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Searching the Best School in the World Donated to thankful [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-7-21 14:46 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-21 16:17 |只看該作者
噢,當然,我都係 "懷疑" ,我冇話你係,我亦冇證據。

"懷疑",我終於都學識了你的 "用法",原來真係好好用。

只要我 "懷疑" 你,你就一大鑊,要出黎比我鬥。
噢,對唔住,唔係 "我",係 "我地";
當然,"我地" 可以係十幾個人,亦可能只係三個人,不過就共有十幾個唔同的網名,總之就係好強的氣勢,好多人睇唔過眼。

你唔駛再 reply 我,我唔會再回應,

PS 既然你咁不值 fate 的行為,不如直接向 BK 網主反映事件的嚴重性,請佢地先 block 了 fate 的 account 啦 ( BK 網應該唔比私下 market products );如果真係有需要,就再報警啦。

[ 本文章最後由 almom 於 08-7-21 16:20 編輯 ]

發表於 08-7-21 16:38 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-21 16:57 |只看該作者
路人甲、没想過您也会巻入這個小小WAVE裏、也没想過這個THREAD到最後階段会演変成這様的。  雖然我従初開始便不喜歓FATE的愛表現自己手法、但従未覚得他会是一個騙子來的。  也大概看過他写的関於losing money, losing cholesterol文章、大部分都是旧聞、没甚麼特別、但総覚得他不会是個騙子、他在這裏問其他MEMBER的PERSONAL CONTACTS,給他的都是自願的、無甚不当、真的有問題時、都是大人啦、自己要負責!! 也従以上的THREADS看到有幾個CHARACTERS原来是之前有「交往」的、well that explains the situation. May be it is also time for me to say goodbye to this thread too..... 
love you for you

發表於 08-7-21 17:07 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-21 19:42 |只看該作者
Hi ngmammy,

In post #199 Chingyu called Daydream as a gentleman and you assume he is a man.

Mum99 has been called a "a puppy", "Bitch" and a "Hyena" in this thread by others, does this mean that based on your assumption you would classified her as a dog?

原文章由 ngmammy 於 08-7-20 16:32 發表

Hi Twolovelyboys,



iamfine said he is a decent man (post#103)
Daydream was called as gentleman (post #199) and
thankful said he is not a wom ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-22 11:04 |只看該作者
原文章由 chingyu 於 08-7-21 11:45 發表
Hi edelwise,

So....what's your real identity?  It is your turn that you still DID NOT answer my question again and again or you may simply tell lie because you know nobody around here.  Right?

pls  ...


I am not going to explain or verify my identity is real or not, if I said I am 100% real identity (just like u said before ) then what will your questions next??

Hey, chingyu, I scanned some of your threads, I am so admire why you've got so much valuable time in this cyber world, make friendship with netfriend....gathering...wow...so active!!

I am a cautious mother, I educated my kids not to make friends with any netfriend, so...I only come here to chat about the shares, blow water in some freedom forum! that's all !

You're so childish, You said that :

"You may simply tell lie because you know nobody around here"

Do you think it is the sufficient reason to justify that my identity is fake?? so laughable ....

You keep on asking some questions with no point,
Oh what a pity and so childish you are??

Please refer to "daydream" and my quoted to you.....
We have evidence to challenge you...

All parents with clear mind will simply know that which one is the liar....

Which one like to raise the argument!!!

Let's share the former posted I wrote in :


Re: The Secrets of Losing Millions

Dear Fate & Papa2000,

I keep on reading your post everyday,
thks for wasting too much time to share w/ us,
In the meantime, we benefited greatly by both of your post,
I am also the investor who loss too much in 1997 ..
but why I am still here to invest..don't scare??
because I was ready for any risks,
this game which interests me a lot and so exciting indeed...
I agree w/ PaPa2000 that if we scare of it,
we would missed a lot of opportunity,
we should face and gain from it.. "no pain no gain"....I always remind myself...

On the other hand, Fate is the good reminder, we have learned from his lesson so as to reduce more risk in this stock market...

If Fate wanna us to vote on it....I desire harmony,
I vote for both of them(Fate & PaPa)

So, pls. stay and continue to write here..
Both of you really a specialist in investment market..
your experience is quite valuable to me.

I respect anyone in this forum, including Fate previously, I am foolish to split the vote into two, one for Fate, one for papa, do you think I am the one like to create the argument here??  

I'm so sorry that I have some arguments here with you, if we have no argument here, maybe we have same point of view, coz we are the mother of kids......kids are my long term investment indeed ...work very hard indeed

[ 本文章最後由 edelwise 於 08-7-22 11:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-22 11:48 |只看該作者
Hi edelwise,

At first I think I may start my peaceful life and seal my lips from now on.

However, it seems you have MORE TIME than me and keep searching information which was posted one year ago and also read through all my other threads.  However, you always act like TVB and quote what you would love to quote.

For me, time is really precious.  I am sorry to waste your time to tangle me to death.

Regarding the GATHERINGS, please write more CLEARLY that I had gathering with my daughters' classmates in the same kindergarten and primary school.  

As I said before, I NEVER have any gathering with Fate / Carolsin / ngmammy / Thankful / iamfine ; etc.  

Is it clear to you?

You care much about time.  Please value your time and enjoy happy days with your children too.  I do hope that I will have such honour to stop wasting time here with your kind co-operation.  

From the beginning to now, I have no idea who is bad or good.  I am not intended to defend anybody but myself only.

As per my understanding,

everybody can be GOOD or BAD
friend also can change to BAD from GOOD

How can I guarantee?  We have to be ALERT all the time.

Anyway, I do hope that you are one of persons with good heart and sympathy in this world.  Life will be prettier and more meaningful.

Best regards,

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-22 11:59 |只看該作者
Hi edelwise,

By the way, as your previous post typed too long, it is quite hard to follow.

(1) You quoted a long message under "Secret of losing millions", which had been written by you, right?  Please don't delete the date and your signature. When we click your link, we can't go back to your original post.  We have no time to read through all previous articles.

(2) You are not Papa2000, right?  That's fine and I hope this is true.  It was coincidence you both always come at the same timing and have the same grammatical mistakes.
I am very sorry to make you feel unhappy throughout this year. I should not suspect you and I should not support anybody here.

(3) daydream is also very clear to my standpoint and position now.  How about you?

Hopefully you may bring me beautiful days ahead my road.  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-22 13:04 |只看該作者
Worrying that I might have made misleading remarks, I decided to review this meaningful thread with more patience. Done, only to be enlightened with one more observation(how could I have missed that?!):

One particular player in this game the most entertaining if not pathetic. "jiao3 shi3 gun4"(poo stirring stick) would be my closest quote for its performance here. Without its pleasant well-intentioned timely powerful constant stirring this mess would have definitely been far less juicy. I hate to see it leaving so much that I decided to make a very enthusiastic effort to call for its elegant return.

Lets see who cannot wait to leap inot the spotlight in its SWIFT signiture style again.

In case anyone misses Fate's trick, my pleasure to mimick: who cares for an easy guess? But sorry no sticker. The powerful stick must be too eye-catching or, more appropriately, nose-stinking for almost anyone to miss?

Looking forward to more FREE DRAMATIC stick dancing if not stirring.

發表於 08-7-22 13:25 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-22 15:24 |只看該作者
No need. Anyone can "dui4 hao4 ru4 zuo4" if one feels the quote suits oneself.

But by my perception you probably need to work a bit harder to be pathetic.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-22 17:56 |只看該作者
Hi wicked,

You made me laugh to death.  

原文章由 wicked 於 08-7-22 13:04 發表
Worrying that I might have made misleading remarks, I decided to review this meaningful thread with more patience. Done, only to be enlightened with one more observation(how could I have missed that?! ...

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-22 18:06 |只看該作者
Hi  all,

I also want to say Goodbye to you all.

I think I have enough explanation.

For what you are going to attack me, I am sorry that I won't read and response anymore.  

Enjoy your time here.

See ya.

發表於 08-7-22 18:23 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-22 20:45 |只看該作者
"dui4 hao4 ru4 zuo4" = “對號入座”

原文章由 thankful 於 08-7-22 18:23 發表

What's "dui4 hao4 ru4 zuo4"?

發表於 08-7-22 21:25 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-24 10:16 |只看該作者

xie4 xie4 peng3 chang3.

But I hope you were just kidding or I might run the risk of many serious allegations, especially considering my bad name. Don't tell me you still haven't learned how seriously and literally words can be taken here.

So with "give and take" being the much valued spirit here, your resonance also made me laugh to half-death, precisely. hope your trouble is half less, as my appreciation.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-24 10:36 |只看該作者

Quite a gentlemanly snatch. Impressive as usual.

Perhaps you should check PM to see if you get a sticker(at  least) for that unless the Authentic Almighty Ass-kissing stick earner is prouder if not dumber than I thought to decide to present it under the limelight.

Let's see if the attention seeker can resist the charm of stage.

I don't mind pushing a bit harder, which I have just learned here.

In case the well-intentioned stirrer has learned its lesson and decides to remain retired, this full-of-shits stick should make the best FREE souvenir for its juicy trip to this DRAMATIC wicked-land, considering it defended so hard for the good name of shit before.

Ahhh, come to think of that, how well they should belong together ah! Must be destiny la.

"jun1 zi3 you3 cheng2 ren2 zhi1 mei3" so thankful please don't spoil it if I were you.

Well, fun may it well have been, there is always a time for goodbye. This good game could not have started without the stirrer's pleasant entrance so perhaps its elegant retreat may also mark the end of the game?  So cool so elegant that I surely have no concern or what so ever that it would ever need to chill out or pull itself together or feel sorry for itself.

Thank you for all the fun and the stage. Hope you all have enjoyed it as much.

Have a nice day.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-25 09:14 |只看該作者


Sorry to disappoint you audience so soon, I am back to bore you with a bit more non-sense. Pls do bear with me for 2 more minutes. Your tolerance much appreciated.

Despite in a half-death state, I still cannot help laughin. I am simply hopelessly too vain if not too carried away, not like some other players here. Being very impressed with the tolerance level among the players as well as the audience, I just have to rub in a bit deeper while I am still allowed to.(suddenly curious, where has the once much dedicated law enforcement unit gone these days? I thought my wicked work must have been more distasteful than Fate's alleged exaggeration and showing off?)

I am so thrilled by the juicy romance woven in the DRAMATIC wicked-land that I cannot wait to share. To put it short and concise, the well-cultured well-travelled alMighty Princess Ass-kisser, while searching for the best school in the world, found her love of destiny, the alMighty Prince Poo stirring stick. As much as, by her own words, she did not expect how she has manoeuvred this search turn into, she probably least expected to have walked out with this tailor-made signiture stick in her arm when she, with amirable courage and good intention, first ventured into this ill-fated thread. Not that ill-fated after all, is it? At least not for her and the stick. How blessed indeed. Simply "tian1 zuo4 zhi1 he2"(heavenly macthed).

Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Poo Stirring Stick. With your good name and being together surely you will shine even more and live happily ever after here in BK.

Host of the thread, aren't you going to propose a toast to the newlywed?  I don't want to fight with you for the credit. Without you, they wouldn't have met. So come come, let's "Gan1 Bei1".

Background noise:

"The long awaited dance by the alMighty Mr and Mrs Poo stirring stick. Music please. "
"Which one"
" 'Love Poo for Poo', of course, you @xyz??"

End of story. Yes?

[ 本文章最後由 wicked 於 08-7-25 09:40 編輯 ]
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