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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Totally disappointed with Kingston
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Totally disappointed with Kingston [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-21 23:50 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I had searched here before I let my boy joined Kingston but I couldn't find much information at that time and therefore I had made a very bad decision.  After joining there for almost half a year, we have to withdraw and the experience was very very very bad.  I want to share here to let other parents' know so that they won't repeat my mistake to put your kid to Kingston because after all we finally understand that the actual mission of Kingston is to earn money and they didn't use heart at all to teach your kids.

Here is my experiene.  My boy was originally a very good and gentle boy.  We never hit him and therefore he never learns to hit others.  A few weeks after school started, teacher told us that he hit other kids..it sounded quite strange for us....we asked a few times from teaches if he learned that from school..but the teachers just say nice words saying don't worry, etc.  

Since my boy grows bigger, he started to present himself better and better and we finally understand that he learn to hit others and shut loudly from another  naughty kid in the class.  Since we learned so well about the situation, teachers can't deny anymore...the fact is only that they are fail to control the situation.  In parents day, the teacher even told us it was bad that that naughty boy never got sick?!

Later, I recognize that my boy is not the only one like this.  I agreed with another parents in the class saying that the teachers only try to say nice words to please parents.  The school bascially has NO heart.

In the 2 weeks of Chiense New Year  holiday, my boy suddenly returned back to "normal" and became back a gentle lovely boy and stopped hitting others.  We then confirmed that it was bad to put him back to the Kingston environment where his emtion got upset (cause school was fail to teach the students...all they care is money).  

It is in fact definitely fine to have different kinds of kids in class and we tihnk it is good for our boy to learn.  However, in the whole process, the problem is how the teachers and even the school Principle deal with the matter.  Since we confirmed the environment brought damage to his growth, we had no choice but stop letting him go back to the class immediately.  We also inform school this problem and requesting either to let us go or otherwise change class for us.  

Believe it our not, they rejected us changing class so that they can charge us the $15000 deposit.  We fight back asking them to either change class or pay back the full deposit.  They still insist not to pay us back the whole deposit.  And the execuse they use to reject our request of changing class is that the School principle say there "could be" some people lining up to join the school?!  However, the truth was that a number of kids had withdraw from the schol.  

Anyway, we confrim from the whole process that Kingston is a very very money oriented school with no hearts...

Finally, I waste some deposit money and switched my boy back to another school..we asked him again if he likes Kingston or the newly joined school ... my boy answerd me the new one .. now, he sings more songs and never hit us again! back to normal.

I really hope that the information above could help.  I hope that no parents will repeat my mistake.  Send me email if you need more information.
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-5-10 00:26 |只看該作者
what is your selection criteria / strategy for the 2nd school?

原帖由 parentsinhk 於 09-3-21 23:50 發表
I had searched here before I let my boy joined Kingston but I couldn't find much information at that time and therefore I had made a very bad decision.  After joining there for almost half a year, we  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-13 10:19 |只看該作者
Which school did your boy change to?

原帖由 parentsinhk 於 09-3-21 23:50 發表
I had searched here before I let my boy joined Kingston but I couldn't find much information at that time and therefore I had made a very bad decision.  After joining there for almost half a year, we  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-5-20 22:52 |只看該作者
my friend's son study in this kinder....pls send details to me at [email protected]......

i want to share more info to her...,....thanks...

which kinder yr kid study at now?
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