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教育王國 討論區 幼教雜談 Playgroup - 兒童無限vsBest Concept
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Playgroup - 兒童無限vsBest Concept [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-29 11:28 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
想報蒙特梭利課程,但不知應該報邊間好d, 有無人報過兒童無限的"幼兒及家長基礎課程"?對18個月的bb及家長有無幫助?請大家比d意見.
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-1-29 11:42 |只看該作者
The teachers in Best Concept are very very good with heart.  Also, the BB become very independent as the parent cannot accompany them in the class.  They will have last 1/2 hours circle time with program based on Orff Music.  All of their children loves the teacher there very much.

For Children Infinity, their campus in Kowloon Tong is new and seems very attractive with outdoor area.  However, I'm not sure the quality of their teachers and the course structure.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-1-29 11:50 |只看該作者

For infinity children, if you want to attend their 進階班, you must attend the (1-2.5歲)幼兒及家長基礎班.  However, if u know nothing about the montessori theory, i strongly recommend you to attend their 8 hrs parent class before you let your BB go to the montessori class so that u know how to cope with their methodology when you get along with your own BB.  As the 幼兒及家長基礎班 is the extension of the parent class to teach you how to observe your BB and apply the montessori theory in practice.  It mainly allows you to have time to ask more specific questions of how to get along with your BB in daily life.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-29 17:58 |只看該作者
Thank you for your info.  I've already attended the 8 hrs parents class.  If I just want to let my bb to attend the playgroup, is Best Concept is much better than ICW?  

原帖由 Doray 於 10-1-29 11:50 發表
For infinity children, if you want to attend their 進階班, you must attend the (1-2.5歲)幼兒及家長基礎班.  However, if u know nothing about the montessori theory, i strongly recommend you to attend th ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-1-30 11:03 |只看該作者
It depends on where you live.  But if the venue is not a concern.  I personally prefer Best Concept as the BB can be more independent as they attend the class by themselves.  But you need to tolerant the transitional period of crying upon the seperation when u bring your BB to the classroom at the beginning as I nearly give up though my daughter had cried for only 1st 3 days...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-1 11:22 |只看該作者
我都上咗兒童無限的8-hr家長班, 2月尾會上親子playgroup. 都有考慮跟住會報best concept. 因為best concept係全英文教的, 可順便俾個女學埋英文. 我都有諗過遲d個女返n1時, 俾佢返兒童無限或best concept當2nd school.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-2-1 14:56 |只看該作者
你2月尾就有得上兒童無限的親子playgroup, 你就好,我若要報, 要等到4月先上到(地點在九龍塘), 到時請你告之這playgroup 好不好.

原帖由 tantanmama 於 10-2-1 11:22 發表
我都上咗兒童無限的8-hr家長班, 2月尾會上親子playgroup. 都有考慮跟住會報best concept. 因為best concept係全英文教的, 可順便俾個女學埋英文. 我都有諗過遲d個女返n1時, 俾佢返兒童無限或best concept當2nd schoo ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-2 12:06 |只看該作者
Best concept is not using solely English as the medium of teaching as some teachers are using PTH and some are using cantonese.  But the BB can communicate with them naturally as all the BB is talented in distinguishing different languages during the sensitive period (0-6).

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-2 12:14 |只看該作者
Also, unless you're living very near to both places, otherwise, it's really too tough for a 2 year old bb to attend the "whole day" class and the BB will be sick easily with a greater chance of infection.

I finally take BC rather than attending the N1 as I think the teachers in BC could treat the BB better phycologically as they know and respect the BB's individual needs.  For most of the N1 teachers, they need to control the whole class and deliver so called knowledge in a structural class and are not capable to apply the same level of care to each BB but the BB is really very sensitive in this age...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-2-10 08:57 |只看該作者
似乎大部份都當BC或IC是second school, 請問有無人考慮報ic 三歲班當正式幼稚園? 三歲班應該是自己上課, 我正在考慮, 又唔想小朋友返兩邊太辛苦.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-10 10:35 |只看該作者
我個女係返開育嬰園的. 所以返全日都冇問題, 佢應該好快可以習慣新學校. 我係擔心間學校好唔好, 值唔值得每日花幾個鐘頭去返.
我buy 蒙特梭利嘅理念, 但香港冇幾多間幼稚園真係行呢套, 多數都只係用蒙特梭利教具. 所以想俾個女返IC或BC.
我會上埋IC個親子班再諗下. 遲D再同大家報告下感想.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-2 00:40 |只看該作者

Infinity Children Kowloon Tong campus

Hi, I have attended their playgroup in the Kowloon Tong campus today. There are a couple of facilities that have not been installed. Apart from the indoor classroom section, children can only play with water and sand.

The thing that worries me most is that the classroom is too noisy. The acoustic of the classroom is bad. When a few people are talking, the whole classroom sounds like a Chinese restaurant. I am worried that children cannot concentrate as well as in their old place.

I hope they will ask feedback from parents and improve the hardware accordingly.

In addition, their Eng instructor is rather passive. Four children were competing to clean up one piece of tool right in front of her and she just didn't do anything. I understand that she has got an international license and have lots of experience in teaching Montessori. I was surprised to see her act like a new assistant.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-3 11:27 |只看該作者
希望IC會儘快改善. 真擔心到時4月上親子playgroup時尚有這種情況出現. 請 apdjade繼續update IC那邊的最新情況, 仲有可否分享下你小朋友的學習進度, 謝謝!

原帖由 apdjade 於 10-3-2 00:40 發表
Hi, I have attended their playgroup in the Kowloon Tong campus today. There are a couple of facilities that have not been installed. Apart from the indoor classroom section, children can only play wit ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-4 12:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 apdjade 於 10-3-2 00:40 發表
Hi, I have attended their playgroup in the Kowloon Tong campus today. There are a couple of facilities that have not been installed. Apart from the indoor classroom section, children can only play wit ...

個老師係咪想佢地自己解決呀? 我都想去九龍塘果面上呀, 因為而家係太子上, 我以為果面好靚好整tim d野,想問課室係咪有小朋友洗手盤/廁所? 可以既話, 不如影d 相比大家睇下呀, 唔該!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-4 14:47 |只看該作者
Hi, I have not been to their toilet yet. Will try to have a more thorough tour around the campus tomorrow and give you more update.

As for the Eng instructor, I will observe her for a bit longer and give my comment again. Afterall, it is just a few days into the new operations. Let us be a bit more patient.

As for the quietness of the classroom, of course if most of the children are already "normalized" and become independent enough to do their little tasks without their parents staying beside them, the condition shall be better. But 12 children with their parents all congest in a classroom and some of them are not yet "normailzed", it is really hard to keep the voice level down. Ideally, I think the biggest class size should not be more than 8.

Having said that, I really hope that IC do it successfully, otherwise, I don't know where to put my sons!

原帖由 javierpoon 於 10-3-4 12:53 發表

個老師係咪想佢地自己解決呀? 我都想去九龍塘果面上呀, 因為而家係太子上, 我以為果面好靚好整tim d野,想問課室係咪有小朋友洗手盤/廁所? 可以既話, 不如影d 相比大家睇下呀, 唔該! ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-7 01:05 |只看該作者
Confirmed that they have children size toilet bowl and sink. The classroom on the 1st floor is much nicer as more natural light is used. The wall paint and wooden floor is of white to very light colour. So the environment is bright and fresh. The colour of the tools displayed come out very nicely and attractive. They have currently use this classroom for the 1 year old group. However the other classroom my son is going does not have much natural light. The wall paint seem to be yellowish orange and the wooden floor is dark brown, the glass in the window is also brown so they have to rely on lime light. If this other classroom can be as good as the one on the 1st floor, this will be perfect. I don't know why they didn't make the classrooms consistent for long term good.

原帖由 apdjade 於 10-3-4 14:47 發表
Hi, I have not been to their toilet yet. Will try to have a more thorough tour around the campus tomorrow and give you more update.

As for the Eng instructor, I will observe her for a bit longer and  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-17 23:15 |只看該作者
你同bb上堂上成點, 有無用? bb有沒有進步呢?

原帖由 apdjade 於 10-3-7 01:05 發表

Confirmed that they have children size toilet bowl and sink. The classroom on the 1st floor is much nicer as more natural light is used. The wall paint and wooden floor is of white to very light colou ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-18 22:50 |只看該作者
My bb got good process when he was in their Prince Edward classroom. However, he doesn't like the new campus as much as the old one (I think mostly because of the teachers). He even refused to enter the classroom on the first few lessons. It seems that he has gone backward after he started the lessons in KLN Tong.

I've found that the Eng teacher has never taught children of 0-3, she only taught children of 3-6. Now I understand why she doesn't have enough patience and doesn't do much to engage those little children.

I think the suitability of teachers are very important. I miss those days when my little boy had so much fun with Ms Chan...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-24 17:38 |只看該作者
How old is your baby now?  Will you ask for changing the class and give your feedback to IC?  What's the name of this English teacher?  That teacher is native or Chinese?

quote]原帖由 apdjade 於 10-3-18 22:50 發表
My bb got good process when he was in their Prince Edward classroom. However, he doesn't like the new campus as much as the old one (I think mostly because of the teachers). He even refused to enter t ... [/quote]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-24 23:34 |只看該作者
My bb is now 26 months old. Their classes are mostly full with long waiting list now, so it is not easy to change to other class.

It is not easy to comment on their teachers to IC. IC expressed that it is very difficult to find teachers with certification and with good Eng standard and it seems that they are quite happy with what they've got. Besides, I believe that the teachers are knowledgeable just that the personality is not as patient and approachable. So it is a bit unfair to say that the teachers are no good. Just that the chemistry with my son is not there.
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