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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 嶺南2010N1上午斑嘅媽咪一齊傾下丫 ~
樓主: Twinboys08

嶺南2010N1上午斑嘅媽咪一齊傾下丫 ~ [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-10 01:18 |只看該作者
Hi dear all, Nice to know so much comments about 嶺南 from all of you.

I also decided to let my son study in AM class. :

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-4-23 09:33 發表

我都同意咁細個小朋友要坐咁轉折嘅車返學真係好辛苦, 大人咁返工都吃力啦...加上嶺南個位又凌捨麻煩, 我對仔都係會讀嶺南, 我都覺呢間學校同先生唔錯, 但若你住咁遠, 建議考慮一下...(我唔係叫你唔好揀呢間, 我都 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-11 13:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 chingching8888 於 10-5-10 01:18 發表
Hi dear all, Nice to know so much comments about 嶺南 from all of you.

I also decided to let my son study in AM class. ::" />

Great.  Where are you living?  Will your son ride on school-bus to Lingnan?

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-11 13:20 |只看該作者
My son will be attending the AM class...I'll put him on school bus as the school location is quite inconvenient...We live in Fortress Hill and hopefully the pick-up time won't be too early...Since there is no school bus sevice on the first three days and I believe my boy won't be ready to travel on school bus by himself, I am worrying on the transportation at the moment.  It will be full of parents waiting for taxi when class finishes and there is parking space at all..I was there last Saturday for registration when traffic was very busy.

Regarding the safety of the school bus, I talked to few mommies who have their kids studying in LN... they told me the service is reliable and no concern on safety

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-12 00:51 |只看該作者
I lived in Happy Vallley. I also concerned about the safety of the school bus, but I finallly decided to try the school bus service starting from August.

原帖由 sh_yip 於 10-5-11 13:07 發表

Great.  Where are you living?  Will your son ride on school-bus to Lingnan?

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-12 08:44 |只看該作者
I think it should be okay...the drivers would have been very experienced with the narrow road over there... Think it this way...This school has a long history...have you ever heard any car accident with their school buses so far?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-12 09:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 chingching8888 於 10-5-12 00:51 發表
I lived in Happy Vallley. I also concerned about the safety of the school bus, but I finallly decided to try the school bus service starting from August.

chingching8888, I also live in Happy Valley. Hey, you'll start the school bus in August? The school suggested us to start in Sep, as firstly, school will start in mid Aug, but the school bus company will still charge you full for the month; secondly, don't expect our children could ride on the school bus by themselves once the school starts as they need some time to get used to the new enviournment. Besides, the teacher mentioned to us that in case the children keep on crying or want to leave, they may let the kids go early, if taking the school bus, they'll have to keep the child there and wait until the school bus comes...please consider and see if you'd like to schedule the school bus start in Sep !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-12 09:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 sh_yip 於 10-4-27 11:04 發表

I called the school bus company last Friday again and finally got the answer.
Pick-up time at Siu Sai Wan is 8am and the kids will arrive school at 9am (30mins in advance). Hence, it takes 1 hou ...

sh_yip, what's your final decision? LN or KSC? I'm okay with the school bus as at leave there'll be teachers there when they arrive, also to make sure they get on the bus when school finishes. About safety, I believe no matter what kind of transportation we take will have this concern...to be honest, I feel more safe to put them on the school bus rather than having my helper to take them to school !

How's your son doing at Vic PG? My boys will quit after May, so hopefully will see you again at LN !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-12 12:52 |只看該作者
HI Twinboys,

My son will study in LN too, but PM class, hope he can swap to AM later.

BTW, the teacher also recommended us to start taking the school bus in Sep.  But I'm still thinking, as I cannot accompany my boy to school for the whole Aug, and don't want to rely on the maid.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-12 17:04 |只看該作者
Hi Twinboys, your sons are attending Vic PG now...My son is also at Vic PG.  Which campus do they attend?  How do you find their PG?

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-12 17:07 |只看該作者
Hi WWBaby, same for me...I can't afford to accompany my son to school for the whole August as I need to work.  Thus, I also paid for the August school bus fee.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-12 17:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-5-12 09:12 發表

sh_yip, what's your final decision? LN or KSC? I'm okay with the school bus as at leave there'll be teachers there when they arrive, also to make sure they get on the bus when school finishes. About ...

Hi Twinsboy08,

90% for Lingnan (AM).
Deadline for KCS registration is this Sat (13-15/5), I’m still struggling to pay for KCS too ($2,900) or just let it go.
Lingnan PN class will start on 9 Aug (Mon).
Mommy can stay with the kid for the 1st week (1 hour for 10-12 Aug, school hour on 13 Aug is subject to kids condition).
FYI, I enrolled school bus for my son in Aug.
I will bring him to school during the 1st week, hopefully will put him on school bus on 2nd week - 16 Aug.
It will be very trouble if my son get used to go to school with me/maid, hence I will try to put him on school bus (from home to school) during 2nd week.
The teachers suggest us to pick him up after school for few more days, so that he can settle-in slowly …..
I felt sorry to my son as he needs to travel long hours on school bus (total approx. 2 hrs everyday).
Hope he can take a nap on the school bus!!

My son seems quite enjoy the Victoria Playgroup.
He loves to stay with all the teachers there (Ms Wai, Ms Law, Ms Annette …).

He sing quite a lot at home now.
Hence, I will attend the Victoria Playgroup till June, may quit in July (sure need to pay for full month school fee but just for few lessons till mid-Jul, their summer holiday).

The challenge for me in coming 2 mths are :
put my son on bed a bit early, say in between 9pm – 9.30pm, so that he can wake up at 7am and prepare to school (wash up, milk, get dressed)
put my son on school bus asap

Did you arrange any extra activities for your twins currently?
e.g. playgroup.
I found that it’s quite hard to arrange playgroup for my son after the school life formally start in Aug.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-12 17:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 fatman123 於 10-5-12 17:07 發表
Hi WWBaby, same for me...I can't afford to accompany my son to school for the whole August as I need to work.  Thus, I also paid for the August school bus fee.

Fatman123 – agreed.
We can’t accompany our kid to school for 3 weeks in Aug.
Hence, I enrolled school-bus for him in Aug too.
However, sure the travel time for your son is much shorter than mine.
Guess only take 20mins from Fortress Hill to Lingnan.
My son need to ride on school bus for 1 hour (from Siu Sai Wan to Lingnan).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-12 18:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 sh_yip 於 10-5-12 17:33 發表

Hi Twinsboy08,

90% for Lingnan (AM).
Deadline for KCS registration is this Sat (13-15/5), I’m still struggling to pay for KCS too ($2,900) or just let it go.
Lingnan PN class will start on 9 Aug  ...

sh_yip, I believe both my husband and I will take a week leave during the first week of school, to accompany the boys to school. I hope they'll get used to the enviornment without us around very soon.

How come you chose LN at the end ?

Apart from Vic PG, my boys are attending another PG at Bambini Republic on Sat afternoon. They quite enjoy it and I believe I'll let them attend the class after they start their PN.

My mother in law said your son is very bright at Vic PG, such a smart boy. I hope our boys could get into the same class with your little one.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-13 15:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-5-12 18:01 發表

sh_yip, I believe both my husband and I will take a week leave during the first week of school, to accompany the boys to school. I hope they'll get used to the enviornment without us around very soo ...

Are you very surprised about my decision on LN?
Based on my search in BK / friends / friends of friends about LN, all the comments are good except for the language exposure (mainly on Cantonese), e.g. teachers are very caring, super happy school life and good training on
For KCS, I like their language exposure on Mandarin.
However, I do overheard that the teachers of KCS local stream mainly stick to the old teaching method and quite pushy.

As I found that my son is lack of confident in some aspects, hence, I decided not to put him in a pushy school at this stage.
I’d like him to enjoy his school life (in order to built up his confident and initiatives of learning).
I’m not sure my decision for LN is right choice or not.
For sure I need to arrange playgroup with English + Mandarin for my son later.
I feel a bit pity to give up KCS.
Am I pick the right choice for my son?

I attended a trial class in “Bambini Republic” late last year (only 2 kids in the class).
However, my son can’t concentrate at all,
he was not willing to sit down for story/music time, he only wants to get out of the room and play with those toys.
I found that the young lady teacher seems don’t have experience on how to dealt with my son.

My son is attending Montessori Playgroup in CWB every Wed & Fri morning.
I’m afraid that he won’t be able to accommodate it after LN school term start in Aug.
Though they have PM class starts at 2pm, it’s too tough to ask such a little kid to attend school/playgroup from 9am till 4pm (have 1.5 hrs lunch/nap break in between).

For Victoria playgroup, my son isn’t that bright.
I do agreed that he is very sociable (he like talking very much), however, he is not brave enough to try those obstacle games/new challenge, e.g. he ask for hold our hand/finger and will cry badly if we are not offer for help.

Anyway, hope our boys could get into the same class in LN!!

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-13 22:46 |只看該作者
Hello, my boy is also attending the PM class in August.  I have written to the school for the AM class but seems that it is very little chance of getting in.  My son currently goes to Victoria's playgroup and my plan is to let him stays there until July as he enjoys it very much.  

I am now searching for some other English playgroup/class for him to join in August after he goes to LN.  Any good suggestions please?  My son tried Bambini Republic a year ago when they first established and I also found the teacher was not very experience then.  Guess they must have improved during the year.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-14 01:23 |只看該作者
Nice to meet you!!
Thank for your information. As my husband & I still not sure how many days we could accompany my son to school in August, therefore we paid the school bus fee for August. The teacher also explained that only N1 will start in August, the school bus is not full, they can take care of the kids well.

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-5-12 09:08 發表

chingching8888, I also live in Happy Valley. Hey, you'll start the school bus in August? The school suggested us to start in Sep, as firstly, school will start in mid Aug, but the school bus company ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-14 08:51 |只看該作者
As Lingnam is too far away from my house, we will give up the offer (am nursery class).  For those interested, please contact the school directly.

p.s. I fully understand this is a very good school.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-14 17:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 dada_mama 於 10-5-14 08:51 發表
As Lingnam is too far away from my house, we will give up the offer (am nursery class).  For those interested, please contact the school directly.

p.s. I fully understand this is a very good school.

Too bad.
Where are you living?
I’m living very far away from Lingnan too.
Take 1 hour from home to school by school-bus.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-17 09:53 |只看該作者
I will move to TKO, before that I live in Island East.

There's no school bus to TKO, therefore, have to give up.

原帖由 sh_yip 於 10-5-14 17:36 發表

Too bad.
Where are you living?
I’m living very far away from Lingnan too.
Take 1 hour from home to school by school-bus.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-20 12:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 dada_mama 於 10-5-17 09:53 發表
I will move to TKO, before that I live in Island East.

There's no school bus to TKO, therefore, have to give up.

I see.  TKO is really far away. Which school you have picked for you kid finally?
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