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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 傾下==> 有冇人後悔到外國留學或移民 ...
樓主: mickeyproperty

傾下==> 有冇人後悔到外國留學或移民 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-3 00:57 |只看該作者
我都係讀英文班時住homestay, 到上大學就租屋(揀melbourne, 因為生活費平, 生活平淡, 加上間大學係冇咁多唐人.. 當年我仲係第一個oevrseas student 讀佢undergraduate degree program)..
share house with 3個Asian 女仔.. 架妹, 泰妹同韓妹... 同佢哋share house, 勝在大家asian, dinner 易manage(餐餐唔同菜), 但又冇得講cantonese, melbourne share house時, 家電有人share, 皮費平好多..
after 3 years (as final year 我應professor 要求而搬入master lounge方便出clinical同出埠做研習).. 嗰3年真係好正.. finally, 大家都學識對方嘅母語, 雖然唔精, 但可以溝通到呢..
佢哋飛去HK, 就住我屋企, 我去日本泰國玩, 都住佢哋屋企..
最開心到我嫁時, 日本,台灣, 澳洲, norway 同其他地方嘅friends都飛嚟HK做伴娘同飲我哋嗰餐..   
出國留學, 有心識朋友, 係可以相識滿天下.. 呢啲係好好嘅人生閱歷呢...

原文章由 xother 於 08-2-29 05:40 PM 發表

Yes, I agree with you...."我會留返心情 take care好個家."   Since I have my own kids, my life is very different from before.

Eventhough you were in HK, you may say  better to  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-3 07:28 |只看該作者
Hi NillieMami,
Just wonder what reason to bring you to America? Are you working now?
Although I graduated from Melbourne I dont like to live there and that's the reason I chose to come to Canada. In fact, I only come here because of my husband, otherwise, I am very happy to be just in HK.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-3 10:36 |只看該作者
我自己就好鐘意melbourne, 嗰種與世無爭嘅生活.. 如果唔係SARs, 我會喺Melbourne 生Amanda, 喺我鐘意嘅醫院工作..
就係一塲沙士... 個越南patient admit咗... 而我就大緊肚.. 老公喺NYC 知道, 好担心...咪立即入紙I-130 "的"我返NYC..
唉! 好好哋... 留喺melbourne, 有midwife, 有friends, 姑姐等家人又會由HK, sydney 落嚟take care我.. 當時真係唔想去美國, 但US.. 始終係老公個家... 我冇得揀..
however, 我就冇諗過返HK.. 因為唔適合小朋友生活呢.
而家都係做老本行..姑娘.. 但 一個月返13曰巳係full time.. 好有彈性..工作量俾喺HK做姑娘時低,但人工就at least一個 double..
原文章由 xother 於 08-3-2 06:28 PM 發表
Hi NillieMami,
Just wonder what reason to bring you to America? Are you working now?
Although I graduated from Melbourne I dont like to live there and that's the reason I chose to come to Canada. In  ...

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-3-2 21:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-3 13:42 |只看該作者
It seems you and your husband were away from each other when you were pregant. Just curious how you meet your husband and how you two manage your marriage?

It is true Melbourne is a beautiful place to live, but not to work there as personally I feel they are very racist.

What year you were in Melbourne and which university you were in? Where did you live before? I was in Melbourne between 95-98 and lived in Box Hill.

Do you need to re-qualify yourself to work in US? Yes, it is true in general working in America makes most money, but you also pay alot on medical insurance. That's why my boss open an office in Canada to serve our US clients and that's why you see me posting in US forum.

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-3-3 10:36 AM 發表
我自己就好鐘意melbourne, 嗰種與世無爭嘅生活.. 如果唔係SARs, 我會喺Melbourne 生Amanda, 喺我鐘意嘅醫院工作..
就係一塲沙士... 個越南patient admit咗... 而我就大緊肚.. 老公喺NYC 知道, 好担心...咪立 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-4 00:51 |只看該作者
I was in La Trobe University (Bundoora campus) at 1999.
I live around Preston and reservoir .. very close to university.. for me, I don't find them races.. may be.. my neigthourhood are most italian.. and they like us very much..
3 asian girls, student hard, quiet..
I met my husband years ago, from friends, and he got some of his garment business in Melbourne.. I was the driver when I don't need to go to work in Nursing home at weekend.. so I drove my friend, her sister and my husband all around in Melbourne.. to st kilda, to Philip island.. everywhere.
We did not meet all the time even we married. but we did call each other when we go to bed or when we wake up.. (14 hours time zone)
As he has his business in NYC and his family here in NYC for 30 years .. And me.. in Melbourne for a while.. I love my place.. we plan to have our child in Melbourne.. my friends and family surround me.. my pregnancy was great, just miss my husband a lot.. so we chat on MSN, icq, phone calls a lot. he came and visited me when I was sick in melbourne... and he was very caring me..
I don't think that long distance is an issue.. unless, both of the couple got excuse already.
When I came to NYC, I took the NCLEX-RN exam.. and passed it.. then I work as a Nurse as usual..
Medical insurance.. for nursing.. we had the best health insurance and even have our whole family coverage, I don't need to pay for meds at all.. even for MD visit, if I made appointment, I don't need to pay, only when I walk in, I got some co-pay, that's it..
原文章由 xother 於 08-3-3 12:42 AM 發表
It seems you and your husband were away from each other when you were pregant. Just curious how you meet your husband and how you two manage your marriage?

It is true Melbourne is a beauti ...

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-3-3 12:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-4 06:48 |只看該作者
Did you have your wedding in Melbourne when you are working in hospital? Do you think you will go back to Australia as you may have better future in Australia? Or kids will be better to grow up there? Plus Australia has longer vacation compare to US.

It seems happen very fast from knowing your husband, marry to having your child. Did you plan it happen so fast or it is just an accident?

I realise there is lots of Aussie to work in US and Canada, does it apply to your field? I guess the paid is higher in US and lucky you dont need to pay for any medical insurance. My colleague who pay almost $1000/month just for that.

[ 本文章最後由 xother 於 08-3-4 07:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-4 23:54 |只看該作者
date for 1-2 years then get married is average la..
we had our wedding in hk, so all friends could gather together.. Melbourne wasn't the good location for our wedding because it is too far for my friends from european countries, UK, and US.. Hong kong was the best location.
We do plan to go back to Melbourne, because me and my hubby love there.. and that is my place where I consider it as my home town..
the green, the air.. which can't be compare with HK or in NYC.. (although, staten island looks a bit like Melbourne, but.. people are not that friendly)
yeh.. if I have to buy the same family health insurance, it cost USD$1385 per month.. but my employer paid for us.

原文章由 xother 於 08-3-3 05:48 PM 發表
Did you have your wedding in Melbourne when you are working in hospital? Do you think you will go back to Australia as you may have better future in Australia? Or kids will be better to gr ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-5 07:23 |只看該作者
Just wonder do you have Aussie passport ? It seems you have quite settle down in States. If you really consider to go back, when you think is best? It is not easy to move from one country to another especially when you have 2 kids

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-5 09:21 |只看該作者
Hello Nillie,

Have you been to other States in the southern part?  To me NYC is a not a very good place to live in, especially China Town, it reminded me of the old 九龍城寨.  I think all big sities are similar that people are cool.  I went to college in the mid-South, it was a beautiful place and the people there were more simple and nice.

I visited Melbourne and Sydney several times for business trips and I found that they looked very much like the States, only that the foods were much better  However, I worked with Austrialians and found not very nice experience.   

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-3-4 23:54 發表
date for 1-2 years then get married is average la..
we had our wedding in hk, so all friends could gather together.. Melbourne wasn't the good location for our wedding because it is too far fo ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-14 00:03 |只看該作者
really depends on which part of NYC you have visited..
for chinatown, I don't go much..
I live in staten island, in our neighbourhood, we are the only HongKee.. all white surround us in our suburb, very "country feel", clean and comfortable.
For the southern part.. you mean Maryland and other states, yes.. I have been there couples of time. Staten island is just like those states.

Hum.. in Australia, that is their culture, and may be also, people with stereotype.. if you get used to their culture, understand the way they used to communicate.. I feel so comfortable to be there and to be one of them.
I stayed in Australia for almost 7 years, I feel like.. I can quite fit in..
Hey we all growth up in hong kong, should able to fit into any countries any places.
香港人能屈能伸, 天生出嚟係遇強越強..
我爸爸講過... 只有你唔想去/唔想留低喺嗰個地方, 你就會揾到excuse 話嗰喥唔好.. 所以, 我會努力去揾我留低嘅原因同好處, 做人正面同積極啲好啲, 與其呻話島入面冇karaoke, 冇夜市,夜生活, 唐餐... 我會enjoy 晚晚自己煮, 環境靚, 乾淨, 啲人好nice and warmth..   

原文章由 Goody 於 08-3-4 08:21 PM 發表
Hello Nillie,

Have you been to other States in the southern part?  To me NYC is a not a very good place to live in, especially China Town, it reminded me of the old 九龍城寨.  I think all big sities  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-14 11:56 |只看該作者
If you have such positive thinking, so why you still want to go back to Australia?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-14 15:10 |只看該作者



Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-15 03:34 |只看該作者
I have positive thinking, doesn't mean that I don't have a choice.
Melbourne is my home town, certainly I wanna go back.
Like you guys, want to go back to hong kong.

I will not keep saying all bad things about US. Because, recently, I have to stay. it is my hubby's home town and it is a better place for my children to growth up.

Don't you have the same mind ?
that is so simple. I bet, every body who is mature, will know.. there is no perfect land. As I can't go back to Melbourne right now, why not .. to find out the beautiful side of US.. to give us a peaceful and comfy reason to stay!
原文章由 xother 於 08-3-13 10:56 PM 發表
If you have such positive thinking, so why you still want to go back to Australia?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-15 04:34 |只看該作者
No, I dont have same mind as you. I know my husband will stay in Canada and from the date I applied to migrate, I know there is no return for me. I miss my family for sure but it doesnt mean I like to live in HK.

For my kids, it is hard to say where is better for them as every place has it's pros and cons. Without HK's education foundation, I may be not as good as now. Western education is too loose and I just worried my kids are getting lazy.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-15 23:17 |只看該作者
I can smell the firework...
for teaching our child.. I don't rely on school.. I do it at home as well.. some fun games, for Amanda.. only 4.5 years old, writing stories, letters, make a word.. that is cool games for her.
As you still have 2 months to stay at home.. you can simply make some exercises for her to do when you return to work.
for recent, I got no where to go.. stuck in US is the only solution.
about the education, as your child is so independent, you can send her to hong kong for the summer camp as you did before, for the rest, you just buy extra home work for her lor..
原文章由 xother 於 08-3-14 03:34 PM 發表
No, I dont have same mind as you. I know my husband will stay in Canada and from the date I applied to migrate, I know there is no return for me. I miss my family for sure but it doesnt me ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-16 15:51 |只看該作者
I see the firework as sparkling only, nothing else.
Regarding home school, you may be able to do it when your child is young. Once they are in school, it is different story. They may question you why she/he has homework while other classmates can play whole day? Besides, what can you teach them as you are not native? Western education is very different as there is no homework. Did you watch "Are you smarter than the 5th grader"? What the kids learn from western world are very different from what we learn from Asia. In fact, I like the Asia type of education as we forced to do lots of exercise and memory stuff. Personally I think there is very good foundation but it is tough. Western education is very free and personally I think it is only good on university level when the student is more mature.
No where to go?? Is US your husband's hometown? I assume you have your status there, right?
Sending my daughter to HK...she is too young to be away from me! Besides, my daughter feel bored after 1 week as she found difficulty to communicate with other kids. I dont think she likes to be there for long.
There is no perfect land to live and there is no perfect education system as well. Drugs and sex are very casual in western world and shooting is happening very often. Western kids drop out from school is very common and you will see Asian students/overseas students are doing very well in university.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-16 16:28 |只看該作者
Just coincident about going to Australia. I went to see the daycare today for my son and she is originated from Australia. She came here because of her husband and they had migrated back to Australia back in 90's but failed because their kids' eczema. She said she was making $3000/mth for just collecting welfare and university is free.

Just wonder if you really work in Australia? Life is very different as a student, single vs family. Have you consider if your kids have no problem to adapt to hot weather? My sister told me Melbourne is getting hotter and hotter. 37C is very often.

[ 本文章最後由 xother 於 08-3-16 16:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-17 23:09 |只看該作者
woo.. $3000 per month?? for Australian dollar or US dollar? also, how about the work load..?
when I was there, I was paid about $3000 aus dollar, that is a very good pay for me.. only 4-6 patient load.. which you can't bit from any other countries.
but again for salary in US.. is really high, now I earn over $6000 per month with full health benefit for whole family.
although, work load is a lot more, but it worths.
37 degree is not hot at all.. it is very dry.. in Summer at Melbourne, sometime is about 42 degree for 1-2 days a year.. that is not a big deal.. I love my bare foot walking back at forward inside university. a saloon dress.. so comfy..
whole year only a few days that you can go to swim in the beach because the water is freezing..
Yeah.. here in NYC. I am stuck.. because it is my hubby's home town, where can we go? just because we get bored, and then, go to sell the house, all investment and cars then move to another states?
we may dream about it.. but before we do it.. I would rather to consider my parent in law.. they need us. even they did not take care of us for a day. 老吾老以及人之老.. I will not leave them behind. I have already left my parents behind, I feel so gulity with that already.
Ezcema.. haha.. it happens every where. Gabriel suffers from it. kids in worldwide suffer from it.. I don't think that I will migrate to another country because of it.
For me.. I don't think that I will able to teach Amanda.. she is kind of a gifted.. so as my friend suggested, we will employ the university student to come and do the home study for her.
I will just sit back and relax, work hard and earn more money, give the best support for Amanda.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-18 06:16 |只看該作者

My nanny has 6kids and it is AUD 3000mth for just welfare plus free university. Shesaid she has such a great life in Australia but the skin problem isreally the reason to take them back to Canada. Wait Amanda to go backto HK, then you will see how the hot weather affect her. Yes, they dontmigrate to other country as they were in Canada before and since theyhave option, they chose to come back to Canada, but she also said shemiss the welfare as she barely got anything here!

How is the weather in NY? I guess it is kind of chilli, right? When I was there3.5yrs, I only experience 38C once. I never heard 42C?? I guess youmeasured it when you are under the Sun.

Feel bored? With your income, you should have a great life. Or you may say it is nothing much after taxed. We werejust middle class here but I am satisfy what we have now, a car, a houseand 2 lovely children. We just went for iceskating and swimming duringweekend and Easter egg hunting twice already, will have more to do forEaster coming. Life is very simple here and there is too much to learnin a new country. ie, taxation! We are still learning how to tackle thetax in order to get the maximum benefit. Summer is coming, I also needto plan what activities to sign for my daughter since she will be onsummer vacation. We were too busy on our daily life and barely havetime to watch TV. Weekend shopping and send my daughter to Chinese class plus some actitivities. Or I am just a simple person and just happy about what I have.

Amanda is just above 4, is it too young to say she is "gifted"? Justwonder what did she do in order for you to think she is gifted?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-19 09:37 |只看該作者

I finished my study in Canada a long time ago, but then I got married and settled in the UK.  No, I don't regret.  I don't think I studied abroad in the past or have immigrated to other country now should regret.  Study abroad or immigrate to other country is another experience in your life, so people should enjoy life in that country.  If really one day you dislike that country, you may go any place you like.  Why needs to regret?  Ha!
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