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any comment in nursery of boxhill Ma On Shan [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-28 19:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
as topic! pls share~~
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-5-28 21:19 |只看該作者

Greenfield vs Boxhill vs Think international kindergarten

To extend on your comments, we to are looking into internation kindergarten (in the Ma On Shan area) for our son who will be 2y.o. in September.  We've looked at a few namely Greenfield, Boxhill and Think international.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-2 22:22 |只看該作者
原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-5-28 21:19 發表
To extend on your comments, we to are looking into internation kindergarten (in the Ma On Shan area) for our son who will be 2y.o. in September.  We've looked at a few namely Greenfield, Boxhill and T ...

Among the 3 schools you've specified, I personally prefer Boxhill.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-2 23:50 |只看該作者
I also like Boxhill.
My friend said that only one student cannot pass the interview of RC this year.

原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-5-28 21:19 發表
To extend on your comments, we to are looking into internation kindergarten (in the Ma On Shan area) for our son who will be 2y.o. in September.  We've looked at a few namely Greenfield, Boxhill and T ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-4 00:04 |只看該作者
We went to have a look at Boxhill, but seem receptionist was not very helpful (maybe because she was busy for the afternoon session).  She simply gave us an application form, told to complete it and send it to the school.  

We asked about school place vacancies, she told us AM session was full, we than enquired about the PM session and again she replied with a short and direct anwser "the pm session was also full".  She didn't even ask us what class we wanted to enrol for our kid.   

As we were only in HK for a couple of weeks we wanted to ask a few more questions but she insisted that we should fill in the application form and submit to the school, which I found very rude and having second thoughts about sending our kid to Boxhill.  Not sure whether this was their general attitude or the receptionist was just having a bad day.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-4 16:25 |只看該作者
原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-6-4 00:04 發表
We went to have a look at Boxhill, but seem receptionist was not very helpful (maybe because she was busy for the afternoon session).  She simply gave us an application form, told to complete it and s ...

My daugther now study in BoxHill nursery class.  So, may be can help you.  For Nursery class max. have 25 kids per class. 1 teacher and 2 assistant inside the classroom.  So, I can say quite safey.

Their teaching medium using English but have Mardrian class everyday around 15-20 mins.

My daugther study there almost 1 year and she can speak english in fluenuce but cannot speak chinese or mardrian.  So, I will shift to Hong Kong Pre-school to continous her K1.  Acutally, I'm quite saticify Box Hill but I just want to daugther study more chinese as Box Hill K1 class chinese class only 30 min. after I checked.

I also target RC as my elder daugther study there in y3 already.

I have the same feeling with you for their admin. dept.  However, the important for me is they take care and teaching my kid well is OK.   Hope can help you.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-4 22:08 |只看該作者
Thanks your useful information. Reviews of Boxhill seems to be mostly positive.   

Just a few more questions.
  • If my son was born end of september 2006, Is he eligable to apply for the 2008-09 nursery at Boxhill?  (Boxhill website indicated child must reach age of 2 by 1st of September, is this flexible).
  • When should be apply?
  • As we only speak cantonese to him and he doesn't understand English will this be a problem?
Boxhill would be our first chioce as it is opposite RC where his older brother will be attending this autumn, and my wife intend to drop them both off at the same time in the morning.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-5 08:50 |只看該作者
wonder if you can advise in box hill the ratio of nationality there ?
I heard abt this school was good need to prepare the path for my girl as my original plan will send her to esf primary and sec. any moms know the chance after study in boxhill will that be able to go to esf pri ?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-1 07:47 |只看該作者
I heard that Boxhill children have high rate to go to RC.  That is the first reason I chose it.  After interinterview and school visit, I found that teachers are nice, fluent english.  Also, children there are happy.  That is the 2nd reason I chose it.  I hope it can help...

原文章由 cybabe 於 08-6-5 08:50 發表
wonder if you can advise in box hill the ratio of nationality there ?
I heard abt this school was good need to prepare the path for my girl as my original plan will send her to esf primary and sec. a ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-3 23:26 |只看該作者
原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-6-4 22:08 發表
Thanks your useful information. Reviews of Boxhill seems to be mostly positive.   

Just a few more questions.
If my son was born end of september 2006, Is he eligable to apply for the 2008-09 nur ...

Hi Twolovelyboys,

My child will be attending the nursery this year and perhaps I can help a little if I am not too late....

- the receptionist was probably having a bad day. She was perfectly nice and helpful when I was there couple of times.

- if ur son was born end sep 2006, he is eligible to attend the nursery this year. However, as mentioned by the admin, the am nursery is full and perhaps u might want to submit your application as one of the waiting list. My baby was born in Oct 2006 and he will be joining the class in Nov once he turn 2 in Oct this year.

- you should apply now but since it is full, maybe u might want to check on other nurseries as well to play safe. It doesn't matter if you apply for a few. You can always make your choice after receiving the acceptance from those nurseries. It is common here.

- generally, kids do pick up languages faster than adults. i don't see that as a huge problem but it all depends on the principal during the interview. I suggest that you should put your child into some english playgroups before going to school. Fyi, Boxhill offers mother duck classes 3x / week starting July 7. Why don't u give it a try?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-4 16:30 |只看該作者
Thank you mienmien,

Your information have been very useful indeed.
Based on your advise, I will be submitting the the application form next week.  

Unfortunately we will not be returning to HK until end of July and unable to register ro the mother duck class.

Hope you don't mind us asking a few more questions.

Do you know the fee because we couldn't find it on their website? Is it the nursery class that you applied for?

Apart from Boxhill what other kindergarten did you apply?

Do you think a 2year old is ready for kindergarten, as I have found my 2 yo is still unable to express himself or seat still for more than a few minute.  What will they be learning.


原文章由 mienmien 於 08-7-3 23:26 發表

Hi Twolovelyboys,

My child will be attending the nursery this year and perhaps I can help a little if I am not too late....

- the receptionist was probably having a bad day. She was perfectly nice  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-5 00:34 |只看該作者
原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-7-4 16:30 發表
Thank you mienmien,

Your information have been very useful indeed.
Based on your advise, I will be submitting the the application form next week.  

Unfortunately we will not be returning to HK until ...

Hi Twolovelyboys,

a/ mother duck class - my child is attending in july for the summer. They will still conduct this mother duck class (which is actually a playgroup ) after July in every season. Most probably I will let my son attend this pg until he enters the nursery officially by Nov this year if he likes the class. Do call up when you return and settled. You can always check on the september mother duck class if u cannot make it in august then.

b/ school fees - unfortunately, we do not have the exact fees yet but based on last year's information, the school fee was around $3500 / mth if I remembered correctly. They are waiting for the proposed increment figure to be approved. On top of that, there is still some misc fee which I cannot remember very well. You can always ask them.

c/ My child is going to the nursery - afternoon ( 2 year old class ).

d/ Apart from Boxhill, I did apply for Think International which my child was accepted for the am class but decided to choose Boxhill after much consideration. It really depends on what you want.

e/ I am not really sure what they learn in nursery but guess a 2 year old is not ready for kindergarten.

In HK, Kindergarten is a place for a child turning 2 yrs 8 mths old or 3 while nursery is a place for toddler turning 2.

To me, nursery is not a place for academic learning. I would see it as a place to learn thru play, practice their social skills, sharing and to learn some independency & discipline. Nursery is a place for them to get prepared for kindergarten.
Of course, some parents do not find the necessity of going to nursery concerning the hygiene among these little toddlers and the frequency of falling ill. It depends on what u want and what other environment u can provide other than nursery and your child's character.
My child simply likes to join in a group of kids.

f/ what do you mean by he cannot express himself? How well do you think a 2 year old can express himself? I cannot answer this question for you cos I have no idea on your expectation but I can share mine.
My child is 20mths now and I feel that he could express himself perfectly well based on his age. Of course, I don't expect him to speak sentences but at least I u/stand what he meant when he used single words or couplets.
My child has never sat still at playgroups since he turned 18m and could roam about independently. I have spoken to his teachers and also couple of my friends. My conclusion is, this is NORMAL for a 2 year old and esp. when we have boys! Their attention span is pathetically short which we have to u/stand and boys are generally more active.

Hope I have the answers you wanted. If not, do feel free to ask again or if you need to pm me, just go ahead.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-5 03:01 |只看該作者
Sorry mienmien,

When I said unable to express himself , I meant he is not yet toilet trained.

Thanks for giving me better understanding of system in HK

原文章由 mienmien 於 08-7-5 00:34 發表

Hi Twolovelyboys,

a/ mother duck class - my child is attending in july for the summer. They will still conduct this mother duck class (which is actually a playgroup ) after July in every season. Mo ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-5 15:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-7-5 03:01 發表
Sorry mienmien,

When I said unable to express himself , I meant he is not yet toilet trained.

Thanks for giving me better understanding of system in HK

don't worry, I hadn't give my child any potty training yet. Teachers in nurseries do not expect these toddlers to be toilet trained before attending nursery.
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