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想由蔡繼有轉去St Margaret's School [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-7-17 23:26 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

現想請教St Margaret's School家長,對此校的意見,例如學習情況,老師質素,學校行政等等.多謝!
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發表於 07-7-18 17:09 |只看該作者

原文章由 venice121 於 07-7-17 23:26 發表
我小朋友今年升三年級,可惜老師說他的英文成績在標準以下但又要他升三年級,因為二年級無位.我個人認為這種情況只有官津學校才發生,想不到私學都有這個問題.家長願意付出比人多是因為期望學校是有別於其他官校,不 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-18 18:16 |只看該作者
Hi Venice121,

你可以到以下條link到睇吓st. margaret's嘅comments:


原文章由 venice121 於 07-7-17 23:26 發表
我小朋友今年升三年級,可惜老師說他的英文成績在標準以下但又要他升三年級,因為二年級無位.我個人認為這種情況只有官津學校才發生,想不到私學都有這個問題.家長願意付出比人多是因為期望學校是有別於其他官校,不 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-18 22:28 |只看該作者

原文章由 G-Ma 於 07-7-18 18:16 發表
Hi Venice121,

你可以到以下條link到睇吓st. margaret's嘅comments:


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-19 22:48 |只看該作者

原文章由 Sincelia 於 07-7-18 17:09 發表

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發表於 07-7-19 23:03 |只看該作者
原文章由 venice121 於 07-7-17 23:26 發表
我小朋友今年升三年級,可惜老師說他的英文成績在標準以下但又要他升三年級,因為二年級無位.我個人認為這種情況只有官津學校才發生,想不到私學都有這個問題.家長願意付出比人多是因為期望學校是有別於其他官校,不 ...

Being an ex-XKY parent, I strongly advise you to change school, though I've no idea of St. Margret. If your son still stays at XKY and promote to P.3 even his English is below standard, he would be more difficult to catch up P.3's standard, bear in mind, almost,every subjects, science, maths, computer and English in English, that means he would at least fail in 4 subjects. Either you get a serious tutor to help him, (don't listen to Principal LXX who always declared no tutor is needed, every XKY student can study well in the school, I am the one who trusted her before, but I found it was wrong, even Miss LXM later said what Principal said was only applied to those result already are good)or just let him to keep losing confidence.

Dont' expect the school will give resource to those poor academic students!! If those already perfect and brilliant students, this is really a good school but not for those worst ones like my kid.  Of course, if you wish to change, your son takes time to get use to the new school enviornment, but child gets use easily as soon as he/she knows some new friends.

Let me tell you the school/homework for P3 and P4 in XKY would be suddenly much much more difficult than P.1 and P.2, it was happy to have few and easy exercises in the first two years, but without good foundation, those who are below standard would find hard when they promote to higher level. Even parents' assistance might not able to cope with the school  requirement.  

Anyway, this is the first time for me to express on line about XKY after my son changed to another subsidies schol. But I found it is a good decision for the change.

Good Luck!!

[ 本文章最後由 IH 於 07-7-19 23:20 編輯 ]

發表於 07-7-20 00:10 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-7-20 04:42 |只看該作者
I might not be in the best position to comment on student standard as I've been a CKY parent for only a year.  Here're my observations:

First, it seems to me that CKY is quite a good school IF the student really loves learning, say, by reading or even watching educational videos, and somehow (thru his parents or classmates) develops an interest and initiative to learn.  This principle should hold for a 6-year-old in general.  However if the kid simply enjoys slacking around, he's likely to find himself lagging behind his peer, esp after 2 or 3 years.

Second, CKY encourages interactive classroom which is conducive to learning.  When a Y1 student pointed out that arachnids consist of two body parts instead of 3 (as for insects), the teacher was quick to acknowledge the mistake made in the textbook/worksheet.  Peer group influence also facilitates learning more.  A parent once shared her experience of witnessing her kid turning from a lazy reader to a book lover in six months - he was competing with his classmates in finishing a fiction series.

Third, to be honest, CKY does not set too high a requirement on lower grades (Y1-2). I guess few kids would suffer the hard feeling of failure.  

Fourth, sorry to say that I only take note of the good ones - someY3 students are already reading the Harry Potter series, and theperformers (guess they're in Y3-6) of the musical at the last schoolconcert did impress me with their exceptional presentations.  

Last but not least, parents of upper years tell me that there is quite a gap among students.  Some underperformers are asked to repeat.  In fact, I've heard of cases where the kid needed to repeat when switching to CKY.  Guess these are some kind of remedial measures for those in need.  I dare not portray too rosy a picture for prospective parents.  Perhaps some other parents could chip in to give a more balanced point of view.

By the way, would a CKY dropout really find St. Magaret's school a good haven?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-20 10:05 |只看該作者
Dear papa-po

Sorry, I don't really understand. If the requirement is not
really high, why will the kids fail? Do you mean when they are promoted to upper grade (e.g. yr3-6)? Thanks.

原文章由 papa_pop 於 07-7-20 04:42 發表
Third, to be honest, CKY does not set too high a requirement on lower grades (Y1-2). I guess few kids would suffer the hard feeling of failure....
[img align=left]http://www.fx-word.com/img1/20070115/1168850504I.gif[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-20 12:43 |只看該作者
I want to emphasis I all along was an active pro-XKY parent during the first 3 to 4 years. I attended almost every parent nights, school activities and game days.  I kept close and good relationship with teachers and other parents. I was looking forward the overseas school trips with my kid,  his Y.5 assignment and kept checking the new Y6 cirriculum.  I never though it was not a suitable school for my kid.  I always told myself XKY provided a long term training, not marks/grades for individual to decide students' achievement. I kept waiting and I trusted that the school could provide sufficient assistance to those poorer students as I was told tutor was not recommended.  I loved this school very much  and I also expressed positive comment on this school in this website in the past.  

It was true that many outstanding students on the stage performing excellently, many good ones read difficult storybooks. However, for those below standard seemed had been neglected. I was shocked to see my kid's questionaire in Moral Education that he filled in every item about self-esteem, self-confidencen and ability at the lowest grade. He did not smile in the school photoes. He kept being teasted when he could not get marks for his group. I found that it should be the time to change.  After the change, of course it is not another heaven, he at least gained back his confidence, though he missed his old classmates, he well accustomed to the new school shortly.   

I did not and never say it is not a good school, but for the case 'venice 121', I would suggest her to consider if it is right for her kid to stay.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-20 13:23 |只看該作者
I am not a CKY parent but I like this school(teaching
approach) very much.  So, when I read the messages of
several parents below, I feel a little bit disappointed on
how it treated those "below standard" students.  But, will those real IS have the same situation ?  Any parents can
share their experiences ?

發表於 07-7-20 13:46 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-20 13:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 papa_pop
07-7-20 04:42 發表
First, it seems to me that CKY is quite a good school IF the student really loves learning, say, by reading or even watching educational videos, and somehow (thru his parents or classmates) develops an interest and initiative to learn.  This principle should hold for a 6-year-old in general.  However if the kid simply enjoys slacking around, he's likely to find himself lagging behind his peer, esp after 2 or 3 years.

The school provides very good learning environment, but if students cannot develop their own initiatives to learn in the first two years, they will find themselves lagging behind in the upper grades.

原文章由 papa_pop
07-7-20 04:42 發表
Second, CKY encourages interactive classroom which is conducive to learning.  When a Y1 student pointed out that arachnids consist of two body parts instead of 3 (as for insects), the teacher was quick to acknowledge the mistake made in the textbook/worksheet.  Peer group influence also facilitates learning more.  A parent once shared her experience of witnessing her kid turning from a lazy reader to a book lover in six months - he was competing with his classmates in finishing a fiction series.

Yes, the school encourages students to develop their own thinking, their own judgements.

原文章由 papa_pop
07-7-20 04:42 發表
Third, to be honest, CKY does not set too high a requirement on lower grades (Y1-2). I guess few kids would suffer the hard feeling of failure.   

I think they are still young, and they have not yet developed a strong self-esteem yet.

原文章由 papa_pop
07-7-20 04:42 發表
Fourth, sorry to say that I only take note of the good ones - someY3 students are already reading the Harry Potter series, and theperformers (guess they're in Y3-6) of the musical at the last schoolconcert did impress me with their exceptional presentations.   

My Y3 kid started reading the Harry Potter series last year.
He said he understood about 60% of the stories. Not bad.

原文章由 papa_pop
07-7-20 04:42 發表
Last but not least, parents of upper years tell me that there is quite a gap among students.  Some underperformers are asked to repeat.  In fact, I've heard of cases where the kid needed to repeat when switching to CKY.  Guess these are some kind of remedial measures for those in need.  I dare not portray too rosy a picture for prospective parents.  Perhaps some other parents could chip in to give a more balanced point of view.   

It is true.
When my kid entered CKY, the English reading standard of his Y1 classmates ranged from level 1 to level 12.
Great gap!

原文章由 papa_pop
07-7-20 04:42 發表
By the way, would a CKY dropout really find St. Magaret's school a good haven?

Don’t know. It depends on what the parents want.

Dear Venice121

我孩子班有一個同學,入校時的英文閱讀能力只是level 1(只識幾個簡單英文字),三年來我見他已達至level 89了;相反,有些本身level高的,幾年來進步緩慢。

我覺得,英文程度是不是合標準尚在其次,主要是學校是不是適合孩子。孩子自學能力強的,在CKY就如魚得水了,即使今日的成績不好,但在整個學習環境下,擁有比其他學校更多機會接觸英文和普通話,就算他在班中排最尾,也會比外面的學生強(外面有幾多間官校的小三學生可以有level 8 or 9 水平?)。但是,如孩子要多監督才肯讀書的,就不要留在CKY了,找一些比較傳統的學校會好些。

我認識一位家長選擇退學,是因為他認為孩子的同學們太強了(其實,他的孩子是十分乖和聰明)。有去過音樂會、家長日、乜會物會的家長都會同意,CKY實在是有一班尖子學生。我孩子英文程度在班中是中上水平,但他在最近的international assessment(公開給香港學校參加的考試),他被評定為top 5%,其他CKY尖子學生的水準之高,更可想而知。

看過我留言的網友應知我並不是一個「CKY粉絲」,相反地,我經常批評學校的不是。我不肯定「IH」所說,校方並沒有照顧較弱勢的學生,但同意這些尖子學生令其他學生造成壓力。我孩子在幼稚園和Y1時是「小小演說家」,但在Y2Y3時變得沉默,不願在班中show and tell,看來是怕在尖子學生面前「獻醜」了。現在他在學術上的「鬥心」仍很強,很努力reading和做projects,但如果有一天他變得自卑而自暴自棄,我也會像那位退學的家長一樣,找另一間程度較低的學校。

平心而論,任個學校任何班,都總會有above standard, meeting standardbelow standard的學生,也不是CKY獨有,卻不知這些學校如何協助程序較低的學生(課外特殊班?校內補習?)。一些名校特別照顧尖子學生也不是新鮮事,我甚至聽到,那些名校甚至「勸籲」程度較低的學生轉校,也有家長認為,清除「瘀血」保存校譽是理應如此(可悲!)。



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發表於 07-7-20 14:05 |只看該作者
原文章由 kunggi201 於 07-7-20 13:54 發表


非常同意, 很高興看見如此清醒理智的家長.

發表於 07-7-20 14:14 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-7-20 14:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 christf 於 07-7-20 14:14 發表
**My Y3 kid started reading the Harry Potter series last year.
He said he understood about 60% of the stories. Not bad.**

It is so funny to hear that someone claims he/she understood about 6 ...

Well, firstly I don't push my kid to read books.
It is his self-interest to read whatever books he likes, as long as they are not bad books. My kid is a book-worm, and he has more than 500 books in home now (not including those of about 100 books which I have already given away to my relatives, and if you have chased my post record you will know I have sold more than 200 used oxford reading books in baby-kingdom to clear my cabinet)

Secondly I can only trust my kid on how far he can understand. He claims he can understand more than half, about 60%.  I believe so, as he can tell the difference between the books and the movies.  If he doesn't understand at all, he won't keep reading that "thick pillow" and beg me again and again to buy the series one followed by the others.  He could have chosen to buy toys for his birthdays rather than books.

Lastly, reading is a learning path.  As long as you enjoy the process, it is no harm to read books beyond your level. For example, I started reading the original 三國演義 when I was in P5 although I didn't understand all classical Chinese (文言文) at that time.  But I dare to say, even most adults now cannot understand 100% of the Chinese written by 文言文.   Does it mean, we should not let our kids, or even ourselves read 三國演義?

[ 本文章最後由 kunggi201 於 07-7-20 15:06 編輯 ]

發表於 07-7-20 15:07 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-7-20 15:11 |只看該作者
完全同意不應該免強孩子閱讀他不感興趣的東西。 然而孩子閱讀時有若干不懂的地方絕對是可以理解的。孩子估計他能理解百分之六十又何錯之有? 閣下又憑什麽理解kunggi201是在強迫孩子閱讀超越能力的水平呢?
我的孩子也在啃Harry Potter 第六冊. 我先生問我孩子能理解多少是我的回答是他自己會懂得調節, 我們家長根本不用多加理會, 只需要鼓勵他的閱讀興趣, 在他要求時加以協助即可。
就我自己爲例,小時候也是在人云亦云下開始閱讀中國四大名著。 書中不能完全讀懂的地方比比皆是, 但慢慢也學懂欣賞。 誰說要在讀懂以後才開始閱讀? 我們要學懂游泳才可以跳進水裏嗎?
christf 以比較客觀的討論態度來跟家長分享,

原文章由 christf 於 07-7-20 14:14 發表
**My Y3 kid started reading the Harry Potter series last year.
He said he understood about 60% of the stories. Not bad.**

It is so funny to hear that someone claims he/she understood about 6 ...
:-D :-D :-D :-D

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-20 15:13 |只看該作者

It seems to me that I've just repeated your message.  

But great to see a parent who is really caring the kid's interests in books, rather than showing off!


:-D :-D :-D :-D

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-20 15:56 |只看該作者
Thanks 502.

I don’t mean to show off.
Actually there are many kids in CKY having higher English standard than my boy.
In other CKY thread I also shared the strengths and weaknesses of my kid.
Yes, he is strong in English reading, this is the merit of the teaching method of CKY.
But he is not strong in spoken English, especially he is reluctant to speak in front of the class (I have already explained the reason).
Comparing to other government schools students, his Putonghua is good due to the daily training in school, but his Chinese reading and writing skills are……terrible!
I think his Chinese standard is far lagging behind the students of other local schools, and I have been having a headache on how to improve his Chinese.

As other parents said, CKY Principle Lau doesn’t suggest 補習
for their students.
Well, my personal view is that even you do, it won’t help, as CKY has its own curriculum, so no
can really follow the track of CKY.
I would prefer to find ways to raise the interest of my kid towards Chinese, e.g. let him read Chinese comic (
I am also finding some interesting Chinese poem and speech courses.
It could be another way of
補習, just like CKY uses the terms “assessment” or “challenge” rather than “exam”, “penmanship” and 「靚字集」
instead of “copybook”.
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