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樓主: babyjoshua

有冇讀過Learning Habitat + St Cat 可以share 嗎 ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-2 22:39 |只看該作者
So ... from your observation, what made your kid cried and cried b4?    Is the teaching approach very different from Learning Habitat?   
原帖由 薯仔1607 於 10-12-2 22:19 發表
我小朋友最近才上 LH 康城新校讀PN,我們在玫瑰崗讀而轉過來的,因他在玫瑰崗喊足兩個月,所以停學轉到LH,非常認同媽咪所說,他勁開心,每日放學還唱英文歌,而且還主動說要返學。
SC聽聞每班40人,因為以前教育處批下。舊校一個大 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-2 23:04 |只看該作者
My girl also got an offer from LH (LohasPark) Eng/Pth class, so I wanna know more about this new school....
your girl is in E/P or E/C class?

原帖由 薯仔1607 於 10-12-2 22:19 發表
我小朋友最近才上 LH 康城新校讀PN,我們在玫瑰崗讀而轉過來的,因他在玫瑰崗喊足兩個月,所以停學轉到LH,非常認同媽咪所說,他勁開心,每日放學還唱英文歌,而且還主動說要返學。
SC聽聞每班40人,因為以前教育處批下。舊校一個大 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-2 23:14 |只看該作者
Because his son also attended both LH & SC for month but finally she found that her son was very happy when returning back from LH and said to her that he did not like SC.  My friend also very like the principal and teacher in LH and she said the teachers in SC not so kind because they really need to take care so many students and the buildings is so old, so she dropped SC and only go to LH now.
原帖由 babyjoshua 於 10-12-2 21:52 發表
Connieleo, I want to know why your friend thinks she has made the right decision.  

By the way, does anyone know how many hours of Mandarin lessons are conducted each week at SC (we have chosen Eng-C ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-2 23:20 |只看該作者
hihi, 同大家一樣都係煩惱中。
有SC (pm eng/can) & KV (am) offer。會放KV出黎,唔會交留位費,因覺得不太適合小兒性格。
讀緊LH (LV am)有K1 eng/put am offer。so far好滿意LH,仔仔讀得好開心。但亦主要因為升學問題,target左傳統名校,係咪揀SC會保險D?如讀SC,eng/can班,需要出外讀putonghua嗎?因一定會不及LH 英普班效果。謝謝!

發表於 10-12-3 10:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-3 10:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 chafamama 於 10-12-2 23:20 發表
hihi, 同大家一樣都係煩惱中。
有SC (pm eng/can) & KV (am) offer。會放KV出黎,唔會交留位費,因覺得不太適合小兒性格。
讀緊LH (LV am)有K1 eng/put am offer。so far好滿意LH,仔仔讀得好開心。但亦主要因為升學問題,ta ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-3 12:44 |只看該作者
我係st. cat的媽咪, 囝囝讀緊k2英普班. 我覺得st. cat都好ok. 因為本身我都唔係好識普通話, 家裹都係講d好簡單的對話. 但小朋友返學後, 講多了不同的詞彙, 又會糾正我的讀音. 而英文方面, 亦講多了不同的詞彙, 仲嘗試用拼音去串字.
不過, 我覺得如果讀緊LH的, 就唔好轉校. 因為學術上, 兩間應該都唔差的. 但st cat始終係大校. 老師關懷方面, 就真係好唔同. 我讀咁耐, 老師真係冇主動打電話比我, 講吓小朋友的情況. 但係, 你找佢, 佢都好樂意解答的. 我覺得呢個係st car的傳統吧 .

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-4 00:16 |只看該作者
Yes, my son is studying SC K3 Eng/Can and I found that he could not talk PTH after K1 and the PTH teacher also told me that he did not want to talk at class.  So I let him to join PTH course immediately at K2.  My other friend is that his son is studying in SC K2 Eng/Can, his Eng teacher also told him that his son is not willing to talk in class, then she immediately let his son to join some Eng class.  Actually, I found so many parents in SC should pay extra money to let the children to join so many courses. So if I am in your case, I will let your son to study in LH.
原帖由 chafamama 於 10-12-2 23:20 發表
hihi, 同大家一樣都係煩惱中。
有SC (pm eng/can) & KV (am) offer。會放KV出黎,唔會交留位費,因覺得不太適合小兒性格。
讀緊LH (LV am)有K1 eng/put am offer。so far好滿意LH,仔仔讀得好開心。但亦主要因為升學問題,ta ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-4 00:19 |只看該作者
If I am you, I will choose LH co's SC's PTH class in Eng/Can stream is so limited.  My son is studying K3 SC now, I should let him to study PTH outside starting in K2 co's I found him cannot talk a word in PTH after K1.
原帖由 chafamama 於 10-12-2 23:20 發表
hihi, 同大家一樣都係煩惱中。
有SC (pm eng/can) & KV (am) offer。會放KV出黎,唔會交留位費,因覺得不太適合小兒性格。
讀緊LH (LV am)有K1 eng/put am offer。so far好滿意LH,仔仔讀得好開心。但亦主要因為升學問題,ta ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-4 00:29 |只看該作者
我諗若果家長是想小朋友學好pth, 但派的是英粵班, 還是可以考慮的, 只要家長可以安排在外補pth便可. 睇下要sacrifice邊樣了.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 10-12-4 00:38 |只看該作者
What traditional elite schools are your targeting?
原帖由 chafamama 於 2/12/2010 23:20 發表
...讀緊LH (LV am)有K1 eng/put am offer。so far好滿意LH,仔仔讀得好開心。但亦主要因為升學問題,target左傳統名校,係咪揀SC會保險D? ...

發表於 10-12-4 11:43 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-4 12:49 |只看該作者
I don't think my son does not like PTH co's he can speak a lots after I let him to learn outside.  It's only SC has so little time to teach PTH if you study in E/C class.

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-12-4 11:43 發表
Did you talk to the PTH teacher about your son's situation ?
He didn't like PTH or didn't like the teacher ??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-5 00:47 |只看該作者
Went to LH's school picnic today and I think I have a stronger motivation to stay at LH (rather than going to SC).   There are a few reasons behind it:

a) I spoke to my son's NET and she confirmed that the weighting between Chinese and English will be 50/50 throughtout K1-K3.  Wheresa from what I understand from my SC friend, the NET will not be there the whole time in K2/3.   

b) I actually told this NET we are struggling between LH and SC.  She then mentioned a few interesting things (well it's up to us to digest and decide whether to believe or not la):

     i) There have been students who left LH, went to SC but wanted to return to LH.  However, LH would not have the extra seats to re-take these kids .....
     ii) She re-assured me that typical K3 students at LH would really be able to think in English and switch between English / Chinese easily.  She gave me an example that K3 kids will talk to other classmates in English when the English teacher was there.  On the other hand, when the Chinese teacher is there, kids would talk in Chinese amongst themselves.   She also said that she has met some ex-LH students who have gone to SC and she felt that their English communication skill seemed to have deteriorated a bit.

c) She mentioned that SC P.1 placement results in the recent years seem to be not as good as before.   (This is consistent with other comments I saw in BK forum)

d) I told her that I am concerned about my boy's ability in adjusting to a new environment.  She agreed with my view and she felt that my boy will probably take a long time to adapt to new school.

Two other things to share....

1.  I spoke to a friend who knows a LH K3 student.  That girl has applied for 10 good schools and got offers from 9 of them.  Only failed DGS.  I think that's very impressive!

2.  At the picnic today, I could really observe how my boy interacts with his teachers and how teachers interact with my boy.   I was just so so so so surprised to see my boy loves the teachers so much.  No matter where teachers went today, my boy will run after them and follow and just stood very close to the teachers and smile with them.  (You can imagine it's like a kid going to Disneyland and wants to always follow Mickey Mouse & Minnie. Just like a 追星族 ).    All his teachers are really so nice and I can feel they have passion and love the children.    I will go to Victoria school picnic next week.... I can compare further afterwards.   

Also, LH will continue to have about 28-29 students in K1-3.  I think it would make the learning environment more effective vs big classes at SC.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-5 01:37 |只看該作者
babyjoshua, thanks for your sharing.  I have more preference to choose LH for my active kids.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-5 01:43 |只看該作者

Are you kids currently at LH too?

發表於 10-12-5 09:24 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-5 16:27 |只看該作者
Hi babyjoshua,  what you described below is very impressive!  I'm also thinking to let my boy going to LH, may I know which campus is your boy studying?
quote]原帖由 babyjoshua 於 10-12-5 00:47 發表
Went to LH's school picnic today and I think I have a stronger motivation to stay at LH (rather than going to SC).   There are a few reasons behind it:

a) I spoke to my son's NET and she confirmed th ... [/quote]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-5 19:13 |只看該作者
he goes to HL (olympic) campus

發表於 10-12-5 22:22 |只看該作者
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