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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 滬江維多利亞學校(小學)﹐想聽一下大家的意見 ...
樓主: anniehong0918

滬江維多利亞學校(小學)﹐想聽一下大家的意見 [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-11-5 13:51 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-11-5 13:54 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-5 16:18 |只看該作者
3500(留位費)+14200(2 mths school fee)
yes, I already paid, 3500 will deduct in Sept 2009 school fee, and 14200 only will refund to you when you leave shcool.
All fees and charges already clearly stated to parent at the very first beginning.

[ 本帖最後由 Noelmama 於 08-11-5 16:20 編輯 ]

發表於 08-11-5 16:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-5 16:41 |只看該作者
就係因為上年太多學生留位最後又無讀, 所以今年維小實施呢個"政策"
但有些家長都照比, 當買個"保險" (我熟悉的家長就係)

原帖由 wisekid2007 於 08-11-5 16:21 發表
Will the $14200 be refunded if you finally don't take the offer?

By the way, what is the purpose of charging 3500(留位費) ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-5 22:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 bobodad 於 08-11-5 16:41 發表

就係因為上年太多學生留位最後又無讀, 所以今年維小實施呢個"政策"
但有些家長都照比, 當買個"保險" (我熟悉的家長就係)


據我所知, 上年不是很多學生留左位又無讀, 因為本來1級得5班, 但太多人讀而加收了2班呢! 反之, 有很多想報黎做backup 的, 因留位$太多而放棄不報.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-5 22:28 |只看該作者

恭喜你啊~~ :loveliness:

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-5 22:34 |只看該作者


原帖由 bobodad 於 08-11-5 16:41 發表
就係因為上年太多學生留位最後又無讀, 所以今年維小實施呢個"政策"
但有些家長都照比, 當買個"保險" (我熟悉的家長就係)


well, $14200 當買個"保險", it is way too  expensive.  I will definitely give up the offer if I have to pay that much.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-5 22:34 |只看該作者

原帖由 wisekid2007 於 08-11-5 13:51 發表
**May be this is one of the reasons why VSA has fans.**

It is so funny to hear this. Why don't just be frankly admitted that VSA still has fans because those kids can't be admitted by other better sc ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-6 16:15 |只看該作者
係 呀 ﹐仔 仔 讀 緊 維 多 利 亞 幼 稚 園 K3,但 係  我 而 家 考 慮 緊 比 唔 比 佢 讀 維 小 ﹐ 聽 有 d家 長 評 價 唔 係 好 好 !真 係 頭 痛 。 。 。    
原帖由 hoboy 於 08-11-5 22:28 發表

恭喜你啊~~ :loveliness:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-6 22:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 anniehong0918 於 08-11-6 16:15 發表
係 呀 ﹐仔 仔 讀 緊 維 多 利 亞 幼 稚 園 K3,但 係  我 而 家 考 慮 緊 比 唔 比 佢 讀 維 小 ﹐ 聽 有 d家 長 評 價 唔 係 好 好 !真 係 頭 痛 。 。 。    

在BK, 似乎喜歡維小的家長唔多. 其實你心目中想給仔仔一間怎樣的學校? 想佢係小學學到些甚麼?

如果你是一個要求高, 要跟其他學校程度比較的, 那就不要選維小了! 如果你想小朋友在冇壓力下開心學習, 但又不想好似international school 咁free, 維小是不錯的選擇

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-6 23:45 |只看該作者
經過近日來的面試, 採用非傳統教學的學校都會以問卷,或其他形式表達了一個訊息, 就是希望家長真正認同學校的辦學理念, 了解並認同功課量, 認同學校處理學生問題的手法, ...如果我們祇當作是面試的其中一部份, 沒有深思而勉強入學, 將來互不信任, 浪費時間應付因此而起的問題/投訴, 相信對學校,學生及家長都是一個三輸的局面.

我個人認為, 從選擇幼稚園開始, 如果大家真的有做足功課, 選擇了維幼, 已經知道將來大約的方向, 如果你心目中的理想小學是聖方濟各等傳統而程度較深的小學, 你應該選擇根德園之類的幼稚園;如果想入國際學校又唔介意中文稍遜(當然又要有能力), 應該入英基或耀中之類, 還不用讀K3. ...如果當初選擇了維幼, 當心中有數她對升小的優點及缺點.

我認識的朋友, 所以選擇維幼, 是因為她提供兩文三語的學習環境(趁語言發展的黃金時期打好基礎), 以及認同IB背後的理念. 但要行IB及同時要識字又多又深, 似乎是魚與熊掌, 不可兼得. 因此, 在選擇幼稚園時, 已初步有心理準備日後會如何.

同樣地, 選擇小學, 你必須要清楚自己希望小朋友怎樣地成長, 同時, 在自己經濟承擔範圍內, 選擇最適合自己小朋友的小學.

(隨便假設:)  "讀國際學校的英文程度很好, 但是, 可能學習不到中國傳統文化; 而且中文又未必能應付未來社會的挑戰,..." 可是 "讀傳統學校, 可能更善於掌握考試技巧, 在公開試及全球的會計或數學比賽/考試名列前名茅, 但可能成為一般人所批評的高分低能, 不善解難或創意欠奉."而維小的好處可能就是中間落墨, 取中庸之道, 目標培養國際公民.
以上不是想挑起爭端, 隨便信口開河而已, 其實想帶出, 現在大多數學校沒有真的黑白分明, 係好學校還是衰學校, 除了資源多寡可以比較, 其餘可以說, 是否配合家長或小朋友的理念.

每人的想法, 期望, 包容程度未必一樣, 所以, 人家覺得好, 還是覺得唔好, 未必適用於你的標準, 不如重新以冷靜, 平常心的心態, 想一想, 自己的期望及理念與維小所提供的是否兼容, 自己的經濟能力範圍還有甚麼選擇, 及小朋友長大後的社會需要甚麼的技能, ....

我們所能做到的就是提供客觀的資訊給你參考, 實際的考慮及選擇就是你們, 希望你們能安排到一條最適合你小朋友走的路...  

原帖由 anniehong0918 於 08-11-6 16:15 發表
係 呀 ﹐仔 仔 讀 緊 維 多 利 亞 幼 稚 園 K3,但 係  我 而 家 考 慮 緊 比 唔 比 佢 讀 維 小 ﹐ 聽 有 d家 長 評 價 唔 係 好 好 !真 係 頭 痛 。 。 。    

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-7 00:04 |只看該作者
Agree that not many Victoria parents will be BK users.  Really not many that I know.  Many of them are very pleased with the school and they do not need to "keep watch the market" all the time.

原帖由 hoboy 於 08-11-6 22:19 發表

在BK, 似乎喜歡維小的家長唔多. 其實你心目中想給仔仔一間怎樣的學校? 想佢係小學學到些甚麼?

如果你是一個要求高, 要跟其他學校程度比較的, 那就不要選維小了! 如果你想小朋友在冇壓力下開心學習, 但又不想好似i ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-7 00:13 |只看該作者
Agree that not many Victoria parents will be BK users.  Many of them are very pleased with the school and they do not need to "keep wa tch the market" on BK all the time.  Quite a pity.  This is a good school, though not the best in some's eyes.

原帖由 hoboy 於 08-11-6 22:19 發表

在BK, 似乎喜歡維小的家長唔多. 其實你心目中想給仔仔一間怎樣的學校? 想佢係小學學到些甚麼?

如果你是一個要求高, 要跟其他學校程度比較的, 那就不要選維小了! 如果你想小朋友在冇壓力下開心學習, 但又不想好似i ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-11-7 12:54 |只看該作者
cherubic and qqzzma,

I think I have very similar mindset as both of you. Choosing which school for your kid is a matter of choice. It is not a True or False matter. A school which is good for this kid, may not be as good for another. Before making your own choice, all parents will surely take a no. of complicated parameters into consideration – high academic standard or happy school life/harmonious relationship with your kid? Curriculum with mainly English + very limited/no Chinese or vice versa or half and half? Local syllabus or GCSE or IB? High school fee + expensive debenture international school or free local school? The choice is very personal according to your own priorities, preferences, affordability, etc. It is not fair to say that all (or majority) students choosing VSA only because they have no other choices. I think we have to think out of our own box to see things from a more objective angle. Although many of the parents in HK prefer famous local schools, it is not a must. Nowadays, with so many other choices, not all parents are eager to get a place in famous local schools. In fact, there is an increasing no. of parents who do not bind the traditional way of teaching/learning in traditional local schools. These parents prefer a more active way of learning. They want a school to stimulate their kid to enjoy learning and to teach them to be a confident person. Some of you may hear about the story of 鄧靄霖 and her elder son.

When comparing schools, it is fair only if the same parameters are used. You cannot compare an apple with an orange and say, “Apple is definitely better than orange.” One cannot compare VSA with an international school or local school since they are running totally different syllabuses, i.e. VSA: IB, most international schools: GCSE, local school: local syllabus. I do not think the language standard of VSA students is so poor as described by someone here. In fact, in my opinion, their Chinese Language standard is comparable to local schools and their English Language standard is even better than the general local schools since the VSA students have ample opportunities to write and talk in both languages throughout the school year. I have this view as my kid has just transferred to VSA from a local school. I am still comfortable and happy with this school. My kid enjoys the school life here also. Through the atmosphere, encouragement of the teachers and peer influence of the classmates here, my kid has established a reading habit and started to love books very much. That is what I am longing for. With the language environment provided in the classrooms, her accents for both spoken English and Putonghua have got great improvements. She is more confident than before. Among others, one of the reasons why I choose VSA is that it is a through-train authorized IB world school, from (some) kindergarten, to Primary (6 years), Secondary (4 years) and Diploma (2 years). You may note from the IB website that there are not many authorized IB schools in HK and IB has acquired rising recognitions by universities all over the world. That may be why all levels from Primary 1 to 6 have acquired a full class size of students in VSA this year. Nowadays in HK, with lower and lower birth rate, school places are plenty for students. It is not fair to say that those who choose VSA only because they have no other choices. At least, it is not true for my kid. For the school fees, I have to accept that it is quite high when compared with those of local or DSS schools, but it is relatively cheaper if compared with international schools. For the 2 months’ deposit, it is not a small amount for me, but it is not high at all if we compare it with the amount of debentures required by international schools. Each school has different requirements and visions/missions/philosophies. It is up to the parents and students to choose. If you do not bind the school in any aspects, that’s fine for you to go ahead to look for your dream school elsewhere. It doesn’t mean that this school is no good at all, it only means that this school is not suitable for you and your kid. Similarly, if you are eager for famous local schools, it is your own choice and preference. But, you cannot say that those who choose VSA only because they fail to get a place in famous local school. Not everybody thinks in the same way and carry the same value as you.

In this case, it is interesting to note that there are so many parents with kids not studying in VSA Primary School criticizing the school with very negative comments. May be it is true that most of the VSA parents who love this school are silent. Fairly speaking, there is no perfect school in this world. The best school for your kid is one which suits him/her most.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-7 13:50 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-7 16:17 |只看該作者

原帖由 jayfans 於 08-11-7 12:54 發表
cherubic and qqzzma,

I think I have very similar mindset as both of you. Choosing which school for your kid is a matter of choice. It is not a True or False matter. A school which is good for this kid, may not be as good for another. Before making your own choice, all parents will surely take a no. of complicated parameters into consideration – high academic standard or happy school life/harmonious relationship with your kid? Curriculum with mainly English + very limited/no Chinese or vice versa or half and half? Local syllabus or GCSE or IB? High school fee + expensive debenture international school or free local school? The choice is very personal according to your own priorities, preferences, affordability, etc. It is not fair to say that all (or majority) students choosing VSA only because they have no other choices....

........In this case, it is interesting to note that there are so many parents with kids not studying in VSA Primary School criticizing the school with very negative comments. May be it is true that most of the VSA parents who love this school are silent. Fairly speaking, there is no perfect school in this world. The best school for your kid is one which suits him/her most.

[ 本帖最後由 俊賢 於 08-11-7 16:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-8 00:21 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-8 00:49 |只看該作者
In fact, I first read 鄧靄霖's article about her and her son (Mother, don't cry) when my first kid was one year old.  That article affected me till now.  I have made up my mind to let my kid grow up happily, learn with interest, rather than to force him to live up to my and everybody's expectation.

Frankly speaking, although famous traditional schools may have a higher ratio of 10As in HKCEE etc, we must admit that many successful people in the society did not have good exam results back in school days. What they excel are their life skills and a positive attitude.

I hope that people can be more open-minded.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 13:18 |只看該作者
但VSA學生的英文比大部份國際學校差, 中文又比本地名校差, 是不爭的事實!  若果VSA真係咁好, 就唔會大部份家長都當佢係"後備" , 正因為當"後備", 所以好多人留咗位都唔讀!

原帖由 jayfans 於 08-11-7 12:54 發表
cherubic and qqzzma,

I think I have very similar mindset as both of you. Choosing which school for your kid is a matter of choice. It is not a True or False matter. A school which is good for this k ...

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-11-26 13:26 編輯 ]
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