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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 真道,播道 or 優才?
樓主: yoyo123

真道,播道 or 優才? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-17 08:39 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-9-17 01:01 硐表

My big boy is super-quiet in class !!!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-20 22:37 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-9-16 22:28 硐表


岩岩見到呢位家長响BK其他tropic發表既寶貴意見, 值得一看。



Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-20 22:55 |只看該作者




原文章由 CINDY媽 於 07-9-20 22:37 硐表

各位真係好對唔住,其實只屬我個人意見,並沒有想過對大家做成影响,無錯我係主觀去看件事姐,其實係我同老公去優才的簡介會,我在會堂,我老公帶同囡囡到校外參觀,之後我同老公商量時,我老公說頭先見到d小朋友又爭玩具, ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-20 23:22 |只看該作者
囝囝兩個表哥都在優才小學畢業, 這些年來無論是他們或是他們的同學都是很有禮貌和品行很好的孩子, 亦因為是小班制和活動教學, 加上學校很注意親子活動, 所以學生的友情深厚, 家長間也成為好友, 像個大家庭. 現在其中一個表哥在優才中學就讀中三, 他不但沒有染上青春期的反叛, 而且越大越懂事, 十分孝順有禮貌和有愛心, 他兩兄弟是我所認識的孩子中最有禮貌的. 雖然他們學業成績只是平平, 但我認為他們善良的心和良好品行, 比讀書天才還難能可貴. 讀書只是人生一個過程, 內在品格會影響人的一生.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-21 01:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 CINDY媽 於 07-9-20 22:37 硐表

各位真係好對唔住,其實只屬我個人意見,並沒有想過對大家做成影响,無錯我係主觀去看件事姐,其實係我同老公去優才的簡介會,我在會堂,我老公帶同囡囡到校外參觀,之後我同老公商量時,我老公說頭先見到d小朋友又爭玩具, ...


呢度係言論自由既地方, 妳有冇野想講, 就講啦, 冇人會制止妳既o

不過既然係講到我地自己仔女既學校, 而且講既野又同我地所見倒既唔同, 好自然我地會講出我地既睇法, 咁係好平常既事, 妳唔好介意。

我個人相信只有通過討論, 甚至爭辯(當然要基于事實), 先至可以將事情攪清楚, 水落石出, 唔知妳同唔同意?

不過妳淨係响簡介會見到幾個小朋友冇禮貌、爭野玩, 就下結論話優才D學生好冇禮貌, 會唔會太快下结論呢?

況且, 果幾個好大可能唔係優才學生。

[ 本文章最後由 中天英 於 07-9-21 01:40 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-21 08:49 |只看該作者

1) 品德
2) 愉快學習
3) 成績

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 07-9-21 09:21 |只看該作者

希望我囡囡長大後都有妳仔仔既表哥咁乖我都好滿足了。昨晚和朋友吃飯, 她歎息說她哥哥的兒子, 在小一面試後, 一邊步出學校一邊嗤之以鼻說: 「問埋d問題咁白痴,佢收我我都唔讀呀!」出自K2生口中哪...我寧可女兒單純些, 不用太叻都可以了。 不要這種「叻」。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-21 09:40 |只看該作者
原文章由 edea 於 07-9-21 09:21 硐表

希望我囡囡長大後都有妳仔仔既表哥咁乖我都好滿足了。昨晚和朋友吃飯, 她歎息說她哥哥的兒子, 在小一面試後, 一邊步出學校一邊嗤之以鼻說: 「問埋d問題咁白痴,佢收我我都唔讀呀!」出自K2生口中哪...我 ...

我路過咋, 但只想講每間學校都唔能夠sure自己學生100%是好學生. 10隻手指都有長短, 只可以看看長短比例而評估, 正如小朋友interview只見那短短10分鐘, 又怎能全面判斷其個性呢!? 大家都係估下估下.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-21 10:40 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-9-21 01:15 硐表


呢度係言論自由既地方, 妳有冇野想講, 就講啦, 冇人會制止妳既o

不過既然係講到我地自己仔女既學校, 而且講既野又同我地所見倒既唔同, 好自然我地會講出我地既睇法, 咁係好平常既事, 妳唔好介意。

我個人相信只有通過討論, 甚至爭辯(當然要基于事實), 先至可以將事情攪清楚, 水落石出, 唔知妳同唔同意?

不過妳淨係响簡介會見到幾個小朋友冇禮貌、爭野玩, 就下結論話優才D學生好冇禮貌, 會唔會太快下结論呢?

況且, 果幾個好大可能唔係優才學生。

For the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. (Dt 31:6)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-21 13:28 |只看該作者

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-23 22:51 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-24 00:58 |只看該作者
I think the case happened in P3 last year.  I understand one of the classes got large number of hyperative students.  Inexperience teacher would have problem to manage such case that caused major damage last year.  
Hyperactive is not necessary gifted kid. It was mistake to put all such students in one class. I understand the school spend quite a lot of effort to correct it.

In the first two years, I found the school have more tolerance to the students. They would encourage them to be more participate the class activity such as small team discussion.   Some of students are trained to be more agressive.  That is what we expected for that school. The kid should be trained for active learning rather than one way learning.  They should be trained to challenge the norm when they are young.  In P3 or above, the school has much tigher measurement for discipline. It would be tough time for those students.

For good or bad student, it is suggestive. It depends on how you draw the line. That is no absolute right or wrong answer.     

Also, I understand 播道 would not offer seat for such active student. They would pick more quiet student in my oberservation from my kid's kindergarten
classmates in that school. ( It may be wrong. )

原文章由 Didier 於 07-9-16 10:21 硐表
Indeed, GT is a good school in terms of small class.
However, the problem is that they mix ordinary kids with gift talent kids in sames classes.

As a result,

1) they don't learn with the same pace  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-24 01:11 |只看該作者
原文章由 dabbycheung 於 07-9-21 08:49 硐表

1) 品德
2) 愉快學習
3) 成績

I think it would be challenge to balance between 2) 愉快學習 and 3) 成績. In my mind, if the school is looking for the result. It would be difficult to keep happy learning.  It would be very difficult to implement it in the real world.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-24 02:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 chunhei 於 07-9-24 01:11 硐表

I think it would be challenge to balance between 2) 愉快學習 and 3) 成績. In my mind, if the school is looking for the result. It would be difficult to keep happy learning.  It would be very difficu ...

冇錯, 愉快學習同成績, 的確係好難共存既。

優才創校之初, 目標很明確, 喜悦同卓越 ( Joy & Excellence )共存o 响呢兩個目標里, 係以喜悦行先既; 即係話, 要先有喜悦, 讓學生開開心心返學, 然後再追求卓越, 拎倒好成績、

10年之後, 而家情況係點?

1) 喜悦 - 肯定超標完成, 大部份學生都好鐘意返學, 同老師关係又好, 仲好主動去學習 - 有好多學生同家長可以做証明。

2) 卓越 - 優才而家開到F3, 仲未有學生完成優才既中學課程, 冇公開試成績, 比較難知道學生績係點。

但係有幾個例子, 令我相信優才學生, 成績會好,

- 有F2學生, 去考IGCSE, 中五程度生物試, 考倒A
- 50幾個F2學生, 去考IGCSE, 中五程度英文試, 大部份考倒C级或以上

呢班F2學生, 仲有3年先正式考會考, 相信會考倒好好成績。

當然, 優才仲係好年輕既學校, 仲需要多D時閻, 先至眞正睇倒, 辨學目標 - 喜悦 + 卓越 - 可唔可以實現。


[ 本文章最後由 中天英 於 07-9-24 02:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-24 02:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 chunhei 於 07-9-24 00:58 硐表
I think the case happened in P3 last year.  I understand one of the classes got large number of hyperative students.  Inexperience teacher would have problem to manage such case that caused major dama ...


You seems to know a lot about GTS.  Do myou have kid attending the school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-24 21:33 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-9-24 02:17 硐表


You seems to know a lot about GTS.  Do myou have kid attending the school?

My son studys P4 in the school.  The new term just started again.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-9-24 22:06 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-24 22:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-9-24 02:13 硐表

冇錯, 愉快學習同成績, 的確係好難共存既。

優才創校之初, 目標很明確, 喜悦同卓越 ( Joy & Excellence )共存o 响呢兩個目標里, 係以喜悦行先既; 即係話, 要先有喜悦, 讓學生開開心心返學, 然後再追求卓越, 拎倒好 ...

I agreed with you completely. The school focus on happy learning in the first few years in junior class. Most students love to go to school. That is true and I confirmed.

For F2 students attending IGCSE exam, that I am not quite sure I can agree the approach.  Anyway, it may be business decision.  The school has no public exam record, it is hard to judge the school standard from public. That is challenge to attract good quality student.  Therefore, they sent the highest class students to attend the public exam to demonstrate the achievement.

I do not challenge the achievement of the students. It is fact that are many talents in the school.  How do get talents to get good public exam are different story. But I just don't feel comfortable for junior secondary students to attend the public exam. It sounds too much.  F2 should be fun year to let the kid enjoy school life rather than spending time on public exam studying.  It is long way to go for the kid. F2 to real public exam are another 4 to 5 years.  It will be tough.   

As GT primary school parent, we do feel the pressure.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-9-24 22:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-25 10:00 |只看該作者
Hi Chunhei

Thanks. It's much pleasure having a senior class's GT parent here to share with us.

You have got the 'facts', you have got the 'feelings'.  Your sharing is most 'precious',  in the sense that you have no 'inclination' or 'bias'.   My daughter will go to GT 2008.  I'm happy that one more experienced parent assures us the 'happy learing' approach, which I treasure most.  

Your comments on their IGCSE attempts can also shed lights on our future discuss/observance, though my attitude is somewhat different from you; but my feeling is the same that the school cannot 'pressurize' we 'parents' or our 'kids'.  That's the reason I have no 'thinking' of attempting some traditional famous/well known schools.  

Anyway, we support the school, we love our children; continuous support to the school can provide our kids a healthy envornoment for their development.  However, we have also to 'watch' if the school is deviating from its 'basic philosophy'.  Any 'deviation' may not result possible 'impacts', which really depends on their treatment, and the reaction of our kids.  

Let's contiune working througn to support the school and our kids.  Once again, thanks for your sharing.  It once again prove that the quality of  'GT parents' is superior!!!!

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-9-24 22:27 硐表

I agreed with you completely. The school focus on happy learning in the first few years in junior class. Most students love to go to school. That is true and I confirmed.

For F2 students attendin ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-25 15:11 |只看該作者
Sorry if I overreact your message as it made me feel uncomfortable when I saw "GT's parents are superior".

I agree that GT's parents are very helpful and nice.  They love their children and support the school.  But, how can this be compared and said that GT's parents are superior?  Every parent like the school selected by themselves and this is the reason that they send their beloved children into that school.  Many parents, not only GT's parents, have spent a lot effort to bring up their children, including selecting the most suitable school for them.  Though I value GT to be a good school and is good to my son (so my son is G1 of GT this year),  I also believe that it may not be suitable or good to some children due to their characters and talents.  There are still a lot of good schools.

Sorry again if I misinterpret the meaning of your message.


原文章由 Alanhoky 於 07-9-25 10:00 硐表
Hi Chunhei

Thanks. It's much pleasure having a senior class's GT parent here to share with us.

You have got the 'facts', you have got the 'feelings'.  Your sharing is most 'precious',  in the sens ...

[ 本文章最後由 AFSL2007 於 07-9-25 19:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-25 17:38 |只看該作者
Yes, you have taken my 'words' in a wrong approach.  GT parents are superior, while other school's parent are also superior or even more superior

This is the same that we always take our kids as 'gifted'

Anyway, the discussion in only among ourselves, thus take it easy.  

原文章由 AFSL2007 於 07-9-25 15:11 硐表
Sorry if I overreact your message as it made me feel uncomforatble when I saw "GT's parents are superior".

I agree that GT's parents are very helpful and nice.  They love their children and support t ...
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