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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen
樓主: Leechi

St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-8 18:11 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

cfanny 寫道:
heard from a friend, about 85% (4.5classes)F.1 students of St. Joseph's Secondary are from St.Jo Primary. They have 200+ (5 classes)students in F1. Don't know how many students in Primary section. The secondary school is willing to accept their own students from primary school. And the kids can also be happy in learning if their parents are not too demanding. The academic level is undoubtably very high esp. compare with schools in the same district.

St. Paul's Boy, it's more famous since it has become a DSS school and can select their own students. The moral edu is very gd in this school.

St. Stephen's College, many parents have many +ve comments here.Though the academic level may not be as high as St.Jo, it must be a very gd school and provide a gd learning atmosphere to students.

如果以中學計, st jo應該出名過st paul
可能學生同家長角度唔同, 但st paul都唔錯

而st stephen以中學計, 應該都係band1尾左右
very good school就唔係太認同, 但provide a gd learning atmosphere就應該係真
而睇其他人意見, 小學st stephen可能真係好好都未定(我唔係太清楚), 但中學我就覺得唔係太好

Rank: 1

發表於 07-6-8 20:22 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen


LLT 寫道:
cfanny 寫道:
Don't know how many students in Primary section.

There are 300+ students in SJP at the moment (but it is expected that the no. will be reduced in a couple of years).  It has a total of 8 classes of P.1!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-9 01:24 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

FUNG12345 寫道:
cfanny 寫道:
heard from a friend, about 85% (4.5classes)F.1 students of St. Joseph's Secondary are from St.Jo Primary. They have 200+ (5 classes)students in F1. Don't know how many students in Primary section. The secondary school is willing to accept their own students from primary school. And the kids can also be happy in learning if their parents are not too demanding. The academic level is undoubtably very high esp. compare with schools in the same district.

St. Paul's Boy, it's more famous since it has become a DSS school and can select their own students. The moral edu is very gd in this school.

St. Stephen's College, many parents have many +ve comments here.Though the academic level may not be as high as St.Jo, it must be a very gd school and provide a gd learning atmosphere to students.

如果以中學計, st jo應該出名過st paul
可能學生同家長角度唔同, 但st paul都唔錯

而st stephen以中學計, 應該都係band1尾左右
very good school就唔係太認同, 但provide a gd learning atmosphere就應該係真
而睇其他人意見, 小學st stephen可能真係好好都未定(我唔係太清楚), 但中學我就覺得唔係太好[/quote]

Agree with you. But I think St. Stephen Secondary is not up to band1尾 nowaday,but i believe that it's primary school may be better.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-9 07:38 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen


聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-9 07:54 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen


Agree with you, St. Stephen 之所以出名是學校環境好, 沒有壓力, 英文普通話教學, 學費貴,型成貴族小學, 入得去讀家底有番咁上下.至於中學成績好似冇其他幾間咁勁!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-9 07:55 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

Leechi 寫道:

聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

ST.Jo primary: 8 classes: (37-40) in a class,300+ students in total

St.Jo Secondary: 5 classes: 40-45 in a class,210 students in total.  85% of their Secondary school students are promoted from primary school.

Therefore,4.5-5 classes(1/2 to  2/3 ) in primary school can be promoted from Primary to secondary.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-9 08:30 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen


Good morning, 咁早上來BK 我估你都係好似我咁係度傷緊腦筋一早甦醒又諗同個仔棟學校, 你有?心水選擇?

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 07-6-9 09:44 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen



中學唔係比晒D 位比小學架,怕無你地想像中咁多喎。

舉例 (1)︰
St. Jo 中學F.1 有5 班
5班x 40人 = 200個位
扣除自行20% 收生 = 40個位
扣除5% 留班額 = 10個位
剩下學額 = 150個位
預留直屬比小學 = 150個位 x 85% = 127.5個位
如果St. Jo 小學有8 班約320 人,咁大約40% 入番中學。

舉例 (2)︰
華仁中學F.1 有4 班
4班x 40人 = 160個位
扣除自行20% 收生 =32 個位
扣除5% 留班額 = 8 個位
剩下學額 = 120個位
預留直屬比小學 = 120個位 x 85% = 102個位
如果華仁小學有4 班約160 人,咁大約65% 入番中學。
當然加埋自己友叩門,都會多D,希望可以有120 個喇。

cfanny 寫道:
Leechi 寫道:

聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

ST.Jo primary: 8 classes: (37-40) in a class,300+ students in total

St.Jo Secondary: 5 classes: 40-45 in a class,210 students in total.  85% of their Secondary school students are promoted from primary school.

Therefore,4.5-5 classes(1/2 to  2/3 ) in primary school can be promoted from Primary to secondary.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-9 10:25 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

Leechi 寫道:

Agree with you, St. Stephen 之所以出名是學校環境好, 沒有壓力, 英文普通話教學, 學費貴,型成貴族小學, 入得去讀家底有番咁上下.至於中學成績好似冇其他幾間咁勁!

Yesterday night my son asked me what kinds of ECA he could join next academic year. He said he preferred football, swimming, tennis, and table tennis. I advised him to consider Green Corner, English, Chinese, Go Chess.... too. It seems that a week with only 5 weekdays is really not enough!

What is a 'whole person'? Of course it doesn't just mean strong in exam or wining a lot of awards from inter-school competitions. In some schools, students are well organized in specializing in examinations 'or' winning inter-school competitions 'or' donation! If you are not belonged to any of these streams, sorry, you may be ignored or treated as 'failures'.

I am not very rich. I need to work very hard to earn money to afford my son's education. I wish him to be confident, ethical, caring, able and happy.... I wish he could receive all-round education. I wish him to study in a school that can provide him opportunities to develop his interests and potentials even though he may not be able to win any awards 'for' the school.

Parents in SSCPS know the standard of SSC very well. There is no such binding that we 'have' to take our children to study in SSC after graduation. On the other hand, it is an unfair term for the school because it promises us a through train education. Well, in fact, SSC is not bad at all. Right? In the past, due to its subsidized mode and its limited catchments area (because of the location), SSC may not be able to attract the top students in Hong Kong. (Besides, its marketing strategy is not really aggressive.) Families that can afford tuition fee may prefer a school with smaller class size and better language atmosphere. Since the market positioning of SSC is not very clear, some graduates of SSCPS would go to other famous schools (such as DBS, St. Mary….) or pursue studying overseas. That is why its HKCEE's results are not particularly outstanding. For me, I will wait and see whether SSC would have a 'break-through' after its transformation to a DSS. At this moment, my son and I feel secure, comfortable and relax to enjoy his childhood.

I don't think most of the parents of SSCPS are so called 貴族 but most of them are well-educated and have a longer and broader vision. I believe they are not stupid at all to waste money and time in 'investing' their children's future as they have more options to choose than average families.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-6-9 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

My friend's son admitted St Stephen Secondary School through central allocation.

He studied in UK after F3 because of classmate's influence.  Most of his classmates left the school after F3.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-9 17:14 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

Leechi 寫道:

聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

加埋1d轉去其他名校o既學生, 我諗都過半人入到名校
重有d冇咁勁, 可能都入到band1學校
我諗考一半以上, 唔係好冒險姐....
如果咁都做唔到, 真係入邊間學校都死=.=

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-9 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

ssspwong 寫道:
Leechi 寫道:

Agree with you, St. Stephen 之所以出名是學校環境好, 沒有壓力, 英文普通話教學, 學費貴,型成貴族小學, 入得去讀家底有番咁上下.至於中學成績好似冇其他幾間咁勁!

Yesterday night my son asked me what kinds of ECA he could join next academic year. He said he preferred football, swimming, tennis, and table tennis. I advised him to consider Green Corner, English, Chinese, Go Chess.... too. It seems that a week with only 5 weekdays is really not enough!

What is a 'whole person'? Of course it doesn't just mean strong in exam or wining a lot of awards from inter-school competitions. In some schools, students are well organized in specializing in examinations 'or' winning inter-school competitions 'or' donation! If you are not belonged to any of these streams, sorry, you may be ignored or treated as 'failures'.

I am not very rich. I need to work very hard to earn money to afford my son's education. I wish him to be confident, ethical, caring, able and happy.... I wish he could receive all-round education. I wish him to study in a school that can provide him opportunities to develop his interests and potentials even though he may not be able to win any awards 'for' the school.

Parents in SSCPS know the standard of SSC very well. There is no such binding that we 'have' to take our children to study in SSC after graduation. On the other hand, it is an unfair term for the school because it promises us a through train education. Well, in fact, SSC is not bad at all. Right? In the past, due to its subsidized mode and its limited catchments area (because of the location), SSC may not be able to attract the top students in Hong Kong. (Besides, its marketing strategy is not really aggressive.) Families that can afford tuition fee may prefer a school with smaller class size and better language atmosphere. Since the market positioning of SSC is not very clear, some graduates of SSCPS would go to other famous schools (such as DBS, St. Mary….) or pursue studying overseas. That is why its HKCEE's results are not particularly outstanding. For me, I will wait and see whether SSC would have a 'break-through' after its transformation to a DSS. At this moment, my son and I feel secure, comfortable and relax to enjoy his childhood.

I don't think most of the parents of SSCPS are so called 貴族 but most of them are well-educated and have a longer and broader vision. I believe they are not stupid at all to waste money and time in 'investing' their children's future as they have more options to choose than average families.
唔好成日以為傳統名校(好似st jo), d學生真係除左讀書就乜都唔識, 或者只係收番黎打學界
而且課外活動亦唔會少, 除左有好多學會, 參加活動更加比多數學校積極(可能因為聯校關係, 而多數都係男校或女校)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-10 01:05 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

FUNG12345 寫道:
po.mummy 寫道:

雖然佢踢走d差o既, 但問題係佢收番o既人都唔少
而收番o既可以講係好好, 所以佢整體應該唔會差得去邊
咁你都係冇可能証明佢教學好唔好, 根本係冇得討論
所以冇可能話佢is not good at training up students

而你話成績好果d唔會揀st jo, 我覺得一定唔係
至少st jo唔比qc差, 好過華仁好多

最後, 揀st jo 定揀St Stephen

你好似好熟好清楚 st jo校內既情况咁喎!奇啦!我所知,你好似係所謂深水涉既英華學生家長架咋喎!你又唔係st jo家長,你又唔係華仁 同QC學生, 咁醒? 咁有邏輯思維..?? 你當BK家長白痴架….!我又真係好想知,係唔係st jo年年全級考頭果幾個學生,家長講比你知,佢地年年同你講,佢地一定揀番 st jo 呢!知唔知醜架你…而你又好似好熟好清楚 華仁 同QC 校內既情况咁喎?而你既邏輯思維又覺得st jo唔比QC差, 好過華仁好多? 咁醒? 敢問唔比QC有幾差, 好過華仁又有幾多呢…..哈!狗屁不通 你點解會咁低能,以為買一本明報升中選校全攻略,完全照讀照講,估估下,就可以嘻BK大大聲扮識野.,噏得出就噏…作得就作, FUNG12345呢位深水涉英華廢校家長, 你冇野呀? <<明報升中選校全攻略>> 你係唔係當所有BK家長個個白痴唔識野架華….!…………睇醫生啦………..!

                                                            :-)  :-) [size=medium]廢校家長 :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)

第1, 我係學生
第2, 我發表我自己意見關你咩事
第3, 我唔會回應你, 我唔會同d文化水平極低o既癡線佬理論
第4, 我唔知我唔知英華有咩得罪你, 但你話佢廢, 唔該你講下有咩廢
第5, 你成日走出黎嘈, 但我相信冇咩人會理會你, 你不如做多d有意義o既野啦, 好幼稚呀你[/quote]

以你ge白痴講法. 第1你係學生

[size=medium]係乜水學校學生,係st jo學生,華仁學生,St Stephen學生定係QC學生  如果以上[size=medium]間間學校都唔係 咁你以乜咩嘢正確資料以乜咩嘢邏輯思維以乜咩嘢理據去發表你既[size=medium]白痴意見啞…!

第2你發表你自己白痴既意見關我咩嘢事 ?
[size=medium]你來來去去由朝到黑淨係識講果句<<我就覺得>>覺得…?我就真係覺得你正一頭腦[size=medium]簡單未瞓醒 嘻度作嘢"語無倫次"噏得出就噏,咁就關我事啦廢校學生!

第3, 你唔會回應我,你唔會同d文化水平極低o既癡線佬理論

[size=medium]所謂深水涉英華廢校教出黎 ge學生乜嘢文化乜嘢水平呢?你好可憐啞!

第4, 你唔知英華有咩得罪我,但我話佢廢, 唔該我講下有咩廢

[size=medium]深水涉英華冇得罪我 不過 呢,深水涉廢校英華教出黎 ge學生以作野文化講嘢,可以[size=medium]冇資料可以冇理據可以冇邏輯思維…係度齋講廢話..! 成日淨係識講<<我就覺得>>[size=medium]呢…! 覺得…..? 唔該你話喇..!深水涉英華係唔係廢校一間……呢.!

第5, 你話我成日走出黎嘈, 但你相信冇咩人會理會我,不如做多d有意義o既野啦, 話我好幼稚

[size=medium]話你講嘢估估下話你講嘢完全可以冇理據冇資料可以冇邏輯思維….!.冇人認同你ge講法咁就話人成日走出黎嘈? 真係深水涉廢校學生…..! 我依家咪教你乜[size=medium]嘢係廢校學生講廢話囉..! 有意義架.....哈!..... 睇醫生啦……….. 幼稚…哈!

:-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)
            :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-10 02:05 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

FUNG12345 寫道:

唔好成日以為傳統名校(好似st jo), d學生真係除左讀書就乜都唔識, 或者只係收番黎打學界
而且課外活動亦唔會少, 除左有好多學會, 參加活動更加比多數學校積極(可能因為聯校關係, 而多數都係男校或女校)[/quote]

You're welcome.
Agree with you!! St.Jo is famous for it's all-rounded trainning to the students. The school encourages students to develop their interests. They are good at the sports and music as well. If one like the traditional local school on HK side(but not DSS),it's not doubt the best choice.

I like St.Stephen also for it provide a very good learning atmosphere to their students. The language policy is also attractive.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-10 02:25 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

麟媽媽 寫道:
中學唔係比晒D 位比小學架,怕無你地想像中咁多喎。

舉例 (1)︰
St. Jo 中學F.1 有5 班
5班x 40人 = 200個位
扣除自行20% 收生 = 40個位
扣除5% 留班額 = 10個位
剩下學額 = 150個位
預留直屬比小學 = 150個位 x 85% = 127.5個位
如果St. Jo 小學有8 班約320 人,咁大約40% 入番中學。

ST.Jo primary: 8 classes: (37-40) in a class,300+ students in total

St.Jo Secondary: 5 classes: 40-45 in a class,210 students in total.  85% of their Secondary school students are promoted from primary school.

Therefore,4.5-5 classes(1/2 to  2/3 ) in primary school can be promoted from Primary to secondary.

Sorry! I think your calculation is not correct. The est.85% is the final calculation for the F1 boys of St.Jo THIS Academic yr. The seats for F1 is normally 210(+-),not 200,the repeaters are only 3-5 students a yr.(normally not more than 5). St.Jo Secondary is very willing to pick their own students from primary school. The fact is that more than one half can promote to secondary.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-10 04:21 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

FUNG12345 寫道:
Leechi 寫道:

聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

加埋1d轉去其他名校o既學生, 我諗都過半人入到名校
重有d冇咁勁, 可能都入到band1學校
我諗考一半以上, 唔係好冒險姐....
如果咁都做唔到, 真係入邊間學校都死=.=[/quote]

麟媽媽 寫道:St. Jo 小學有8 班約320 人,咁大約40% 入番中學。華仁小學有4 班約160 人,咁大約65% 入番中學。
Leechi 寫道:聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

FUNG12345回應 寫道:3.5班重唔多?加埋1d轉去其他名校o既學生, 我諗都過半人入到名校重有d冇咁勁, 可能都入到band1學校我諗考一半以上, 唔係好冒險姐...如果咁都做唔到, 真係入邊間學校都死.

[size=medium]低能仔..!人地話..St. Jo 小學大約40% 入番St. Jo中學,華仁小學大約65% 入番華仁中學。問題係好清楚 ,40%同 65%比較, 係一樣好簡單既數學加減常識,大家完全明白! 咁就正明左你間..,深水涉廢校英華教出黎 ge學生真係會係咁白痴加低能既囉……!就年一D咁簡單既數學加減常識都唔識. 完全冇邏輯思維.冇正確理據冇正確資料咁就可以喜度狗屁不通,成日淨係識講果句…<<我諗>>…<<我覺得>>問你死未?深水涉英華學生,你知唔知醜架..!如果人地真係信你咁揀學校,真係入倒邊間學校都死……哈! 哈!其實BK家長係用邏輯思維,用正確理據去發表自已意見,揀St. Jo比較蝕底……完全啱喎!


[size=large]<<我諗>>…<<我覺得>>             :-)
[size=medium]真係信你一成蛇都死…! :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-10 11:02 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

po.mummy 寫道:

以你ge白痴講法. 第1你係學生

[size=medium]係乜水學校學生,係st jo學生,華仁學生,St Stephen學生定係QC學生  如果以上[size=medium]間間學校都唔係 咁你以乜咩嘢正確資料以乜咩嘢邏輯思維以乜咩嘢理據去發表你既[size=medium]白痴意見啞…!

第2你發表你自己白痴既意見關我咩嘢事 ?
[size=medium]你來來去去由朝到黑淨係識講果句<<我就覺得>>覺得…?我就真係覺得你正一頭腦[size=medium]簡單未瞓醒 嘻度作嘢"語無倫次"噏得出就噏,咁就關我事啦廢校學生!

第3, 你唔會回應我,你唔會同d文化水平極低o既癡線佬理論

[size=medium]所謂深水涉英華廢校教出黎 ge學生乜嘢文化乜嘢水平呢?你好可憐啞!

第4, 你唔知英華有咩得罪我,但我話佢廢, 唔該我講下有咩廢

[size=medium]深水涉英華冇得罪我 不過 呢,深水涉廢校英華教出黎 ge學生以作野文化講嘢,可以[size=medium]冇資料可以冇理據可以冇邏輯思維…係度齋講廢話..! 成日淨係識講<<我就覺得>>[size=medium]呢…! 覺得…..? 唔該你話喇..!深水涉英華係唔係廢校一間……呢.!

第5, 你話我成日走出黎嘈, 但你相信冇咩人會理會我,不如做多d有意義o既野啦, 話我好幼稚

[size=medium]話你講嘢估估下話你講嘢完全可以冇理據冇資料可以冇邏輯思維….!.冇人認同你ge講法咁就話人成日走出黎嘈? 真係深水涉廢校學生…..! 我依家咪教你乜[size=medium]嘢係廢校學生講廢話囉..! 有意義架.....哈!..... 睇醫生啦……….. 幼稚…哈!


我o既意見就梗係我覺得, 我諗嫁啦
唔係要點寫? 唔通寫你覺得?
我一定要係間間學校都讀過先可以發表意見? 唔係佢地學生就唔知人地學校o既野?
廢廢廢, 你講咁耐都講唔到有咩廢, 廢得過你? 10問9唔應

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-10 11:09 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

po.mummy 寫道:
FUNG12345 寫道:
Leechi 寫道:

聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

加埋1d轉去其他名校o既學生, 我諗都過半人入到名校
重有d冇咁勁, 可能都入到band1學校
我諗考一半以上, 唔係好冒險姐....
如果咁都做唔到, 真係入邊間學校都死=.=[/quote]

麟媽媽 寫道:St. Jo 小學有8 班約320 人,咁大約40% 入番中學。華仁小學有4 班約160 人,咁大約65% 入番中學。
Leechi 寫道:聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

FUNG12345回應 寫道:3.5班重唔多?加埋1d轉去其他名校o既學生, 我諗都過半人入到名校重有d冇咁勁, 可能都入到band1學校我諗考一半以上, 唔係好冒險姐...如果咁都做唔到, 真係入邊間學校都死.

[size=medium]低能仔..!人地話..St. Jo 小學大約40% 入番St. Jo中學,華仁小學大約65% 入番華仁中學。問題係好清楚 ,40%同 65%比較, 係一樣好簡單既數學加減常識,大家完全明白! 咁就正明左你間..,深水涉廢校英華教出黎 ge學生真係會係咁白痴加低能既囉……!就年一D咁簡單既數學加減常識都唔識. 完全冇邏輯思維.冇正確理據冇正確資料咁就可以喜度狗屁不通,成日淨係識講果句…<<我諗>>…<<我覺得>>問你死未?深水涉英華學生,你知唔知醜架..!如果人地真係信你咁揀學校,真係入倒邊間學校都死……哈! 哈!其實BK家長係用邏輯思維,用正確理據去發表自已意見,揀St. Jo比較蝕底……完全啱喎!


[size=large]<<我諗>>…<<我覺得>>             :-)
[size=medium]真係信你一成蛇都死…! :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-) [/quote]
依家冇人話要比較st jo同華仁小學呀, 咪自己諗就當係啦

Rank: 2

發表於 07-6-11 04:47 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

FUNG12345 寫道:
po.mummy 寫道:
FUNG12345 寫道:
Leechi 寫道:

聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

加埋1d轉去其他名校o既學生, 我諗都過半人入到名校
重有d冇咁勁, 可能都入到band1學校
我諗考一半以上, 唔係好冒險姐....
如果咁都做唔到, 真係入邊間學校都死=.=[/quote]

麟媽媽 寫道:St. Jo 小學有8 班約320 人,咁大約40% 入番中學。華仁小學有4 班約160 人,咁大約65% 入番中學。
Leechi 寫道:聽講St Jo 是8斑小學只有3.5斑升上St Jo 中學,是否太冒險?

FUNG12345回應 寫道:3.5班重唔多?加埋1d轉去其他名校o既學生, 我諗都過半人入到名校重有d冇咁勁, 可能都入到band1學校我諗考一半以上, 唔係好冒險姐...如果咁都做唔到, 真係入邊間學校都死.

[size=medium]低能仔..!人地話..St. Jo 小學大約40% 入番St. Jo中學,華仁小學大約65% 入番華仁中學。問題係好清楚 ,40%同 65%比較, 係一樣好簡單既數學加減常識,大家完全明白! 咁就正明左你間..,深水涉廢校英華教出黎 ge學生真係會係咁白痴加低能既囉……!就年一D咁簡單既數學加減常識都唔識. 完全冇邏輯思維.冇正確理據冇正確資料咁就可以喜度狗屁不通,成日淨係識講果句…<<我諗>>…<<我覺得>>問你死未?深水涉英華學生,你知唔知醜架..!如果人地真係信你咁揀學校,真係入倒邊間學校都死……哈! 哈!其實BK家長係用邏輯思維,用正確理據去發表自已意見,揀St. Jo比較蝕底……完全啱喎!


[size=large]<<我諗>>…<<我覺得>>             :-)
[size=medium]真係信你一成蛇都死…! :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-) [/quote]
依家冇人話要比較st jo同華仁小學呀, 咪自己諗就當係啦
人地解釋比大家聽,你就唔好起道一味死撐啦! :

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 07-6-11 09:36 |只看該作者

Re: St Joseph VS ST Paul Boys, 高主教, ST Stephen

5% 留班位係制定的,
咁呢D  位學校咪留番晒做叩門位囉,
如果無呢D 位,何來叩門位?

今年自行收生額已由原來的15% 加至20%,
華仁4 班升4 班都只收到7 成,
St. Jo 8 升5 可以一樣收7 成?

cfanny 寫道:

Sorry! I think your calculation is not correct. The est.85% is the final calculation for the F1 boys of St.Jo THIS Academic yr. The seats for F1 is normally 210(+-),not 200,the repeaters are only 3-5 students a yr.(normally not more than 5). St.Jo Secondary is very willing to pick their own students from primary school. The fact is that more than one half can promote to secondary.
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