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英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-22 11:39 |只看該作者

英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!


1. ESF 每月除支付學費(HK$4,500/月)外,還有甚麼其他雜費需要支付呢?
2. 讀完兩年幼稚園,她的出路是點樣呢:
b.如果英基小學唔收,是否可於原校repeat K2 or local Kindergarten K3

3.於英基小學讀完小一,除了可繼續升小二外,是否仍可參與政府小學統一派位? 是否可自行報考直資或私立小學?
4. 沙田英基小學,唔知該學校學風是否純樸,另家境一般,會否感到自卑呢?


Rank: 4

發表於 07-3-22 11:49 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

1. not much other expenditures.  Most of the parents are not show-off but only middle-class ones.

2. Most kids will go to ESF primary after spedning two years with ESF kinder.  Some may go to other IS.  I did hear about a case of repeating K2 but it is an extremely exceptional.

3.  It is ok to join the EMB central allocation.  One of my friend got a place in Maryknoll and thus she withdrew her girl from Beacon Hill to enjoy the free education.  Application of private school or DSS is ok.

4. No comment for SJS as I'm not a parent of it.
:-D :-D :-D :-D

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-22 20:23 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

wkangcpa 寫道:

b.如果英基小學唔收,是否可於原校repeat K2 or local Kindergarten K3

3.於英基小學讀完小一,除了可繼續升小二外,是否仍可參與政府小學統一派位? 是否可自行報考直資或私立小學?
4. 沙田英基小學,唔知該學校學風是否純樸,另家境一般,會否感到自卑呢?


If your child studys in ESF Kindi, it's better chance of getting in ESF primary schools.  Of course, you can apply any school you like if you want to transfer your child to other school.  沙田英基小學,學校學風純樸,不用擔心.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-23 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

Thank you all of you!

I am so confused and under big pressure from the family to send my elder daughter to the ESF Kindergarten, such as:
1. Poor english ability of parents, difficult to communicate with School/teacher;
2. Do not have enough time to take care of kid when she is studying at IS, so much activities require the involvement of parent;
3. Since I have two daughters, it will be a burden to us, we need to work harder;
4. My daughter is shy, and used to speak Cantonese, and it might have problem in IS environment;
5. IS's students come from high level of income family, and my daugher may compare with others and lack confidence.

But, anyway, I have decided to send my daughter to ESF Tsing Yi after Summer and accept the offer. If there is any ESF Tsing Yi coming K1, pls share.


Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-23 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!


Just want to share some of our experiences why we decided to send our boy to ESF.  My husband strongly believes that the education environment of  is much better than the traditional / local education as students can enjoy learning not just working hard to entertain the "Exams".

Besides, don't worry about the communication issue as ESF (Tsing Yi) also have many Chinese tutors / staff which can act as the commincation channel between your wife and the teachers.

I don't think all student of ESF(Tsing Yi) are from high level of income family.  At least I am not!

If your daughter is shy, May be ESF kinder can help her to develop her confidence to communication wtih others as they also encourge active participation and communication during tutorial section.

Hope this can help and my little boy will attend the morning section in the coming school term.

Alpha Ma Ma

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-23 11:58 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!


I have sent back the form together with cheque..etc to school today.

My daughter is called Claire, and she will be assigned to morning session K1 after Summer.

How about your son? are they on the same level K1?

發表於 07-3-23 12:25 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

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Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-23 12:44 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

Glad to know that you have made-up your mind and I think they should be at the some floor  but may be in different groups.  Anyway, hope they will be in the same group.

My little boy's name is Alpha and he's  studying nursary at Creative Kindergarten.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-23 12:53 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

Hi, pattkeda,

I have spared the whole week struggling for the kindergarten with my family. That is terrible and I feel so lonely and exhausted!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-23 13:00 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

Hi, AlphaMaMa,

What a coincidence! Actually, I have arranged my elder daugther Claire (K1) and second daugher Christy (N1) to enter Creative Kindergarten, Tsing Yi this Summer 2007.

My elder daughter Claire has studied at Tivoli Kindergarten (N1) and we need to withdraw from Creative as we accepted the offer of ESF Tsing Yi. Initially, we thought they can go to school together.

What is your comment on Creative N1?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-23 14:40 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

We have similar situation with your family, I have 2 girls too and I decided to send them to ESF (Sheung Wan) Actually we also concern about money because once you enter an IS (I think) it is better to continue to primary and secondary which is a big problem cause the school fee need to be double for us. But I hope my girls can enjoy their school life, my husbund and I will work our very best to let them go to IS. Work Hard together, you are not alone!!

Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-24 09:58 |只看該作者

Re: 英基幼稚園(ESF)–有問題想請教, please help!

My boy enjoys the school life and he has improved his spkoken Chinese after attending N1 (as he only can speak very little Cantonese when he was two but now he can speak full sentences).  

My personal comment for Creative is that the Kinder provides a happy learning environment for kids and helping kids to develop basic skills to take care themselves (my boy knows how to put on his school and put them back after one month school life).  But, don't expect your kid learn how read or write any vocabulary.
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