to choose between SC & GHS if we're lucky to receive call from GHS later on.

My friend (also old SC parent) told me that among the DGJS P1 successful applicants, around 1/4 were from SC. If it's true, then around 1/10 St Cat girls get into DGJS.

Actually we're not targeting DGJS as it may be too early to tell if our girl is smart enough to be the first 10% tier.

However, more important is the 15 years education (K1 to S6) to be educated in uni-sex school. We're afraid if our girl can work well with boys afterwards.  Though we will have ECA outside school & church that have boys , most of time is spent in school, in particular primary & secondary. So my friend suggest me considering co-ed primary school, other than SPCC, there are some other private/ DSS band one co-ed primary school. I also told her I'm afraid the 2008 birth % is high but she questioned me back if St Cat has increased the intake for the 2008 children. I told her I guess not. She questioned me again why I need to afraid as St Cat already given us offer though the competition is keen. She reminded me the thing we need to do is to keep our girl's performance in the first half tier in St Cat, then it's pretty much would get some band 1 P1 offer.

In a nutshell, if you're ok with 15 years' girl school, stable financial income, then of course GHS is your choice.

原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-17 23:02 發表
hi 國家,

As a old SC parent and now a GH parent, may I share some thoughts to you.  

SC - it's really a good school, no doubt.  You won't be regret for anything if your daughter studying here for 3 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-18 09:05 |只看該作者
I think if you are not sure between the 2 choices (GH and SC). You should still pick SC for the time being. SC is more diversified and can accommodate different types of kids. But for GH, it is definitely a girls' kindergarten. You need to spend another 3 years to make your observation if your kid is suitable for traditional type or less traditional type.

On the other hand, you don't have the offer yet from GH. There is no need to worry at this stage. It is not your problem for the time being.

Last but not the least, even though there is GH K3 this year, there are still a good number of SC girls who can still get the offer from GH. GH K3 girls may also go to other schools, e.g. SPCC, DGJS, MCS, etc.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-18 09:10 |只看該作者
I do not think the admission rate of sc by dgjs is that high as the majority should come from cckg.  If sc got 25%, kv got another 25%,then almost all vacancy fill up.

If I were you, I will take gh, then give extra curriculum to the kids.  進可攻,退可守。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-18 09:23 |只看該作者

回復 12# sweatheart 的帖子

My friend (also old SC parent) told me that among the DGJS P1 successful applicants, around 1/4 were from SC. If it's true, then around 1/10 St Cat girls get into DGJS.

其實條數真系唔可以甘計,因為呢1/10裡面,可能唔少同女拔已經系related group, 或者根本有好好既family background.普通人要考入去既數字,應該系低好多好多.所以大家唔好甘大期望呀

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-18 09:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 share123 於 11-1-18 09:23 發表
My friend (also old SC parent) told me that among the DGJS P1 successful applicants, around 1/4 were from SC. If it's true, then around 1/10 St Cat girls get into DGJS.

其實條數真系唔可以甘計,因為呢 ...

哈,咪當SC俾了個夢想給大家,最重要是有左夢想就要發夢發到底去努力實現,不要到時先夢醒發現GH Primary是一個Good Choice

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-18 09:50 |只看該作者

我同老公都好喜歡SC 及GH 兩間學校,但仔細討論完後,都想俾個女去讀SC,完全係因為呀女個性格。因為個女比較主動及外向,我地覺得佢在SC的發揮會好D同開心D,因為D老師會比較open同接受佢哩種style既小朋友 (相比女校老師),而且教學模式會比較適合佢既性格,我地就是怕佢讀完GH後會變成一個好被動既女孩子。


至於小學backup方面,這亦是GH的優點,但睇返SC既派位,平均有3x個入DGS, 3x個入SPCC,即使入唔到哩2間超班校或是比GH差,都唔會差好多,而且我會考慮大抽獎,如果有幸抽中Maryknoll / St Mary’s,如果佢係讀GH 幼稚園都唔會跟得上,只會辛苦。

至於大人要為佢好aggressive好辛苦,四周去學哩樣, 學那樣,其他家長都好aggressive,都預左,我估都唔會比現在PN班的家長利害吧。我問自己,即使係讀GH,我都會同佢報學哩樣學那樣,亦唔會因為佢讀GH而咩都唔報,因為課外活動學到既都係個女自己得益。最後,我唔可以好sure我未來3年來唔會後悔,所以,我們寧願選辛苦D既一條路。

唔知你地對我既睇法同唔同意呢? Free to comment!!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-18 10:47 |只看該作者
Hi 國家,


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-18 11:15 |只看該作者

回復 17# 國家 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-18 11:25 |只看該作者
Yes, that's why I want to make the desision and release another offer to those in need.
Thanks all!!
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