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大埔道日本人國際學校好唔好?有無人讀過 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-17 22:59 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-18 09:56 |只看該作者

Japanese International School

1.          設施   
規模    教師質素    課程
教育理念    校風    中學

JIS 設施叫OK, 有泳池及小球場,但电惱室設施及校舍開始老化,而且国際部規模太少,所有設施都以日本部優先享用,所以只可叫OK

reception P1,每級得一班,每班 25 人。  除了 reception P1 2 位老帥,其他得 1 位老帥,帥生比例是全香港國際學校最差,非但不及本地直資學校,甚至比一些本地學校更差。  而且教師流失率相當嚴重,本年7班裏只得1位老師是舊人

JIS 學生流失率亦相當之高,我想是全香港國際學校之冠,每年每班升班前後大約有35 – 40%學生離校,有一年 P6 畢業人數甚至只少過10 人,但都有畢業禮。


JIS似做生意多過關心學生,現在但凡有學生離校,校長都不理學生質素,不停找人插班,最緊要儲夠 25 人一班,完全不理老師及家長感受。

JIS 話叫做IB,但老師無一個糸 qualified IB 老帥,都唔知点教。

JIS 校風以前都OK, 但現在越來越差,每天都有打架事情發生,聽 D 家長講有 1 次有個低年班小朋抓傷另一位小朋友塊面足足有8 條手板咁長嘅血引,但傷人嘅毋親卻反投訴學校話自已個仔係自衛,真係咁都得。

JIS 現在叫有中學,但係是前沙頭角官中改建,即係沙頭角邊境嗰度,我個仔除非孝唔到其他國際中學,否則都唔讀。

我都好後悔個仔係JIS 讀,不過今年我都會送佢去外國,坦白講,好多JIS 學生都係出面沒人收才讀 JIS,我個仔都係得 JIS 收插班吔。

係好易收,因為先到先收,而且因為流失率高,所以越高年班越多位,但如有得選擇,就諗清楚 D

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-18 20:16 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-19 17:43 |只看該作者
Well, it's pretty interesting to read Sharpen's post but I'm afraid I cannot agree with her.  

The Japanese section and the English section share the facilities of the campus and I haven't found that any one section has a higher priority than the other one.   And because of the difference in schedules, the two sections seldom have conflicts.

Let's count what we have.  An indoor swimming pool, a grass pitch, a covered playground, an indoor gym, an English library, a Japanese library, a computer lab, a food and textiles room, a spacious multi-purpose room, and some more rooms for other purposes that I haven't been.  Are they old?  Well, at most eleven years old.  But what's wrong?  The maintenance is excellent.

Small class size?  Yes, it is exactly what I want and I do not see why small class sizes will lead to a poor staff to student ratio.  In addition to class teachers and assistants in the lowest two years, there are an IB coordinator, an ESL support teacher, a music teacher, and a team of professional PE teachers, including a world champion in rope skipping.  Every week students have one swimming, one indoor gym and one grass pitch PE lesson.  The soccer team and the hockey team are well-trained and strong.  Four mandarin/japanese classes (with a class assistant in each class) per week.   I would be terribly surprised if such an environment were the poorest among all HK schools.

Except one, all teachers are new this year?  Jesus!  Either you are kidding or you are talking about another school .  At JIS, only three teachers are new this year.  Yes, teachers are leaving and coming.  It is true in all international schools, especially nowadays the middle east countries are very hungry for international school teachers.  So, what's wrong?  Whether a teacher is good or bad does not depend on how long he or she stays at a particular school.

High attrition rate?  30% per class every year? Again, either you are kidding or you are talking about another school.  Students do leave, because JIS does not have a secondary school.  It is really her major weakness.  Thus, there may be 4 to 5 students leaving in reception and P1 every year.   In older classes students usually leave due to relocation.  Anyway where these students go if they are going to other HK schools?  CIS, ESF, GSIS, HKIS, etc.  So, if, as you claimed, JIS were a school for children who could not be admitted to any other schools, then we should congratulate her on the great success in offering quality education, leading to an extraordinarily high value-added.   Otherwise, how come they could be admitted to the best high schools in HK?

I really cannot understand why you made up figures and stories to bad-mouth the school in this forum.   Didn't you notice that in each class only a quarter to one third are local chinese.  The majority of JIS families, current or future, will never read anything here.

Come back to the original question.  Is JIS a good school?  Well, if I were you and if I were looking for a school for my children, I simply would not trust any hearsay.  I would simply call the schools of interest to make an appointment to visit in order to see what's actually going on in those schools, to talk to real students and real parents there if possible.  That's how I chose JIS.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-19 21:05 |只看該作者
我個女今年升 P1,  ICS 同 JIS 都收咗,不過我選擇了 ICS。

我兩間學校都有參觀, ICS 設施的確比較好,而且中學都在同一地點。
我始終不太喜歡 JIS 間中學,因為在沙頭角,又要同幾間小學學生一起讀,唔知質素如何。  JIS 行 IB, 但升中又不行 IB,好奇怪。  而且將來若我個女遲放學,我怕她不知點坐車回家,而且又怕冶安唔好。

坦白講,JIS 國際部全校得 7 班只佔全幢校舍半層,比ICS 真係太細。
1 比 25 人 又的確太多。

我有個朋友個女上年都在 JIS 讀,後來都轉了學校。
他告訴我 JIS P2 現在只得16個人,其餘都轉走了。
他說 JIS 大部份學生都是香港人,其餘有中日混血兒,同理一兩個其他國籍。  其實是甚麽人又點?  老實講現在有間間國際學校都係人多過鬼,ICS 同 JIS 都係,我都係鍾意 ICS 多些,始終規模較大,師生比例較好,又有自已中學,而且交通較方便。

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-20 02:01 |只看該作者
so many new members talk about JIS?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-20 02:06 |只看該作者
and I see this is the address on the JIS website: 4663 Tai Po Road, Tai Po, N.T.

http://es.jis.edu.hk/index.php?o ... id=48&Itemid=72

So there is a JIS secondary school in Sha Tau Kok?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-20 02:48 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章


I totally agree with your comments!  I think it's SOMEBODY's style to tell lies!  BE CLEVER!  JIS is a very small and lovely community. We know each other.  It's a surprise that there are so many new member interesting in JIS and able to type chinese in the same tone .  If JIS is so bad, I think all JIS parents are idiot!  Our school fee is $9,000 per month (capital levy + monthly fee), it's quite expensive.  I think those can afford such a school fee will choose the best for their kids.  My son was REALLY accepted by both ICS and JIS last year.  I don't think ICS's facilities are better than JIS.  The fact is, as kaplanmeier said, we share ALL the facilities with the Japanese Section. BTW, I'm not saying that ICS is not good (I struggled between both), it's just not my cup of tea. PLEASE STOP IT! There are some parents looking for a suitable primany school for their kids,  please stop your unfounded and untrue comments!  Finally, thank you for leaving our school!

[ 本帖最後由 Fattymom 於 09-3-21 03:03 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-20 14:45 |只看該作者
Well, JIs is certainly not what sharpen described. my daughter is at jis at the moment. she told me she enjoys going to school everyday. students speak english most of the time unlike many other international schools, cantonese is the most popular language on the campus. yes, there is always something me and the other parents concern, but it is like this in every school, if the parents just want to gossip among them, the concerns will never be solved. it is fairly easy to speak to the teachers even the principal. things are getting worse if the parents have nothing but gossip to spread some rumour. anyway I still think jis is resonable school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-20 16:16 |只看該作者
It states in the ICS's homepage that "[t]here are three classes per grade level averaging 25 students per class for grades 1-5".  My math may be too poor to figure out why a class in JIS of at most, rather than on the average, 25 would be regarded as a larger class?  

Anyway, ICS is a good school.  If you children are admitted, congratulations.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-20 16:33 |只看該作者
I had visited JIS 2 years ago . I think the school facilities are  good.The teachers and the principle  are nice and very willing to answer our questions.The relationaship between the principles, teachers and the students are good .
The students  are all speak ENGLISH at school.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-20 17:01 |只看該作者

Are you Sally/Sharpen?

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-20 17:21 |只看該作者
Dear Yanishamami,

JIS is an excellent school. My daughter is studying there and i witnessed and is witnessing how much effort the teaching staff and principal are putting into making the school even better.

The school community is small but the horizon a kid gets from there is so wide that i believe is beyond my imagination.

I believe that you care so much about your kid and the school he/she is going. Don't listen to people. Try finding it out yourself.

You could make an appointment with the Principal, Mr. Walton and come and see how the kids are having their school days.

Of course, there are kids coming in and out, but we must understand that these are not the decisions the kids make. They leave not becasue they decide to leave but their parents do. They are ours - parents' decision. If you could spare some time visitng JIS you could see the kids are here coming to the school with their smiling faces and they do grow up everyday better.

I can now still remember the days when I was a kid going to school. I am sure that when my daughter grows up she will remember her days in JIS being happy days.striking out on basis of abuse

Come and check it out.


Adonis Cheung

原帖由 yanishamami 於 09-3-17 22:59 發表

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-20 17:24 |只看該作者
please ignore the last setence of the 2nd last paragraph of my last message ie "striking out for abuse" ( sorry i was doing some drafting at the same time and computer cuzor moved, i did not notice).

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-20 22:40 |只看該作者
kaplanmeier, Fattymom, jubely, Tonyhildamum, adonischeung

Thank you for sharing the true story of JIS.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-20 22:43 |只看該作者
My son is also studying in JIS.  He loves the school very much.  

JIS may not be the best international school in Hong Kong.  But I think my son enjoys his school life is the most important.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-21 01:57 |只看該作者
can anyone tell me if these are 2 campus for JIS and HKJS, both under the same group? One in Taipo (JIS, right?) and HKJS?


http://es.jis.edu.hk/ <- JIS

http://www.hkjs.edu.hk/index2.html <- HKJS

Just curious only.

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-3-21 01:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-21 16:52 |只看該作者
Hong Kong Japanese School (HKJS) has 2 campuses, one on Hong Kong Island and the other in Tai Po.  This school is for Japanese only and follows the syllabus of Japan.

Japanese International School in Tai Po is an IB school for all kids, regardless of ethnicity.  JIS shares the facilities with HKJS(Tai Po).

原帖由 popolung 於 09-3-21 01:57 發表
can anyone tell me if these are 2 campus for JIS and HKJS, both under the same group? One in Taipo (JIS, right?) and HKJS?



Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-21 17:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 HappyBeach 於 09-3-21 16:52 發表
Hong Kong Japanese School (HKJS) has 2 campuses, one on Hong Kong Island and the other in Tai Po.  This school is for Japanese only and follows the syllabus of Japan.

Japanese International School i ...

so why someone said there is a school in Sha Tau Kok??? Are they actually talking about a diff school....

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-21 17:35 |只看該作者
JIS now only have classes from Reception to P6.

JIS, together with HLYIS and KIS, is going to open a new school, International College Hong Kong(ICHK) in Sha Tau Kok this September.  This school will offer classes from P7 to P13.

原帖由 popolung 於 09-3-21 17:28 發表

so why someone said there is a school in Sha Tau Kok??? Are they actually talking about a diff school....
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