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教育王國 討論區 根德園幼稚園 根德園取錄信
樓主: rosactf9999

根德園取錄信 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-21 13:58 |只看該作者

回覆 #3 我的小豬 的文章

I agree with "我的小豬". My niece also studied there a few years ago. She didn't need any help from her mother when studied and she even created some mathematics for herself to calculate and requested my sister to buy her the exercise book to practice. It sounds like a bit unbelievable but it is the truth.
My son had also done the interview 2 wks ago and we are now waiting for the result. I am also a bit concern on the teachers attitude. My sister said the teachers there were pretty nice. But some of my friends had the negative comments on them. Can anyone have any more objective comment on the teacher's quality?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 14:02 |只看該作者
實話實說, 我遇到的仔仔的老師, 不能說'very nice"除k1班主任比較"nice"外, 其他老師比較似....吾識講..我覺得似小學老師:
他們不會用可愛聲線同小朋友說話, 有些也真幾嚴簫,(但肯定有禮及盡責) 也會責駡不守規的小朋友的(我仔話老師有時好惡的)!我仔對班主任的態度是又愛又怕, 做了好事好想快些返學告訴班主任。相反他曳時我只要話:寫手冊話比Ms.x 聽,仔就即時吾敢曳。仲靈過警察叔叔。

總之,我覺得kv有一套方法使小朋友愛上學, 愛老師而又不知不覺中學了好多好多(相對其他朋友的子女, kv小朋友識字和數學確高出好多)。

只是好多家長覺得學那麽多, 多麽深, 老師又不是輕聲細語, kv家長是扼殺孩子童年....
我以前也一樣這麽想, 怕自己選錯校!但經過2年多, 從仔仔和同學中知道我沒選錯, 不錯他們抄寫很多, 默書多, 但他們同時也學得多,自信多...

成功辦學40年, 他們一定有一套方法的, 就看你buy不buy!

原文章由 sabmar 於 07-11-21 12:53 硐表
yes, i would also want to know, since a friend of mine whose son is now studying in KV, said the teachers there aren't very nice.....   

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-21 14:14 |只看該作者
住我屋苑都有d讀根德園嘅學生. 我都有問過佢地開唔開心, 功課多唔多. 佢地話唔多又開心. 其中一個的婆婆話佢個孫好快就可以做完功課. 我覺得係習慣問題. 如果習慣適應了. 佢地十樣都唔覺多. 但如果唔係由基礎開始習慣. 一兩樣都可能會覺辛苦.

[ 本文章最後由 wasyinyin 於 07-11-21 14:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 14:35 |只看該作者
原文章由 我的小豬 於 07-11-21 14:02 硐表
實話實說, 我遇到的仔仔的老師, 不能說'very nice"除k1班主任比較"nice"外, 其他老師比較似....吾識講..我覺得似小學老師:
他們不會用可愛聲線同小朋友說話, 有些也真幾嚴簫,(但肯定有禮及盡責) 也會責駡不守規的小 ...

yes, I agree.  The teacher are very nice.  As  are parents , we need take give more activities to them. As CS Baik says, pre-school education is very important.  Of course ,if I have a choice, I like 培正 & St. cat, because they can bal between the level and activities.

My elder daughter also studied in KV, she like learning, but limit to inter-school knowledge.  She is very good in the class, but I feel only inter-school is not enough.

I think why don't give her extra knowledge and know more, not only in inter-school knowledge....

this is personal opinion only....

[ 本文章最後由 5I心 於 07-11-21 14:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 14:42 |只看該作者
there are about 600 vacancies each yr.

原文章由 lamww 於 07-11-19 22:38 硐表
Is there anyone know how many students do KV accepted  in every year?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 14:48 |只看該作者
我又認為, 去讀邊間幼稚園, 小朋友都會開心.  只係我地父母點睇佢地, 同埋想佢地接受咩教育.

佢地都唔知咩叫做深, 咩叫做辛苦. 如果佢地由細開始培養, 佢返學讀書個習慣, 上到小學係容易應付. 相反, 如果幼稚園舒服左3年, 上到小學可能都要1-2年時間去適應, 包括全日制, 程度, 功課, 等等. 到時佢地年紀大左, 可能感到壓力比較大. 加上反抗能力又大左, 可能會更辛苦.

anyway, 我只想知道邊位家長, 收到取錄信?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-21 15:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 我的小豬 於 07-11-21 12:19 硐表
我是kv家長, 我仔現讀k3.
(k3)每天中文抄寫二版, 一版詞語,(昨天教"捕鼠", 之前是"耕種", "飛蟲", 身體";  一版句子e.g: 農夫忙耕種。

每天英文抄寫二版, 一版詞語,(昨天教" ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 15:34 |只看該作者
i agree, my girl had a wonderful pre- P1 school life in the past few years since the kinder does not emphasize a lot on homework, she misses her kinder life very much even she is now in her 3rd month of P1 life. She indeed has a diffuclt time in adjusting to P1 now: to the teacher, their teaching style, all the rules and regulations etc, it does make me think if i should put my younger son in the same style of kinder or the one like KV, which can prepare the kid to P1 without much adjusting problem....

原文章由 rosactf9999 於 07-11-21 14:48 硐表
我又認為, 去讀邊間幼稚園, 小朋友都會開心.  只係我地父母點睇佢地, 同埋想佢地接受咩教育.

佢地都唔知咩叫做深, 咩叫做辛苦. 如果佢地由細開始培養, 佢返學讀書個習慣, 上到小學係容易應付. 相反, 如果幼稚園舒 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-21 15:58 |只看該作者
我个仔今年"k1", 去年跟你們一樣, 東樸西樸, 幸運地入到心儀学校, 各位不妨先交留位, 再實地考察, 想清楚自己小朋友適合邊间, 其實最后也能選出, 朋友意见只可作參考, 因我覺得別人只是跟大家分享经驗, 決定仍然是父母

如我自己,由day 1開始我都心儀" KV ",仲記得收到結果如中六合彩, 到 st cat 放榜也冇交留位, 雖則最后我冇返 " kv " , 但我覺得他的確有 train 小朋友的方法, 最近去校務處取回課本, 也覺得老師好 nice, 其實 " nice " 與 " 不 nice " 只不過是比較性問題, 每个人感受也不同

如 " 培正 ", 有好多人說傳統教学, 說老師好惡, 冇乜功課,
課程淺, 但當你是用家時, 你會發覺只是 " 道聆塗說 ",
一樣是一星期教完一本主題書, 9月尾開始已要做工作紙, 每星期五在学校做一張工作紙, 主要是連線和認字, 話就話是"温習日 " 其实小朋友要在指定時间完成, 你也可說等同測驗, 因為家长往往派番卷先知温咗什麼科, 還有親子栽種, 親子閱讀報告 ( 每月15本書 ),再有学校額外要分享的故事書, 聆落好似好多, 其實做做吓就唔覺 , 愉快中学習 , 因他們除学ポ外, 也注重圖工和多元訓練

英文教 " phonics ", 一星期一个音, 每星期也有功課, 另外通過
story telling or games 教其他英文字,家長是可省却出外学
phonics , 因為是 native 教, sound 都好準

总之各位间間都是好幼稚園, 視乎用什麼角度去評估  

原文章由 5I心 於 07-11-21 14:35 硐表

yes, I agree.  The teacher are very nice.  As  are parents , we need take give more activities to them. As CS Baik says, pre-school education is very important.  Of course ,if I have a choice, I lik ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 16:09 |只看該作者
原文章由 csbaik 於 07-11-20 14:02 硐表

我唔係想像出來! 我個女在KV 畢業的.  佢在KV時, 冇户外話動, 如觀POLICE STATION, FIRE STATION,可口可樂廠 ..., 你知啦,哩的要團體帶,自己冇得去... 比培正, st.cat 唔係好得多!!

以家佢對的團體活動一的興趣都冇,個人好 ...

先申報利益,孩子讀緊KV, K1,孩子讀得好開心,好喜歡學校和老師。



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 16:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 sabmar 於 07-11-21 12:53 硐表
yes, i would also want to know, since a friend of mine whose son is now studying in KV, said the teachers there aren't very nice.....   

to me, my son teachers are very nice !

but I know that they will not "縱" the students !

"nice" doesn't mean that your boy/girl will not be punished when they're naughty.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 19:45 |只看該作者
My son studies K3 in KV and he attended several interviews in primary schools in these days. I asked him to compare the questions asked by interviewers and those by KV; he said they are similar. It means the academic standards of KV is very high and (I think most important) recognised by many primary schools.
The homework loading in KV is not so heavy and not so difficult as teachers will always revise all they have learned. In general, KV helps me to train my son that I am unable to do like paying attention, spelling, loving Chinese etc.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 20:49 |只看該作者
哈哈, 而家改左討論唔同學校既優點.

我出呢個post, 只係想知道邊位家長收到信.... :

其實邊間學校都有優點, 真係在乎家長從咩角度去評論.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 20:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 我的小豬 於 07-11-21 12:19 硐表
我是kv家長, 我仔現讀k3.
(k3)每天中文抄寫二版, 一版詞語,(昨天教"捕鼠", 之前是"耕種", "飛蟲", 身體";  一版句子e.g: 農夫忙耕種。

每天英文抄寫二版, 一版詞語,(昨天教" ...



5歲以下o既細路, 寫字不利骨骼發展.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-21 22:46 |只看該作者
Hello all mama,
跟原定TOPIC不同, 但有好多MAMA回應都好開心。
我女女是KV - K2S, 她讀得好開心好LIKE老師好愛讀書, 正話才讀一些她未教的課本...正如"我的小豬"MAMA"所說一模一樣, 我女女K1&K2現在我都不用替她溫習, 她能完成PAPER。老師不是外在所說好COOL, 其實真的好NICE, 小朋友很喜歡老師的。我細女今年都有面試,沒有考其他幼稚園,我知道kv教學很好。

原文章由 我的小豬 於 07-11-21 12:19 硐表
我是kv家長, 我仔現讀k3.
(k3)每天中文抄寫二版, 一版詞語,(昨天教"捕鼠", 之前是"耕種", "飛蟲", 身體";  一版句子e.g: 農夫忙耕種。

每天英文抄寫二版, 一版詞語,(昨天教" ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-22 13:37 |只看該作者
根德園是所很獨特的學校,對於一心唸住個細路要考名校小學的家長,根德園可能會是間很好的kg. 至於是否要比細路仔讀這纇學校呢?講真,各取所需,冇話啱or錯.好多家長會覺得名校收生要求學生學術level好高,所以便有人將p1,2的英文,maths...等練習比k2,3d細路做.對於部分4,5歲細路仔,學術上嘅嘢,只要你比時間&心機去train,佢地唔難handle到,仲會話讀得好開心,因為大人會praise佢good job.但對於catch up慢d嘅細路,個-ve effect何時會浮現呢?唔知.但可以sure就係,冇形中家長巳灌輸一個,as quoted by another BK mom, "行前d,截的士"的學習態度比d細路.健康嗎?見人見智.

[ 本文章最後由 Emanuel 於 07-11-22 13:47 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-22 14:21 |只看該作者
I very agree with you!
Children with only 4 years old, have still LONG LONG time to learn, study! Don't push so much on them!

原文章由 Emanuel 於 07-11-22 13:37 硐表
根德園是所很獨特的學校,對於一心唸住個細路要考名校小學的家長,根德園可能會是間很好的kg. 至於是否要比細路仔讀這纇學校呢?講真,各取所需,冇話啱or錯.好多家長會覺得名校收生要求學生學術level好高,所以便有人將p1 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-22 17:57 |只看該作者
其實幼稚園3年課程深or淺對小朋友未來十幾年的學習生涯有幾多影響?對於小朋友來説,返學除了是學習書本知識外,更重要係學習如何跟別人相處, 互相幫助和照顧.學校outings,正好讓小朋友於課室以外的現實環境下學習守望相助及守紀律,這個可不是家長自己能做到. 我承認我個人不認同kv的敎學宗旨,所以言論可能對各kv家長有所冒犯,但我所説的都只想給各kv家長a 2nd thought. 大家研究討論吓咁啫.多多包涵.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-23 10:42 |只看該作者
緊張,應該今日寄出取錄信啦 ~~~

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-23 10:52 |只看該作者
原文章由 georgeha 於 07-11-22 14:21 硐表
I very agree with you!
Children with only 4 years old, have still LONG LONG time to learn, study! Don't push so much on them!

Why do so many people insists that parents sending their kids to school like KV are pushing their kids?

What is 'PUSHING'?

I don't think we will EVER arrive to a consent.

Everyone has their own ruler to measure that fine line between 'encouraging' and 'pushing'. But at least I believe everyone will agree that 'pushing' means to press or bear hard upon someone to do something they don't want to.

If a KV kid enjoys going to school and doing all his/her home work, I really don't see how this is 'pushing'.

What about when another kid from an active-learning school told his/her parents that he/she no longer wants to go to school BUT the parents insists that he/she must go. Is this 'pushing'?

The kind of school you sent your kids too HAS NO RELATIONSHIP with whether you are pushing your kids.
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