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請教上門補習費用 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-6 14:40 |只看該作者


想搵人上門幫兩名小五生補習, 淨補英文同數學, 每星期一次, 每次兩個鐘, 請教市價大約幾錢?

發表於 07-4-7 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-7 13:06 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

但好一點的(u grad,有經驗,教師)起碼100以上

Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-7 15:22 |只看該作者

學 生 評 價 "超 正" 的 補 習 介 紹

學 生 評 價 "超 正" 的 補 習 介 紹
本人是http://www.ec-learning.com/的介紹人, 意見可能比較主觀, 讀者可自行查看他們放在網上的筆記樣本, 再決定他們是否有心機及有能力的好導師.
(他們不是介紹所, 是一班有心的導師自己搞的.)
如果真係覺得好的話, 請多多介紹一吓, 謝了.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-8 02:08 |只看該作者

Re: 學 生 評 價 "超 正" 的 補 習 介 紹

I downloaded and read the handout from your website <http://www.ec-learning.com> and I found a number of mistakes and generally odd-sounding English usage in just the first few pages:

* Page 1: No problems because it's only a table of contents.

* Page 2:

(1) "Here are some example from the notes (not the complete one)"

"one" what?
complete one = complete set of notes?
complete one = all of the examples?

(2) "Now, do you get the answers?"

"do" >> "did" (someone reading the handout should have already answered the questions by that point)
"answers?" >> "answers correct?" or "answers right?"

Alternatively, you could have written something like "Let's see how you did.  The correct answers are:"

* Page 3:

See where you've written "Try?" and "Easy?"?  That's strange, street-hawker-ish usage.

The exercises themselves appear to be mostly OK, so I'm guessing that they were simply copied from other sources.  Anyone can go and buy exercise books at a bookstore, though, right?  Unfortunately, even when simply copying others' work, you have to know what you're doing.  Being able to distinguish US English from British English or from mangled Singaporean English (Singlish) or very spotty HK English is vital.

Some oddities from the exercises ...

(3) Look at Prepositions #1. You should say "I can't sleep with the light on."  If you prefer to sleep in darkness, it really doesn't matter where in a room the light is located.
(4) Now, check out Preposition #2. Though it's not wrong per se, "Don't set that cup on top of my papers, please." sounds much more natural than "[...] put that cup on top of [..]".

Your tutors need to find a professional English teacher to help them to proofread their handouts before you upload them and begin spamming parents' forums. Better yet, I suggest that you hire tutors who can actually read and write English properly and naturally or shut down.  Please stop teaching Hong Kong students mangled English.

用中文簡單來說是, 本人在貴公司網上的英文科筆記中找到不少的錯誤。

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-8 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: 學 生 評 價 "超 正" 的 補 習 介 紹

雖然我唔同意您回應的幾點, 但我亦唔想跟您作無謂的爭辯,
其實放在網上的筆記只是樣本, 而且是濃縮版, 就算真的有錯,
亦唔算是天大的事情, 如果一有錯就要關門大吉, 似乎有點苛刻.
例如, 如果我在您的回應裡找到英文文法上的錯誤, 然後同您講
"找個英文水平高些的專業人士幫忙批改一下您的回應", 您會怎樣反應?
我想那些筆記的題目應該有不少是來自方間的練習, 但哪本方間的練習會有詳盡的解釋? 您找到不少的"錯誤"到底算唔算是錯誤, 就留待讀者自己決定.
現在補習呢行真的是競爭好大, 希望行內的人士可多D增值自己, 少D抺黑別人.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-8 11:21 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

我女兒p.4  ((逄2/4/5 每日1hr))上門同佢做數英工課.$60

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-4-8 12:38 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

無錯, 真係要睇你要求師資
如果請中學生或大學生, 六七十元一小時都有
如果請有教學經驗的或在職教師, 幾百元也有
六十元一小時, 收到現在二百五十元一小時
不過我覺得平貴不是重點, 而是那個補習老師是否教得你的小朋友"妥當"
"妥當"的意思就是不是只是令他們完成功課 (有些甚至直接讓小朋友知道答案, 然後照抄), 而是真的明白小朋友在讀書上的問題, 繼而專門針對小朋友而提供extra的resources令小朋友改進
因為這是一對一補習的優勢, 課堂難以做到的

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-8 14:15 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

     我呢個補習係讀緊U.佢係第3個啦.頭2個經補習社搵.我要搵大專補.佢話中四補己足夠.我話我2公婆都唔止啦.最後佢搵左2果中四上門試鐘$70一個.我問番果女明唔明.果女話佢教錯晒.最後呢果係我係惠康貼紙請嫁.上年10月到而家.有時果女考試.我會星期日加鐘. ((有時真係要講運嫁))

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-8 23:41 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

zsqq2 寫道:
雖然我唔同意您回應的幾點, 但我亦唔想跟您作無謂的爭辯,
其實放在網上的筆記只是樣本, 而且是濃縮版, 就算真的有錯,
亦唔算是天大的事情, 如果一有錯就要關門大吉, 似乎有點苛刻.

(1.) Your reply to my post is illogical and your attitude towards your business stinks.  You say that the English handout is just a sample of the sort of material that you use but doesn't that imply that the handouts you use on a day-to-day basis are as full of mistakes (or possibly even worse) than this sample?  After all, you're using it to promote your business, so it should have been absolutely flawless.  

It's like finding a cockroach leg in a cube of cheese handed to you on a toothpick as a sample in CitySuper!  Would you want to buy a block of the cheese in question?

Educating children is important work and, based on your website, your promo materials, and your attitude here, I don't think that you're capable of doing the job.
你不合邏輯的回應和對於教育學生的態度真叫人厭惡。既然網上的筆記只是樣本, 已經被我找到那麼多的錯誤, 可想而知你們每日給予學生們的筆記中一定佈滿了錯誤。而且網上的筆記樣本理應是用來宣傳貴公司, 難道不應該是完美無誤的嗎?就好像在CitySuper試食乳酪的樣本找到蟑螂的腿一樣, 難道你還有信心買他們的cheese?

教育兒童是非常重要的工作, 基於你們的網頁, 你們的宣傳資料和你在這裡回應的態度, 本人不認為你能夠從事教育兒童的工作。

zsqq2 寫道:
例如, 如果我在您的回應裡找到英文文法上的錯誤, 然後同您講
"找個英文水平高些的專業人士幫忙批改一下您的回應", 您會怎樣反應?

(2.) Incidentally, there are no mistakes in my post.  FYI, I was born in HK but moved to the United States with my family when I was 4 years old and lived there until my husband and I moved back here 3 years ago (his company offered him a managerial post in their HK branch).  I'm a native English speaker who happens to be Chinese.
剛巧, 我的回應沒有英文文法上的錯誤。給你作為參考, 雖然我在香港出生, 但我與家人在我四歲時移居美國, 三年前與我的丈夫回來(他要來香港分公司工作)。所以, 我是黃皮膚的native English speaker。

zsqq2 寫道:
我想那些筆記的題目應該有不少是來自方間的練習, 但哪本方間的練習會有詳盡的解釋? 您找到不少的"錯誤"到底算唔算是錯誤, 就留待讀者自己決定.

(3.) You admit to simply copying the exercises used in your handouts from store-bought exercise books.  We'll set aside the copyright issues for now.  I have a question for you.  Doesn't it concern you that you aren't able to at least choose decent books?  You're shamelessly abusing the trust of HK parents.
既然你都承認筆記的題目是來自坊間的練習, 我們現在姑且不談你公司侵犯版權的問題。但是你們可否至少找一些比較優良的教材? 你們正在無恥地濫用家長們對你們的信任。

zsqq2 寫道:
現在補習呢行真的是競爭好大, 希望行內的人士可多D增值自己, 少D抺黑別人.

(4.) If the teaching center business is as competitive as you let on, shouldn't fly-by-night, unqualified operations like yours be weeded out?

如果補習這個行業真的如你所說是充滿競爭,好像你們這樣不夠資格的公司, 應該早已經被淘汰才是呀!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-9 01:19 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

而家個姐姐只補英文科,姐姐讀緊year 2,收$70一小時!
不過我自己會咁諗,我唔係要搵人日日睇住個女做功課,just係要一個補習老師去幫佢英文科溫習,所以若補得唔太差都唔會太計較一二十蚊!and有時真係除左睇個補習老師有冇心機外,都要睇佢夾唔夾到個小朋友,上次個姐姐好"林",管唔掂我個女,所以每次花多左時間去warm up,雖然個姐姐唔計呢d時間錢,但時間就係嘥左嘛!
~~~My dogs Phoebe,Minnie,Ah Bert and Rico~~

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-9 01:52 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

It really depends on the quality of the teacher.

My nieces are part-time tutor, they charge $70-80 / hour.  Honestly, they don't pay any effort to the students at all.  Most of them said that they don't want to spend too much time on the low pay job as they don't earn much after the transportation cost and time.

Honestly, I suggest if you think the teacher is good and responsibable, pay them more.  

My son is P3 now, I pay 150 for his teacher.  She is nice and patient.  She gives him enough exercises (not too much) and explains well.  

In comparsion with those $70-80, I really think that this one is way better.  Those previous ones wanted to 'earn' only.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-9 11:53 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

您一時話自己born in HK一時又話自己係native english speaker. 您到底知唔知自己講乜? 總要學人講邏輯, 如果真的講邏輯, 您最多只是個non-native US-English speaker! 所以您是名不正, 言不順的"native english speaker". 以您的英文程度, 就算給您一篇完全沒有錯的英文文章, 我相信您都會從中找出很多錯誤. 居然話自己第一篇的回應無英文文法上的錯誤! 您好自信, 不過自信得有點自大. 您都係揾人或者自己心平氣和地再睇一次.
我花了一些時間睇了您以前的一D Post, 發覺您比較針對一些小型的補習社和私人導師, 其中無論中英用字都比較刻薄. 你做咗咁多嘢, 但從來未表示過您是為邊間補習社服務. 這只表明您膽怯, 唔敢跟人光明正大地比較. 您不如自己也做些筆記, 好讓人可以比較一下.
還有, 希望您明白, 就算您老公係native US-English speaker或者佢可以擔任管理階層的職位, 咁都唔可以證明到您自己在英文方面有什麼過人之處, 所以您都係少提您老公為好. 比如說, 就算我係您老公的語言導師, 我亦唔會覺得自己的語言能力一定比您高, 因為您不是您老公. 刻意列舉身邊人有多大多大成就的人, 往往只係為咗欺世盗名, 想給自己臉上貼金. 我相信您亦唔想給人有這樣的感覺.
講到呢度, 覺得有D起火, 如有失言, 請其他讀者見諒. 我睇都夠了, 我們只想花時間在教育事業上, 並無意在此回應太多. pinky_mom, 雖然您的指責是從雞蛋裡挑骨頭, 但我們仍然多謝您的意見. 亦希望您可以多做一些比批評更具建設性和實質性的事情.

最近, 我們收了幾位新的學生, 可能有些是由您的補習社轉來的, 所以您才有咁大的反應. 不過可以話您知, 現在的學生及家長都很精明, 我哋邊個做得好邊個做得唔好, 佢哋好快會知, 從而作出選擇, 無聊的抹黑只會有短暫的效果. 所以我們只會老老實實地從自己方面開始做好.

誰是誰非, 有興趣的讀者請比較在ec-learning.com上的筆記及pinky_mom的回應, 自行定論.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-9 17:48 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用


You are insane and should seek psychiatric help immediately.
你真是精神錯亂, 你應該立刻尋求精神病醫生的幫助。
I’m a housewife, not an English tutor, but I can’t resist debunking fake English tutors and learning centers. =D
我是家庭主婦, 不是英語導師。但是我不能抗拒自己去拆穿那些假的英語導師和中心。
People like you rely on the parents on this site having too low a standard of English to recognize that your English is actually quite poor.
這裡有很多如你一樣混水摸魚的人, 依靠一些英文水平不高而不能識別你英文差的家長來取得生意。
After my husband phoned you yesterday at the number posted on your website and you could barely understand a word that he said, you should have been too ashamed to post here again.
經過昨天我的丈夫依照貴公司網上的電話號碼致電, 而你勉強聽懂他的英文後, 你應該太羞愧回到這裡去回應。
He had to ask you where your center was located 3 or 4 times, rephrasing the question each time, before you were able to tell him that you didn’t have an office.
我的丈夫只是問你們中心的位置, 竟然需要問三、四次, 而每次要改變措辭來重複問題, 你才可以告訴他你們根本沒有辦公室。

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-9 20:00 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

>> 昨天有人打電話來:
>> 1. 電話隱藏號碼.
>> 2. 問佢從哪裡知道我們的資料, 初時支吾其詞, 最後才勉強答是在yahoo, 仲問我們位置在哪裡 (可能是心虛, 答和問都好細聲).
>> 3. 聽唔到, 問佢可否重複一次問題, 又問佢點稱呼, 佢又唔想講, 佢再問我們位置在哪裡.
>> 4. 才答佢.

自己藏頭露尾在先, 對答可疑在後, 總要惡人先告狀. 兩公婆一齊做咁多暗地裡的無聊事, 擺明就係某D補習社的打手啦,
總係度黃鼠狼同雞拜年扮好心, 真係不知所謂!

總係一句, 誰是誰非, 有興趣的讀者請比較在ec-learning.com上的筆記及pinky_mom的回應, 自行定論.
由於時間資源所限, 以後回應都只是呢句.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-9 20:03 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

>> 昨天有人打電話來:
>> 1. 電話隱藏號碼.
>> 2. 問佢從哪裡知道我們的資料, 初時支吾其詞, 最後才勉強答是在yahoo, 仲問我們位置在哪裡 (可能是心虛, 答和問都好細聲).
>> 3. 聽唔到, 問佢可否重複一次問題, 又問佢點稱呼, 佢又唔想講, 佢再問我們位置在哪裡.
>> 4. 才答佢.

自己藏頭露尾在先, 對答可疑在後, 總要惡人先告狀. 兩公婆一齊做咁多暗地裡的無聊事, 擺明就係某D補習社的打手啦,
總係度黃鼠狼同雞拜年扮好心, 真係不知所謂!

總係一句, 誰是誰非, 有興趣的讀者請比較在ec-learning.com上的筆記及pinky_mom的回應, 自行定論.
由於時間資源所限, 以後回應都只是呢句.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-9 20:32 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

Dear pinky-mom,
don't get too frustrated! But I do find zsqq2 responses rather amusing. Have you noticed he/she is responding to you in chinese? This is already is proof of his/her's english standard.

Dear zsqq2,
Don't get your knickers too in a twist. I think pinky-mom, like me is worried about cowboys teaching our children bad english. As this does affect the english standard of our next generation. As the english standard of kids today is already quite appalling. As for your sample questions I find no major problems, but the question about a light is a funny. It is not wrong..as such, but surely ..you mean one can't sleep with the light on and not literally with a light above your head.
As for the definition of native english I was born in hk but moved to uk when I was one. I am classified by many as native english speaker, but not a native english man.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-10 01:13 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

I think that you hit the nail on the head when you pointed out that he's been replying only in Chinese. Thanks for being the voice of reason in this thread!
我認為你說zsqq2只能用中文回應, 真是一針見血。謝謝你在這標題表達理性的意見!
Can I quote you in the other threads that he's started in order to spam this forum?


Re: 補習分享...

I'll probably let him be after that. Tussling with scam artists online can be quite tiring.  If anyone is still gullible enough to avail themselves of his services after reading our exchanges, then they probably deserve whatever they get.
我大概不會再打擾他。與這些騙子爭論真的很累。如果有人在看完我們的回應後仍然是這麼易受騙而使用他的服務, 不管他們得到什麼導師, 也都是活該。

tli 寫道:
Dear pinky-mom,
don't get too frustrated! But I do find zsqq2 responses rather amusing. Have you noticed he/she is responding to you in chinese? This is already is proof of his/her's english standard.

Dear zsqq2,
Don't get your knickers too in a twist. I think pinky-mom, like me is worried about cowboys teaching our children bad english. As this does affect the english standard of our next generation. As the english standard of kids today is already quite appalling. As for your sample questions I find no major problems, but the question about a light is a funny. It is not wrong..as such, but surely ..you mean one can't sleep with the light on and not literally with a light above your head.
As for the definition of native english I was born in hk but moved to uk when I was one. I am classified by many as native english speaker, but not a native english man.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-10 15:41 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用

哈哈! 您真係識得揾人着數! 揾個教中文的斗英文! 不如我哋斗吓數學好唔好? 無佔您便宜!

剛問了我們新來的學生, 說是聽唔明您們堂上的講課, 問咗又唔明, 補咗個幾月才走. 學生聽唔明您講, 您就檢討吓啦, 唔係掛羊頭賣狗肉, 話自己係所謂的"Native English Speaker", D 學生就會跟您. 何況您根本唔係. 識唔識教書同您係唔係"Native English Speaker" 無關係, 您的學生走咗亦不是我們的問題, 唔好再死咬住我們唔放啦. 這只顯得您們無能.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-11 01:53 |只看該作者

Re: 請教上門補習費用


Are you a paranoid schizophrenic?

I don’t own or work in a teaching center. My husband works for a MNC and I raise my kids and kick the asses of scammers like you online.

If I saw a thief about to pick someone's pocket, for instance, I would shout out loud to stop him and warn his victim. What are the odds that the thief, caught in the act, would launch into a long paranoid spiel about how I'd only stopped him from getting the other person's wallet because I'd been intending to steal it myself or because I had some vendetta against him? He wouldn't bother. It would sound ridiculous ... as ridiculous as your paranoid ravings.  
如果我看到一個小偷打算從別人的衣袋扒竊, 我當然會大叫來阻止小偷和警告受害者。通常小偷會因為理虧而離開。有什麼可能這個小偷竟反而偏激地長篇大論地反駁說我阻止他偷東西是因為自己正打算偷, 或因為我與他有仇? 這也真是太荒謬…就如你在這裡胡言亂語一樣荒謬。

Unfortunately for you, when I catch a shady, unqualified English teacher like you trying to prey on innocent HK parents, I can't stand by and say nothing. It's just that simple.
你只是不幸,因為當我看到那些像你一樣靠不住的和不夠資格的英語導師嘗試向香港單純的家長找生意, 我不能沈默地站在一旁。事情就是這樣的簡單。

I hope that the imaginary students that you lured from my imaginary teaching center enjoy their fake English lessons.
最後, 我希望那些你從那間虛構的補習社偷回來的想像中的學生能享受他們假的英文課。

zsqq2 寫道:
哈哈! 您真係識得揾人着數! 揾個教中文的斗英文! 不如我哋斗吓數學好唔好? 無佔您便宜!

剛問了我們新來的學生, 說是聽唔明您們堂上的講課, 問咗又唔明, 補咗個幾月才走. 學生聽唔明您講, 您就檢討吓啦, 唔係掛羊頭賣狗肉, 話自己係所謂的"Native English Speaker", D 學生就會跟您. 何況您根本唔係. 識唔識教書同您係唔係"Native English Speaker" 無關係, 您的學生走咗亦不是我們的問題, 唔好再死咬住我們唔放啦. 這只顯得您們無能.

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