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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Japanese International School
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Japanese International School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-28 21:28 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
回應 : 大埔道日本人國際學校好唔好?有無人讀過

I just want to express my opinions and do not intent to hurt anyone.

Feeling warm, care, happy, small community, knowing each other, many activities, speak English…etc.
講真間間都差唔多啦!唔通得JIS特別warm D同英文好咩!
But by the fact , 如果有得選,我點解唔選D Band 1 學校而走去讀間將要被殺校嘅學校,同長期收生不足嘅學校先???
無得選,就nothing to say 啦!

I really understand the feeling of JIS parents
but 各人有選擇及表達權,無話對與錯,唔好鬧人至得!  當意見唔同就話人講大話,點可以咁!

ICS 要比 HKD190,000 debenture, 但係仲好多人爭住讀,每級每班都收足學生,waiting 都有排等。
JIS 不用比 debenture卻是從來都收生不足。 ( 我朋友話JIS雖然每班 maximum 25個,但P2 till P6 實質每班得 10 16 個不等 現在 P1 都唔見了幾個。)

ICS teacher and student ratio 2:25
JIS 1:25

ICS 一條龍 USA syllabus 好清楚。
JIS 小學在 Tai Po IB,中學在沙頭角,卻不是行IB ( 唔知行嘜syllabus),非常奇怪?都唔知想點¡?   

JIS D parents 講幾多 JIS 點好都假啦,收生不足同流失率高都好難吸引人去讀,你話點好都假啦。


I am so sorry to say,有得選,我一定選 ICS 始終穩陣D嘛!
   0    0    0    0

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-28 21:58 |只看該作者
首先我声名我不是ICS OR JIS PARENT、只是看到TIREKING特別開一条THREAD去重提出JIS,覚得有点不得其解?! TIREKINGや提到可有不同声音的、我就大胆的説説:-

①為何用ICS 同 JIS比較?2間規模全然不同。  
②QUOTE ( 我朋友話JIS雖然每班 maximum 25個,但P2 till P6 實質每班得 10 16 個不等 現在 P1 都唔見了幾個。) 
朋友話不可尽信!! 応該自己去看看?
③JIS会被殺校?  消息何來?
④TIREKING提到ICS、我對此学校不認識、但一般對学校評価不俗、学校有SUMMER COURSE,便打去問問、It has 2 hotlines.  I have been calling them 4 times in 2 days in different time of the day.  Every time I only received a recorded message (recorded by Karen) asking the caller to leave a message, but she never returns my call.  Then I thought may be the hotline wasnt working properly so i called their school's main number (the number was told by 1083).  I called again but again was disappointed with a recorded message.  So I called the kindi at Fo Tan.... again no luck.  May be they are all on holidays so do tell me if I called at the wrong time of the year.   
I am not saying that it is a bad school just because I could not talk to anybody there.  But still that made me wonder why.
④我覚得JIS好像中了CURSE,這多新加入国民要BAD MOUTH IT.
love you for you

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-29 23:26 |只看該作者
Just to let you know (well, maybe it's a bit too late, though) that ICS has been on the spring term break for the whole this past week. They're not gonna have Easter break like many other schools. You should get back to them tomorrow as everything goes back to normal this coming week.

原帖由 Mighty 於 09-3-28 21:58 發表
首先我声名我不是ICS OR JIS PARENT、只是看到TIREKING特別開一条THREAD去重提出JIS,覚得有点不得其解?! TIREKINGや提到可有不同声音的、我就大胆的説説:-

①為何用ICS 同 JIS比較?2間規模全然不同。  
②QUOTE  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-30 08:19 |只看該作者
Thank you for correcting me, luluonthemoon, surely I will call again.
love you for you

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-30 19:41 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

Tireking or any "new" member,

I don't understand why you would like to open a new thread to bad-month JIS .  Why don't you reply to other JIS parents' responses directly under the previous topic?  We are very tired of it.  If you want the non-JIS members believe in your "opinion" or "facts", please do not fabricate too much.  If you have too much time and got nothing to do, please pay more attention on your kids!  They need parent's guidance and we are the model of our kids.  Anyway, you can't ruin our reputation and we (JIS parents and staff) won't feel sad.  We know the truth, that is enough

[ 本帖最後由 Fattymom 於 09-3-30 19:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-31 18:13 |只看該作者
For the interested parents, please read the responses from various JIS parents in


Opinions are opinions, and facts are facts.  Is JIS’s attrition rate “high”?  Is her staff-to-student ratio low? It depends on your interpretation of the meaning of high and low; you may say that even one leaver is one too many and the ratio 1:x is low, whatever the value x is.  It is your opinion.  Fine.  And you may even apply different criteria to different schools.  However, if you, for whatever intention, declared that it was 35%-40% per year per class at JIS and the ratio was 1:25, then I would not take the statements as opinions.  They could either be true or not true.  Are they true?  I believe we all know the answer.

I don’t understand why you kept on attacking the “JIS high school”.  First, there is no such thing as the JIS high school.  JIS contributes to the establishment of a new high school named ICHK, and JIS students, if they wish, can go to ICHK in the future.  Second, this new school is not yet in operation.  How on earth do you know anything about the quality of the school?  And how do the location and curriculum of this new school affect the quality of JIS herself?

The lack of her own high school is obviously a major weakness of JIS.  We all agreed. Thus, if it is so clear to Tireking that her children could not get any offers from any high schools in the future, it is very realistic for her to leave JIS when her children are still young.  But, what’s wrong if we don’t think admissions to high schools would be problems for our children?  

Popularity is not an indicator of the quality of a school.  Oxbridge has a pretty low number of applicants, compared with the others in the UK.  Does it mean that students do not want to go to there?  They don’t apply because of obvious reasons…  I’m not saying that JIS is the best school in HK or has unachievable admission criteria; the lack of a high school did and does make her less popular and less attractive.  I just want to point out that we should not insert an equality sign between popularity and quality of education.

ICS is a good school.  No objection.  If your children were admitted, then I would congratulate you.  But why is it relevant to the quality of JIS?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-2 20:03 |只看該作者
Dear ll,


First of all, I declare that I am a ICS parent but every schools have good and bad things/ expereicnes.

Nevertheless, it is sad to hear that bad comments on JIS which I think it is not fair to make such comments if the parents have no experience with JIS.

My colleague's kids studied at Shatin JS, JIS, CAIS, RC, HLYIS, NIS, AIS etc, they all commented their kids's schools were good.  Evey single kids/ families have different experience and different comments on their or other schools.

Different students/ families have their own needs (debentrue, fees, chinese program etc), all IS are different to suit their need.

Back to basic, HKIC is set up for JIS, HLYIS and Kingston (also accept NIS students).  If JIS has no future, what is HKIC for?

I believe HKIC will be very international which I heard from the founder board. Though it will be a new school, it is also a chance for students who did not start IS in primary schools.

BTW, most of IS have posted their summer programs on their websites for enrollment.  Most of the term starts from mid July are very full, action fast.

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