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教育王國 討論區 福建中學附屬學校 新學校,新理念
樓主: eviepa

新學校,新理念 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-10 19:21 |只看該作者

你既意見我都好同意. 福建前言不對後語!

李校長可做到的, 我亦不存厚望, 因為李校長做一校之長的經驗尚淺, 對臻美的過去認識不多, 他有管理中學的經驗, 管理小學的經驗却不知有多少, 更沒有為人父母的經驗, 好難逆地而處 (今年小朋友要等5 hrs 先有飯食, 每日上7-8唔同科目, 書包書又多又重, 話1-1.5 hrs 功課量, 小朋友其實要1.5-2 hrs 才可完成, 如果家長唔篤實都好難做完.)  

至於周校董, 仲傳統過30 年前我d 訓導主任, 唔知佢管理過小學未同埋有無小朋友? 小學生當中學生"操".


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-11 09:47 |只看該作者

I am not pro anybody, but I would like to clarify some points of your statement as follow:

1. The lunch hour has changed to half an hour later to 12:30pm and they got recess in between, so I don't agree its a problem to the kids.

2. In the starting of academic year, the teachers have not yet state clearly which books should bring, so some kids might bring all of them for sake of safety.  

3. One to two subjects got double lessons each day, so I don't think there are 7-8 subjects in everyday.

4. Please check the background of Ms Chow.  She was the principal of a popular primary school eight years ago.

5.  My kid only got 4 pieces of simple homework in the past four days.

In conclude, I do agree the culture of school has changed.   In the meantime, I still think it is acceptable to our kid as most of the teachers still caring them as the past.

[ 本帖最後由 mmju 於 09-9-11 09:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-11 11:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 mmju 於 09-9-11 09:47 發表

I am not pro anybody, but I would like to clarify some points of your statement as follow:

1. The lunch hour has changed to half an hour later to 12:30pm and they got recess in between, so I ...

其實我亦曾就功課的問題問過我家中兩位小朋友, 他們答我沒多大改變, 其實我覺得功課多了, 不是始於今年, 去年高副校在位時巳比往年多了. 現在只是繼往開來.  坦白講, 書亦不比去年多. 其實現在才剛開學, 亦不能過早下判斷說新不如舊, 只要小朋友讀得開心便可.

正如其他家長一樣, 我只是有點小疑問, 何以今年要轉換沿用多年的Cambridge英文書. 但我又不敢批評Longman是不是比不上Cambridge, 但只是奇怪. 是不是Cambridge有不足之處而令學校有此改變? 真不得而知. 但語文都不單單只靠書本, 希望學校真能有方法用新書之餘, 能確保我們的英語水評維持不變或更佳.  
都是同一句, 只要小朋友讀得開心便可.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-12 00:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 豬妹媽咪 於 09-9-6 00:20 發表
      她申辦時強調初中的福中亦是愉快教學,我想她的「愉快教學 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-12 00:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 MaMaHH 於 09-9-10 19:21 發表

你既意見我都好同意. 福建前言不對後語!

李校長可做到的, 我亦不存厚望, 因為李校長做一校之長的經驗尚淺, 對臻美的過去認識不多, 他有管理中學的經驗, 管理小學的經驗却不知有多少, 更沒有為人父母的經 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-12 17:22 |只看該作者
今天我的小朋友病了, 我跟他說, 要儘快看醫生, 才可以儘快上學, 他居然跟我說, 不用返學, 咪好law. 以前, 他連病都要嚷著返學, 現在有這改變, 我有些少不開心.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-12 21:53 |只看該作者


Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-17 21:32 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-26 00:45 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 miuho3039 於 09-9-26 00:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-27 00:02 |只看該作者
我有出席星期三的家長會, 亦有出席今天開放日的與校長對話, 當中提及到兩年前TSA的Listening 及 Oral 的成績只比全港平均高少少, 而reading and writing 更差, 其實我想我的小朋友應就是那一屆了, 記得想當年, 臻美是不著重TSA, 根本是不會操練, 他們去考TSA, 可以說是完全是考天才波, 但都比全港平均高(少少), 我想都是值得開心的 (可能有些自欺欺人罷了 ). 所以, 老師應加強寫作方面訓練, 多少少功課, 這是無可避免的, 因為真係要寫/作得多, 才有進步.  可能我小朋友已經是高小, 見到他時常有好多字都不識寫, 才有此想法, 其他家長可能有不同的想法, 可以一同分享.
當中亦有提及到學費問題, 我小朋友由小一開始已經是英文班, 當時學費會較中文班高, 我是接受的, 因為當時要經Media Power(不知名稱是否正確)聘請外籍老師做班主任, 教英文, 但現在經Agent請的老師已大幅減少, 而聽我小朋友講英文堂的分組是同中文班一起上堂, 以前只是兩班英文班一齊分拔尖補底, 那麼英文班同中文班的資源是share 的話, 何以英文班的學費要較中文班的學費貴60%, 這是不公平的, 雖說學校是跟教署承諾學費要不變, 但現在情況有變 (已減少向Agent請外籍老師), 我覺得如果是可以學費變更, 而這變更是for the benefit of the parents, 教署應當加以考慮. 而學校應當嘗試向教署反映及爭取, 而不是說學校有甚麼助學金, 因為這是公平原則的問題, 既然用在英文班及中文班的資源是相差不大的話, 怎樣justify英文班的學費要多那麼多.

[ 本帖最後由 BBmamalove 於 09-9-28 08:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-27 00:21 |只看該作者
我很少在BK寫那麼多, 不過今天去完開放日, 想抒發一下, 其實我較喜歡以前學校門口的小橋, 我覺得很美麗, 現在柝了, 變了平地, 覺得很可惜.

發表於 09-9-27 02:40 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-27 02:55 |只看該作者
我十分認同bbmanlove說學費是有減價的空間. 每個月除了我們家長交的學費之外, 教署亦會撥同等金額的資助給學校, 觀乎之前臻美有那麼多外判及不知名的開資, 開校8年都可以有二千多萬的盈餘, 那即是學費加上教署的撥款根本是用不完, 所以學費是絕對有減價的空間. 雖然林校長在會上亦說明要看一下今年接手後之收支, 才可決定學費是否會調整, 但他亦強調辦學團體不是憸財的, 故資源都是會用回學生身上的. 我相信如果我們家長多些向學校提出學費調整的要求, 相信都是有機會的.

但有一點我不太同意周副校說我們小學跟中學有不同, 因為中學比我們小學人數多, 而且師生比例高一些(1:10和1:13之分別), 而且小學的net teacher是有9位, 而中學只有3位. 但我回家算了一下, 我估計我們小學的收入跟中學的差不多, 我不太相信那多出來一點點的師生比例及net teacher, 是可以justify我們小學比中學貴上2-3倍的學費, 差幅實在太遠了, 我當然不是希望小學的學費跟中學看齊, 但起碼有一個大幅的調整才算合理.

原帖由 BBmamalove 於 09-9-27 00:02 發表
我有出席星期三的家長會, 亦有出席今天開放日的與校長對話, 當中提及到兩年前TSA的Listening 及 Oral 的成績只比全港平均高少少, 而reading and writing 更差, 其實我想我的小朋友應就是那一屆了, 記得想當年, 臻美 ...
url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/] [/url] url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/] [/url]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-27 11:06 |只看該作者
As there is limited supply of EMI primary school in Hong Kong, I think there is great demand for the placement in the English Stream.  In the period of uncertainty some months ago, even some parents would like to switch to other schools, they could not do so because there are only a few choice of EMI primary school in HK.   Together with the through train, if the school mgt commits to better academic performance, the English stream will be more popular.  In Hong Kong, the majority parent take academic performance as their first piority .  From marketing point of view, the school management has no pressure to lower the school fee if more parents apply the English stream in different grades.  In fact, some parents of Chinese stream would like to switch to English stream too.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-27 19:56 |只看該作者

What you’re saying is correct in terms of Supply and Demand Theory.  However, I would not suggest applying this pricing model to determine our school fee because we’re not a profit making organization.  Instead, we’re doing EDUCATION.

In 2005, the previous Pegasus Principal introduced the English Stream into Pegasus.  At that time, there were clear distinctions between Chinese Stream and English Stream and there were good reasons to set higher school fee for the English Stream.  

1.        Dual Class Teachers
The previous Principal committed all classes in the English Stream would be assigned a local teacher and a NET as class teachers.

2.        Using Putonghua to Teach Chinese

Qualified Putonghua teaching teachers will be assigned to teach Chinese in the classes of English Stream.

3.        Employ more NETs for English Stream teaching English, Thematic Studies, Oral English, IT, etc.

All of the above required extra resources and that’s the reason why school fee of English Stream was set higher.  At that time, most of the Pegasus parents were supportive to the school.  They were willing to pay 66% more for the additional resources or simply to “support” the school.  So, no one asked for the justification of the extra 66%.

Now, it comes to a new era.  There are a lot of changes.  The distinction between Chinese Stream and English Stream becomes vague.  We are glad to see all classes, no matter Chinese or English Stream, are assigned dual class teachers.  Chief Principal Mr. Lam also committed “Using Putonghua to Teach Chinese” will be launched across all classes step by step.  Regarding English subject, it seems that students from Chinese Stream and English Stream are mixed together and then grouped into Yellow, Green and Blue.  In order word, the resources are shared between Chinese Stream and English Stream.

Furthermore, I know some students from the English Stream do not have any single NET to teach any single subject at all.

In view of the above, it arouses the concerns of some parents.  If 66% more is to justify speaking English instead of speaking Chinese, I would say it's ridiculous and politically incorrect.

I do believe our new school did not take into account the issues of supply and demand.  I also trust them they will make the future policies fair and sensible.  After all, it’s the “Problem of the History”.  

In fact, the school management answered the above on Wednesday and Saturday.  At the moment, I admit their reasoning and understand there is no room for them to make any change on the school fee in the first year.  But, I expect them to tackle this potential bomb next year.  

To be honest, they’ve already done wonderful jobs for us.  Give them some time.  I would expect a better future.  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-27 21:18 |只看該作者

I am not support to maintain the present school fee if it is not justified.  Being a P3 parent, I had not go through the history before my kid joint the school.  In reading all the reasons of setting such high school fee, I would prefer the school mgt to restore the promise as the old school rather than cutting down the school fee.  Those are all good stuff for the kids if they are effectively implemented.  The major issue is the promised offers had never been fully implemented.  

In fact, i agree the grouping of English lesson should be distinguish between English stream and Chinese stream as i think there is still differentiation of standard within the same group. The whole grade can be separated in 7 small groups of different colours like their school uniform (just kidding).

BTW, my kid is so lucky that she had really good NET teachers in past two years (Miss Amy, Miss Sarah and Mr John).  However, I heard quite a number of parents complaint about the performance of their NET teachers.  So is it just a matter of choice or luck?   Or, we should trust the school mgt like the past!!!  


原帖由 Tommy 於 09-9-27 19:56 發表

What you’re saying is correct in terms of Supply and Demand Theory.  However, I would not suggest applying this pricing model to determine our school fee because we’re not a profit making org ...

[ 本帖最後由 mmju 於 09-9-27 22:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-27 22:42 |只看該作者
其實我都理解在短時間內, 學費是好難會有所調整的, 我只希望學校管理層能理解, 我們提出學費的問題, 並不是因為家庭收入或經濟有困難, 而是資源分配公平原則的問題.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-27 23:35 |只看該作者

Yes, I’m “old” enough to make comments on the Chinese Stream and English Stream.  On top of my "age", my two sons have studied in both Chinese and English Stream in the school, so I have better view in the “Dual System in One School”.

I’m not saying NET is better than local English Teachers.  I don’t urge all subjects taught by NETs in the English Stream.  NET is not necessarily better than the locals.  I do agree our four newly recruited local English teachers are very well qualified.  One of them is actually my son’s current English teacher and she is doing excellent job.  Based on my son’s feedback, the current local English teacher is better than previous year NET.  She is so nice, more skillful in teaching and able to make students enjoy the lessons.  More importantly, the class discipline is under control.

It is so funny and so pity if good education is by luck.  I think good selection and good management will do the difference, and I trust the school new management team will do better job in this aspect.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-27 23:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 BBmamalove 於 09-9-27 22:42 發表
其實我都理解在短時間內, 學費是好難會有所調整的, 我只希望學校管理層能理解, 我們提出學費的問題, 並不是因為家庭收入或經濟有困難, 而是資源分配公平原則的問題. ...




[ 本帖最後由 Tommy 於 09-9-27 23:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-28 15:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 Tommy 於 09-9-27 23:47 發表


我的孩子已經五年班,相信到學校減學費時,他已經小學 ...

我兩個小朋友都讀英文班, 中文班提升教學質數我不反對,但希望新管理層不是將我們多給的學費去補貼中文班便可, 否則對我們英文班的家長真的很不公平.
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