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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF New Admissions Policy @ RTHK 3 and Apple Daily
樓主: manstap

ESF New Admissions Policy @ RTHK 3 and Apple Daily [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-6 17:31 |只看該作者

引用:回復+manstap+的帖子 Don’t+worry;+I+don

原帖由 adrjoc 於 13-02-06 發表
回復 manstap 的帖子

Don’t worry; I don’t think any of the international schools in HK will give m ...
Can't agree more.

Rank: 4

發表於 13-2-6 18:28 |只看該作者
That's why Canada has changed.  Citizens must be tax payer in order to enjoy so call "Free" education for their kids.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-2-7 03:45 |只看該作者
adrjoc 發表於 13-2-6 17:25
every child is entitled to quality education regardless of color of skin, place of birth, rich or poor ….……

If one day your kid goes to UK for education and a UK mum telling you “get out of here, don’t grab resources from our local UK parents, you speak poor English”  ...
I thought I wasn't going to comment on this, as it might just spark off another off-topic political debate, but then, oh well, what the heck ...

Regarding entitlement, surely the very first question you should ask is, what happened to your entitlement to quality education in China? If you don't like the education you get in China, shouldn't you be asking the China government to improve the situation? Yes I can understand you might be afraid of confronting the China government because they have guns, but that does not give you a right to export your problem to other territories and countries. If you do manage to obtain quality education in Hongkong or UK or wherever, you should remember that it is not really a right but a privilege granted by the good will of your host, you right was in China, and you gave that up by leaving.

Substitute the word "education" with "infant milk powder" or "gold / jewelry" or "medicine" in the paragraph above and the same logic applies.

You're correct to say that a UK mum might tell a Hongkong child to get out, but then the UK government is not like the China government or the Hongkong government, if they see an influx of too many immigrants or visitors which might cause widespread resentment among their own citizen's, they will cut down on the number before the situation gets out of hand. Yes, hatred and prejudice towards outsiders exist everywhere, it is part of human nature, that is why every country has proper immigration control to manage that darker side of human nature, and in this regard, both the China and Hongkong governments are total failures.


sweetheartb  Very well said.  發表於 13-2-8 12:32

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 13-2-7 08:42 |只看該作者
The same logic may also explain the influx of "fake" Cat 1 students into ESF due to the ever-changing education system in Hong Kong.  Now ESF takes action to stop this.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-7 09:34 |只看該作者


原帖由 poonseelai 於 13-02-07 發表
The same logic may also explain the influx of "fake" Cat 1 students into ESF due to the ever-changin ...

Rank: 4

發表於 13-2-7 10:29 |只看該作者

There is no way to secure an offer from ESF primary school for kids graduated from ESF Kindergarten.  I saw some failure cases in the past.


mldaddy  You mean there is no sure way?  發表於 13-2-7 10:43

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-7 11:02 |只看該作者
It’s not the inability of the governments (HK & China) to do anything but rather their unwillingness to do anything. The political benefit behind this is pretty clear. HK is part of China and it will always be part of China, this is irreversible, we are no longer a little British Colony. I just think that all this hatred and resentment that the HK people have towards the mainland Chinese is nothing but unproductive. It is going to hurt HK in the long run.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-2-7 11:05 |只看該作者
mouton 發表於 13-2-6 18:28
That's why Canada has changed.  Citizens must be tax payer in order to enjoy so call "Free" educatio ...
That's not true. Canadian citizens need to be ordinarily resident in Canada in order to access their public primary and secondary system as you are required to have an address within the school's catchment in order to attend. Much like the ESF catchment system but without having to pay the fees.  As far as I know, taxes don't figure much into it.


mouton  Thanks for your information.  發表於 13-2-7 11:20

Rank: 4

發表於 13-2-7 11:16 |只看該作者
mouton 發表於 13-2-7 10:29
There is no way to secure an offer from ESF primary school for kids graduated from ESF Kindergarte ...
mldaddy, there is no 100% guaranteed.  Kids graduated from ESF Kindergarten who failed the ESF primary school interview have to find another way to continue their study.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-2-7 13:13 |只看該作者
adrjoc 發表於 13-2-7 11:02
It’s not the inability of the governments (HK & China) to do anything but rather their unwillingness to do anything. The political benefit behind this is pretty clear. HK is part of China and it will always be part of China ...
Frankly, I don't care much about the "Hongkong is a part of China" argument because it is self-contradictory and self-defeating. If Hongkong is truly a part of and so the same as China, then there will be no reason for mainland Chinese to come to Hongkong for education and infant milk powder etc because they will only be getting the same nasty stuff as they do back home.

Whether it was inability or unwillingness to take corrective action is immaterial, the fact remains that both the China government and the Hongkong government have failed, miserably, to foresee what was obvious and allowed resentments to run wild. I agree such resentments are not productive, but then one mustn't forget the root cause of it all. It was certainly not Hongkongers suddenly getting angry for no reason, and the blame, ultimately, lies squarely in your beloved China government because the Hongkong government is really little more than a puppet at the end of some strings.


manstap  Thank you so much to explain
i just dont want to waste my time to discuss with those ppl who is fighting for their blended facts and excuses.  發表於 13-2-7 23:49

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-2-7 13:34 |只看該作者
I come to bk to seek advices on IS and many thanks for those replying to my short messages, However, it is sad to see some parents so eager to get into infighting for other issues, and very often, finger pointing at mainlanders, which quite defeat the purpose of this forum. I am not saying who is right or wrong but i guess if these people can stay out, perhaps more people willing to give genuine advices will come in.

This is a forum to discuss IS, not a forum to express one's greviences, or least that's what i like to believe.


vivicui  agree.  not interested in politics  發表於 13-3-7 17:46

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-2-7 14:13 |只看該作者
21Ckid 發表於 13-2-7 13:34
This is a forum to discuss IS, not a forum to express one's greviences, or least that's what i like to believe ...
I think there are grievances from both sides, the mainland Chinese are as much a victim of the ludicrous situation, after all, it is them who had been drinking milk laced with melamine, and receiving education laced with something just as nasty. You can't blame anyone for letting off steam once in a while.

Are internet forums just a place to receive "genuine advices"? Well that is a very Hongkong and utilitarian way of looking at it, in reality, most of the "advices" in cyberspace are more rumour and hear-say than anything. To coin a very Hongkong phrase, 認真你便輸.

Enough said, end of an off-topic discussion, at least for me.

發表於 13-2-7 14:36 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 13-2-20 13:09 |只看該作者
回復 Shrimpiggy 的帖子

can't agree more. Most Hongkong people generally focus on those low level mainlanders.

Rank: 4

發表於 13-2-20 13:29 |只看該作者
回復 adrjoc 的帖子

If u r really rich, asking ur parents to send u to the States, UK or other nice counties to finish ur study. Hongkong is not a perfect place for getting higher education.
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