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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 德望 Interview 结果
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德望 Interview 结果 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-4 23:08 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I guess we failed on today's interview coz she told me that she didn't answer their questions...

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-4 23:40 |只看該作者
got it. your daughter told u she didn't know how to answer, maybe she forgot the questions, don't give up if you like the school and trust your girl she did her best already!!  

原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-4 11:08 PM 發表
I guess we failed on today's interview coz she told me that she didn't answer their questions...


[ 本帖最後由 YiChingMaMi 於 08-10-4 23:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-5 00:39 |只看該作者
我諗我哋都會fail, 事關佢畫又未畫晒, 又講唔出老師問乜, 講到的我又覺佢答得唔好/唔啱, 不過, 佢已盡力了, 那便算了, 而且佢有進步的, 就是她說她有大聲回答老師問題呢 (以前她是沒信心到好似蚊滋咁細聲的), 所以in完後, 我便買了支糖和請佢食雪糕當係獎勵了!!    

原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-4 23:08 發表
I guess we failed on today's interview coz she told me that she didn't answer their questions...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-5 00:39 |只看該作者
今日嘅interview有件頗不愉快經歷,   令我對此校的老師有一個好壞的印象. 呢得in就梗係想讀, otherwise, don't need to waste time for making portfolio & preparation of interview. But now, I have to re-consider....  

話說在校外排完隊入hall度攞#時, 老師問有無文件要後補. 我就俾咗近期才取到的一張獎狀, 佢一手接過就夾咗喺我之前已經交咗嘅portfolio裡面, 跟着示意我去排隊上課室. 填完問卷接埋個女先知家長不用interview, 就問課室裡的老師, 我可否拿回剛才給樓下老師的獎狀, 因那是正本. 但她(有禮貌地說): 我不知, 你問樓下嗰d老師. 咁我就照做.

當向一位年紀較大的老師詳述後, 她即時變臉, 黑面及表露極度煩厭. 多次跟我說 "我校老師絕不收取家長任何正本文件, 佢哋知道晒架", 當我再問可否拿回, 因我剛下來, 又知道幾樓同邊個課室, 要攞返其實好易. 但佢又唔俾我自己上, 又唔揾其它老師上, 只係不停重覆佢之前嘅答案 --> their teacher will not accept any original documents from parents.  

俾我覺得唔信我之餘又無解決方法, 只係雙方爭持了數分鐘, 最後我已有點不耐煩, 再給她解釋那是由北京頒發的, 故不可補領, 再次"央求"她. 換來的只是冷冷的: 你等下啦, 等到就等啦, 佢哋好忙架, 等佢哋做完嘢至幫你揾, 不過唔知等幾耐架. 我聽完就話咁算啦, 不用揾啦, 即時黑咗好耐嘅面嘅佢即刻面露笑容同我說bye bye.    

in this case, i feel a lot that how can I send my girl to here??  teacher is stubborn, not helpful and being difficult; (if she allow me to go upstair immediately and back to that room, it's very easy to take my portfolio out at that time & I believe that it will be very hard to find after few hours) not understandable. I can't imagine how they will treat the students here.  Thing happen but no solution, only give the same answer: we'll not accpet original.  (oh my God, why I need to tell lie to you, non-sense...)  Extremely disappointed to this school

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-5 00:41 |只看該作者
em. you are a really good mother...   trust our girl did the best is enough.  the most important is her feeling, right?

原帖由 cheukyingma 於 08-10-5 12:39 AM 發表
我諗我哋都會fail, 事關佢畫又未畫晒, 又講唔出老師問乜, 講到的我又覺佢答得唔好/唔啱, 不過, 佢已盡力了, 那便算了, 而且佢有進步的, 就是她說她有大聲回答老師問題呢 (以前她是沒信心到好似蚊滋咁細聲的), 所以in ...

發表於 08-10-5 13:41 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-5 18:26 |只看該作者
第一: 我不是故意批評呢間學校, 此校亦是心儀之一, 否則唔會去考; (在下文,我亦有讚2樓的老師很有禮貌)

第二: 俾咗正本佢只怪自己大意, 一心以為會in家長, 但唔代表校方在此事做得對; (試想, 若女兒將來入咗去但欠帶東西回校, 老師只重覆池問你為什麼不帶, 叫咗你帶架啦. 但沒有解決方法, 覺得對嗎?)

第三: 我覺得說聲"再見"只是基本禮貌.

Goodmama2003, I think you are also a good mother, otherwise, you won't have a name as "good mama".  I believe that you quite not understand my feeling, I feel very sorry to my daughter as this is the award that she likes the most. she shows to grandpa & grandma everytimes when they come. Why I was so angry because I can't ask the Beijing U to send me another one, otherwise, I don't like to make thing complicated.  Although I made a careless mistake but trust this can be fixed if teacher is helpful.   As a point of view from a mother, you know how guilty I am.  

我在此只是抒發一下, 不是無中生有, 惡意評擊. 沒想到得來你這樣的評擊! "是人都只是彩色影印架啦. 你連最基本的野都不懂". 我之前俾的所有都是copies, 咁我究竟係唔係人呢?

大家都是一條船, 經歷緊一個艱辛的過程, 為自己的子女著想. 若大家不能勉勵一下, 都請不要落井下石, 萬分感激!

原帖由 goodmama2003 於 08-10-5 01:41 PM 發表

但, 話明是作參考用途, 點會把正本的証書給老師呢?  是人都只是彩色影印架啦. 你連最基本的野都不懂, 就在度批評人地間學校.

另一方面, 我又覺得德望老師不差呀, 女女那天同爸爸入去interview, 我在外面等, 突 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-5 19:25 |只看該作者
I also agree, it's not the fault of the school's. And as you can see from yesterday, it's a SUPER busy day for everyone. I think it's understandable that because you need someone to take out their time, just for you to dig back your certificate, that it's not going to be welcomed with a BIG smile right?

I think you don't have to be so heartbroken. I suggest you can call the school, or go in person, tell them what happened, that you handed in an "original" certificate on Oct 4's interview ... and you saw that the reception teacher put it in your daughter's portfolio. I am quite sure you will get it back some time later.

Oct 4- interview date was just not the right time to request any SPECIAL treatment from any staff or teachers from the school, Good Hope or not.

I think that's a fair statement.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-5 20:35 |只看該作者

對於你為那證書要問學校拿回, 我們做家長的很明白.

但我跟另外的兩位回應你的家長一樣, 也很明白學校的處境. 當天是很繁忙, 要有特別的要求, 難怪老師心情不好. 你試想想, 若你是那位老師, 有近2000份(我估計)要在兩天處理, 若就算有1%家長有特別要求, 就是20份了. 流程會出亂子...

如果是我, 若學校當天怠到不方便, 我要提意改天再來拿取.

原帖由 YiChingMaMi 於 08-10-5 18:26 發表
第一: 我不是故意批評呢間學校, 此校亦是心儀之一, 否則唔會去考; (在下文,我亦有讚2樓的老師很有禮貌)

第二: 俾咗正本佢只怪自己大意, 一心以為會in家長, 但唔代表校方在此事做得對; (試想, 若女兒將來入咗去但欠 ...

發表於 08-10-5 22:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-5 22:31 |只看該作者
Hi Vinyny,


原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-4 23:08 發表
I guess we failed on today's interview coz she told me that she didn't answer their questions...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-5 22:53 |只看該作者
Don't upset 依靜媽, you can get back that cert. ge.  As what they said, try to call on Monday and explain to the school again.  I guess they are lack of teachers and too busy on that day jie.

原帖由 YiChingMaMi 於 08-10-5 00:39 發表
今日嘅interview有件頗不愉快經歷,   令我對此校的老師有一個好壞的印象. 呢得in就梗係想讀, otherwise, don't need to waste time for making portfolio & preparation of interview. But now, I have to re- ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-5 23:15 |只看該作者
My daughter said the teacher asked her name, what u drawing, what color you like and why?  after questions, story book time.  But I think the above questions isn't the full interview contents.

Pls let me know what ur daughter said about this interview.....


原帖由 YAPPLE 於 08-10-5 22:31 發表
Hi Vinyny,


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-5 23:19 |只看該作者
Hi Yapple,

My naughty girl said:

1) Asking her name and age in both C and E.

2) They showed her a picture and pointed out some animals and requested her to tell what is it in English.

That's all she told me. Actually, I am very worry about her preformance since this is the first interview she got.

How about your girl? Are the questions similiar to us?

原帖由 YAPPLE 於 08-10-5 22:31 發表
Hi Vinyny,


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-5 23:32 |只看該作者
其實大家都明白你唔係有意批評, 你個經歷真係好唔開心, 比起每一個人都會,  你作為家長會覺得如果將來亞女入到去冇帶功課......., 但係學校都會從佢地角度睇, 有冇攪錯, 從來冇人要收正本, 你就俾正本, 仲要隔咁耐先話攞番, 佢地會覺得你唔小心, 又或者唔睇清楚, 唔留心, 麻煩, 所以基本上你地兩邊都唔會對對方有好感, 如果有得番轉頭, 我諗你要認衰先囉, 因為真係你唔啱在先, (對事非對人), 而且係我地求學位ma, 點都叫我地求人, 我諗你要同老師講, 然後真係只有等, 請佢地有空先幫你搵, 或者你約返個時間返去囉, 否則而家個處境, 我諗你會攞得返, 但係就算你亞女in果時超叻, 佢地都唔會收你囉, 因為印象分已大減 ,當個經驗囉
原帖由 YiChingMaMi 於 08-10-5 18:26 發表
第一: 我不是故意批評呢間學校, 此校亦是心儀之一, 否則唔會去考; (在下文,我亦有讚2樓的老師很有禮貌)

第二: 俾咗正本佢只怪自己大意, 一心以為會in家長, 但唔代表校方在此事做得對; (試想, 若女兒將來入咗去但欠 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-5 23:46 |只看該作者
   我亞女同兩個best friend同一group in, 仲要加多個係其中一個的同學, 即係四個都有關係, 亞女好開心, 仲話乜interview咁簡單, (德望係第一間), 佢地in之前已經玩到好開心, 入去畫畫只係下場, 唔知你地個女有冇話畫d乜, 我亞女話老師冇話要畫乜, 不過張畫紙係白色A4紙, 上面有個大大地的閃電, 咁佢就畫左我同媽咪喺屋入面跳舞....., 佢之前喺屋企練 習緊畫公園, 咁我問佢做乜唔畫公園, 佢話你估我笨咩?閃電仲畫小朋友喺公園?但係唔知可信性有幾高, 但係睇圖書亞女同學話睇左三本, 我個女仲勁話四本, 我話攪錯AR, 即係冇睇? 我諗佢地當時比賽揭書囉, 跟住亞女知衰就話佢另一個FRIEND仲勁, 八本, 真係激死, 不過算啦, 當攞個經驗, 另外又係問左叫乜名, 媽咪放假帶你去邊, 用英文問喜歡的生果以及讀生果D名咁囉, 仲有介紹頭先果幅畫, 另外同學仔就問叫乜名同埋做乜著紛紅色衫唔著藍色, 俾老師著得唔得......英文都係圍繞生果

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-5 23:53 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

do anyone know when the result will be available?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 00:13 |只看該作者
They will mail to you on 21/11 (Friday).

Good luck to everyone...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-6 00:49 |只看該作者
my daughter and her best friend (separate classrooms) because we didn't want them to talk to each other, and not focus... so we line up separately. But both came out with this:

1) Draw "family" picture. On an A4 paper.
2) After that, teacher ask them to read books.
3) Then call one by one over, holding the picture, my daughter said they write something on the picture. Asked her what she drew, told her it's very beautiful, my daughter smiled.
4) Then took out some picture cards, asked her what they are. My daughter said, they are just animals, like dog, bird, butterfly.
(her friend said, zebra, elephant, and cat)

5) Then asked me daughter what other animal she likes.

That's it.

Very happy and easy going interview!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 01:02 |只看該作者
I agreed with your point that's why I said "央求" on below, "唔好意思, sorry, 對唔住, etc..." 已經不停地講, (都係慕求揾得番,道歉認衰又點會慳) 但結果都是這樣,才更覺得更無助.  

雖然你好幫學校諗,但有一點需要更正你. 那一張正本不是交表時交的. 而是interview當日亞女入班房之前才交, 到個女in完, 已即時問老師. 相隔時間就只是我行咗一層嘅樓梯時間, 因張嘢當時仲喺2樓. 所以並不是你所講"隔咗好耐".   As I said b/4, I also suggested I lead a teacher & go together as I know which classroom but she didn't allow and ask me just stand in the hall.  Trust I can get it back immediately before all the files mixed up together & don't need to waste the teacher's time afterwards.

無論如何,我只是覺得當日只有一位老師的態度及處理有問題. 問心吖, 當時11點幾, 企係hall度等佢哋做完晒嘢到下晝5點, 你會唔會等呀? 而且2點重有個interview, 所以期間我提議過留低姓名及電話,待校方有時間找到才call我, anytime is okay for me & I can fit in the assigned time from school. 但佢都係果句:老師唔會收你正本. 真吹賬!

多謝及希望大家能持平地看, 事件中我是大意. 但為何兩位家長都只是攻擊我, 難道此事校方真的做得對? 大家不用再回答, 問心便可以.

我明白在座各位家長都是喜歡此校的, 只是我天真, 不應在此講了個事實出嚟, 如影响到你們請見諒...

原帖由 喧嘩 於 08-10-5 11:32 PM 發表
其實大家都明白你唔係有意批評, 你個經歷真係好唔開心, 比起每一個人都會,  你作為家長會覺得如果將來亞女入到去冇帶功課......., 但係學校都會從佢地角度睇, 有冇攪錯, 從來冇人要收正本, 你就俾正本, 仲要隔咁耐先 ...
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