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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 滬江維多利亞學校(小學)﹐想聽一下大家的意見 ...
樓主: anniehong0918

滬江維多利亞學校(小學)﹐想聽一下大家的意見 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-11-26 14:21 |只看該作者
Comment deleted to avoid confusion due to inaccurate info regarding "phonics teaching" part as corrected by VSA parents.

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-2-3 14:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 21:20 |只看該作者

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no, victoria teaches phonics too.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 23:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 kittylock 於 08-11-26 14:21 發表

1. 比較害羞,說話細聲,自信不足
2. 可跟說普通話的同班同學愉快及無障礙地交談,但面對成 ...

我反而覺得維幼的小朋友大部份都不害羞及勇於表達自己。小女兒也是維幼學生... 以我觀察她以及她的同學,對著如我這樣的叔叔都可以表現得很健談... 不害羞...

老實說我頗欣賞維幼... 它讓小朋友有很多發展思維的空間...  我同意維幼學生在學術上可能需要在校外「進補」... 有很多家長對小朋友中英數等能力要求很高... 那麼維記真的未必能達到他們的期望... 但在思考訓練方面,學校其實做得很不錯... 打個例子,上星期有一份功課是須要家長跟小朋友一起做討論的。討論的泛圍很廣泛,單是做公民的責任與權利這個課題... 我發現我女兒都已經能表達很多的意見... 如應在使用資源的同時顧及環保,否則會為地球帶來嚴重後果等... 我覺得能思考後將這些連在一起再表達出來,對小朋友來說已經很了不起(至少自己在這年紀的時候仍是「一舊飯」)... 能訓練得小朋友可以如此思考,學校真的應記一功。

僥幸地考上了SPCC... 除了感謝主外,我深感維幼也有很大的功勞... 其實維幼真的可以教出很好的學生... 只要家長能認真及用心地參與小朋友的學習... (去年維幼也有15人考進SPCC呀)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 23:30 |只看該作者
My little girl studys in Victoria.They teach Jolly Phonics,and she is very happy because they use many actions ,so funny .

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-27 00:40 |只看該作者
Victoria teaches Jolly Phonics.  My little girl can use her phonics skills very well in her reading.  I really think the school has done a good job in teaching phonics.  In terms of reading, my girl loves to read, most of her classmates love reading too.  Reading habits are not only depending on the school, parents need put in a lot of effort as well.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-27 09:46 |只看該作者
My kid is also a "book worm" but I don't think his reading habit is come from the school (as the english books provided by the school are too simple).

You are right that as a parent I had put a lot of effort on his reading habits (spend a lot of time to read with him).

原帖由 Fat_Fat 於 08-11-27 00:40 發表
Victoria teaches Jolly Phonics.  My little girl can use her phonics skills very well in her reading.  I really think the school has done a good job in teaching phonics.  In terms of reading, my girl l ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-27 21:08 |只看該作者
吾兒是維小的學生.我覺得學校的硬件同軟件都令我滿意. 硬件是全新多功能的校舍, 我都希望自己有份用, 哈哈. 軟件是課程和老師, certified IB school and IB teachers. 一年七萬多的學費,無話抵唔抵,只要自己負擔得起又覺得間學校可以比到你想要o既嘢,又唔可以話人學費唔值喎.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-3 18:56 |只看該作者
I think I need to do VSA justice. My kid is studying in P1, VSA.  I'm more than happy with the school.  My kid was admitted to a famous traditional subvented school in the first round of P1 allocation last year.  Nonetheless, after careful consideration, we gave up the place for VSA for we know how students' lives are in that traditional school (my elder son is studying in it).  The truth is no pain no gain in famous traditional school where spoon-feed approach is still in use.  My elder son spares no effort in maintaining his academic result (among the top 1/4 in the class).  The whole family paid a lot, not in monetary terms, for that.  We come to realize that learning can also be effected in a more happy way.  We also aware that traditional school students are quite weak in analytical thinking.  So, we choose VSA for our younger kid.  I can say that VSA is successful in motivating kids to learn and to do better.  Everyday, VSA teachers awards my kid with chops, house points and happy faces, making the kid eager to strive for better.  I think choosing a school is just like choosing your own way of living.  We choose the sustainable way of living/learning.

As for VSA's Chinese teacher, I observe that some of them are Hong Kong people. However, they speak fluent Putonghua and English. They can conduct the Maths lesson in English, and communicate well with expatriate students and the English teachers.  Maybe, that why they are preferred.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-4 21:48 |只看該作者
終於多番幾個維小家長表達意見呢! 仲有冇人現身啊?

有些人不考慮維小, 可能因為學費貴, 而且課程跟傳統小學不一樣, 將來如果升讀傳統中學, 就未必可以適應到. 佢學費年年咁加, 讀埋中學都要唔少錢. 所以都有人會考慮先試傳統, 覺得唔適合, 先再考慮維小. 我見有些插班生, 是前維幼由傳統小學轉過黎, 由名校轉過黎都有. 當然, 亦有一些不滿維小太淺太free, 而轉番出去傳統小學的學生. 每間學校都有佢自己的粉絲

[ 本帖最後由 hoboy 於 08-12-4 21:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-5 20:41 |只看該作者
You are right!  - 維小家長都係維小粉絲.

I'm an exceptional case, although my kid is studying in Victoria kin but I am not a Victoria's fan.  I will praise the good things and point out the bad things or insufficient obviously.
Don't argue with the fans la.

原帖由 hoboy 於 08-12-4 21:48 發表
終於多番幾個維小家長表達意見呢! 仲有冇人現身啊?

有些人不考慮維小, 可能因為學費貴, 而且課程跟傳統小學不一樣, 將來如果升讀傳統中學, 就未必可以適應到. 佢學費年年咁加, 讀埋中學都要唔少錢. 所以都有 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-9 11:13 |只看該作者
我花了不少時間睇晒呢個 topic. 因為我個仔將會入讀維記 kinder, 我想了解一下多d. 我睇到好多人都話維幼好淺, 所以我入黎小學睇家長點睇, 睇到好多唔同意見, 好多謝各位

講下自己 background, 我希望我我既小朋友都係愉快學習, 心儀既小學係播道, 優才 (因為我住東九龍)

我想留言既最大原因, 係唔明 Yau_Cheung                , 你俾你既子女一邊讀維記, 一邊讀 int'l school ? 再加補習班 (academic + interest) ? 我唔知有無睇錯, 如果係咁, 當初你入維幼係一個錯誤既決定, 維幼一直都強調愉快學習, 當然同你現在既期望有出入.
他對我說: 我的恩典夠你用的.因為我的能力、是在人的軟弱上顯得完全.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-9 11:36 |只看該作者
hi MrsCLee,

My boy studied 2 schools in K2 and commenced Kumon from K3.

I haven't any doubt that my boy enjoys his school life so much (he always requests to go to school during holiday especially long vacation).

當初你入維幼係一個錯誤既決定 - maybe you are right as I choose international path instead of local.  But "happy learning" is also my target.

Victoria Kins are not bad and his teachers in K3 are excellent, but VSA....   

PS : VSA is my dream school before I let my boy join Victoria Kin.  I feel very disappointed to VSA after I know more about VSA.

原帖由 MrsCLee 於 08-12-9 11:13 發表
我花了不少時間睇晒呢個 topic. 因為我個仔將會入讀維記 kinder, 我想了解一下多d. 我睇到好多人都話維幼好淺, 所以我入黎小學睇家長點睇, 睇到好多唔同意見, 好多謝各位

講下自己 background, 我希望我我既小朋友 ...

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-12-9 11:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-9 16:53 |只看該作者
Yau Cheung,

Would you mind telling which primary (IS?) is your son going to now?

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-12-9 11:36 發表
hi MrsCLee,

My boy studied 2 schools in K2 and commenced Kumon from K3.

I haven't any doubt that my boy enjoys his school life so much (he always requests to go to school during holiday especially l ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-12-9 17:34 |只看該作者



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-9 19:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 qqzzma 於 08-12-9 16:53 發表
Yau Cheung,

Would you mind telling which primary (IS?) is your son going to now?

hi qqzzma,

My kid will join a bilingual international school located in HK Island.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-10 12:50 |只看該作者
Is it the one beginning with Ixx?

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-12-9 19:59 發表

hi qqzzma,

My kid will join a bilingual international school located in HK Island.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-12-17 10:46 |只看該作者
I really do not understand why there are so many people so eager to give unfair negative comments to VSA. The ridiculous point is that most of them do not have their children studying in VSA primary, but repeatedly criticize the school as if their children are studying there. Being an outsider, how can they know the academic/language standards of VSA students? Can they give their comments only after talking to one or two students? Can one or two students represent the standard of the whole school? At my secondary school time years ago, I knew a no. of friends from QC, Kings and Wah Yan who got quite poor academic results in HKCEE/HKAL and their language standards (both English and Chinese) were not high at all. From that time, I know that the academic/language standards vary from students to students on individual basis, but not all on the schools.

Many of them like to criticize the language standards of VSA students, i.e. English poorer than international schools and Chinese poorer than local schools. I just wonder why don't they compare the English standard of VSA students with those of local schools or the Chinese standard with those of international schools instead? It is interesting that they never criticize the Chinese standard of international schools or the English standard of local traditional schools, but keep on stepping their feet on VSA. In my opinion, both language standards and reading habit can’t be cultivated without the efforts/contributions of the family no matter which schools the children are studying. It is universally true that they are the joint efforts of both schools and families. So, those who criticize VSA students for having no good reading habit cultivated in school are not fair and rational. But, it seems that their criticism points to VSA only, but not other schools.

Being a parent of VSA student, I do bind happy school life and critical/creative thinking teaching philosophy. Absolutely, I will not judge the standard/level of a child by just counting the no. of words he/she knows as many parents do. If this type of parents chooses Victoria Kindergarten, they will surely be very disappointed especially when they compare their child with their friends who study in some traditional type of kindergartens which teach a no. of difficult words at very early age. In my opinion, they should change school as soon as possible instead of continuing to study in Victoria, but keep on criticizing the school. Hong Kong has a free market. If they do think that Victoria is no good with so many shortcomings, they should choose another school which suits their “taste”.

Up to this moment, VSA, though not perfect, is a quite ideal school for me and my child. Through the creative way of teaching, the students, instead of just sitting and listening to the information the teachers convey to them from textbooks, they are encouraged and given chances to collect, analyse and present the information on the topic under study. In the course of study, students are frequently required to write and speak both English and Chinese. My child is very enthusiastic and excited in doing such kind of study. She will ask us to bring her to the library to search for books relevant to the study and eager to learn the computer skills to facilitate her presentation in class. She has told me more than once that she enjoys the school life in VSA although the study here is more difficult when compared with that of her previous traditional school. It is the challenge and interest that push and motivate the children to enjoy and do better in their study. This is what I want. Besides, my child has cultivated a good reading habit in VSA. For years, we have been bringing her to the library every week as both her father and elder sister are book worms. But, this younger child seems to have not much interest on books. However, with the great encouragement of the school and the peer influence in class, she has eventually turned into a book worm this year. With the encouragement of her teachers, now she likes reading English, as well as Chinese books. Moreover, the school is eager to maintain close contact with parents. The school will publish a newsletter to parents at the school intranet every week informing parents of any important updated issues of the school. Each grade will have their own monthly newsletter to inform parents what will be taught in the month. I have once sent emails directly to the principal for some matters concerning my child and the principal responded to my request very promptly and positively. It is obvious that the management is ready to listen and eager to improve the school to the satisfaction of the parents.

So, though VSA is not a perfect school yet, it is still a very ideal school for me and my child. I hope those who used to criticize VSA should respect the differences in teaching philosophies, methods and approaches among different schools. I respect your choice and I do hope that you respect mine and others in VSA.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-2-2 13:37 |只看該作者
Having read through this topic, I feel that I am obliged toshare my view on VSA and those negative comments on VSA here.

Both of my girls are studying at Victoria for PN and K2. Honestly speaking, VSA is not my first choice (merely a personal preference) but I have to say that, so far, I am very impressed of the learning progress of both my girls. Based on my own observation (including the open day) and friends who are having their kids studying at VSA, I believe that VSA is a very good school.

Personal and subjective opinions are certainly fine but people providing the negative comments here appeared to have a strong bias and were getting into circular discussions without facts and objective information. I was even surprised that some untrue or reckless information was also quoted,e.g.

“….親戚發覺問題嚴重,即趕緊安排小女孩上坊間的Phonics 班學拼音 (我才知道原來3年來維幼都沒有教phonics 的課程)。隨後我推介小兒上的英語班給小女孩,但經試堂後程度不合而不能參加….”

Fortunately, there are already good enough responses to correct this. Obviously it is a reckless comment which may mislead others who have genuine interests to know more about the school.
Provided that the writer of this comment was not making up the story, the concerned parents and kid are indeed having their own problems which need to be addressed properly. If the writer was making this up or was  recklessly providing hear and say information, he/she must better revisit his/her intention.

In my case, I am actually very impressed that my girl can master the phonic skill that she learned from the school very well. I was even not aware that she was  learning phonic until one day, my friend has bought us a phonic DVD. We were surprised that my girl had already known many of them. She could even guess the spelling of some words that she had never learned (though not 100% correct of course). Good enough for a K2 kid, right? We then talked to the teacher and confirmed that phonic was being taught.

Other examples:

“….But my boy was studying in Victoria Kin morning session and another international kin afternoon sessionlast year.  So I think that most of his English skills are learnedfrom international kin instead of Victoria….”
“….My kid is also a "bookworm" but I don't think his reading habit is come from the school (as the english books provided by the school are too simple)…”

Kids are learning every day, every minute and from all different kinds of sources. Kids are inspired to do something through complicated and interactive processes. Such conclusions were obviously made based on biased and premature assumptions.

Overall, my girls do not (touch wood) have any problem as those described in this topic. In contrast, I am very happy that the school have developed my girls to have a strong desire to learn and inquire. Her English (nosupplementary classes) is at least on par with, if not better than, her peerswho are studying at other well branded kindergartens. She enjoys the show andtell sessions at school very much and is always able to express herself properly. She was also trained to be a books lover.

VSA is not my first choice because:
I live in the Kowloon side;
While VSA has an international perspective,almost 100% of its students are local. It is however my personal preference to have my girl exposed to a more international environment.
This is the only weakness from my perspective but having said that, I don’t think VSA is a bad school at all.

Certainly VSA is not perfect particularly it is new. But bear in mind that nothing is perfect and something doesn’t suit us does not necessarily mean that it is bad.  
Let’s be responsive and not just try to use observational selection to justify our comments!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-3 09:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 gentlemanhk 於 09-2-2 13:37 發表
Having read through this topic, I feel that I am obliged toshare my view on VSA and those negative comments on VSA here.

Both of my girls are studying at Victoria for PN and K2. Honestly speaking, VS ...

各位家長及同學, 農曆新年快樂!

我相信所有家長均同意無一間學校係完美既, 非常好、好、不太好、不好或差, 只是相對.  我覺得係度討論既家長都唔係話維小差, 只係唔係預期咁好, 呢個係家長對學校既期望, 我亦相信家長就算有期望, 都唔會將教小朋友既責任放曬係學校度.  覺得維小好既家長可能係對學校要求/期望無咁高, 覺得維小不太好或不好的家長對學校的要求/期望比較高....................待續

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 09-2-3 13:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-3 13:14 |只看該作者
"I was even not aware that she was  learning phonic until one day, my friend has bought us a phonic DVD." - 你與部份家長(包括本人)真有點不同, 我認識的家長不少在學期初已瞭解孩子這個學期會學/學校會教的東西, 我在K2開學已知悉會教 phonics, 並且每天用phonics 袋 (由學校提供, 每天須帶回校, 每日放學亦會帶回家供小朋友練習) 與小朋友温習/玩.

Her English (nosupplementary classes) - 部份家長(包恬本人) 均會提供其他英語活動予小朋友 e.g. chatterbox class, phonics class, play days with english speaking friends, attend other IS kin, etc.

由此已略見大家的要求/ 期望不同.

以上只是以事論事, 若有冒犯, 請勿見怪.

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 09-2-3 18:45 編輯 ]
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